

Book 2 of Mafia Boss Wife "I sat beside Boss Logan with my fist clenched beside me. We were inside a room that could accommodate more or less five hundred people. This place was located in the underground of a five-star hotel in the business district of Manila. It was a round space with seats surrounding the open space in the middle. It looks like a mini stadium. On the ceiling, a conveyor was moving around the guest with cages attached to it. Each cage contained two women wearing sports bras and leggings. My blood boils in anger seeing the two women I've been looking for a month. Finally, I found them." *** Leon Miller, son of ex-Mafia Boss Scott Miller, and his wife, Lara Carter, from birth, Leon, was sheltered and protected by his parents and the people around him in the safety of their homes from the darkness outside. When he was a child, he didn't mind it. Instead, he loved all the attention he got from his family and their friends, but as Leon got older, he started to ask why his parents didn't let him out without a bodyguard beside him and trained him to be a skilled fighter. When his parents told him about their past life, and his father was the Mafia Boss, he understood why they were doing all these things. It is because of his safety. But when he turned nineteen, he wanted out. He wanted to experience life as a regular teenager his age. He knows that his parents were only doing all this for his safety, but the Mafia had been gone for years, and he could protect himself. After he finished his secondary education, he ran away from home. He knows if he asks his parents' permission, they won't let him. He has already planned everything where he is going. He was already accepted into the University abroad as a scholar. He passed the entrance exam and their scholarship program without his parents knowing and a place to stay, and that's where he is going, in the Philippines, away from home. Let's follow Leon's Journey outside the safety of his home without any experience of the outside world full of people wearing a mask to hide their real identities. Could Leon survive alone, naive and innocent of the darkness of the people around him? Let's find out how Leon survived.

Hope_seeker · Action
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"Stop him, babe." Lara pleaded. We are watching our son, packing his things in his bag on the monitor in our room. We know that he could protect himself but the camera is for extra precaution if someone wanted to hurt him inside our home. Leon doesn't know about the camera in his room, only me, Lara, and Brent.

We knew about his plan and I didn't have a plan to stop him. I know he felt suffocated by how strict and overprotective his mother was towards him. I could see it on his face every time his mother didn't let him go every time he asked if he could go meet his friends outside which include Ashen, and Brenan.

Ashen is Owen and Ashley's daughter. She's a year younger than Leon and Brenan is Brent and Analyst's daughter. Those two can be trusted with our son's safety because they are both skilled in fighting like Leon but Lara doesn't like it when they meet outside. She only allowed them when they met inside our home or in their home. She only allowed them outside with bodyguards or with one of the parents around.

I understand why she's overprotective of our son because she was traumatized by what happened during her pregnancy. She thought that we were going to lose our son that day and now she's scared that someone will harm him if we are not around or if no one watching them.

"Love, if we stop him now, he will only do it again. Let him be and once he experiences how hard life is out there I'm sure he will come back."

"I don't mind him running away but he only stays in Korea, but Scott he's going outside of the country. What if something happens to him there? He wasn't familiar with the place. He doesn't know the people there." I sigh.

"Leon can protect himself. He has been trained since he was young. He's skilled in different self-defense, and he's more skillful than you and Brent in using needles. Five men are easy for him."

"I know about that. What I fear for, Leon is so kind and easy to be pooled because of that. It was easy for someone to take advantage of him. They will only act pitiful in front of him and his guard quickly scramble around him."

"Let him learn and know who the people around him are. Who should be trustworthy and who doesn't?

"But babe, Leon is our only child. I don't want something to happen to him. If that happened I would die." I took a deep breath and pulled her in my embrace.

"We shouldn't have gone through with the engagement in the first place. You experience how it feels to be forced into an arrangement you don't like."

"But he agreed, babe. And we all witness how close they are to each other. Ashen is a perfect match for Leon."

"Do you think that he has romantic feelings for Ashen? What if he only saw her as his little sister? Yes, they are close because they grew up together. I don't think Leon has a feeling for Ashen more than a sister, And Leon always agreed on what we ask him to do."

"Okay, I'll talk to him about the engagement. I won't force him if he doesn't want it. Just stop him. Please babe.

"It's too late, babe. Leon already made up his mind." I sighed again when she burst into tears.

"Don't worry. I send two of his bodyguards to follow him, and Ashen is also going with them. Ashley and Owen agreed."

"Really?" I nodded my head smiling. They are now at the airport. We all know that Owen and Ashley always give in to their daughter every time Ashen throws tantrums." She chuckled, pulling away from my arms, and wiping her tears.

"Who did you send to guard Leon?"

"Bobby, and Aries." She took a deep breath and nodded her head. "Bobby is a son of my head security, Gerald. He is the same age as Leon while Aries is James' adopted son, eighteen years old. They have both trained together with Leon since young and they are as skilled as Leon. And Brenan that brat I'm sure will follow no matter how his parents stop him. He always finds a way to escape his guards. I'm sure he already has a plan on how to follow his cousin and his best friend or he is already at the airport right now without his parents knowing it. The five of them grow up together and they are a force to be reckoned with and with them beside Leon, I'm sure no harm will come his way.

We settled on the edge of our bed as Leon silently sneaked out of his room. Everyone was already informed to not stop him. I smiled seeing how steadily he moved to avoid every trap.

"I will surely change the position of the traps next time," Lara murmured, wiping her tears. I just chuckled and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Go to sleep, Love."

"I can't until I found out that he landed safely in the Philippines"

"Ashen will inform us as soon as they land. I also instructed Bobby to report every day what is happening to Leon. They have more than four hours of flight and his flight will leave at two in the morning. Rest for now. I'll wake you up as soon as they contact me."

"Okay, I couldn't sleep these past few days because of this." She sighs and laid down on our bed but we were both startled when Brent burst Inside our room.

"That brat, I'll cripple him when he comes back." I chuckled inside. I know it. Brenan will follow them.

"I put guards in his room because I know he will run after them but he still escaped. How he did it is beyond me. His room is on the third floor. The guards are still outside his door standing and they said he didn't go out of his room but when I went inside his room he wasn't there, only a goodbye letter saying "Sorry, Daddy."

"Can you believe that kid? He only wrote two words and now his mother is crying and trying to contact him but he left his phone. I'll make sure to shackle him on his bed when he comes back." Lara sighs and patted his brother's shoulder.

"Those three are inseparable."

"Don't worry. Bobby and Aries are with Ashen. I'm sure they will guard them with their life." Brent slumped down on the edge of the bed messing his hair.

"I'm more worried now. Those five when they are together it was always trouble." Lara and I chuckled.

"Don't worry. They always listen to Leon."

"Scott, you think Ashen will listen? Every time Leon saw Ashen's crocodile tears that lad always gave in. Do you remember what happened when Leon was eleven? That brat Ashen asked him to shoot the snake. Leon didn't want to do it because he was scared and that brat girl cried, forcing the boys to kill the snake and Leon ended up being bitten. That girl always brought trouble. You shouldn't let her go with them. She should just stay here.

"What are you talking about, Brent? Are you bad-mouthing my daughter?" Ashley stepped in the door with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Of course not. I'm telling Scott that he made the right decision in sending Ashen with them." Brent replied, chuckling awkwardly. If there's someone that Brent fears for it is Ashley, Analyst, and Dara.

"Good, I thought you called my daughter a brat when in fact your son is the real brat."


"Hey! Stop it. Why don't both of you go home? Lara and I wanted to rest."

"What?" How could both of you rest when all the children run away from home." Ashley and Brent screamed, and I covered my ears because of their loud voices. Lara opened one of the drawers and Ashley and Brent quickly sprinted away slamming the door closed. They already know what will happen next if they don't leave. I laughed and lay on our bed and Lara followed.

"Don't worry. I'm sure Ashen will contact us as soon as they arrive in the Philippines. She nodded her head and closed her eyes. I sigh, Leon please don't run into trouble son. Your mother will die if something happens to you.


The following morning, I was awakened by the ringing of my phone. Lara was still sleeping despite the noise. I sighed. She was so tired because of worrying about our son. I smiled when I saw that it was Ashen.

"Hello, Ashen, did you guys arrive safely?"

"Good morning, Uncle. Yes, we arrived safely but not Leon." She replied, chuckling.

"What? Why? Is there something bad that happened to him?"

"Uncle, he was robbed as soon as he stepped out of the airport."

"He was robbed and you are laughing at his misfortune?"

"Of course not, Uncle. I was laughing because for the first time I saw him cry. He looked pitiful, Uncle. Wait, I'll send you the video of him crying. I never thought the time would come to see him cry.

"Did he get his things back?"

"No uncle, all his important things were gone together with his school documents. Only the bag that contained his clothes was left."

"Okay, I'll send the money to your account. You give it to him, Okay?"

"Okay, Uncle."

"Okay, you take care, Did you see Brenan? I think she followed you guys.

"Yes. Bobby saw him at the Airport. I beat him to go back home but he's so stubborn, and didn't listen."

"Okay, you both take care. Watch out for each other because we are not there to help you guys. And told Bobby to report to me, always on what was happening to Leon."

"Okay, uncle. Bye. I'll call my parents."

"Okay, bye." I sigh. "Don't worry son, I'll send money for your expenses. I quickly transferred money to Ashen's account before I watched the video that she sent to me. My eyes brimmed with tears when I saw Leon look lost, and scared while crying. He didn't cry even when he was wounded in the training but now he cried because he had no one to run to. I quickly deleted the video after watching it. I don't want Lara to see it. I'm sure she will fly to the Philippines as soon as she sees our son's pitiful appearance.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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