
Level 1 Telekinesis skill

Something for fun

Megumint · Urban
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3 Chs

Doors to the tower


These are the numbers right above the whole lot of us. Both awakeners and the unawakened are waiting right beneath it, and right before the entrance. Eager and curious about what might come after it ends.

The streets were crowded, loud and extremely out of order. There were people partying in the middle of the streets, showing off their newly received powers to the unawakened. Floating fires, flying people, a single man was able to lift three women with one hand. Beside the awakeners and the others, there were swat teams and police officers guarding the perimeters of the area, preparing for the impending unknown. And also the chaos that may ensue from having superpowers.

I was anxiously waiting inside an empty bar. It was quite surprising to see how empty the bar was, especially after seeing the seas of people right outside of the glass entry door. I ordered a special brew, specially made for me, the son of the founder and CEO of WeaponCo. When my drink arrived, I took a sip. Its fragrance and aroma are sweet, elegant, unparalleled in its graceness. 


The door rang. Which annoyed me a little. How dare someone interrupt my moment of peace and silence with only the taste of my drink and the eargasmic sounds of its ices clashing against the glass cup. I turned around to look at the perpetrator, the murderer of my moment of solitude. 

It was someone familiar. Someone who didn't have a golden watch, wore a plain old white T-shirt, and someone who stopped my fist from entering a person's jaw. He's someone I remember vividly for he was the person who appeared in my insomniac mind when I couldn't even catch a wink of sleep. Will.

He came in, like a straggler, someone who doesn't belong and I must admit he doesn't. He sat two seats beside me. He gently placed a wooden stick as long as him against the counter top. I turned my head back at the bartender who was cleaning glasses and bar apparatus, then at the clock right above the wine display. 

5:30, that was the time. Roughly half an hour left to go, what a coincidence that the timer started at the beginning of the hour or maybe I should be impressed by its precision and the utter convenience it has given me. Time passes fast when you're doing nothing. That's how it has been for me ever since I was born 20 years ago, not that I did completely nothing though. Yet somehow time passed so excruciatingly slowly.

"Hey You. I remember you."

A familiar voice asked. Like someone who stopped my fist from lunging at another person's face. "Yes of course. Who wouldn't?" I replied.

"What are you doing here?"

"Drinking wine. Why? I don't suppose you're blind?" I replied snarkingly. I have to say It was kind of clever.

"I suppose I am not, seeing as how you tried to punch a defenseless man in the streets three weeks ago."

I ignored him. Not because I got nothing to respond with, it was just that I wanted to finish my drink so I could finish preparing my grandiose speech.

"Why are you sipping on an empty cup?"

I began to sweat profusely. I looked at the clock on the wall again. Only two minutes have passed. Fuck. Why does time pass so slowly when you're in a pickle? Then jazz played in the background, it was loud enough for it to be noticeable and comforting, even sleep-inducing.

"It's part of my ability. Eating glasses makes me stronger." I made that up.

He shrugged it off. Averted his eyes back onto the counter top, staring at nothing beside the countertop. 

I placed my glass back down, holding it tightly as I moved my eyes back towards the clock again. Which made me think of the amount of times I've already looked at it. 

Three times? Four times? I don't remember

Within the next 20 or so minutes, I just sat there on the rounded stool alone with my thoughts. Bill doesn't count of course, I barely know him and he wasn't much of a talker. Seeing as how he didn't move his eyes even so slightly. 

What if there's nothing I wanted inside the tower? What if it was all just within the realms of my imagination. Nothing concrete. Nothing of reality? Why must I sleep so terribly each night that my eyes feel pain? Is it because I closed them too tightly? Why are there powers? What consequences may bore from allowing us to harness such powers? Why am I given such terrible power?

Then a trembling vibration was unleashed before the doors of the towers. Sending shivers down my entire body and the people directly before the doors of the tower. Only to be flying off into several distances after. I saw it too with my own eyes as I looked out the window of the bar, people, inanimate objects, animals went flying. After that came a loud delayed boom, one similar and capable of rivaling the angry roaring of the skies. Suffice to say it was really loud..Followed by the sound was silence and the beeping sounds of cars, and screams of agony, probably for the injuries caused by the flying, then hurling down onto the hard concrete pavement.

Dusts and sands filled the air for a moment , clouding the vision, and the sight I saw then were merely silhouettes of the pitiable victims that were unlucky enough to get caught in the blast. Though it wasn't really an explosion, just a huge gust of wind emitted from the towers. 

Perhaps I may have dramatized it too much. It was such a shocking and shivering sight that it got my brains moving quicker than a crackhead on cocaine. My vocabulary has never been larger and more verbose.

I went outside as the dust was settling. There was an unsettling silence throughout the streets especially after hearing constant yelling, cheering and noises outside of the bar. I prepared myself mentally, hoping it is not one of those light novels where there's a big bad villain on the loose after the doors have opened.

Only when I stepped outside of the doors of the bar, did I realize the reason for the silence. A golden light, a radiant, angelic light shimmered beyond the tower's doors. My eyes fixated on it, unable to avert them. As I continued to stare at the golden light, a word came to my mind. A single word worthy enough to compliment and describe this light, Hope.

People were silent because they were in awe and they were hopeful. What we saw inside the tower wasn't a big bad villain, but the future. We all knew then, that fortune awaits and I know that the cure to my insomnia was right in that very center of the tower.