
. Missing

"Class dismissed, JJ, please stay behind," my teacher announced as the bell rang, signalling the end of the day. My friends laughed at my misfortune as I packed my stuff up.

My name is JJ Rain, I'm a 15 year old student in Kiola High. I have waist long pale blue hair, green eyes and glasses. People around me have told me I have looks as well. But, I don't think I'm anything special. After all I'm just another girl, amongst many others.

"Why do you need to see me, Miss Hans?" I approached my teacher once everyone had finally left the class.

"I noticed that you didn't sign anything down for your future on the form," Miss Hans said as she picked up my form we'd filled in during class.

"That's because I am already working, I'm sure my classmates aren't the only ones who've seen me working in the family restaurant," I explain to her as I perch on the edge of one of the desks.

"Ok then, you can go," she said, accepting my excuse, "be careful, tonight is the blood moon."

I nod and sling my bag over my shoulder, walking out.

On the eve of the blood moon supernatural occurrences take place and the evening and following day becomes the time of the non humans.

Every person has a sense of supernatural within them, but some of them are stronger than others making them a supernatural human in hiding, whereas everyone else is a human. We used to fight against each other but now the supernatural's hide away from the public until the blood moon. millions of people disappear to freely run around towns or wildlife as their true self.

I myself have never seen a supernatural before, however, I heard there was a school for them somewhere in the middle of no where, or sometimes the supernatural powers within a person could easily be awoken if the circumstances are right.

I turned the corner of the street that I'd been walking down to see my families restaurant.

"Mum, Dad, sister, I'm home," I announced as I entered the back entrance and knocked my shoes off in the doorway. My sister ran through the passageway and stopped in the doorway.

"Dad hasn't come home!" she exclaimed, "me and mother thought he'd be with you."

"Nope," I replied, pushing past her.

My sister's name is JoeJoe and she's my fraternal older twin. She has mid back long apple red hair, freckles bordering her nose and lower eyes. She wore contact lenses instead of glasses though. The only thing we shared appearance wise was the fact we wore glasses, or supposed to wear glasses. She went to a different school to me because we somehow caused an issue whenever we were together in school.

"Have you seen your father?" my mother asked as I reached the base of the stairs and she popped her head out of the living room.

"I haven't, sorry," I say to her before going upstairs and into my bedroom.

Although we had a restaurant with our house connected to it, we only had two bedrooms one bathroom, livingroom and a small kitchen (which we don't use because of the kitchen in the restaurant being bigger). Me and my sister share the master bedroom while my mother and father have the medium sized room.

After sitting down on my bed I notice that it's too quiet in the house. My father is usually yelling down the phone at someone at this time, my sister would be begging to train with me and my mother would be in the kitchen cooking. But with father not here, the whole house is silence and abnormal.

A few hours passed and my father still hadn't come home, I walked downstairs to see my mum walking back and forth through the livingroom and my sister was sat in the kitchen watching the door.

"He's still not come back?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone off the counter.

"no.. I am not going to lie, I'm scared," Joejoe tells me, I start dialling my dads phone number and waited for the static to stop and for it to start its usual buzzing. A couple seconds passed and the phone was picked up.

"Dad?" I asked, standing up straight, "Dad!"

There was no answer but my mum and sister quickly moved next to me to try hear what was happening.

Then I heard the sound of breathing.

"JJ," I heard my name being whispered in a very familiar russian English accent.

"Dad, where are you?" I asked him.

"Look out the window," I heard him whisper again. Frowning, I opened the curtains covering the front windows to see my father on his knees with his phone being held to his ear, a knife to his throat and a crowd of people in dark clothing. Dropping my phone, I took a step back in shock. My mum started crying silently and my sister just froze. I could see the tears crawling down my father's bruised face, an expression I'd never seen on him before.

"Hello Mrs Rain, JoeJoe and JJ," one of the men say down the phone, it must've fallen on speaker because it was unbelievablably loud.

"Who- who are you?" I asked, my voice shaking as I picked my phone up and placed it on the counter.

"We are L.I.A.R.. and your family are our victims on this very beautiful evening," the voice says again, as he reached 'beautiful evening,' his voice gradually got louder and more excited.

"You're the supernatural group the police have so much issue with," JoeJoe points out, I see the man nod, he looked up and I noticed his face had the marks of fire on them.

"We..have to get out of here," I say. My mother just looks at me shocked.

"What about your father?" she asked, I shook my head. The man outside started laughing maniacally.

"I'm so happy you think you can actually escape," he said amused, popping the 'p' sounds in his words.

He threw his arms out dramatically and allowed them to flare up in flames. He set my father's clothes on fire and then threw fire balls at the house. We all fell to the floor, crawling away from the burning window and my father's cries of distress.

My mother's sobs got louder and my sister had started wimpering.

For the first time in my life, I was terrified, I didn't know what would happen next.