
Ch 6 : How I Met His Mother

"Hey, why's your face all messed up?" K'lee asked Cetanu, as she sat in front of him, careful not to sit too close and have a repeat of what happened last time and have another really embarrassing moment.

"My mother wasn't very happy that I had become friends with you, well, no she thought you were my girlfriend or something like that, haah." Cetanu sighed to himself but when he looked across to K'lee he saw that she looked confused, "Oh, girlfriend is a another term used for mates by Ooman's, If you were my girlfriend then I would be your boyfriend? You get it?" Cetanu asked for confirmation if she understood but he seemed to dense to realise what the blush on her face actually meant.

"Anyway, she was mad about that and so I got a bit of a beating for it, I think she thought she was losing her little pup or something along those lines, hey are you listening?" Cetanu asked waving his hand in front of her face, she seemed dazed and he could hear her mumbling to her self, sounding something like boyfriend over and over again and she still had her earlier bright green blush giving most of her face a unique glow.

"Hey K'lee!" Cetanu shouted out, completely ignoring her state and just hoping to move on from talking about his mother opening a can of whoop ass on him.

"Huh? Yeah, what is it?" She asked him hoping to move the conversation along as well.

"Nothing, I just asked if you wanted to spar?" If her grin was anything to go by then she really like that idea as well, Cetanu didn't even get the chance to take the first strike this time as K'lee was already trying to kick his legs out from under him.

"You'll have to do better then that!" Cetanu shouted excitedly, after he had flipped backwards away from K'lee's kick, landing back into a crouch and from there he went into an attack but he was really just playing around unlike K'lee would seemed to be fighting for her life.


"My mother said she wanted to meet you so she invited you over for dinner tonight, from the tone in her voice it didn't sound like she was giving me a choice in telling you or not which means you don't have a choice, not if I want all my bones to remain intact that is." He said to her while sending her a respectable killer glare, he wasn't going to let her back out now and she knew it as well.

"Look on the bright side, introducing your mate to your parents is a big Ooman tradition normally used so the parents can scrutinize said person closely, then again you're not my girlfriend so it doesn't really matter, but then again you get to experience one of these little traditions yourself so it's at least a learning experience." Cetanu continued talking not realising the alarm bells he was setting off inside K'lee's head, just lost in wanting to teach her more about Ooman traditions.

"Come on then, I don't want to give her more reason to punish me, so we should get there earlier." Cetanu said to her before he started leaping away, from tree branch to branch.

K'lee soon caught up when she realised that Cetanu wasn't there anymore, "Hey, wait up!"


"Alright we're here, I should warn you now that you shouldn't look into her eyes, she'll take it as a challenge and she won't care that you're still a pup." Cetanu warned K'lee who was next to him, they were just outside him houses front door.

"Why are you saying it like that? As if your mother is an animal?" K'lee questioned him with her eye brow raised in confusion and maybe a little humour.

"She's a Yautja huntress ... of course she's going to be closer in likeness to an animal, and she's a pretty highly achieved huntress so it's even worse." Cetanu then opened the door and walked in, letting K'lee in after him.

"Mom! I'm home and I brought K'lee!" Cetanu shouted out, but it was basically an animalistic roar in Yautja.

"Good! Get her over here, I made dinner already!" He got a shout back from the living room of the house.

When K'lee and Cetanu got to the living room they came to the sight of a table filled with lots of different types of meat and a little bit of vegetables, Yautja's could process a lot more protein then Ooman's and so it was a main part of their diet.

"Hurry up and sit down, don't let the meat go cold!" She growled at then in her mother tongue, which made them both rush to sit at the table beside her.

And so in proper Yautja fashion they left the talking on the side and dug right into the food spread out before them.

After eating their fill, Elnote stared K'lee down making her sit uncomfortably, but commendably she didn't turn away from Cetanu's Huntress mothers glare, "Good. You found a strong one son." She nodded her head making the long dreads falling across her shoulders shake as she did.

"We're just friends, don't say misleading things." Cetanu complained, before standing up, "Come on K'lee, we should get you home before your barer starts questioning where you are." He said leaving the table, taking a bone from his plate as he did to eat on the way, crunching it between his teeth a second later, Yautja treated bones like snacks since are stomachs were made to digest them, his mother also doing the same with a bone from her plate.

K'lee hopped down from her chair and followed after him, before she suddenly rushed pasted him, snatching the bone he was eating, right from his mouth, "Hey! Get back here!" He yelled as he gave chase, both moving at speeds that could rival Olympic athletes.

Elnote could be heard laughing loudly at their actions as they ran off.

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