
Last Voyage

"Last Voyage" weaves a tale of love, adventure, and sacrifice on the vast Caribbean seas. Following the footsteps of the fearless Pirate and her loyal first mate, Loike, readers embark on a journey filled with unexpected twists and unrestrained emotions. From battles on the high seas to tender moments between the protagonists, this novel transports the reader to a world of danger and passion where love conquers even the most challenging obstacles. With captivating narrative and memorable characters, “Last Voyage" is a masterpiece of adventure literature that will leave readers craving more with each turn of the page. The better experience is on Phone not on PC You can get the reading playlist on Spotify (Still In progress)

ElyandSam · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The Perilous Journey to the Isle

As the longboats approached the mist-shrouded shores of the Isle of Whispers, the crew of the Crimson Fury braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. The air was thick with anticipation, mingled with a hint of apprehension, as they sailed closer to the mysterious island. But what awaited them was far more treacherous than they could have imagined.

The rocky coastline rose up before them, jagged cliffs jutting out from the swirling mists like the teeth of some ancient sea monster, ominous and foreboding. Waves crashed against the unforgiving rocks, sending plumes of spray into the air as the crew navigated their way through the treacherous waters, each swell threatening to engulf their vessels in its powerful embrace.

"Steady, mates!" Meúl called out, her voice barely audible above the roar of the sea. "Watch for the rocks, and keep your wits about you!" Her command echoed across the air, rallying the crew as they tightened their grip on the oars and braced themselves for the impending tumult.

With expert precision born of years spent at sea, the crew maneuvered the longboats through the maze of rocks, each member relying on their instincts and experience to guide them safely to shore. But just as they thought they had cleared the worst of the obstacles, disaster struck with the force of a thunderbolt.

A massive wave, towering and relentless, crashed against the rocks, sending a shower of spray cascading over the longboats and threatening to capsize them in its wake. Meúl and her crew fought against the churning waters, their muscles straining as they struggled to keep the boats afloat amidst the chaos and turmoil.

"Finn! Mara! Secure the oars!" Meúl shouted, her voice raw with urgency, cutting through the cacophony of wind and waves. "We need to ride out this storm!" Her words were met with swift action as Finn and Mara leaped into motion, their movements synchronized in a dance of survival.

With grim determination etched upon their faces, they lashed the oars to the sides of the longboats, their hands working swiftly and efficiently despite the relentless assault of wind and water. Inch by inch, they fought their way through the raging sea, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they battled the elements with unyielding resolve.

Suddenly, as the waves surged higher, Sahara, one of the crewmates, lost her footing, slipping perilously close to the edge of the longboat. Without hesitation, Loike, the first mate, lunged forward, his reflexes lightning quick as he grabbed hold of her arm, preventing her from plunging into the tumultuous waters below.

As Sahara clung to Loike, her heart racing with fear and gratitude, a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions raged within her. Beneath the surface of her outward expressions of relief and appreciation, a darker, more sinister desire simmered, threatening to consume her from within.

"Thank you, Loike," she gasped, her voice trembling with emotion, her eyes brimming with tears of relief. "I don't know what I would have done without you." But hidden behind her words of gratitude lay a twisted obsession, a burning need to possess Loike entirely, to claim him as her own, no matter the cost.

Loike's smile, his reassuring touch, his unwavering support – they all fueled Sahara's growing obsession, feeding the flames of her twisted desires. In her mind, he was hers and hers alone, and anyone who dared to come between them would suffer the consequences.

"You're safe now," Loike said gently, his voice a soothing balm against the chaos of the storm, his presence a pillar of strength amidst the tempest. "We'll get through this together." But in Sahara's mind, his words were a declaration of their bond, a promise of everlasting devotion that bound them together in ways no one else could understand.

With Sahara safely back on board, the crew on the multiple long boats redoubled their efforts, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity. Despite the relentless assault of wind and waves, they pressed on, their eyes fixed on the distant shore and the promise of adventure that awaited them on the Isle of Whispers. But for Sahara, there was only one destination that mattered – the arms of her beloved Loike.

As they continued their relentless paddling toward the shore, Sahara's obsession with Loike only grew stronger, consuming her every thought and action. She watched him with a possessive gaze, her mind swirling with fantasies of them together, alone, forever bound by their love.

Yet, beneath her outward facade of devotion, lurked a darkness that threatened to consume her entirely. She would do anything to ensure that no one else could lay claim to Loike, even if it meant resorting to desperate measures to eliminate any potential rivals.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the storm began to subside, the waves gradually receding as the longboats reached the safety of the shore. Meúl and her crew breathed a collective sigh of relief, their bodies weary but their spirits undaunted, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity.

"Finnally, was about time to get my boots with sand!" Meúl said, her voice filled with pride and gratitude as she surveyed the battered longboats and their exhausted crew. "Well done, everyone. Now, let's see what awaits us on this cursed island."

But as they stepped onto the rocky shore, they quickly realized that their trials were far from over. The island was alive with the sounds of unfamiliar creatures, their calls echoing through the mist-shrouded forest like a chorus of lost souls, their presence a reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.

"Stay alert, crew," Meúl warned, her hand resting on the hilt of her cutlass, her gaze steady and unwavering. "We're not alone on this island, and I don't intend to let our guard down." Her words were met with nods of understanding and determination, her crew ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and resolve.

With weapons at the ready and hearts ablaze with determination, Meúl and her crew ventured deeper into the heart of the island, their senses heightened by the unfamiliar surroundings, their footsteps echoing through the dense undergrowth.

They encountered strange plants with thorns as long as daggers and bizarre creatures with eyes that glowed in the darkness, their presence a testament to the island's mysterious and unforgiving nature.

But despite the dangers that lurked around every corner, Meúl and her crew pressed on, their determination unyielding in the face of adversity, their bond forged in the crucible of trial and tribulation. For they knew that the true test of their courage and resolve lay ahead, and they would not rest until they had uncovered the secrets of the Isle of Whispers, no matter the cost.

Mara took a bit more time to follow them as she looked at the boat worried, something about the ship being alone had a taste of sand on her mouth. Even if their was trusted people in the Crimson Fury, something had her eyes on the ship. She smiled softly thinking that maybe this voyage could be her last one.

Mara heard the footsteps of Loike gently making bird noises, and giggling "Seems like Miss North Star keept her mind in the ship aye?" standing next to her and looking at the ship. "Yeah, I guess… You still owe me a beer keg, because the last time you drank a hole keg by yourself."

Mara slightly raised her eyebrows and saw Loike put up his hands as a smile shined through her mouth. "You better keep me alive for my return, and you better not die." she turn around looking him in his sea that contains his eye "I will love to empty the keg with you" slightly booping his nose and walking back with a faint blush on her face.

Loike gave a smile without turning back to see her, though he knew that Mara has been like that for a while. "What will I do with you Mara?, What will I do?" asking himself smiling, as he felt a pair of eyes on him. Shaking off the feeling he went back with the crew.

👄———Sahara Twisted Mind———👄

Once upon a time, Sahara was deeply in love with a charming sailor named Jack, who had stolen her heart with his wit and adventurous spirit. However, their idyllic romance took a dark turn when Sahara discovered that Jack had been unfaithful, betraying her trust with another woman from a neighboring port.

Consumed by a seething rage and a twisted sense of possessiveness, Sahara's love for Jack turned into a dangerous obsession. Determined to keep him by her side at any cost, she concocted a diabolical plan to ensure that they would be together forever.

Under the cover of darkness, Sahara lured Jack to a secluded spot on the shore, where she confronted him about his infidelity. In a fit of fury, she confessed her undying love for him before unleashing a wave of violence upon him, her hands stained crimson with his blood.

As Jack lay gasping for breath, Sahara's obsession reached a fever pitch, her mind consumed by a primal desire to possess him completely. With a twisted smile upon her lips, she whispered sweet nothings into his ear, promising him eternal devotion as she plunged a dagger into his heart.

But as the moments passed and reality began to sink in, Sahara's smile faltered, her facade crumbling under the weight of her own deceit. Tears welled up in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks in a torrent of false emotion. She raised a trembling hand to her face, her sobs echoing across the desolate shore.

Just then, Meúl emerged from the shadows, her eyes narrowed with concern as she approached Sahara. "Sahara, what happened here?" she asked, her voice sharp with urgency.

Sahara's mind raced as she struggled to find the words to explain her actions. "Meúl, he... he tried to..." she faltered, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

"He tried to what, Sahara?" Meúl pressed, her gaze unwavering as she waited for Sahara to speak.

Sahara's heart hammered in her chest as she summoned the courage to lie to her captain. "He... he tried to... he tried to do things to me," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I... I had no choice, Meúl. I had to... I had to defend myself."

Meúl's expression softened with understanding as she reached out to comfort Sahara, her hand resting gently on her shoulder. "Sahara, listen to me," she said, her voice filled with compassion. "You did what you had to do to protect yourself. You're safe now, I promise."

Tears welled up in Sahara's eyes as she realized the enormity of the lie she had just told. But in that moment, she also felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that she had spared herself from the shame and humiliation of admitting the truth.

As Meúl extended her hand in friendship, inviting Sahara to join them once more, Sahara felt a glimmer of hope begin to stir within her. She knew that she would have to live with the weight of her deception, but with the support of her captain and her crewmates, she believed that she could find a way to forgive herself and move forward.

———🤫———Jack's Eyes———🤫———

As Sahara's blade plunged into Jack's chest, his world exploded into a kaleidoscope of pain and confusion. His breath caught in his throat as he stared into Sahara's eyes, his vision blurring with tears and disbelief. In that moment, as their gazes locked, Jack saw something in Sahara's eyes that chilled him to the bone – a darkness so profound, it sent shivers down his spine.

For a fleeting instant, Jack felt a flicker of hope, a desperate belief that maybe, just maybe, he could reach her, could break through the walls she had built around her heart. But as Sahara's grip tightened around the hilt of the dagger, her expression twisted into a mask of rage and betrayal, Jack realized with a sinking heart that it was over.

"No, Sahara, please..." he pleaded weakly, his voice barely a whisper amidst the crashing of the waves. "I didn't cheat on you. You have to believe me."

But Sahara's response was a cruel twist of the knife, both literally and figuratively. She didn't care whether his words were true or false; the truth was irrelevant to her now. All that mattered was the satisfaction she derived from watching him suffer, from seeing the life drain from his eyes as he bled out on the rocky shore.

As Jack's strength began to ebb away, Sahara leaned in close, her face twisted with sadistic pleasure as she forced him to look into her eyes. She savored the sight of his agony, relishing every moment of his suffering as though it were a sweet indulgence.

In that final, agonizing moment, Jack realized with a sense of profound despair that Sahara had never truly loved him, not in the way he had loved her. She was a creature of darkness, driven by her own twisted desires and consumed by a thirst for power and control.

And as he slipped into the cold embrace of death, Jack knew that he would never be able to understand the depths of Sahara's depravity. All he could do was pray for the mercy of oblivion, to escape the torment of a love turned sour and a betrayal too bitter to bear.

Author Break: Stormy Seas and Twisted Hearts Aboard the Crimson Fury

Avast ye, mateys, gather round for another thrilling installment of the Last Voyage aboard the Crimson Fury! But before we dive back into the action, let's toast to the turbulent seas and twisted hearts awaiting us on the Isle of Whispers!

Picture the longboats approaching mist-shrouded shores, waves crashing against jagged cliffs, and our crew battling through a tempest. Amidst the chaos, Sahara's twisted obsession with Loike brews, while Bryn's drunken antics add levity.

As the storm subsides, the crew steps onto rocky shores, ready for adventure. Strange creatures lurk, but Meúl and her crew press on with unwavering determination.

Will they uncover the island's secrets or fall victim to Sahara's obsession? Only time will tell on the Last Voyage aboard the Crimson Fury!

And remember, as adventurers in Sea of Thieves know well, the sea be a fickle mistress, but with courage and camaraderie, there be no treasure beyond reach!

Keep an eye out for hidden treasures and legendary tales—after all, every journey be a new adventure on the high seas!

ElyandSamcreators' thoughts