
Legally Stolen

Shivering_water · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Owned

Dalil Ibrahim, CEO of the all husbandry group of agricultural farms, to generate more income for the society and for the families, he loves to do these kinds of businesses.

He is the CEO of all the small local companies. Agricultural farms for every day needs, Vermicompost organic fertiliser production to distribution for better growth, poultry to frozen chicken production, fish to hatchery, shrimps, mushrooms, herbs and spices, sunflowers, beekeeping, baskets weaving all sorts of farms is started by him.

Fresh fruit juice and dairy produce are for selling with different types of snacks in the hotel's cafes and now he wants to produce flowers.

Florist to dried flowers business and it's different sorts of production.

Everything, he has done in small size businesses and let them run their own business. They are not only paid employees but also a 25 percentage owner of those businesses. He gives those owners their necessary training for the advancement of the business. Profits make them work harder.

His father and mother lives overseas. After his graduation he came to his hometown for making it workable.

From his own interest on those things, he made a business out of it. He has learned everything while he was a student later on he carrying his interest more than before.

All these are his hobbies that he is now doing businesses. Dedicated and educated, no friends to keep because he has no time to give nor has any girlfriend or a wife, no time to give her either.

Abnormality of his lifestyle, made him a loner but he has no regrets of any sort of.

He just keeps moving forward from one business to another.

The stadium is his own creative initiation program. He invest on it and from the love of flowers made it's decoration by flower arrangements. He didn't know until now that flower decor of the stadium is done by Elizah. He loved her work and now wanting to work with her.

Unity farms is also his one of the clients for raw materials supplements. He is the one who brought the new methods of farming and herbs.

He is here for that reason and for the new interest on flower production business.

Elizah went to her home with mild warmth in her heart. Thinking about Dalil, Dalil Ibrahim, whispering to herself. She never thought of his work could be so likeable by someone like him.

He seemed quite a quiet kind a man. Tanned skin, copper brown hair, dark black eyes with sharp nose, nose that can't be down with self righteousness.

She was brought up in the hands of her grandparents. Both of tried very hard to make her a good woman. Gave her shelter to stay, nutritious food to eat, education to understand what is wrong and what is right. They never forced her for anything nor asked for anything, just nurtured her just like their own.

She still can recall the day when she saw her parents last. Both were madly in love with each other, first father then mother, one by one fallen to sleep for rest of their life. They could not keep anything for her but they gave their parents.

Mother from her father and father from her mother. Both get widowed and both are lonely single parent who are living just to end their leftover days. Both grandparents seems like waiting for that special day when they can be together with their other half who left them here alone.

When Elizah's father died, she was only two years old, could not remember anything about him and mother died afterwards at the age of four.

Lyaan came to her life because of her grandparents. All of them work together in Unity Farms. His father is very friendly kind of a man living with his only son, wife gave him divorce since he got involved in the farming business.

Lyaan is like that because of his parents as Elizah thinks of his emotionless behaviour. She never saw anyone who he can get comfortable with. He is not that bad looking, very cute kind a guy and caring too because of it many girls are still interested on him but he never talks to them or give them any opportunity to get close to him.

His mother got married later to a business man and went to live with him. She sends many gifts every year for her only son and ex-husband. Her husband never mind of it.

Moreover, he helps her to get things or gifts for them nor her ex husband minds to get things from his ex-wife.

Lyaan on the other hand, very considerate about it. He never went to saw his ex-mother as he prefers to call her after getting divorced from his father nor like to spend anytime with her after divorce. But rather, he loves to send gifts both of his ex-mother and his mother's new husband who he calls uncle. Lyaan never took any kind of chances or opportunities to kneel on them or lower his only father.

Anyone could have think that he is a very prudent man but it is the right thing, he thought to do with his only mother. His words are for her that when she didn't mind to left me to my father's hand, get married with her new husband and went to be with him. Left me alone to my father's hand when he was struggling to keep his only family together then she should not be called my mother. As from then she is my father's ex-wife and my ex-mother.

Lyaan never like to take those things every year from his ex-mother if his father doesn't accepted them with graciously. His father is still very fond of her and her new husband. He meets them occasionally. He is more likely seemed like he is relieved by the arrangement of Lyaan 's mother.

He tried to make his son to understand the fact why his mother did it but Lyaan is not the one who can easily be understood any sort of those kind of ideas. Simply as it can be, Lyaan can't accept his mother without making her, his ex-mother.

His ex-mother accepted her son's wishes on one condition, she would take his responsibility for living. She wants him to stay in good conditions. She pays all his living expenses to her ex-husband including education.

She wanted him to have a good job in any well reputed company, have his own house to live, have a great life style not like his father to struggle for money. But her son chose the otherwise, staying like his father, working in the same farm, doing same business like his father as a wedding chef.

Lyaan's mother never interfered both of them for being like that but helped their business to get famed. She loves both of them, just their ways of thinking is impossible for her to live with them. Her new husband understand her very well. He too helps her, to perform her responsibilities as her wishes. He loves her that's for sure, very timid person.

Elizah never asked Lyaan about his mother again after listening to his words for his mother. He always treated her like his sister, never showed anything beyond expectations.

Both of them each other's good friend and companion. Whenever, they can make time for each other, try to spend it.

Especially, in the evening time, they like to eat their evening tea with each other then went back to their work.

Sometimes, they have dinner or lunch together, outside or to their home. Elizah cooks for them, both father and son eats or sometimes Lyaan cooks and her grandparents eats or all of them went for a family picnic or holidays to enjoy. It's a very own private peaceful and comfortably convenient arrangement for their families.

Elizah and Lyaan has no one without each other till Dalil came to her life.

She never had known someone like him before. Self contained, independent, kind a man on a mission type. Didn't asked her anything further than his own interest and invited her for giving him, her luncheon break.

Meanwhile, the most waited hours came for Elizah before she knew. When the time comes, a delivery man came to her with a lunchbox and the flower bonquet that also includes a small note from Dalil Ibrahim. It's an apologetic sense of gestures expressed with few words to say her sorry.

He is completely unaware of that vary day, for the urgency that came up to him at that lunch time with her and showed regardless sincerity about his true repentant, for postponing his invitation of having a lunch with her.

He will make her known when he will meet with her next time but it's for sure he will have the lunch with her.

And told her to accept his little gifts as a penitent expression from Dalil Ibrahim.

Dalil Ibrahim still didn't gave any hint of who he is nor his proper introduction to Elizah Maher.

Moreover, just said he is a new and true pioneer of her work which was beautifully arranged passionately done by her and interested to do business with her assistance only not with others.