
Legend of the Highschool : Oni of the Darkness

In a dark world, the infamous shadow twins emerge. They drift through the night, hunting tainted souls. No one knows their identities, their secrets hidden. Flawless yet flawed, they seek to end each other's lives behind their scars. As their paths collide, a gripping tale of mystery and danger unfolds. Prepare for a thrilling journey where light and darkness blur, and the pursuit of truth becomes a fight for survival.

Ixchelle · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 1

A beautiful morning shines its rays of light upon the town of Elyse, a bustling and advanced hub of knowledge. The morning dew glistens, and the sound of birds chirping completes the picturesque morning scenery for the people of Elyse, as they prepare to start their day.


The piercing sound of an alarm echoed throughout the room, jolting the girl awake. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up in bed, gradually regaining her consciousness. With a sudden burst of energy, she leaped out of bed and reached for the glass of water waiting beside her.

After finishing her drink and feeling refreshed, she reached for her phone on the bed to check the time.

[06:47 || Friday, 14 June 2018 ]

"DANG!!! I OVERSLEPT AGAIN!!" The girl, clad in her pajamas, panicked and tossed her phone onto the bed when she noticed a scheduled class at 7 AM. Realizing she had only 13 minutes to prepare and make it to class, she hurriedly got ready.

But amidst her panic, she suddenly realized something.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET READY IN 13 MINUTES!?" The girl, still in a state of panic, heard her phone vibrating on the bed, indicating an incoming call. She quickly grabbed her phone once more, eager to see who was calling.

[Sakura Takahashi is calling..]

She noticed that the person named "Sakura Takahashi" was calling her as she touched the green phone icon to answer the call.

"MIYU-CHAN!! WHERE ARE YOU!? YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN IF YOU DON'T HURRY!!" As soon as Miyu answered the phone call, Sakura's voice came through loudly, echoing throughout her room at full volume, urging Miyu to hurry and prepare.

"Heh-heh, i uh.. well.. heh-heh , i think.. i'm going to be late again.. heh-heh" Miyu laughed nervously, realizing that she would be late once again. As they conversed, she checked the time and saw that it was already 6:50.

Sakura, realizing that Miyu was going to be late again, raised her voice even louder than before, "I DON'T CARE WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW BUT I WANT YOU TO BE HERE IN 5 MINUTES!!" Miyu felt restless upon hearing Sakura's shouting tone and promptly ended the phone call.

"*sigh* perhaps i could go for another 'Part Time Job' for my reason" Miyu grabbed her towel and headed straight to the bathroom. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, she brushed her teeth, but as she looked at herself, she noticed a sudden downturn in her expression.

She removed the bandages that covered one of the twin sharp objects extended from her forehead, revealing deep gashes and tears that marred the surface. The scars appeared ragged and wounded, as if they had endured a fierce battle.

She touched her horns, "Mom.. Dad..." Miyu burst into tears as she remembered the tragic day of her life."i swear i'm going to find whoever did that you and deliver your revenge upon them!" Miyu shouted out loud, expressing her resolve.


The sound of water flowing down from a tap solidified her resolve as Miyu washed her face. She then proceeded to remove her pajamas and undergarments before stepping into the shower, immersing herself in the hot, steamy water.


A few moments passed as Miyu finished her bath, feeling refreshed in the morning. Her white hair remained soaking wet, wrapped in a red towel.

The white-haired girl, now clean and fresh, returned to her mirror, applying various skincare products before getting dressed in her uniform. As for her horn, she gently wrapped a bandage around it to conceal its fractured appearance, ensuring that no one would notice, as she always did.

"Alright!" Miyu smiled directly at herself in the mirror and declared, "Let's do this day!" With that, she left the bathroom, signifying that she had finished everything she needed to do there. She then entered her room and opened a large white wardrobe in search of her uniform.

Not long after leaving the bathroom, Miyu was now fully dressed in her school uniform, including her blazer. Just as she was about to leave, she checked her phone.


Yes, Miyu was already late by twenty-five minutes. She was shocked and surprised when she saw the time displayed on her phone's clock,"EVEN WHEN I'M NOT LEAVING MY HOME YET I ALREADY LATE!!" with her panic-stricken, Miyu dashed around, frantically searching for a solution to her lateness.

"Arhhhh....!! what should i do!? what should i do!?" In the midst of her panic, Miyu heard the sudden ring of the doorbell. She felt confused as to who could be visiting her house at this early hour, considering it was still seven in the morning and she was about to leave.


"Ahh, wait a minute!" Miyu approached her front door, glancing at the person standing on the other side. She pressed the doorbell before opening the door, revealing a tall boy wearing the same uniform as hers, with a scarf tucked under his blazer.

"Sorry, is this the right address for 465 Moonbeam Avenue" He spoke in a cold and flat tone, his attitude matching his deep voice. His appearance was completed by his white hair and piercing red eyes.

Miyu's eyes filled with confusion as she had no idea who the boy standing right in front of her was."Ahh, yes it's right, is there anything that i can help you with?" She looked at the boy while pondering to herself, "He's wearing the same school uniform as me. Does he attend the same school? But I've never seen him before, not even once."

"You're Hikari Miyuno?" He asked Miyu directly, his voice still carrying the same cold and flat tone, "Ah yes, i'm Hikari Miyuno, can i help you with something maybe?" Miyu answered with a nervous smile on her face, feeling anxious about meeting someone new.

"I see, then where is your bag?" The white-haired boy asked a rather peculiar question, causing Miyu to tilt her head in confusion. He inquired about the whereabouts of her bag.

"Oh yeah, pardon my rudeness. I'm Tsukasa, and we're in the same class and school. The principal asked me to pick you up from your home because you're always late for class" The words from Tsukasa struck Miyu's heart like an arrow, as she knew she was always late.

Even though Tsukasa was telling her the truth, Miyu found it difficult to easily trust someone she had just met, especially if they were a total stranger, "Oh yeah? Why should I trust you? What if you're just disguised in my school uniform, pretending to run an errand for the principal, but actually planning to kidnap me?" Miyu's eyes filled with distrust towards Tsukasa.

He let out a sigh and then reached for his phone, dialing a specific number. After a few minutes of waiting, someone on the other end picked up the phone and spoke in a brusque and deep voice. "Hello? Kurayami?? What's the matter?"

With just a single conversation, Miyu already knew who was on the other end of the line, "Ah, sorry, sir, but Hikari doesn't want to be picked up." Miyu once again panicked upon hearing Tsukasa's words. She swiftly grabbed Tsukasa's phone from his hand and began shouting into the receiver.

"SIR I'M SORRY SIR, I IMMEDIATELY GO WITH TSUKADO THANK YOU FOR THINKING ABOUT ME!!" Afterward, she hastily hung up the phone and returned it to Tsukasa, having abruptly taken over the call, "Tsukasa" However, Tsukasa seemed unconcerned about that. On the other hand, he focused solely on Miyu's mistake regarding his name.

"Ah! Heh-heh, sorry, yeah Tsukasa" Miyu nervously chuckled at her mistake, apologizing for mispronouncing his name. "Then I'm going to grab my bag and get ready to go. Thanks! You can wait inside on the couch" Miyu invited Tsukasa to come inside her house and wait on the couch while she frantically searched for and gathered everything she needed before heading to school with him.


"I'm all ready now!" After a few moments had passed, Miyu spoke to Tsukasa with a tone of pride and confidence, while Tsukasa glanced at his wristwatch.


"Uhh, are you always feel this confident when you're late?" Tsukasa tilted his head in confusion, unable to comprehend how Miyu could maintain her spirited attitude despite the impending punishment from their teachers, "I... uh.. i guess?" Miyu, who suddenly realized her behavior, felt a deep sense of embarrassment upon realizing that she didn't know Tsukasa very well.

"Whatever, let's hurry. You're only going to miss one class if we arrive by 7:45 or 7:50" Tsukasa spoke in a casual tone and started making his way out of Miyu's house. Miyu quickly followed suit, ensuring that the door was securely locked behind them.

"Hey... um... do you think we can stop by a convenience store first? Uh... since we're going to be late anyway?" Miyu spoke with a hint of resignation in her tone, while Tsukasa tilted his head in curiosity, "Huh? We still have around 15 minutes or so. We'll make it"

Tsukasa appeared remarkably laid-back despite the fact that they were running late, "Uhm, I don't know if you're familiar with this area, but it would take us about 15 minutes or so to walk from here to our school." Miyu proceeded to explain the amount of time it would take for them to walk from her place to the school, while Tsukasa looked on, still puzzled and tilting his head in confusion.

"Who are going to walk?" With Tsukasa's questioning, Miyu found herself becoming equally perplexed, unsure of the underlying meaning behind his words, "Eh? Didn't we going to walk?" As Miyu struggled to compose herself, she watched Tsukasa take a seat in the driver's position of a car, further adding to her confusion.

"We're going to take a drive, so we're good to go" Miyu was utterly shocked and surprised, as she had never known that a high school student could own and drive a car.