
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · ファンタジー
254 Chs

Crazy reward (Unedited)

Meanwhile at the royal palace of the Alba Kingdom. King's Office.

A middle-aged man was furious, his son had just been called trash openly, he could not believe it, and the worst thing was that it was his ex-wife. The woman who humiliated him years ago and could do nothing, nor did his parents do anything to him, and after that day both his daughters and his wives became indifferent to him.

They knew that the king looked at them as Anna and it made no sense to continue wanting to have a space in the heart of such a despicable man that if the third concubine tells her that she wants to destroy another concubine, she would openly support her.

Thus he rarely spoke to his wives, except for Joanna, She was always by his side. Besides the fact that her father was in a coma for two years before she woke up, she took care of all the business so that it would go on usually.

So he decided to raise the taxes on textile products. In these last few years, the economy of the kingdom took a big leap, from 100,000 collected to 150,000, and the most significant responsibility was Anna with her business which did not evade taxes. and generated wealth for the kingdom.

Lewis' plan was to increase bureaucracy and make it difficult for him to sell less and less along with the tax hike Anna would have a tough Year for her store, So I talk to the prime minister and made a decree in which he raised taxes from 15% to 30%, but what was not expected was that half an hour later, his prime minister returned all bruised and bruised and blood. He could barely walk.

"What happened to you?"

"I bring a message from your father"

So Lewis just frowned and said, "What did he say?"

The man explained: "If you make such a stupid decree again, I don't care if you are my son, I will break your legs, if you don't believe me look at your stupid prime minister, I beat him up to remind him not to tell you that "Yes" you blindly, if you again create a decree for personal reasons and not for the good of the nation, I can look for someone to take charge of being king, In addition, expel Nathaniel from the family, the only people who can decide on the marriage of an Alba is another Alba, not a foreigner, and your bastard son did not give us the face so neither will we give it to him, if you do not make this order effective in one day I will personally go to be persuaded of the situation and do not worry about your mother, She agrees with me".

When he finished listening, Lewis couldn't help but get angry, his parents wanted the most exceptional talent in the family expelled! Besides, this was his favorite son and the one he hoped for the most, he couldn't believe that his parents couldn't see a bigger picture in making his decisions and refused to do so. But the next day his father "Persuaded" him in a way that Lewis would be in bed for a few months and only then expelled his son from the family, realizing that if he didn't behave could he be next.

When Joanna found out about this, she went without a doubt with her husband and could not believe what he had done, she expelled her son from the family!

So she opened the door and saw a man full of wounds and bandages and only then her anger calmed down and she asked: "Why did you expel Nathaniel?"

The man who could not even bend his neck said: "Do you think I wanted to? My father was angry because Sea Palace did not ask us about Nathaniel's marriage. I defended him with everything I could and look how it ended, the darkest thing was that my father did it without effort".

When she heard her husband's explanation, she found it reasonable, even her mother had to find out about the marriage like the rest of the people and that's why she was upset, but she was still her son and said: "But there's no way he won't be expelled?".

Lewis could only say, "If he apologizes to my parents and breaks up the marriage, yes, but otherwise I don't believe."

Then Joanna crossed her arms and said: "Then we dawn with which we will leave the family if they lose the help of my father will be more difficult to govern the kingdom."

Upon hearing that and Lewis said: "I tried, and I was told, "If you want to leave the family do it but make it clear, you will leave empty-handed and if Walter dares to help, haha we are not afraid," In recent years the strength of my parents increased dramatically, only that they are in Gathering qi but I do not know what level, if they say that, minimum should be at level 2 or 3 even more since they are not afraid of the Sea Palace, only so Lewis sighed and whispered: "Something strange has happened in the last few years, what will it be?"

Joanna for her part, was surprised and could understand what her husband was thinking, They have been enjoying the resources sent by their son and yet they were only in the ninth level Body refining, but their in-laws for some reason were advancing by leaps and bounds in Gathering qi, It was as if they had resources to which not even the palace had access. But that was impossible. Right?

Joanna was not silly if this was real, her departure would not affect the Alba family at all, so she just remained silent and I hope her son made the right decision, she knew the arrogant character she had and writing a letter would be useless.

On the side of the Sea Palace, an order of slaughter was issued against Alexander's family, calling his most prominent disciple as garbage was a significant blow to them not to mention the humiliation they gave.

But something surprising happened afterward, Anna said she would give 5 Elemental opening pills to the one who brought the head of the Supreme Elder of the Sea Palace. As for the quality they were supreme, that meant they could create five real cultivators.

But she didn't just put a price on the head of the Supreme Elder, she also put a price on the rest, from Elders and Sect master to the outer disciples.

Which were as follows.

Sect Master - 100,000 higher-grade body refining potions.

Great Elders - 50,000 higher grade body refining potions.

Elderly - 10,000 high-grade body refining potions.

Central disciples - 10,000 higher-grade body refining potions.

Internal disciples - 10,000 high-grade body refining potions.

External disciples - 5,000 high-grade body refining potions.

Alexander seeing these rewards could only shake his head, In these years he had never stopped refining Potions of transcendent grade, hundreds of thousands were stored in his space ring ready to be diluted, So he had no problem with the rewards, but could not help but say that his mother was vicious, with these rewards no wonder they even killed strangers and dressed them as disciples of the Sea Palace.

Alexander knew one thing very well, The higher the reward, the greater the number of people willing to kill for it. and with these rewards, a sea of people would go to the Sea Palace and probably have to isolate themselves to survive, especially the Supreme Elder. My mother could place a lower reward but she wanted everyone at the Sea Palace to feel that her head was worth gold and weighed tons, generating stress that could quickly drive them crazy, i.e. a body refining disciple was worth at least 50,000 gold coins according to his mother. Alexander even felt a little sorry for the innocent disciples who died because of the Supreme Elder and her words. But it was they who started it years ago with their miserable arrest warrant.

Thus he could only sigh and say: "You are vicious, but if you were not you would be qualified to be my mother...", At one last thought Alexander smiled and said: "This old man likes you more and more".

Hi, I know I may exaggerate with the rewards, but I want to ask you if someone offered a million dollars for your head, how would you feel?

I would also like to say that I'm still looking for an editor, interested send mail to fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com, if you ask me what happened with the other editor I just had, I never answered the emails or I send myself.

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