
Lady Mystique (Story discontinued)

Story discountinued.

keeyaaaa · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3-1

[You chose to meet the two students of water]

Xia walked nearer towards them. The sister seemed to notice it. She smiled. "Hello, dear. Please do join us."

The boy, Jared, stood up quickly and extended his hand for Xia to shake.

"Hello, I am Avelina." She said, introducing herself.

"Jared." He replied with a nod. Jared had long dark brown hair, and his eyes were blue. They looked at Xia expectantly.

"Are you from the Electric element?" Avelina asked with a small smile on her face.

Xia nodded as she answered in the affirmative.

"We've been students for about two years already. We can see that you're a newbie. Do you have any questions for us?" Jared asked.

"How much have you learned these past few years?"

"Spells. Simple and complicated. More about school traditions and joining the yearly Événement. Eventually even in our two years we're still not good." Avelina said.

"But we still learned a lot." Jared continued. "Well, if you really wanna know something...."

I didn't hesitate to ask.

"What?" I asked

"Actually, me and and brother believes that the element of darkness is still alive, wherever it is. Even at the day of Fortunities, that doesn't mean they don't receive anything does not mean they are the darkness holders. It can be anyone, really. It's still looking for it's next victim, waiting for the right time to pounce."

Avelina explained.

"Is this a real thing? Is someone out there still doing it?" I asked with an edge in my voice. I couldn't imagine the feeling I'd feel when something like that happened. It would destroy me. And everyone around me. Including the people who I considered friends.

Jared nodded.

"Yes. You can only believe the darkest side, though. The true self of the evil person will never show itself until they are caught. It will become visible only then when you see one of your friends getting hurt or worse, dying. It will happen whether you like it or not. That's what we call the dark side of power."

Jared ended his speech while he let out a sigh.

I was in awe by what they just said, it wasn't something I expected them to say. But I could also see the fear and worry in their faces. Maybe because they believed that things like this actually did happen. But if so then, why haven' they stopped them before? Wouldn't the people responsible for such an atrocity want justice?

"So you are scared of it. But the world is too peaceful now." I stated. "It should stay quiet. At least for now."

Before Avelina could react, Jared interrupted.

"We know you believe that, Xia."

"Anyways, can you tell me more about the patrons?"

I asked them.

"Ahh, the patrons. They are really powerful, I swear. They can do simple spells of other elements." Avelina said.

"I hope you don't mind, but I wanna ask if who is your favorite?"

Avelina giggled.

"Sir Adélard. He's soooo hot." She whispered.

Jared gave her sister a punch on her arm. Avelina whimpered.

"My favorite? All of them. They are unique in their own ways." Jared said.

"If we are done talking about the patrons, can you tell me a little more about your powers?" I asked.

They talked about how they both had the ability to breathe underwater. Avelina was able to make a water fox while Jared made a little rain cloud. It was quite cool.

"Always remember not to use your powers around water, or you'll electrocute yourself." Avelina chuckled.

I laughed with her.

"I understand that. Thank you for telling me this. It helps me a lot."

Avelina nodded.

After chatting with each other, I decided that it was already late afternoon. I asked her one more thing.

"There's a student named Chantal in your class right? How is she doing?"

They exchanged glances.

"She's doing pretty well."

I waved goodbye, glad to know Chantal was in a good condition.