
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · ファンタジー
31 Chs


Both girls were able to communicate mentally, this saved them work to be able to tell their truths. They were getting along strangely and familiarly very well. Each one recounts her personal hell and how it was that they ended up in a reversed and painful situation.

[I had to run for that. Your family tries to kill me at all costs, but I'm glad you're alive. I'm sorry how you had to run away from crazy old Ruby's house to end up in a place like this, but I'm thankful you didn't end up at the viscount's son of a bitch's house.]

[Don't believe it, that dirty old man came one day and said that I was his lost daughter. In the end it turned out to be a lie. He wanted to drag me to his house but the crows showed me the way to escape, that was the other reason why I left, not only because of the beatings of that crazy old woman]

[Who would say we would end up here, but .... because we are the same. What happened to my brown hair? And my arm burned up to my back, how did it disappear?]

[I dont know. It was a few days ago that I changed back to my previous appearance as the daughter of the Lennox household. It's like you say, I was brown and sick. The burn disappeared, as well as that strange tattoo on my side. The cough and pain also went away. I woke up to look for water and fell through my long hair, then I realized that something happened but I don't remember what it was.]

[ This is rare. Anyone would say that we are twins except for the eyes, you have them violet and I have blue.]

[If you say it. But you dress like a man ... hahaha. Letty must have lost her mind as did the entire Lennox family. I hope they rot in hell for what they did to me]

[Hopefully. Hey, you know what, let me fix your hair and change the rags you bring, I bring scissors and a change of clothes. I also have some food, have a meal]

Mabel began to unfold her bag and take out everything she was carrying. They went to a nearby spring to wash up and then made a fire to warm themselves while they ate. The crows kept an eye on the pair of girls in the darkness of the night and kept alert for any changes. They talked about how they will flee away from the capital to avoid being caught by the marquis and how they will settle in another country to work and rebuild their lives. When they finished they prepared to sleep.


It was almost midnight and the marquis was locked in his office with the window open as the witch had requested. It was a very heavy day, among the nobles and citizens who came to give him condolences and a visit to the cemetery, they ended up exhausting him. Then he arrived at the mansion only to learn of the fate of his daughter at the hands of the dreaded Witch of the East. This only ended up ruining his mood, to the point that a terrible migraine was attacking him. He only had to wait for the news about his daughter and that they were good.

Flapping sounds made him open his sleepy eyes. A female figure formed among the crows and made her way to the seat to begin her chat with the marquis. Seth, who was hiding in the secret passage behind the wall, woke up when he heard that someone had arrived at the office. He got more comfortable trying to listen to the conversation.

"Good evening, or should I say good morning, Marquis Lennox." I am Madame Ellen Trudy, better known as the Witch of the East. It's good that she prepared for my visit. Did you wait for me long? -

-Not at all, very good morning Madame. I am Marquis Quentin Leonard Lennox. Please help yourself. -

Quentin was trying to be as kind as possible, for it was well known that offending or enraging a witch deserved a terrible punishment worse than a curse or death. His nervousness was expressed on his face. They were not nerves for the woman, but rather to know about the whereabouts and current status of his daughter. The witch just poured herself whiskey and chilled it with her magic.

-Excuse me, but I just want to ...-

-The girls are fine. Tomorrow I will take them to a safe place. They will not find them easily, my children watch them to avoid the leeches-

-What a relief .... I know how to apologize again with another question, but what do you mean when you say girls?

Both Quentin and Seth didn't understand what Ellen was talking about and waited for the answer.

-Of her daughters, whom I was referring to the most. It seems to me that the pain of having lost them affected you a lot, that you even hallucinate that you only have one. - Ellen drinks her glass and looks at Quentin in a smiling way who looks stupefied by her statement.

-Daughters ... I don't understand. I only have one daughter and ...- For a moment Quentin doubts to continue answering

-Are you sure about that? You don't think something went wrong from the beginning. I'm not surprised that in my absence everything has gone to shit. I was only gone two hundred years and they destroyed everything. A baby is stolen and no one seems to care. No wonder those two hate them with all their might- Ellen smiles and looks in the direction of the unlit fireplace as if watching something.


-It's okay, after I get back everything was made up. The perpetrator no longer exists. The strongest one got rid of that pestilence by shining on one half of the kingdom, while the other broke free from her seal and cleared my territory plus the remaining half. They purified all the plague that coexisted with this country, freed them from their blindness. There are no more curses for now, but that doesn't mean they will stop ... does it? -

After they have chatted for half an hour, Ellen gets up from her chair and prepares to leave.

-What's supposed to happen? What am I supposed to do now?-

-I will take care of the girls, you will take care of finding and joining the pieces. The key is Andrea. She will guide you to the reason for your punishment and why those twins never want to see them again. If there is news I will return, one of my children will notify you about my next visit. Have a good day. By the way, it was a good whiskey -

Ellen turned into a raven and flew out the window. Quentin was thoughtful. He had just learned that he had twins and that someone purposely separated them at birth without him knowing. Seth stepped out of the wall and looked at his father who looked devastated by the news.



-Dad I swear that I will do what I can to help my sisters. If they hate us we can fix it, I know we can. Someday they will return home- Seth was determined to give everything to achieve his goal

-It's not that simple, you already heard that woman. They hate us for everything they went through. If only I had known what was happening, maybe, just maybe I ...-

-Whatever it takes, let's do it together dad. Let's find the person named Andrea. The witch said she was the key. I will ask everyone to search her records and we will locate her quickly.

-Andrea is dead. She passed away when your sisters were born-