
Labyrinth of Beauty

When a woman was forced to enter a life where she did not belong - everything turned upside down on her arrival. A strong clan that has been roaring success for generations. They have lived their lives by the rules that their ancestors have created for them to grow wider and better. Little did she know that their family is full of dirty secrets and revelations. She became an instrument that untangled the strings which have separated the family for years. She has seen the dark sides of a mafia family that she never imagined to unveil. A monstrous world she has discovered, that even an escape plan was not an option.

YouGrowGirl · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter 5

Xandra seems stressed.

The friend she was talking about, is it me?

"It is true that she's scary. The great female X." Que told to herself.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Umm, you see that woman, right? Of course, you do, silly me! Well, that woman is the strongest female member of our family. She's a very secretive and private person. I always look up to her since I was a kid." She admiringly said. Is it true? The woman I have been with was a total stranger to me?

"When I was sixteen, we had a major problem. An organization was tracking us down, they wanted to terminate our family. At that time, everyone was panicking, and X's whereabouts are unknown. One day, she came home covered with blood. Little did we know, she has been kidnapped and X fought her way out of that situation alone. She had several cuts on her body that day but she did not mind it. She really is amazing, right? Bear in mind, that she's just eighteen years old back then." Amusement was plastered on Que's face while telling me the reason why she admired Xandra.

I have questions on my mind. That only Xandra can give me the answers.

It reminded me of the night that we met.

Men are following me on my way home. I walk fast-paced to avoid them but luck was not with me during that time.

Suddenly a girl put her arm around my shoulder. I was afraid of her, thinking that she might be with them.

"Relax, you're safe with me." I glimpse at her and she's looking at me smiling.

"Don't worry, I'm stronger than them. You don't have to worry about us. Just continue walking like nothing's wrong." She said. I did what she said, I continued walking until it rains.

"Run!" She yelled. We were both running in the rain, I look back and notice that those men are not following us anymore so we continue to run until we reach my house.

I invited her to come in and made her sit down on the sofa. I went to my room and took clothes that I haven't worn yet.

I was surprised when she undressed while I was in front of her. I tried to look away but I saw several scars on her body. I got curious but I find it rude to ask about it.

After that, I excuse myself and made her wait in my living room.

Thinking about that night, and what Que told me just now. Those scars might have been caused by what happened to her when she was eighteen.

"She's looking for me..." I uttered.

"What?" Que curiously asked.

"That woman you're talking about, she's looking for me."


"Grey! We need to find her! She might be in great danger! She's a friend of mine." I have been trying my best to convince him to help me.

"It's not that serious, maybe she's just out there living her life, X." He said, is he even listening to me?

"Grey, she does not come out of her house without me or without telling me and now I don't know where she is! I should have put a tracking device on her!" This is causing me so much stress. Where are you, Violet?

"I'm begging you, Grey." I look at him intently. "I have to find her. You don't have to do anything other than giving me men and connections." I begged.

I'm desperate.

"I can't help you with that. I need my men during these times. I have a family to protect now, X, I hope you can understand that." Did he just refuse me? What family is he talking about?

"What are you talking about Grey? Our family can protect themselves. We are trained to be great and strong! Why are you giving me this bullshi*t reason of yours? I know what happened to us caused trauma in each and everyone but we are stronger now. The Sinister won't even-" I stopped.

"Xandra..." She mentioned my name.

Tears threatening to spill from my eyes. She's here?

I went closer to her and touch her face.

"Relax, take a deep breath, and calm down." She said. That is what she says when I'm stress or angry.

I hugged her. I missed her so much. She is the person I'm comfortable to be with. I can be my softest. People around me expected me to be strong but when I was with her, I saw a different view of how my life should have been if I was born from a normal family.

My childhood was all about training, guns, and fighting. I wasn't able to do what I should be doing around my age.

My family tried to make me a killing machine which they have succeeded.

And when I finally found someone who can make me feel I'm normal, I kept it a secret. I tried to hide it from everyone.

I remember the first time I saw her, three men were following her while she's walking on the street. She looks fragile, she can't even confront those men who are continuously following her. If I was her, I have kicked their balls already. I watch her and wait for her to make a move but she didn't do anything.

I thought to myself, that's what you get when you are weak and just normally living your life. But I was wrong, I was just physically strong but I am not normal. I was just living the life they have chosen for me and that's it. Maybe her life was way better than mine.

And that moment, I decided to experience what a normal life feels like by being with her.

Violet made me feel that I was like her. A normal person, that sometimes I can be broken and can be consoled that no one ever tried to do before. Everyone expects me to be good on my own, no one ever tried to ask me what and how I was doing all my life until I met her. I can be vulnerable because she let me.

I let go of the hug and ask her, "Why are you here?"

She didn't say a word but she looked at Grey who was shocked at what he had witnessed.

"What is the meaning of this?" I confronted him.

"Is she your friend that you're talking about?" He asked.

"What is she doing here, Greyson?!" I shouted at him.

"I-I-I didn't know-" I punched him. I continuously punch him until he fell to the ground.

"What the f*ck have you done?!" I angrily asked. I saw guilt in his eyes.

"Xandra, stop! You don't have to do-" Violet just tried to stop me but I can't help myself.

"What did you do to her?!" I grabbed his collar. "You shouldn't have touched her!" my tears started to fall. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" I punched his face many times but he did not stop me and nobody tried to stop me.

I released my emotions on him and saw his face covered with blood.

"Xandra, please, listen to me. You don't have to do that." I felt a hug on my back.

Grey stood up from the ground.

He didn't do anything and just standstill.

"Don't hurt him, please. You're way better than that, Xandra." She said next. If only you knew who and what I really was, you wouldn't dare to touch me when I am like this.

"X, I didn't know that you were friends. If only I knew-" Grey stated.

"What?! You wouldn't have touched her? This is why I kept it a secret from everyone, to protect the only person who made me feel normal!" I exclaimed.

"You have to explain everything to me, Grey. Or else, I will turn my back on this family." I announced.

I was declared the strongest second to Grey. And them losing me will be a big loss.

"Let's talk at my office." He walked straight to the elevator and waited for me.

"Just wait for me here. I'll get you out of here once we're done." I whispered to Violet's ear.

I followed Grey to his office.

He closes the door. His face has bruises and blood from what I did earlier.

"Explain." I coldly order.

"I didn't know what she is to you, and I'm sorry for what I've done to her." He said.

I walk my way to his office chair and sat down.

"What did you do to her?" I seriously asked. I already had a hint but I have to confirm it.

"I - was drunk and I saw her, and sexually violated her." He confessed.

"Now you're feeling guilty that you're talking about that to me?" I look at him intently. "I have been protecting Violet for five years since we met. I have been protecting her not just from those perverted men but also from this family. She's my sanity. Imagine this, a mother trying to protect her child from this cruel world and bad people, that's what I have been doing all these years Grey, but you have the gut to ruined it the way exactly I don't want it to be. I'm taking her away from you." I bravely said.

"You can't do that!" He yelled. "She's pregnant with my child! That child will be my heir, X. You know how this family works!" He desperately said.

"I know, that's why I'm taking her. I don't want her get involve in this mess! Are you even thinking?! You're proudly telling that your child will be your heir, you want to create another monster?! I'm done with this, Grey!" I shouted at him.

"So, this is what you get when you have explored the world with weak people. Your perspective has changed a lot." He laughs.

"They are not weak, Grey... We're not just normal, and you have to bear it on your mind." I said and left.

I went downstairs and took Violet's hand.

"We're leaving," I said.


"You can't be serious! The Sinister is already after her! She needs to be in my ground, X. That child is my heir and you know the rules, X." He tried to stop us.

"You don't have to remind me about the rules if you want to kill me, do it then, but as long as I'm alive, she's coming with me," I said firmly.

He blocks our way, took his gun out, and pointed it at my head. "Let her go, X." He commanded.

"Kill me, Grey." I look at him straight in the eye.

"Dude, you don't have to go that far!" Dwayne holds on to the gun.

"Don't take this personally, Dwayne. Your job is to protect me and my child." He said.

"Dude put the gun down," Dwayne commanded.

But Grey just hold the gun firmly and glued the gun to my head.

I was surprised when Dwayne took his gun out and pointed at Grey's head.

I felt that everyone at our back also took their gun out and pointed it at Dwayne.

"I told you, don't take this personally Dwayne, and stick on your job. What a wrong move to protect, X." He laughingly said.

I can feel Violet's hand is shaking.

This must have been shocking to witness.

Dwayne betrayed Grey for me. And everyone was prepared to kill him.

"Grey, I'm going with Xandra. Just let us go." Violet blurted out.

He put the gun down and so does Dwayne.

We walked past him and went to my car.

"Put your seatbelt on, we're leaving.