
Legally Stolen

Shivering_water · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 1: Only yours

Elizah! Elizah! Where are you Elizah? it's almost half an hour that I have been looking for you. Where are you? Stop this hide and seek nonsense for a moment, please, Elizah. I have to go, it's time for my meeting.

I have to go back, says Lyaan Lahan. The son of a mere farmer who worked for the CEO of Unity Farms.

Meanwhile, Elizah Maher is a girl who has her own floral business, she is a florist. The childhood friend of Lyaan.

Every evening, both of them take a break from their work and have their evening tea in this street cafeteria.

Today, Elizah is in the mood of playing around with Lyaan. But Lyaan has no keen interest to play against his own age. He is very much matured for his own age.

He joined with his father in Unity Farms at his youngest of years before finishing his college. He took this career seriously and had no sacred ambition in his mind to vaguely fooling himself with other occupations.

Very lovingly boring type of man is Lyaan. When he met with Elizah, she was only 7 years old, living with her grandparents, both parents died in genetic disease, leukaemia. Her parents were cousins.

Accidentally or incidentally or anyone could say worse grace of fate, both of them died in the same disease. Lyaan has a fear with Elizah that even she can fall in the same leap of fate.

From then to now, they are always together. He sometimes cruelly acts like her elder brother, though it's too much for Elizah but he needed to, both of them has no sense of their age till later.

Lyaan felt for a moment something has changed in her, he can't realised what? But there is something that's making him worried about her.

Age accepted her graciously and of course with generously. Lyaan had no idea what is called beauty since he knew her from her childhood. Certain changes just occurred, nothing to be afraid about. Other girls of her age is completely intolerable for him but he can go easy with her only.

Something has changed, holding her from behind, can't be like as she was, he don't understand what, but it's making him feel indifferent.

He never talked with any girls besides her, saver of his youth that's how his friends looks at her and him. She is the protector of him not the other way around. She is his bodyguard in disguise.

Furthermore, his father is not only a mere farmer in the eye of others, he is also the local wedding chef. The inside of their pride is, his father is a prize winner of his high school where he participated in a cooking competition where he owned the medal and a chance to do intern in their Unity Farms. That's the game changer for his father's life or else he might be a shopkeeper or a teacher.

Lyaan's father is very optimistic about his career choices, nothing actually happens to affect him in anyway, very open minded, jolly person. Enthusiastic and charming, attractive enough than Lyaan, himself.

Lyaan is the other way around, even if girls mistakenly thought of loving him can makes him agitated.

His father completed his education but from the love of his farming and cooking, he kept himself into these career and made his only son to be like him. His father loves to say that he is a mere farmer and a wedding chef nothing more.

Thence, both of their lives go with flow of time.

Lyaan has no ambitions for striving into the darkness of new career that he has no idea nor has any interest of changing it.

As it is, he just grabbed what he had been offered. Now it's nothing to be ashamed of. Many friends of his felted shame on these career but Lyaan never felt such. He loves his work, hardworking of course but nothing to feel ashamed by any chance. He probably like his father. Have almost everything of their own. Eat, sleep, work and enjoy the views of life what else do they need.

Finally, Lyaan finds out where Elizah was busy. She was watching the kites competition which is happening then in the open small stadium. It is right behind the cafeteria. The cafeteria is on the local stadium's back walls because it is surrounded by the approximately 25-30 feet tall walls, it can not be seen that easily from the outside nor the sounds come out from there. All the small shops using it's wall like a backbone of their pride. This stadium was local initiation. Only for educational institutions or for festive gatherings or parties or weddings, it can be used. No membership needed. Anyone can rent it for a day to organize for whatever they want .

Today, it is rented by a group of social activists for a kites competition. Cheap and entertaining indeed, in the evening time when everyone is walking on the street for nothing then they can join the competition. Everything the competitor needs for the competition, they are selling it as lower and cheap price they can.

Elizah is watching it. It's certainly looking beautiful, all the colours in the open blue horizon, all kind of birds, no animals, small little colourful birds flying everywhere, enjoying the sights. The stadium walls are decorated with beautiful wall flowers those flowers were from Elizah's shop. Both Lyaan and Elizah did this project together. Lyaan just helped her with his assistance like others. The stadium was built like a Roman large auditorium or an amphitheatre, circular building with rising tiers of cemented mosaic stepping stone seats ranged about an open space for the audiences or anyone who likes to sit and observe the beauty of it.

The stadium stays open when no one renting it otherwise anyone needs to pay if they wants to organize any kinds of social activities.

The designer did a beautiful work for use. Didn't took large amounts of space or money to build it. It is our one of the community initiatives without building another community park for us, we made this small stadium. Everyone donated money as much as they could, no pressure even if they couldn't. It was for all of us, no one left alone because they couldn't donate.

All of our community members are very generous in that point, loves to enjoy togetherness and celebrate whatever it is.

Elizah poked at me when she saw I was amazed by the beauty of the kites.

Do you like to join the game? Elizah asking me. You just need to buy the kite from them and join the competition by giving the fees. You have to just cross the auditorium walls to win.

Lyaan take a small glance to see the size of the gatherings, all the kids joined, few adults are there too, others are probably in their work.

Lyaan then said, it will take a long time, I don't have anytime left, need to attend the meeting in our office.

There is a new hybrid system installed for new types of herbal medicinal products, I can't skip it but you can join it if you like.

Elizah showed no interest but she added on her behalf, I want to observe it but you can take a leave if you like.

Hence, Lyaan nods to her suggestions and leave her there.

Elizah take her seat at the end of the stadium where she can spell her flowers fragrances.

After a while of watching all the beautiful kites, the competition ended, they got their winner.

They kept 5 positions for the winners. All were gifted something with free snacks and drinks.

The others were just enjoyed their games, had to buy their own snacks and drinks from them.

All were available at cheapest rates, so no problems with anyone.

Elizah saw everything when everyone is leaving the stadium, so as she was preparing to leave then she noticed a guy with a sharp looks standing behind her, actually, he is enjoying her flowers not her.

He too noticed her and acknowledged her presence then came by to greet her.

Hi there, how are you? asking Elizah.

Elizah says, me? I am fine. How about you?

Then he says, I am okay. I am Dalil Ibrahim.

New neighbour of your community. Are those flowers from your shop?

I have heard it from those activists.

Elizah feeling proud of her work then nods.

Dalil says, I have a certain proposal for you if you like to do it, I will be thankful.

Elizah encouraged him to say his words further.

Dalil says, I have seen many flower arrangements before but you on the other hands, do it with passions and care. Only yours flower arrangements seem like an art itself. Do you produce your own flowers?

Elizah then says no, I don't have that type of space.

Then Dalil says, would you like to have a space with beautiful little home of yours? I can help you if you like.

Elizah then by surprise said yes.

He invited her then to have a lunch with him the next up coming weak. She accepted his invitation and gave him a word to attend.