
Lecherous Leech

Silas was riding inside Truck-Kun, flooring it to kill a demon who possessed a friend when it was stopped like hitting a wall. He shot through the windshield and was issekaied the hard way. If dying wasn’t bad enough, his ex-wife, the daughter of god, was put in charge of judging him and his family. She decided to reincarnate them into leeches and toss them into a magical world during a boss fight.

Ultimatedaywriter · ゲーム
38 Chs

CH35: Super Sorority Orgy

In a space where a light shone beyond physical reality, erupting from a phantasmal star feeding upon worship and love, three divine beings viewed a screen. Belief acted as their fuel continuously tossed in an ever-hungry furnace to power the heavens. At the same time, damned souls burned as hot coals to act as a foundation. From the light produced by the star of faith and belief, the heavens themselves were crafted in the form of a proximation of what humans believed heaven should look like. Tens of thousands of the faithful sang in a chorus draining their very souls to feed the celestial beings who stood at the top of the heavenly hierarchy of their earth.

This power had been turned to a purpose it wasn't meant for. From heavenly matter, a viewing screen had been constructed connected to a soul cast out of its home world and unbound to the gods themselves.

Lucifer found it funny how Merika's short-sighted petty revenge on a man who treated her right instead allowed him to break free of her. Before, even if he had made it into heaven, he would have become another soul in the choir. He would have been forced to become nourishment for his beloved sister and her growing heavenly spawn.

The father observed the viewing screen impassively. "This has gone out of control quickly. But it's not our problem, and such carelessness in a dungeon can't end well for him."

Lucifer had investigated the universe his dear sister sent Silas to, and it was amazing the guy still lived. Gods roamed the material plane, and monsters could grow to become gods themselves. Unbound faith congealed into a golden fluid called ichor flowed through the veins of all who lived in that world. If Silas was going to turn the tables on them, it was the world to do it.

"Well, good for him. If we leave him to his own devices, he'll be too busy raising children to care about revenge." Lucifer said.

For once, his father seemed to agree with him. "Fatherhood can change a man's perspective. He may very well thank Merika for this."

Bolts of lightning crackled across his dear sister's body, and a few of the choir were turned to ash. Lucifer sighed at his sister's temper tantrum. He counted down from ten and barely reached three before his father interjected.

"We can't give him the chance to get stronger. While we can't interfere directly, Lucifer has many trade agreements. It would be easiest to bribe the dungeon to break its rules and kill him."

"No," Lucifer said out of hand.

"What do you mean no? He cheated on me, beat me, and wouldn't stop trying to control me." Merika said.

With her, every word, his father grew more furious. "No, he didn't; you are the one who's guilty of those accusations." Lucifer said.

"Only because he did them first," Merika said.

"Enough the both of you. Son, get this done so we can put the matter of this mortal and his crimes to rest." The father said.

Lucifer watched Silas plow Asian college girl after Asian college girl making incredible gains with everyone. More innocent imp circles were drawn, and the imps went out and bedded the male students draining them of their monster cores and stripping the dungeon's floor of potential undead. The imps captured more girls and brought them to Silas to rinse and repeat. This was a sexual ritual he had never seen before, almost a divine feat. No warlock would be so brazen to allow their succubi to feed on human souls indescriminatly. With every girl Silas bedded, the amount of charisma he would get increased. His charm skill was probably at its limit, but that wouldn't matter. Silas was playing the system like Lucifer would. He felt a little proud of the man Lucifer would have happily welcomed to the family as a brother.

On the inside, he smirked as an idea came to mind. It would put Silas in danger, and he would technically do as his father bade him.

"Very well, I'll go make a deal. But for what you've done to this family, it won't go into effect until the next floor."

"Daddy, he hates Tyrone; I think it's because he's black, goes to church, and wants to be a father."

"Lucifer, get this done and go on a trip with Michael. Leave heaven and go do charity work in an African village. Teach them about your little brother and his sacrifice." Father said.

Lucifer sighed and shook his head. "Sure, and I'll take them to Vegas for blackjack and hookers too. When was the last time you saw Tyrone? I believe you ascended him, and then what happened?" Lucifer asked.

Father pinched his nose before Lucifer continued. "Did he leave to get a pack of cigarettes and never come back?"

"Son, go make the deal and then get to Africa. I don't want to see you back here until villages sing your brother's praises." Father said.

Silas stuffed his meat stick into the pussy of a beautiful ebony girl with the cutest pink lips. He loved how they went from black to pink and stuffed her down to his base. He heard black girls had caverns, and the rumors were true. Desire had a deep hungry gushy cunny that never stopped pulling as he bottomed out in her.

He grabbed the girl's firm, toned ass and pushed in his extra-hidden inch. She squeezed down on him, and he pumped her full of monster cum blasting load after load against her cervix. He didn't know if they could get pregnant, but he would love to find out.

Silas grabbed the girl by her straightened hair and kissed her full dark lips. He could taste the black cherry lips gloss and forced his tongue into her mouth.

Then he tossed her away and took the next one. She fell on one of the couches as he took another petite black girl from one of the sororities he picked. He pressed into her smiling dark lips and felt the charisma continue to build. The orgy had barely begun, and already he could feel a storm of points ready to come down upon him. He was grinding well beyond 1000 and might even get well beyond 5000. His imps worked hard to get him the girls he needed.

When they came across someone he didn't need, they drained them, man or woman; that's how demons were. He didn't blame them for it; that was their nature. But, of course, that didn't mean he would forget it.

He called in Lily and looked into her eyes. The power of the sexual energies coursing through him from the orgy helped his skill along, and he felt it bypass Lily's defenses.

His charm took hold and lasted exactly a second before she shook it off.

"You charmed me!" Lily said with a smile on her face.

She jumped up and down like she had a sugar rush. "You're going to get an apprentice rank skill at rank 1. Do you have any idea how big that is? Your charm will affect more people, you'll have more control, and it will automatically give you compulsion when your charisma hits 1000." Lily said.

"You're also a monster; your rank-up will be incredible." Lily continued.

Silas made to say something, but she interjected again.

"You should become an incubus; then we could mate for real. We could touch tails." Lily said and immediately blushed and looked away. "Or that's how I heard succubi and incubi mate."

"You're an adorable little mass-murdering demon. Has anyone told you that?"

"Only my mother but thanks, master. I appreciate the praise."

Silas let her go and went to the next girl while thinking about his current skills. He was farming charisma and gained a complete for the apprentice threshold with humanity which was good. Then his Lust skill crossed over, gaining more potential and effectiveness. His charm could also chain from people he's already charmed.

Next chapter is on my *******.


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