

Int. Village- Eatery B-day

Captain is peacefully having his breakfast when Craig rushes in to make a report

Craig: (panting) Sir, a body has been discovered

Captain: (pauses then talks slowly) A body! It is hard for me to even have a single meal in peace these days. Who is the victim?

Craig: It is a woman or should I say a girl, she was discovered by the villagers this morning. I have already instructed the soldiers to make secure the crime scene

Captain: You did well, let's go before things get out of control

Ext. Village - Tree- Day

Captain and Craig arrive at the scene that is packed with curious villagers

Captain: Do we have identification?

The body is is turned down covered with dirt and leaves. The soldiers turn her over for identification and gasp

Ben: Oh no! I think it is Ella

Captain: Do not touch her and step back. I had a feeling it was her considering she didn't go home last night

Craig: I don't think she is dead, from her condition I can tell that she is one troubled young woman. Thanks to the stench of alcohol

Captain: Be careful with her body

Ben and Zac pick her up when she suddenly sneezes and the frightened men drop her down

Stella: Ouch! My back my butt