
Lady Mystique (Story discontinued)

Story discountinued.

keeyaaaa · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 3

It was another lovely morning again. I decided to recall yesterday's events. All of those just happened in a day? Unbelievable. Maybe it was all a dream.

But the doors and the creamy stone walls, Cya's and Cynx's doors beside mine, prove me that those events weren't a dream.

In fact, I saw and heard everything myself, but somehow, I don't feel like dreaming about things which have happened already.

As I walked out the dormitories and headed toward my first class, I spotted two familiar figures. They were walking side by side. I ran up to catch to them.

"Ah, Xia. We we're about to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Wanna join with us? Looks like Cya and Cynx were already there, since I knocked on their doors just now, and no one answered." Lyan said.

"Oh sure." I replied back.

We went back to the main lobby and went to the cafeteria. We immediately spotted the sisters, since they waved at us. We got our food, and sat down with them. I noticed that the cafeteria was somehow noisier than usual.

"Xia!" Cya gave me a hug. Cynx gave me a wave. "Have you heard the news?"

"What news?" I asked.

"It's the yearly Événement Élémentaire!"

"The what?" I asked, feelig confused.

"Fine, in english it's the elemental event. It's like a duel or tournament. First, in a specific element, they compete, and the best five gets to the next round, where they will compete with the other representatives of other elements. The winner will be able to have access to learn another element!"

"It's a life changing one, really." Charles continued. "Eventually, since we are novices, we have the most minimal chances of joining, and even one of us gets through, the other elements are at an advantage."

And the most stupidest idea came in my mind. Oh goodness, I wanna join.

"It's a month away anyway. We still have time you know, we should learn more spells and tricks and stuff." Cya said.

We finished breakfast, and went off to class. On the way there, I saw a glimpse of Chantal. "Chantal!" I called her. But she doesn't seem to hear me, since she was a bit far away. She started to get farthrr away, and walked into her class. The four ones behind me stared at me as if I was insane.

"Ummm, are you okay Xian?" Cynx said.

"Yes, it was just my sister. Let's go."

We went into class. Ms. Élliane just came in as we sat. "Just in time." I muttered to myself.

"Today's lesson is history. The history of the elements and Ciel."

"A long time ago, Ciel was just a dull land, full of nothing but darkness. There were no beings, no living thing."

"Then it came. The goddess of all, Arciel, gave the dull land full of life. She blessed the land with beauty, fauna, flora and human beings."

"Arciel saw the world that she gave life to, and it was beautiful. Until one day, Arciel decided to let someone take care of her creations, and from there, she created two special beings. Once created, Arciel splitted her soul into two, and went into those beings, guiding them wherever they go."

"The two beings, Arielle and Alciana, were mesmerized by the beauty of the world that their ancestor made. They promised to take care of it every second of tomorrow."

"Until one day, Alciana saw the potential if she became a powerful being. She wants to conquer these humans to serve her, and her sister. But Arielle refused her offer. Alciana turned on her, and with every bit of power she has, she used it on her own sister. The soul of Arciel inside began to be filled with darkness, and she became the ancestor of the dark beings."

"Arielle saw that it was no use trying to save her. She had to eliminate her? And just like Alciana, she used her powers to save the human beings. And she was the ancestor of our elements."

"She sacrificed herself. Her soul was seperated into five elements, Fire, water, wind, electric and nature. Her body was then posessed by her sister, and by the time she was about to destroy the human beings, they five elements were in the possession of five humans, and such tremendous power put an end to Alciana."

"After that, the five mages then decided they want the humans to be able to have the ability to protect themselves. Then the elemental circle was formed, and that was the first day of the Fortunities. With their powers, they made a school, high up in the clouds, to teach the beings how to use their powers for good. And that is where you are now."

I suddenly blinked to reality. I was too focused in the story to realize that I'm sitting in a classroom with a bunch of students.

Ms. Éllaine then continued. "The elemental patrons now are actually descendants, to how many degrees of generations that is, of the first five elemental mages. And in the near future, someone will replace them with another set of mages. And that's the story of our origin."

We then continued on with the elemental practices. Ms. Éllaine taught us to do an electric shockwave, which would immobilize an enemy and shock it to death. She taught us on how wind us helpful with our powers. We were able to meet a student of wind, Valera, to help us. She created a gust of air, and with our powers, we were able to create an electric wind or something.

We were dismissed, and we went out for lunch.

We ate slowly, until Cynx broke the silence. "What did you think of the story earlier guys? It was really amazing."

"It was, really. It felt so real, you know."

I finished my lunch first, and decided to go to the library to read.

"We'll come with you, Xia!" Cya offered.

"No, I'm fine. Just enjoy your lunch."

I went out, and headed to the library. It was really big in there. Endless shelves of books, shelves that almost reaches to the ceiling. Unlike the cafeteria, it was really quiet in here.

There were two students of Water and two students of fire. A pair, a boy and a girl.

You decided to:

[• Approach the students of Water]

(If you choose this, go to Chapter 3-1

[• Approach the students of Fire]

(If you choose this, go to Chapter 3-2)