
Legend of Arcane Emperor

Are you looking for: -HP fanfic; -decisive MC who doesn't give sh*t to the cannon; -more independent and leader-like Harry Potter; -some serious character development; -magic civilization building? Then, welcome, young (or old, pick your poison) adventurer to the world built by real J.K. Rowling, other fanfic writers, and yours truly. If you have ideas worth sharing or valuable suggestions, leave comments! If you have ideas not worth sharing or invaluable suggestions, leave comments! If you have guts, leave comments! Fear not, all of us are doomed to die in the end, [omitted 3k words for your convenience] In short, May whoever keeps us safe, fed and not-bored. New author, so bear with me. I'll try to update regularly, you should also send power stones, you novel-nifflers! You are welcome to troll in the comment section and give your 3-knut-worth suggestions -_- P.S. Sorry for not-so-funny jokes and wordplay that seems out of place. Not native English, so... See you at Hogwarts >. Support me here: buymeacoffee.com/azureasura

AzureAsura · 書籍·文学
14 Chs

Starting the lessons

Next day, Hogwarts

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, a dozen students are sitting. There are students from all four houses. After the war, the number of children was at its lowest point. Apart from that, only students with E (Exceeding Expactations) or O (Outstanding) levels can study at the NEWT level.

"Class seems empty. When Quirrel was teaching, you could at least smell garlic here." Everyone except for Slytherins laughed at this joke. A boy from Slytherin seemed to want to confront the jokester, but the girl beside him put her hand on his shoulders.

At this point, the bell rang, indicating the start of the class. The door silently opened, and the professor, wearing a trench coat similar to the one he wore last night, entered the room.

With his presence, the atmosphere in the room started changing. The air became colder, just enough to keep them awake. Lights from the window became dimmer, and instead of being straight, sunlight seemed to become more like smoke and started flowing in curveous patterns.

Shadows came to life, some growing, some becoming smaller; a few of them changed shape all together, appearing like shadow monsters.

The professor doesn't have his weird necklace today, but the coat he is wearing gives off green light, making the room more ominous.

"I welcome you all to your first lesson of the year, dear students." He started talking in a low and gentle voice.

"As the Headmaster introduced me yesterday, I'm Stille Elding, your new professor. I don't ask you to remember my name just because I am your teacher, and I will not remember yours just because you are my student. If you deem me important enough, you will do so. I will also learn your name when you show me that you are worthy of me knowing you." Stille smirked, which students found devilishly handsome as a few girls blushed.

"Now, before we start with the official syllabus, let me tell you the origin of the Dark Arts."

With a wave of his wand, their eyes became blank as they were pulled into the illusion.


The children didn't know what happened, but they suddenly lost their vision. When they opened their eyes, the classroom, their friends, and the mysterious teacher were no longer visible. What greeted their sight was a hut, and a strange man, who looked like a shaman, was in it.

"Magic has roots that can be traced back to thousands of years," the professor's voice sounded in their minds.

"According to ancient sources, the first magicians were shamans of tribes. They started practicing witchcraft, learning obscure ways of magic. As time passed, they discovered the use of blood in creating curses and blood rituals; they learned body magic, tattoos, refinement; they created runes, formations.

As he counted different types of magic, the scenery around them changed at his will, displaying the scenes he recounted.

"Many types of magic we now know as forbidden or dark magic were just magic at that time. This, however, changed around 2–3 B.C."

Dark clouds covered the sky, lightning flashed, and thunder orared. The ground became pitch black, and then black water gushed out. In the middle of the pitch-black sea, a lonely cliff rose. There stood a castle with black walls and hideous garygoyles. In front of its entrance stood a figure of a man covered in black robes.

"Till this age, magicians created and learned magic to help their tribe or family survive. Their intent was to help, protect, and create.

Wizards and witches started learning the secrets of necromancy and immortality. They sought power and authority for themselves. They lost the original purpose of the magic they had, and this started a new age.

One of the most famous people in this age, or should we say the founder of this age, is Herpo the Foul."

Their view turned, and now they could see the crazed expression on the wizard's face.

"According to ancient scriptures, he singlehandedly created a number of dark arts, including the first basilisk. His works have only one aim: torture. After this, the Dark Age came. Dark Arts were also defined during this period of time.

As some wizards and witches tried to use curses and magic created by Herpo, they discovered it was extremely hard. Only when emotions became too strong did the curses work as intended. The concept of intent was discovered. To use Dark Arts, one must have Dark mind."

They were shown the victims of Cruciatus, Inferi, werewolves, vampires, people with hideous skin, extra arms and legs, and humans with beast parts. As some started getting nauseated, the scenery vanished with the werewolf's cry, and a familiar classroom appeared.

"Now, I want to define the dark Arts for you. Remember it; write it down if you want."

Some people took their parchment and quills with trembling hands.

"Dark arts are different types of magic that can affect one's mind, heart, and soul, corrupting it and making the practitioner more violent, unstable, and cruel.

There are 2 types of defense against them: temporary, external; permanent, internal.

Some of you might have heard about occlumency, which can be a perfect example for the second case, as practicing it gives you passive defense against any mental attacks.

Shield charm and countercourses can be regarded as external defenses. They only work when you want and sustain it with your magic."

Some students nodded in understanding, while others looked confused.

Stille took the origami bird out of his pocket and threw it in the air. Soaring towards the chandelier, birds started to multiply. After reaching the current number of students, one bird flew to each of them and unfolded.

Ignoring the awe of students, he continued:

"What you are holding in your hand is the syllabus with objectives I want you to fulfill with each lesson. I will do my part to its fullest. If you did your homework properly and every student achieves the result I want, I will teach you Occlumency in the remaining time of class. Now, let us start with today's objective, the Shield Charm."

With a swish of his wand, an illusory emerald shield appeared in front of him. Glowing in emerald light, the round shield had a diameter of 6 feet, so it completely covered Stille's figure.

As a demonstration, he moved the shield around him, lifted it over his head, and then shrank and enlarged it into different sizes.

"This is the simple Shield charm that you all know."

"No way," protested a boy from Ravenclaw. "I have practised this charm for 5 years, yet it's still the same. This should be some extension of it or another advanced spell. You can't fool us!"

Stille merely smiled at this blatant disrespect.

"You might have heard of the saying, "Practise makes perfect." Well, I don't really refute this idea, but it only works when you can find ways to optimise the way you do things as you practise. Just shouting the curse and repeating the movements makes no difference in the long run.

If you have paid attention, young man, to my lesson so far, tell me the part of Dark Arts that corrupts the mind of the practitioner."

"Intent?" The student asked doubtfully.

"Oh yes. The intent, the will, and the desire of the Caster determine the result of the spell. I can teach the Killing Curse or Cruciatus to every single one of you here and now, from the curse itself to wand movement. How many of you have the confidence to inflict it on me?"

The class became silent. They now understood what the professor wanted to teach them. The boy who questioned him blushed from embarrassment, murmuring a soft "Sorry, Professor."

"Now, for fifteen minutes, you will be inside the illusion. I will be with you. Ask any question that you want, and practice in any way you can think of. After that, you will return to reality and have matches with your friends.

A reminder: you can imagine what kind of space you will be in. Choose an ideal location for yourself, you don't want to find out what I'll provide."

With a swish of the wand, darkness filled their sight and students were all left with one common thought:

'I must have imagined his sadistic grin when he told the last sentence.'


Hugo found himself in a familiar space. This was the basement they used when his father taught him dueling at home. A few feet further, Professor Stille stood with an indifferent expression. He didn't say anything, waiting for Hugo to take the initiative.

Despite the urge to duel this young boy, who was only 2 years older than him, he didn't give in to his desires. He knew how powerful this man was before finishing school. Or so he thought. During the lesson, seeing the level he reached, Hugo thought Stille was far stronger than he thought.

"This one is honoured to receive personal guidance from you, Professor Elding." Stille nodded at him but didn't say anything.

"Can you demonstrate the spell again, with the spell and wand movement this time, please?"

"Protego!" saying the standard spell and doing the movement Hugo has already learnt by heart, the professor displayed the spell.

The emerald shield appeared again, the same as the one in the class. He stepped toward the shield and touched it. The shield had the cold and hard texture of a gem, appearing physical. A few punches did nothing to it. Hugo was impressed; if this shield could defend against both magical and physical attacks, the professor was either a genius who made a breakthrough in magic or a trickster fooling them by not revealing the entire spell.

 'Well, there is only one way to verify it, no?'

Hugo cast the spell by himself and frowned at the result. It's still invisible, only lasting for a few seconds.

"How should I train my intent?"

"It depends what your intent is and who your opponent is. If you want to protect your life from a mosquito, then the spell doesn't even manifest itself. If you are up against the whole world by yourself to protect the love of your life from it… I'm not sure how much time you'll need, but the end result will be more than what you think it is."

These words made Hugo realise the weakness he had. Till this day, there was no sense of danger. He knew there was nothing that could disrupt his peaceful life, no need to mention the idea of being killed.

He pursed his lips, frowned his brows and made a stance to defend himself, holding his wand like a shield.

"Give me a challenge, Professor. A strong one."

Stille started attacking him. His wand is like a gun, shooting spell after spell. Hugo knew the Professor was using verbal spells so that he could know his own level.

The attack started with a Stinging Hex, a relatively easy one many people knew of. As time passed, relatively rare spells started appearing. Time interval also started shortening. After casting Stupefy, Professor stopped. 

"This is the level most of the 'talented' students who finished their 7th year and average Aurors can reach." Professor sneered at the word 'talented', as if lamenting how low the standards fell.

"Now, I'll show you your limit. Brace yourself, kid, this is gonna be painful."

Stille casted Stinging Hex without pause, the 3rd one shattered Hugo's shield and hit him in the leg.

"This is your limit when fighting an experienced Auror. Prepare."

As he stood prepared, the Professor gently muttered, "Crucio!".

Curse instantly shattered the shield. The next second, he lied on the floor, screaming his lungs out, his body writhing and contorting in agonising pain.

Professor Elding just stood there, still indifferent.

"That's the price you'll pay for not having the power. Feel it."

After what seemed like eternity, pain passed and Hugo stood up, trembling.

"There is a saying, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. Try your best, warrior, you will need that strength."

Hugo nodded, and the illusion around him disappeared.

Here is another one. Wait for more!

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