

Book 2 of Mafia Boss Wife "I sat beside Boss Logan with my fist clenched beside me. We were inside a room that could accommodate more or less five hundred people. This place was located in the underground of a five-star hotel in the business district of Manila. It was a round space with seats surrounding the open space in the middle. It looks like a mini stadium. On the ceiling, a conveyor was moving around the guest with cages attached to it. Each cage contained two women wearing sports bras and leggings. My blood boils in anger seeing the two women I've been looking for a month. Finally, I found them." *** Leon Miller, son of ex-Mafia Boss Scott Miller, and his wife, Lara Carter, from birth, Leon, was sheltered and protected by his parents and the people around him in the safety of their homes from the darkness outside. When he was a child, he didn't mind it. Instead, he loved all the attention he got from his family and their friends, but as Leon got older, he started to ask why his parents didn't let him out without a bodyguard beside him and trained him to be a skilled fighter. When his parents told him about their past life, and his father was the Mafia Boss, he understood why they were doing all these things. It is because of his safety. But when he turned nineteen, he wanted out. He wanted to experience life as a regular teenager his age. He knows that his parents were only doing all this for his safety, but the Mafia had been gone for years, and he could protect himself. After he finished his secondary education, he ran away from home. He knows if he asks his parents' permission, they won't let him. He has already planned everything where he is going. He was already accepted into the University abroad as a scholar. He passed the entrance exam and their scholarship program without his parents knowing and a place to stay, and that's where he is going, in the Philippines, away from home. Let's follow Leon's Journey outside the safety of his home without any experience of the outside world full of people wearing a mask to hide their real identities. Could Leon survive alone, naive and innocent of the darkness of the people around him? Let's find out how Leon survived.

Hope_seeker · アクション
10 Chs



After talking to our landlady, Aliyah led me to her place. There is a single room with two bunk beds. She has a small living area with a two-seater sofa and a crystal center table, a small kitchen with a single burner stove, and a table for two people. Her bathroom is just beside her kitchen. The place is clean, but she doesn't have a television.

"Do you like my place?" she asked after touring me around her small apartment. We can share the room. There is a bed available for you. This room was a bed spacer before, but I asked Aunt Amilia if I could rent this alone, and she agreed as long as I paid the correct amount she asked me.

"Are you okay sharing a room with me? I can sleep in the living room."

"I'm fine with it. We have separate beds anyway, and you'll know what will happen if you do a naughty thing to me." She slit her neck using her finger and punched at my face without hitting me as a warning.

"You get what I mean?" She wrapped her arms around my shoulder, giving me a warning.

"Loud and clear." I smiled. She looked so beautiful this close, and could see the small scars on her face. She has one on her right eyebrow, chin, and forehead. It wasn't obvious when I was far away because it was already fading. Maybe she got it in her work.

"It's good that you got what I mean easily. Now that we are clear, you can put your clothes in the cabinet beside mine. Remember that I don't like someone snooping on my personal belongings, especially my clothes. It's creepy, so please don't dare do it if you don't want to have bruises."

"You're scary," I murmured, sitting on my bed.

"One more thing, don't bring women home."

"You shouldn't bring a man home, too."

"I'm not a fan of men, so nothing to worry about. No drinking, no cigarettes, and no drugs. I'm not too fond of all of it. If I caught you drinking or smoking weed, I'll kick you out here instantly."

"Don't worry, I don't smoke and drink." How could I when I was always inside my room? I shook my head with that thought and smiled at Aliyah.

"Then good. Now that we clear everything, welcome to our small little space."

"Thank you, thank you, Aliyah, for helping me. I owe you a lot. I'll make sure to repay you someday." I winced when she punched my shoulder. Indeed, this girl is strong.

"Don't mention it. You can fix your things inside your cabinet, and you can rest after. I'm sure you are tired. I do my homework because I have a class later. I wake you up when I leave. You can freshen up if you want. You can use my shampoo and body wash for now. Tomorrow I'll accompany you to the grocery to buy the things you need.

"Stop thanking me." She smiled, took a book, and lay on her stomach.

I smiled and took a new set of clothes inside my bag and my towel and went to the bathroom. It was small, but I'm thankful she has a shower, but there's no heater. I need to endure the cold water. I sigh, take off my clothes, and stand under the shower. Thankfully, the water wasn't so cold.

I picked up her shampoo, and I liked the scent. It smells like roses, and her body wash smells like vanilla. I'm sure I smell like a woman after bathing, but it's better than the stinky smell.

I lather shampoo on my hair and body wash on my body. I'm tired, and all I want right now is to sleep.

After my bath, I went back to our room, drying my hair using my towel. Aleyah glanced at me and took something inside her drawer. I smiled when I saw a hair dryer. She handed it to me, and I took it with a grateful smile. I blow dry my hair, return it to her, and lay on my bed. And after a few minutes, I was out.

"Leon, I'm going to school now." I heard Aleyah say while shaking my shoulder. There's food on the table for you. You can return to sleep after. Don't worry about me because I have a key."

"Okay, thank you. Take care." She smiled and nodded her head and then picked up her bag and stepped out of the room. I closed my eyes again when I heard the door outside close. I want to sleep more. I just ate later.

I was startled by the loud banging at the door. I quickly checked the time on my phone, which read eleven in the evening.

"Who's outside? Aliyah said she had a key. Then who was outside?

"Leon." I rushed outside when I recognized the voice and quickly opened the door.

"Aliyah, what happened?" I asked. She rushed inside and quickly locked the door.

"Someone is following me."

"What? Who?" I asked in concern. "You are not hurt right?" I asked, running my eyes from her head to her toes.

"No, I was able to run away from them?"

"Let me see if they hadn't followed you here?" I held the doorknob, but she pulled me away from the door.

"They won't dare come here. Now calm down."

"Who are those people?" I asked again.

"It's nothing. You haven't eaten your dinner. Go and eat. I'll bathe." She walked past me and went inside our room. I watched her go to the bathroom, wondering who are those people chasing her.

I wanted to know, but I had no right to force her to tell me. I sighed and removed the food cover on top of the table. It was fried fish and stirred fried vegetables. I took a plate, took rice from the rice cooker, and ate quietly.

Aliyah stepped out of the bathroom after about fifteen minutes, already wearing her pajamas. She took a plate and put rice on it, then occupied the seat before me.

I looked at her, but she focused her eyes on her plate, eating. That's when I saw the bruise on her wrist. But I don't dare to ask about it.

"Tomorrow, you'll accompany me to my work because I'll accompany you to a friend afterward. He can help you find a job."

"Okay, thank you." And we went silent after that until we finished eating. I offered to wash the dishes even though I had never done it before, but I couldn't rely on her constantly. I'm not the son of a wealthy man here who has a servant who does everything for me. She only nodded and went inside our room.

After cleaning the kitchen, I followed her inside our room, and she was already sleeping. I sat on the edge of my bed and looked at her for a few minutes, wondering who is this woman. I think I brought my life into danger.

I sighed and lay on my bed, but sleep wouldn't come to me, maybe because I had slept for six hours earlier.

I picked up my phone and sighed. I need a new SIM card. Tomorrow, I'll ask Aliyah where I can buy it.

"Mom, Dad. Thank you for not dragging me back home, but I think I ran into danger. This woman screams danger. I could feel it now, but I owe her a lot. Maybe there's a reason why she's the first person I met as soon as I stepped on this land. I can feel she's a good person, but the danger is following her.

I sigh again and force myself to sleep, and finally, darkness consumes me.


The following morning, I woke up before Aliyah. I stood up and fixed my bed, took some clothes to change, went to the bathroom, and took a bath so that when she woke up, I was ready to go.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, she was already awake and cooking instant noodles.

"Good morning."

"Good morning. It's good to have someone wishing me a good morning." She smiled and took out two bowls and put the instant noodles in them. "I hope you eat instant noodles?"

"Yes," I replied, even though I haven't tried it before, but it smells good, and I'm sure it also tastes good.

"You drink coffee? There's 3in1 coffee inside the cupboard. There's already hot water in the flask."

"You want me to make coffee for you?"

"Sure thing. Thank you." She smiled and settled on her seat. I took two mugs and made our coffee before I settled in front of her.

I picked up my spoon and tasted the soup first, and I smiled. I was right. It tasted good.

She handed me a pack of sliced bread, and I took two slices and started eating with gusto. This instant noodle is so good. I saw her smile in front of me, but I ignored her and just kept eating.

After eating, she bathed while I washed the dishes and waited for her to come out.

She came out after fifteen minutes wearing loose jeans and a shirt paired with black Converse.

"Let's go." She slung her backpack on her shoulder and stepped out of the door, and I followed her.

"Aliyah, can you help me buy a new SIM card?"

"There's downstairs at the canteen. Let's buy before we leave."

"Okay, thank you. Hey!" Why did you poke my forehead?"

"I told you to stop thanking me. Now hurry, I don't want to be late for work.