
Last Voyage

"Last Voyage" weaves a tale of love, adventure, and sacrifice on the vast Caribbean seas. Following the footsteps of the fearless Pirate and her loyal first mate, Loike, readers embark on a journey filled with unexpected twists and unrestrained emotions. From battles on the high seas to tender moments between the protagonists, this novel transports the reader to a world of danger and passion where love conquers even the most challenging obstacles. With captivating narrative and memorable characters, “Last Voyage" is a masterpiece of adventure literature that will leave readers craving more with each turn of the page. The better experience is on Phone not on PC You can get the reading playlist on Spotify (Still In progress)

ElyandSam · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The crew side alt chapter

As the Crimson Fury sliced through the waves, the tension onboard was palpable. While Captain Meúl and Loike wrestled with their inner demons, the rest of the crew moved about with a sense of urgency, each task completed with a furrowed brow and clenched jaw.

In the midst of this turmoil, Mara, the ship's seasoned

navigator, faced an unexpected challenge. As she meticulously charted their course, her eyes widened in alarm when she realized the ship's compass was missing from its usual place on the navigation table.

Panic bubbled up within Mara as she frantically scoured the deck, her fingers tracing every crevice and corner in a desperate search for the elusive compass. Yet, despite her efforts, the vital navigational tool remained frustratingly out of reach.

Growing increasingly frustrated, Mara enlisted the help of Finn, the quartermaster, in her search. Together, they combed every inch of the ship, their voices growing hoarse from questioning the crew and their muscles aching from lifting crates and barrels in their quest.

But as the hours slipped by and the sun dipped lower in the sky, Mara's unease only deepened. Without the compass, their journey through the perilous waters surrounding Whisperwind Isle seemed all but impossible, casting a shadow of doubt over the entire crew.

Meanwhile, on deck, Sasha and Sahara, the ship's swordsman and lookout, found themselves ensnared in a bitter argument that threatened to tear them apart.

"I'm tired of your constant nagging, Sahara!" Sasha's voice carried over the roar of the waves, her frustration boiling over.

Sahara's eyes blazed with fury, her hands balling into fists at her sides. "And I'm tired of feeling like I'm invisible to you, Sasha!" she shot back, her voice trembling with emotion. "You never show me any love or affection, as if our bond as sisters means nothing to you!"

Their heated exchange echoed across the deck, each word a dagger that pierced the heart of their relationship.

Just as their argument reached its zenith, Loike emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding the attention of everyone on deck.

"Enough!" his voice thundered, cutting through the air like a cannon blast. "This bickering ends now!"

Sasha and Sahara fell silent, their gazes locking in a silent battle of wills as they awaited Loike's judgment.

"You two are sisters," Loike continued, his tone softer now, laced with concern. "Bound by blood and shared experiences. Whatever grievances you may have against each other, they pale in comparison to the bond that unites you."

Sasha and Sahara exchanged a wary glance, the heat of their anger cooling in the face of Loike's wisdom. Despite their differences, they knew deep down that he spoke the truth—they were family, and nothing could change that.

With a heavy sigh, Sasha tentatively reached out to her sister, her hand trembling with uncertainty. "I'm sorry, Sahara," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "I never meant to hurt you."

Tears welled in Sahara's eyes as she pulled her sister into a tight embrace, the weight of their argument lifting from her shoulders. "I'm sorry too, Sasha," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I love you, even when it feels like we're worlds apart."

Mara watched the scene unfold with a mixture of relief and trepidation. Her mind raced with thoughts of the missing compass, a vital tool that could mean the difference between life and death for the crew.

Lost in her thoughts, Mara absentmindedly rubbed the worn leather pouch at her side, a gift from her mentor and former navigator. It served as a reminder of the importance of always being prepared for the unexpected, a lesson that now seemed more relevant than ever.

But just as Mara's doubts threatened to consume her, Finn's voice cut through the fog of uncertainty. "Mara, we've searched every inch of the ship," he said, his tone grave. "There's no sign of the compass anywhere."

A sinking feeling settled in Mara's chest as the reality of their situation sank in. Without the compass, their journey to Whisperwind Isle would be fraught with peril, their chances of success dwindling with each passing moment.

But even in the face of adversity, Mara refused to succumb to despair. With determination burning bright in her eyes, she turned to Finn and the rest of the crew, her voice resolute.

"We may have lost the compass, but we haven't lost our resolve," she declared, her words echoing across the deck. "We'll navigate these waters by the stars if we have to, but mark my words, we will find a way to reach Whisperwind Isle."

And with that, Mara set about rallying the crew, her unwavering determination serving as a beacon of hope in the darkness. Together, they charted a new course, guided not by the compass, but by their shared determination to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the Crimson Fury sailed ever closer to Whisperwind Isle, Mara and her fellow pirates braced themselves for the trials that awaited them. For though they may have lost their most trusted navigational tool, they had not lost their courage, their resourcefulness, or their unshakable bond as a crew. And with those strengths to guide them, they knew that no obstacle was too great to overcome.


"Who's up for some biscuits?" Bryn called out, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Erik, the ship's carpenter, perked up at the offer, his stomach rumbling audibly. "Count me in!" he exclaimed, eagerly reaching for a biscuit.

But before Erik could grab one, Sasha swooped in with lightning speed, snatching the last biscuit from the tray with a triumphant grin.

"Sorry, mate," Sasha teased, holding the biscuit just out of Erik's reach. "Looks like you're out of luck."

Erik pretended to pout, crossing his arms over his chest in mock indignation. "Aw, come on, Sasha," he whined. "You know I've been dreaming of those biscuits all day!"

Sasha laughed, tossing the biscuit to Erik with a playful wink. "Alright, alright," she relented. "But next time, you'll have to arm wrestle me for it!"

The crew erupted into laughter at the playful banter, the tension of the search momentarily forgotten as they enjoyed the simple pleasure of sharing a meal together.

Just as Mara was starting to lose hope, a glint of metal caught her eye near one of the cannons. She approached cautiously, her heart pounding with anticipation, and there, nestled among coils of rope and discarded equipment, lay the missing compass.

A grin spread across Mara's face as she reached down to retrieve the compass, relief flooding her veins like a rush of cool seawater. She held it aloft triumphantly, her voice ringing out across the deck.

"Found it!" Mara exclaimed, her voice echoing with joy and relief. "The compass was hiding next to one of the cannons all along!"

Finn, who had been anxiously awaiting news of the compass's discovery, let out a whoop of excitement and rushed over to Mara's side.

"Thank the stars!" Finn exclaimed, his face breaking into a wide grin. "With the compass in hand, we can navigate these waters with confidence."

Mara nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over her as she handed the compass to Finn. "Indeed we can," she replied, her voice tinged with pride. "Now let's set our course for Whisperwind Isle and show those treacherous waters what the Crimson Fury is made of!"

☠️———running out of ideas———☠️

As the Crimson Fury sailed away from the bustling port, leaving behind the sights and sounds of the lively marketplace, a lone figure emerged from the shadows of the tavern where Captain Meúl and Loike had shared their meal.

With a furtive glance around to ensure that no one was watching, the figure reached into their cloak and retrieved a small vial filled with a mysterious liquid. With practiced precision, they splashed the contents of the vial onto the wooden table where the pirates had sat moments before.

A spark ignited in the air as the liquid made contact with the wood, and within seconds, flames erupted, engulfing the table in a fiery blaze. The figure watched with satisfaction as the flames licked hungrily at the wood, consuming it with a voracious appetite.

As the flames danced and crackled, casting eerie shadows against the walls of the tavern, the figure slipped back into the shadows, their identity shrouded in mystery. The table where Captain Meúl and Loike had shared their meal now lay in ruins, a smoldering reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows of Whisperwind Isle.

Author Break: Rum, Revelry, and Drunk Pirates Aboard the Crimson Fury

Ahoy, me hearties, and welcome back to the rollicking tale of the Last Voyage aboard the Crimson Fury! But before we set sail on another adventure, let's take a moment to raise a tankard and toast to the finer things in pirate life—rum, revelry, and some downright hilarious antics!

Now, let me tell ye about the drinks at the tavern where our fearless crew sought refuge from the trials of the high seas. Picture this: a dimly lit tavern, the air thick with the scent of salt and sweat, and a bar lined with bottles of the finest rum this side of the Caribbean. From aged barrels of spiced rum to exotic concoctions that could knock a man off his feet with a single sip, this tavern had it all!

But what's a tavern without a few drunk pirates causing mischief? Picture this: Bryn, the ship's cook, stumbling up to the bar with a tankard in each hand, his face flushed with the telltale signs of a few too many rounds of grog. "Barkeep!" he slurs, slamming his tankards down on the counter with a loud thud. "Another round for me and me mates!"

The tavern keeper, unfazed by Bryn's drunken antics, chuckles and pours another round of rum, shaking his head in amusement. "Ye've had enough, Bryn," he warns, his voice laced with good-natured concern. "Any more and ye'll be seeing double for a week!"

But Bryn, undeterred by the tavern keeper's warnings, grabs his tankards and staggers over to a nearby table, where his fellow crewmates eagerly await his return. "To the Crimson Fury!" he declares, raising his tankard high. "May she sail true and her rum flow freely!"

The crew erupts into cheers and laughter, their tankards clinking together in a raucous toast to their beloved ship. And as the night wears on and the rum continues to flow, the tavern echoes with the sounds of laughter and camaraderie, a welcome respite from the rigors of life on the high seas.

But amidst the revelry, danger lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce when least expected. Will our intrepid crew be able to navigate the treacherous waters of Whisperwind Isle with their wits—and their sobriety—intact? There's only one way to find out, me hearties—so hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for adventure! Fair winds and following seas await us on the Last Voyage aboard the Crimson Fury!

And remember, as the legendary Captain Jack Sparrow once said, "Why is the rum always gone?" Well, me hearties, on the Crimson Fury, the rum flows as freely as the wind in our sails!

ElyandSamcreators' thoughts