
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · アニメ·コミックス
147 Chs

First Day- Success!

Tenshi was reading as Guy shouted "Tenshi! I'm back!" Tenshi looked up and smiled, closing the book as he said gently, "And you've brought a friend." he walked over to the bookshelves and ran his fingers over them before putting it away as Guy laughed, "Yep! This is my eternal Rival, Kakashi!"

Kakashi sighed, "Why are we here?" Guy slapped his back and laughed "Loosen up, Kakashi! We're here for Tenshi's amazing craft! This 'Coffee' thing!" Kakashi sighed and blinked slowly.

Tenshi walked behind the counter and smiled gently, "A normal Espresso is 350 Ryo, a Latte is 500 Ryo, there's also some other options if you'd like." Guy asked curiously "A 'Latte'?" Tenshi explained softly, "Coffee with milk. A Macchiato is what you had this morning but with only a very small amount of milk and foam. It's also 350 Ryo."

He tilted his head, saying with a slightly embarrassed tone, "I forgot to take out the menu today." Guy thought about it and smiled happily, "I'll try that Macchiato then!" Tenshi nodded gently and turned to Kakashi, asking "And for you, sir?"

Kakashi looked at Guy, who looked at him expectantly, before turning back and sighing "Whatever you think is best…" Tenshi touched his bottom lip before nodding "Okay." he quickly started making the Coffee before pouring Milk into a Cezve and burying it as well.

Guy pulled Kakashi to the front, explaining as though he was an expert, "You see this? He's boiling the water with dust to make coffee!" Tenshi smiled gently, "Actually, it's grinded Coffee Beans." Guy nodded, "That's what I said!" Tenshi pursed his lips and smiled happily, "Mhm!"

Kakashi watched the process before wandering off to the photos, asking "Your father was a ninja?" Tenshi smiled gently and nodded, "Mhm… He died bringing back information during the War. Apparently he was a Hero…" his smile turned a bit sad as he added softly, "I would've rathered he just have come home."

Kakashi opened his mouth before closing it, saying quietly "I'm sorry." Tenshi smiled gently and shook his head, "It's alright. You don't have to apologize. Sorry for dumping that on you."

Kakashi shook his head and Guy added, "All of our parents are gone but that doesn't mean our Youthful flames are snuffed out!" he waved a fist and smiled happily, "Burn your YOUTH for them!"

Tenshi smiled and said "Youth!" Guy shouted happily, "YOUTH!" before laughing and giving Tenshi a thumbs up, "You're getting there, Tenshi!" Tenshi chuckled softly, "I'm trying."

Kakashi was silent and suddenly asked, "Are you an Uchiha? Why are you eyes always closed?" Tenshi smiled and explained softly, "My eyes are sensitive to light so normally I wear a blindfold, but opening them just a bit to see isn't a problem. I'm not an Uchiha, no. Though, I heard that the Uchiha Clan Head had another son?"

Guy nodded and smiled, "Yeah, 2 years ago! What was his name again…" Kakashi said slowly, "Sasuke." Guy clapped and said "Yeah! The same name as the Third Hokage's father!" Tenshi tilted his head and smiled gently, "How nice."

Kakashi asked curiously, "You don't hate the Uchiha?" Tenshi looked at him, asking in confusion "Why would I hate the Uchiha? I've never even interacted with them before." he smiled gently, "We all live in Konoha, does it really matter what clan you're from? Not to mention, I'm just a civilian. All the Ninja protect me, I'm grateful to all of them."

He poured two espressos before pouring a bit of Milk in Guy's, he handed them the cups, smiling softly, "Please enjoy." before turning to the extra.

He poured the rest of both in a glass before washing the Cezves, deciding to get some gloves on his way home. Hopefully they had them.

Kakashi looked at the dark brown liquid in his cup and swirled it around with his chakra, confused and hesitant. Guy sipped his and smiled happily "Even better than this morning, Tenshi! It was very bitter this morning, though I didn't mind it, this is much more smooth!"

Tenshi looked up and smiled gently, explaining "Coffee originally has a bitter taste, these beans have a bit of dark chocolate taste otherwise it would only be more bitter than now… However, the milk does lighten the coffee. I think you should try a Cappuccino, Guy-san. You might prefer that… The less bitter the coffee, the lighter it is."

He paused before smiling, "You don't have to stand. Please, sit." he wiped the Cezves down with a dry rag, looking around as he muttered, "Maybe I should get some pastries?" Guy sat down and pulled Kakashi to sit next to him.

Tenshi suddenly said a bit loudly, "Please wait!" Guy and Kakashi froze as Tenshi walked over quickly, "I'm sorry, I forgot to give you plates." he put little plates in front of them and said with relief, "This is to prevent spillage, the coffee will stain the tables… I'm sorry to be a little annoying with this but these tables are from my mother, I don't want them to get dirty…"

Tenshi backed off quickly and rubbed his fingers with his thumbs, smiling gently, "I also have a bit of a cleanliness problem, my apologies. My stomach churns if someone touches me." he swallowed and stepped back.

Guy burst out laughing and put the cup on the plate, "You're just like a woman, Tenshi! Hahahaha! How funny!" Kakashi's lips twitched and he asked helplessly, "You opened a shop with a cleanliness problem?" Tenshi smiled apologetically, "This is the last thing my mother left me other than the house. I'm stomaching it… Do you know where to buy cleaning gloves?"

Kakashi was speechless and Guy laughed happily, sipping his macchiato with a smile. Kakashi shook his head and Tenshi sighed to himself, going back behind the counter.

Kakashi sipped the espresso extremely quickly.

Tenshi blinked at him and wondered how he did that. His mask didn't move at all, how mysterious!

Kakashi perked up, saying in surprise, "That's pretty good!" Guy laughed, "Isn't it!? It fills me with YOUTH!" Kakashi replied, "Well… I wouldn't go that far… But it's very nice." Tenshi smiled to himself as he hung the Cezves on a rack before wiping down the picture of Hibari gently.

Kakashi and Guy sat around enjoying their coffee as the time passed.

As the sun started setting, Guy came over to Tenshi and took out 1050 Ryo, smiling "Thanks, Tenshi! I'll see you tomorrow!" Tenshi pinched the money with a napkin, smiling gently as he replied softly "Of course, Guy-san. I'll open a bit earlier tomorrow." he put the money away, adding gently with a smile, "I forgot to mention, Coffee is a natural laxative. It purges your system similarly to prunes but a little less violently. It's good in moderation, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing."

Guy was shocked and said "No wonder! I had to go halfway through my morning routine!" Tenshi smiled in amusement, "That'll be the coffee. I'll try and grow some new beans soon if I can." Guy smiled happily and nodded as Kakashi brought the cups and plates over.

Tenshi looked troubled and said "That… um…" he put a rag down and smiled embarrassingly, "Could you just put those down on the rag? I don't like being handed things…" Kakashi sighed and shook his head as he put the cups and plates down.

Tenshi let out a breath and smiled gently, pinching the plates with the rag, putting them in the sink before running the water all over them. Only then did he start to clean them.

Kakashi was stunned, he was serious! Guy laughed happily and waved, "See you, Tenshi!" as he walked away, Kakashi nodded at Tenshi, saying "See you." Tenshi smiled at them, replying softly "Have a nice night, you two. Hope to see you again!"

They nodded and left.

Tenshi smiled gently and cleaned the plates and cups before hanging them on the rack, making sure that they wouldn't drip water down. He let out a breath and washed his hands again before checking the Achievements List.

[Serve your first Customer- Completed!]

Tenshi smiled happily and clicked on the prompt.

[Reward: Chakra Coffee Tree Seed & Planter- Chakra Coffee Beans added to System Shop.]

Tenshi walked to a cabinet and looked at the pot that suddenly appeared. He was startled, he never owned a coffee plant before!

They were essentially mini trees that were more like plants, around 6-7 feet tall but depending on the type they could grow to 15 feet!

Tenshi squatted down and pulled up a tag that gave the rough dimensions for the plant.

[5-6ft, 7-8 Month growth cycle.]

Tenshi smiled to himself and picked up the pot, bringing it near the window, placing it in a spot visible from outside.

There was already a little plant in it, Tenshi only had to care for and water it everyday. It wasn't very difficult, he was very meticulous.

He cleaned up the cafe before checking the time and locking up.

He smiled to himself once again, a very good day today! He was expecting nothing but had 2 customers! Plus, he got a plant! However, he had to buy some supplies, fortunately he had some money from before, otherwise… he would be in a bit of trouble.

The first day of Hibari's Opening was a great success!