
Last Day System

When nine titans descended into this miserable world. Tearing up space in nine different places on the planet. The world was finally doomed. And only through the vain efforts of the survivors and the powers of evolution. Mankind was able to delay the death of the planet for a decade, but the end was a foregone conclusion. On that last day. A day when there were almost no uninfected beings left on Earth. The last man on earth stood on the roof of a high-rise building, a thousand meters off the ground, and watched as nine figures approached him whose faces were hidden in the clouds. Just when Gray thought death had already come for him, he suddenly woke up in a coffee shop, just before disaster day. At that moment, Gray realized that he had gone back in time, and a rather unsophisticated plan immediately formed in his mind. But when the time came, everything changed! The last day system had awakened! *** Cover art doesn't belong to me, if the original artist wishes to take it down. Please contact me on discord. ***

SevenBloodTies · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Night Assault! (Part 1)

"There's enough room for everyone. Think about it, and in the meantime, I'll distribute to everyone the daily ration of food found in nearby stores."

When a large, dark-skinned guard brought out several backpacks of various foods, the crowd began to cheer and thank the man.

But there were also those who sat proudly on the sidelines.

Milo looked at them again, and as if casually mentioned the madmen in the streets.

"All right, take your portion and go to bed. We've got quite a long way to go tomorrow. Oh, yes... Be careful not to go out on the streets, there are crazy and hungry people wandering around."

No matter how hard Milo tried, he didn't have enough hands to keep an eye on everybody.

So the only way to keep everybody here. It is to give them a good scare, and then pretend to protect and feed them. That way, you gain a little bit of their trust.

That was more than Milo could have dreamed of, he was well aware of how defenseless and driven people become in chaotic times. It was enough to show them that you had everything under control, and the crowd of confused people would gladly follow you.

'Gather the people, give them hope, and lead them away under your rule. It's just like the little brother said! The more, the better! Discarded as garbage by some, will become a valuable resource in the hands of others!'

Squeamishly, Milo thought about the fact that the government had yet to do anything about it. Remembering his brother's words that there was some horror going on in the southern part of town that could shake the local government's influence, he was already mentally imagining how he would stand at the head of the rescue team.

Deeply rooted in this town, he could become one of those influential figures on the dark side.

'Just bring these servants to my brother's country villa and I can make some powerful connections!'

Milo had recently learned from his brother that, for some reason, an incident in the south of the city, might severely disrupt the local establishment. He also learned that his brother was taking powerful people to a safe house.

That's all he learned from him. But it was enough to give him an idea of where his brother was headed.

Especially the crazy people biting everyone and the constant gunfire from the military clearly said the government was in big trouble.

'It's a good thing I had his son with me, or the bastard would never have helped me.'

"Nicholas, come here! Tell me what happened to you?"

When Milo finally returned to the security room, he called out to his nephew, always playing with girls in revealing outfits.

"Uncle, as we were sitting with the boys thinking about what happened to the outside world. All of a sudden, a big old man climbed in our window! He beat us, abused us, and then tied us up and threw us out!"

"A big old man, you say..."

Milo looked strangely at his trusted assistant.

Roo was a professional mercenary, straight from the southern mainland. The mercenary's rugged living conditions had hardened his body to the point where his muscles were like steel.

"Yes! He also had an arrogant brat and a couple of girls with him!"

"Well, don't worry, your uncle will take care of that problem!"

"Ha ha, thanks, uncle! By the way, if it just so happens that these girls like me, could you send them to my room?"

Smiling, they looked into each other's eyes.

'You little pervert!'

'You senile old man!'

"Okay, you can go back. I'll let you know when your problem is solved. And then you can have some fun, tonight!"

Waving his hand, he rebuked the young man's inclinations with a sneer.

Walking out the door, Nicholas's smile disappeared altogether.

'If it weren't for my father, you'd be finishing the slop in the gutters right now! Well, that's okay...soon my dad will come to get me, and then I'll see how arrogant you can be!'


Sitting in his recliner chair, Gray stared pensively at the ceiling.

'Things have changed.'

Reviewing the odd readings, he chuckled ironically.

'The future is no longer in my hands...'

Poking at everything, he accidentally clicked on the title line.

A window suddenly popped up in front of him with more information.

[Title: Heir to the Titans 2/3]

'For killing a Titan of Desolation, the following reward is available to you:'

[Blocked due to insufficient level!]

'For killing a Titan of Destruction, the following reward is available to you:'

[Blocked due to insufficient level!]

'For killing a Titan of "???", the following reward is available to you:'

[Blocked due to insufficient level!]

'Certain conditions have been met! User death confirmed!'

'Do you want to install the modification right now?'


Seeing this, Gray froze for a moment.

Then, barely containing his laughter, he looked happily at these messages in his head.

'Ha ha! I did manage to take those things with me! God's heart was not wasted!'

Calming down a bit, he looked at all these messages with interest. Though he did not understand them, he sincerely believed that it would not hurt him in any way.

A long time ago, in his school days. He had played various games, so he had a rough idea of what was what.

And if it was the same arrangement here, it meant that the world, and the way he remembered it, would never be the same again.

'It seems...has the world gone mad?'

Slowly, one by one, Gray crossed all the plans he had made for the future out of his head.

'I guess there were some nice rewards for killing those scumbags. Too bad I only took three...'

Remembering how much trouble these creatures had caused mankind, the proud smile on his face could not return to its former state.

'Hmm? Modification? What's that?'

Interested, he mentally agreed with the system's suggestion.

[A new section is available to you: Modification.]

'Please name the personal auxiliary system!'

'Am I being asked to name it? Then... The last day system?'

Thinking back to that day, that's when he first heard that voice.

[The Last Day System was successfully tied to the user!]

'Maybe... am I still dreaming?'

Still couldn't get used to that mechanical voice.

But the hum outside the window kept Gray from falling into a world of sweet reverie.

Jumping up, he went to the window and opened the curtain slightly.


A convoy of armored vehicles could be seen even through the dense, dark scarlet fog.

About ten armored vehicles, led by three tanks, were slowly heading toward the South Park. Behind them were military armored vehicles armed with medium-caliber machine guns.

The hum of the engines woke everyone up. Gray quickly quieted the crew and told them to go to bed. But everyone was curious about the movement outside.

Not only were they awake, but the people inside the museum woke up, too. They rushed frantically outside, asking for help.

But they quickly received the gas-masked soldiers' barrels pointed at them.

"Help us, please! We're stuck here without food!"

"What in the world is going on? Why has this red fog come down from the heavens? Does the government know? Is the army doing anything?!"

Lots of people poked their heads out of their houses and stores. They looked hopefully at the military column passing by.

"Stay calm! The army is already here! Soon, our men will arrive here and evacuate you to safety! In the meantime, stay calm and go back to cover!"

A loudspeaker voice came from the column. Trying as much as possible to drown out the sounds coming from the intermittent firing of soldiers far ahead of the column.

"Why haven't we been evacuated yet? Why do we have to sit here and starve?! Why do we pay your taxes?! Take us now and get us to safety!"

"Barricade all the doors and windows and wait for help to arrive! We'll soon get you to safety!"

Chanting the same thing, their convoy drove slowly past residential buildings, occasionally clearing the road of stranded vehicles.

Completely ignoring the disgruntled civilians, the convoy slowly made its way down the street.

Many packed up their belongings and followed the tanks. There was nothing the military could do about it.


"This wasn't an evacuation convoy..."

Gray turned around and noticed Werner standing next to him. The frown lines on his face grew deeper and deeper.

"That's right, it's an assault convoy of tanks, but by no means of evacuation trucks..."

"And who are they going to assault?"

"Good question. Zombies. A lot of zombies."

'They're going to the poorest part of town, where a wave of zombies started in a past life...'

Without turning around, he closed the curtains and headed back to his old seat.

"Let's go. We need to build up our strength. Tomorrow morning, we'll be out of here."

Listening to the distant sounds of gunfire and explosions, they both knew it was no longer safe here.

"I hope my daughters are okay."

As he half-whispered this, Werner sadly continued to watch the frightened and confused people follow the convoy of cars.

Sitting back down, Gray began to meditate.

His plan was to reawaken the tattoos in this life as well.

But after some time of unsuccessful attempts, the guy in the lotus position finally gave up.

'My perception is still not enough to feel the seed of the tattoo. I need at least a few more days of uninterrupted meditation.'

Immersed in his memories, Gray didn't notice how he fell asleep on the spot.