
Second Day~

The next morning

Tenshi came to the coffee shop and saw Guy doing upside down push ups right in front. He smiled to himself, saying gently "Good morning, Guy-san." Guy flipped over and shot his thumbs out, "Tenshi! Good morning!"

Tenshi's eyes turned to crescents as he said happily, "Guy-san works hard!" while opening the door, walking inside.

Guy followed him inside and grinned happily "Of course! Guys like me, who can't use Jutsu so we need to keep up with sheer hard work! And of course, plenty of YOUTH as well!" Tenshi smiled gently, nodding "I hope you become Hokage, Guy-san."

Guy teared up and said "THANK YOU!" Tenshi smiled softly and Gy followed him inside, adding "Though, I don't think I could actually be Hokage. Too many things to do all day, where would I have time to train my youthful flames!?"

Tenshi put down the box in his hand and pulled out thin cleaning gloves. He started up everything for the day, asking "Hokage does a lot of things?" Guy looked startled and sat down, replying "Well, I think so. I don't actually know what he does. But he has to manage all of Konoha, so probably?"

Tenshi pulled the mortar and walked to the cabinet pulling out a bag of Chakra Coffee Beans. He walked back and opened the bag, sniffing the beans. Tenshi tilted his head side to side and muttered, "These beans are too sweet…" before sighing.

He turned to Guy and said "He manages the entire village? But doesn't he still need money from the Daimyo?" Guy scratched his head and laughed, "Tenshi, tell you the truth, I don't really know much about this. Kakashi might know more, but from what I know, the Hokage controls the Village. As for the Daimyo… He just gives money?"

Tenshi was startled and asked in confusion, "Like a bank?" Guy asked with confusion "What's a bank?" Tenshi blinked and replied "A place that holds money." Guy was startled, asking "Like a coin purse?" Tenshi opened his mouth before closing it, asking "I have new beans today."

Guy came over and Tenshi held the bag, saying "Smell." Guy sniffed the beans and said "Oh! Smells good!" Tenshi smiled and explained "They should be a bit sweeter than the ones I was using before… I would like to cross breed them or maybe mix…" his eyes lit up under his eyelids, "I can mix them!"

He smiled to himself and asked, "Would you like a cappuccino today?" Guy nodded happily, Tenshi explained, "This is much more coffee than normal, not like the espresso… Well, you'll see."

He started making the coffee and warming up the milk as he cleaned the photos on the shelf and wall. He looked at Hibari and smiled gently, wiping the dust off her face softly with a clean rag.

He looked at her and smiled sadly, turning around, maybe it was his imagination but he felt like the picture was looking at him worriedly. He wiped his eyes and sniffed, filly a spray bottle with water.

Guy looked at the coffee before glancing at Tenshi, asking with concern "Are you alright, Tenshi?" Tenshi paused and smiled gently, nodding "Yeah… Just miss my mom." Guy reached out before pausing and turning to a thumbs up, smiling "I'm sure they're watching from the Pure Land! You should smile everyday to show them that you're okay!"

Tenshi looked at him and smiled, "Yeah, let's do our best!" Guy laughed and said happily "That's right! Burn our YOUTH!" Tenshi waved his arms, saying softly "Youth!" Guy gave him a big thumbs up, "That's the spirit! Hahahaha!" Tenshi smiled happily as he walked to the coffee, pulling out a bigger cup.

He put the cup in the sand before grabbing the milk and pouring it in a jar as Guy asked, "A new technique? Tenshi, you're becoming more like a ninja! Techniques come out one after the other!" Tenshi pursed his lips and laughed, "It's not that exaggerated…"

He looked at Guy's expectant look and chuckled softly, pointing at the cup, explaining "I'm warming the cup so the coffee retains its heat for longer." before pointing at the jar as he screwed on a lid, "And I'm frothing the milk to make a neat layer of foam. The difference between a Cappuccino and the rest is that there's a thick layer of Milk Froth on top. So you'll have half a cup of coffee, a quarter of Milk, and the final quarter will be froth."

He held the little jar and shook it in his hands vigorously, explaining "This is a very old way of frothing milk, not to mention, just the way of making coffee like this with the Sand is over 500 years old…" he paused before smiling gently, "To be honest with you, this method is crude and inefficient in my opinion. Mostly because you have to deal with the grinds at the bottom of your cup. I need to make a machine to do it better… Though that'll be a long process."

He shook his head and added, "But this method is not bad for now, actually, the book I was reading yesterday explains the principles of the Coffee Machine." he glanced at the milk before continuing to shake it as he took out the cup, gently knocking the sand off.

Tenshi took out the Cezve and poured the coffee into the cup before opening the Milk jar and pouring the milk, gently rocking the jar to get the foam out.

Guy looked at the coffee and was startled, turns out this is complicated! As expected he was better at burning Youth!

Tenshi looked at the coffee and sighed, "Not great… This method of frothing is really inefficient…" he turned to the side and grabbed a little metal tin before gently tapping it over the cup.

He paused before turning around and getting a slightly bigger plate, putting the cup on it before continuing.

Guy watched as little light brown dust sprinkled over the foam. Tenshi smiled gently, "Chocolate Powder." Guy was stunned and Tenshi let out a breath, "There ya go! Please Enjoy!" Guy held the plate and smiled happily "Thanks!"