
Legend of Arcane Emperor

Are you looking for: -HP fanfic; -decisive MC who doesn't give sh*t to the cannon; -more independent and leader-like Harry Potter; -some serious character development; -magic civilization building? Then, welcome, young (or old, pick your poison) adventurer to the world built by real J.K. Rowling, other fanfic writers, and yours truly. If you have ideas worth sharing or valuable suggestions, leave comments! If you have ideas not worth sharing or invaluable suggestions, leave comments! If you have guts, leave comments! Fear not, all of us are doomed to die in the end, [omitted 3k words for your convenience] In short, May whoever keeps us safe, fed and not-bored. New author, so bear with me. I'll try to update regularly, you should also send power stones, you novel-nifflers! You are welcome to troll in the comment section and give your 3-knut-worth suggestions -_- P.S. Sorry for not-so-funny jokes and wordplay that seems out of place. Not native English, so... See you at Hogwarts >. Support me here: buymeacoffee.com/azureasura

AzureAsura · Book&Literature
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Hogwarts Rumor Mill, at your service!

When the illusion disappeared, Hugo noticed all the pain and ache he was feeling had disappeared. He was dumbfounded. No matter if it was an illusion or not, that was an Unforgivable Curse targeting the soul. If it didn't affect the soul but at the same time helped him create a strong intent, all side effects disappeared, and this practice is a perfect success.

Actually, he was prepared to endure an insane amount of pain for days, if not weeks, to persevere and achieve a new milestone. Now, he only has to suffer in illusion.

"Not bad. Some of you have managed to surprise me. I might learn the names of a select few in the next lesson. Stand up. Let's make more room for your practice. I'll randomly pair you up."

When everyone stood up, Stille blew at them. Thick white fog came out of his mouth and covered everyone. After a few moments, the mist around them thinned, and they could now see a person each.

"You can dodge, but don't run into the fog to avoid disturbing other pairs. You have 15 minutes. You can either discuss the spells and learn them together or have a duel. Those who use any form of dark magic or try to deliberately cripple their opponent will be punished. If you have three such cases, you will automatically fail this course.

You can start."


As the bell rang, indicating the end of class, Stille concluded the lesson and gave them homework:

"Write down your opinions on intent and Shield charm. Explain your understanding and think of ideas to improve it. I will give you points based on your understanding; length doesn't matter. Don't even think of copying from the book or other people; your mark will be zero.

If I find your ideas worth commenting on, I might give you some advice or help you make them work. Off you go to your next lesson."

Students left the classroom with eager and grateful expressions on their faces, many of them thanking him for the lesson.

"It's not too bad to be a professor. Seeing them become more under your guidance is kind of satisfactory. Don't you think so?"

From the shadows of his table emerged a kneazle with dark fur and emerald green eyes. It started rubbing against his leg, purring in affirmation.


The Great Hall is abuzz with the whole student body sharing their first day experience with other people. The usual complaints about biassed Snape and strict McGonagall were left aside as other students sat with 3rd, 5th, and 6th year students to hear about the new professor.

"I bet he's really strong. Even if he can't compare to Professor Dumbledore, he can duel with Snape with his eyes closed. Quirrel might faint if he comes face-to-face with him." A certain Gryffindor boy boasted about Stille nonstop.

"I won't tell you how he taught in the class; you guys won't understand anyway if you don't see it for yourself."

Slytherin appeared to be more composed than Gryffindor. Hugo only told them one thing:

"He's stronger and better than we were told."

Ravenclaw students praised him for having a broad range of knowledge, as he used multiple types of advanced techniques, including illusion, which is one of the most elusive of arts, as one should be well-versed in occlumency and legilimency even before attempting the simplest of illusions.

Hufflepuff students said he is really helpful and even worked with each student personally, answering all of their questions. They also told their peers that he didn't seem to think they were dumb, as some other professors did. He treated all students the same, regardless of their house. Everyone consciously ignored the possible bias that might have taken place in one-on-one sessions in order to not destroy their hope for future classes.

Discussions revealed that every class was given tasks of various difficulty: the task of 6th year students was the most difficult, as it was unheard of till this day; 5th year students were meant to learn to use transfiguration during the duel.

Percy Weasley expertly recounted the class to the curious Gryffindors:

"When Professor Elding stepped into the room, the floor started changing into soil. Slowly, the whole room became a forest. The centre stood empty, and we stood on the edge. The professor waved his wand, and trees on the side merged to form a huge tree-like monkey. Rocks also became a monster resembling a rhinoceros.

They battled in the opening. Every punch from the monkey blew part of the rock-rhinoceros. Rhinoceros also attacked, tearing its wood limbs apart. After they became too damaged, the professor made them vanish and asked us:

"Do you think this gives you an advantage in duels?"

Some people said yes; others asked, 'What if our opponent destroys it with one spell?'

Professor answered:

"What if you have dozens or hundreds of them?"

With a wave of his hand, the trees, rocks, and even the ground beneath us transformed into different monsters.

"This is how a master in Transfiguration duels."

Then he had one-on-one lessons with each of us on how to use basic transfiguration in battle.

I think Professor Elding is on par with Professor McGonagall in terms of Transfiguration." Percy concluded his story.

On the Hufflepuff table, Cedric Diggory was covered by others:

"Professor is really good. He didn't scold me when I made mistakes. He repeated everything when we didn't understand."

"What did he teach?"

"Actually, we didn't learn new spells today. He told us that we should first learn how to be agile in the duel. No matter how many advanced spells one knows, if they can't be used, then they are useless. He also said that the best defence is avoiding the attack if one can. So, we practised dodging, running, jumping… Our homework is also related to increasing our physical fitness..."


At the High table, professors are congratulating Stille.

"Mr. Elding, your lessons must have been wonderful. All students in Ravenclaw are singing your praise." Flitwick commented.

"When are you free? I wish to discuss illusion magic with you. According to some students, you showed a brilliant performance."

"It will be my honor to have a talk with you, Professor. However, as this is the first week, I wish to have my schedule open so that I can adapt better to being a professor. How about next week?"

"It's fine; it's fine. You can always ask for help if you need anything."

"Thank you."

"Professor Elding, you are quite popular among the students, aren't you? From the first day, that is." McGonagall interrupted them.

Stille smiled wordlessly, as if saying, 'Well, what can I do?'

"I knew you were excellent in terms of Transfiguration, but now I doubt I had the correct measure of your talent. How about a talk with me after Professor Flitwick? I believe we can find some common topics to discuss."

"I will notify you, Professor."

Nodding at his reply, Professor McGonagall went away. Snape came and sat on the empty seat at Stille's side.

"Just one day of teaching, and you managed to stir up the whole school. I don't know if I should be proud of my student or worried about you for not knowing your limits."

"You can be proud for now, Professor. The situation is far from being out of control."

"Can you handle Dumbledore's, let's say, 'curiosity' about your power?"

Gazing at the empty seat of Headmaster, Stille muttered in a low voice, just enough for Snape to hear.

"He needs a good teacher. Powerful or not, as long as one's good, everything will be okay."

Professor Snape looked at him with a penetrative gaze, as if he wanted to find out the truth: is this just a facade or the confidence of a prepared hunter?

'Only time will tell.'


"Wow, he's so cool!" Ron said this after the Weasley twins finished their story of a professor who fought with all third-year students from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

According to them, Professor Elding put his wand away and asked them to attack him. He only ran and dodged their spells for 10 minutes. Not a single spell touched his clothes. At the end, all of them stood panting, watching their professor, who didn't have a hair out of place.

Harry also thought he was really awesome. He was giddy for their lesson. Blaming the stupid schedule, as they have the Defense class only by Thursday, he asked the twins.

"Which house was Professor Elding in?"

"He didn't,"

"Mention it,"

"During the class."


"He only said,"

"His name,"

"For introduction."

Twins replied in their weird twin talk.

"He was probably in Slytherin," answered Hermione.

"His clothing style reminds me of one of the nobles. Also, when Professor Dumbledore introduced him as a new professor, Slytherin was the loudest."

"You have a pretty good judgment, girl. What's your name?" I asked the older girl in Gryffindor robes.

Hermione blushed from the praise. "Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"I am a 7th year student. Professor Elding was indeed from Slytherin. He was quite famous among the 6-7th-year students. He was the head of the study group. Talented students who took their OWLs were invited to that group. I wasn't there, but my friend was. She told me that Stille Elding was one of the best Slytherins."

"What does she mean by taking OWLs?" Harry asked Ron, appearing confused.

"It's an exam you will take at the end of the fifth year."

"I wonder if he will restart the study group." The girl continued.

"It'll be even more popular with him being a professor."


An owl flew in and landed in front of Stille. He took the letter. It bore the seal of a shield with two 'M' letters standing up and down. Two wands stood behind the shield. The words 'Dark Force Defence League' were written. 

"Esteemed Stille Morgan Elding,

You are invited to attend a meeting of the Dark Force Defence League, scheduled to commence at ten o'clock on the morning of the seventh of September. You are required to display your skills in order to prove your claims in your recent book, "Dark Adventures in the Carpathian Mountains."

If you manage to prove your skills, you will be admitted as a member of our league; the benefits of the position will be explained before your examination. Otherwise, you will only be admitted as an honorary member.

Your presence amidst our ranks shall be a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a brighter tomorrow. We eagerly await your arrival, confident that your unwavering spirit and unwavering dedication to the triumph of good shall prove invaluable in our collective struggle against the encroaching darkness.

With utmost sincerity,

The Dark Force Defence League"

"Curious, very curious..." Muttered Stille, imitating Ollivander.

He was reminded of his first meeting with the wandmaker...


"Not this either. Tricky customer, aren't you, Mr. Elding?"

The old man who resembled crazy Einstein had a wide smile, as if he had won a lottery. Stille was also smiling half an hour ago, thinking that the longer it took to find the wand, the more extraordinary it would be.

But seeing the small mountain of wands in front of him, his heart wavered.

Ollivander's loud musings vanished for a moment, replaced by the creaking of an old wooden staircase.

After a few moments, Ollivander returned with an old wand box in his hand. He opened the box and took out a white wand with a smooth surface.

"Try this."

Stille noticed the change in Ollivander's eyes. They were no longer merely excited or curious, but hopeful.

The moment he took the wand, it emitted a cool breeze. Carvings started appearing on the surface of the wand. Looking closely, Stille could see the vine branches covering it halfway, a little lantern, a scythe, a heart, and a small ring hanging from these branches.

The carvings became different colors; the vine branches appeared green; the lantern was electric blue; the scythe became black; the heart turned blood red; and the small ring became golden yellow.

Seeing these intricate patterns, Stille smiled. Ollivander also seemed entranced and tried to take the wand to examine it. But the moment he touched it, electric sparks appeared from the lantern carving, shocking him.

"Mr. Elding, congratulations. You won its allegiance; it will serve no one other than you." He deeply bowed in respect for the young child.

Being ignorant of wandlore, this young boy might not know the meaning of this. Ollivander didn't care. Anyone who can get the full allegiance of his or her wand is worthy of respect.

Stille nodded at him.

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander. It will be wonderful if you can introduce this masterpiece in more detail. I assume it's rowan wood?"

"Oh yeah. You have a good eye for wood, Mr. Elding. 

Actually, this wand is very special to me. Every Ollivander will make one wand before learning the secrets of wandlore. This is the first wand I made.

As I didn't yet know the rules of wands, I just created it at whim. My father was flabbergasted when I gave it to him." Ollivander chuckled, remembering the past long forgotten.

"He told me I managed to do something that was impossible, yet it would be for naught. The point is, rowan wood is really picky wood: only those who have pure heart with no evil in it can use wands made of rowan. That's why no dark wizard or witch ever possessed a rowan wand. 

The core I used was thestral hair, which is extremely unstable. Not many wands can bear its power. Wands made of thestral hair are few in history, the owner who can use such wands even more so.

One trait shared by wands made of thestral hair is that they're extremely compatible with dark arts, showing explosive power.

I managed to combine them somehow, but father said it's impossible for a person to use this wand. How can a pure heart control extreme evil?

He was correct as no one got any reaction from it. I tried it with hundreds of people. No matter how incompatible the person is, the wands tend to show their magic. Usually in a hostile form to express this is not a good match for them.

But this wand was like a piece of wood, with no magic in it."

At this part, Ollivander looked at Stille in his eyes.

"It's true that I said this to many people. This time, I say it not as a polite comment, but as my true opinion based on my experience.

It is clear that we can expect great things from you."