

[Read Authors Note]

Leon looked down as sections of Meteor City exploded in bright balls of fire that lit up the sky, appreciating their work come to fruition Leon grinned. As the sun dipped ever lower on the horizon bathing the world in an orange glow Leon was ready to move on, " Can we go now, everyone else is up gone and the smoke smells terrible. "

Leon sighed as he turned around to glare at Machi, " Tell me again why I agreed to travel with you. "

" Because you can't stand to be alone and Uvogin is traveling with Chrollo and Nobunaga, also I have a feeling with you things won't be too boring. " Machi replied as she stood up from the rock she was resting on, " So what's next, where are we headed. "

" You ever heard of the Hunter Association. Apparently, you can only get in by using Nen, and they're holding an exam in a few days. It might be fun, want to go. "

Machi shrugged, " sure I don't see why not. "

" Okay then, I'll call us a blimp to drop us off. " Leon said as he opened his phone before calling his private flier, a few minutes later Machi and Leon were on board a blimp flying to the coordinates Leon had given the pilot.

Gazing out the window Leon looked over to see Machi knitting a pink scarf, " What. "

" Nothing, I just never imagined you'd know how to knit. " Frowning Machi narrowed her eyes before starting to knit again in silence.

-2 Hours Later-

Leon and Machi stepped off the blimp onto the helipad, " So where is this supposed exam, and how long is it going to take. "

" Apparently there's a boat we have to go one that will take us to the exam site. " Leon said scrolling through his phone, " Come on let's go. " Sighing Machi ran alongside Leon as they disappeared from view.

Now down at the docks, Leon and Machi found that they weren't the only applicant. More than twenty people crowded the pier, everyone kept to themselves sizing each other up. Only one out of every ten thousand people actually passed the exam, " Why does everyone look so tense, they act like they've been drafted for a suicide mission. "

Compared to everyone else Leon looked like he was getting ready to go on a picnic, " Hey kid do you have a death wish. " Looking behind him Leon turned to see a boy about the same age as him. The boy was wearing a white overcoat with multiple golden rings on it, and baggy white pants with black dress shoes. His black hair was styled in a pompadour and his scrunched up in a scowl.

" Who are you. " Machi said also turning to look at the strange boy, holding out his hands the boy smiled, " The names Knuckle, and you shouldn't draw attention to yourself gives these guys a reason to target you. "

Leon grinned," You seem to know something about the hunter exam have you done it before. "

" Just a little it's my second time applying. Last year I didn't even pass the first trial. " Knuckle said rubbing the back of his head, " Hey do you want to team up, three sets of hands are better than two. "

Leon looked over to ask Machi but she was already losing interest going back to looking at their competition, " Sure I don't see why not. " Knuckle clasped his hands as he bowed at the waist, " I promise you won't regret this. " A few minutes later a large boat entered the harbor blowing its foghorn, " Come on guys. "

Rolling her eyes Machi followed Leon knuckle not long behind, " And I'm the one who hasn't been on a boat before. " Finding a seat on the deck Leon sighed as cool sea air-kissed his skin the peaceful moment was interrupted as a portly man dressed in a captains suit smoking a pipe,

" Now that you're all seated I can tell you that for the next five hours we will be sailing through the toughest weather most of you have ever seen. So get off now if you can't handle it. " Seeing no one move the captain nodded, " Good, you all seem like a good batch but we'll see about that. "

After an hour or so of sailing clouds started to appear on the horizon, narrowing his eyes Leon use Gyo and he could see that Nen was infused into the cloud. " Hey Machi you notice something strange about the storm. "

" Yeah, it's probably some sort of test. We can wait it out just to try and to keep it low-key. " Machi said her needles moving in a blur.

Knuckle was more confused than ever, ' Who are these guys. '

Hello there, my wonderful readers. I have several points I want to address today. One, I am sorry for not uploading the past five or so days. Two, I am not dropping this book. I just wanted to stock up on chapters to give you a more steady upload rate. Three thank you for all the support this book is about to reach a million views.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts