
Kyuubi in Dxd

Transmigrated in Dxd World as a perfect jinchuriki of the Kyuubi.

Anotherhumanperson · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter 9

It's been a month since I became the Emperor of the Youkai, a Heavenly Youkai and I have to say I'm enjoying it. I don't really know why most leaders in anime or manga hate this. I know most of them hate the paperwork that comes with job, but I have come up with the perfect solution all leaders should know to do. Delegate all the freaking work. I gave Ay the title of Army General but he basically does the work of the defense minister, which is training a standing army and maintaining it. Whatever he does is not my problem since his advisor is The Demon Bull King and Enma trusts both of them.

Yoruichi got the spymaster job, where she is responsible for creating a spy network for us which brings in the latest intel fast. She works with Nurarihyon since he specializes in stealth using Senjutsu to hide his aura and presence.

Magatama got the external affairs job. He is the most friendly and most approachable out of all the Ultimates, so he got the job and he has Enma as his advisor since the old Geezer has a lot of connections with other factions and races.

Yasaka got internal affairs, but I created a council mixed with young, middle aged and old Youkai that act like a parliament that bring all the important shit to her so she's practically free most of the times.

I on the other hand get a report of the most important stuff every end of month to see. If there's something very important that needs my decision, they can bring the stuff to me directly. So I spend most of my time with Yasaka and Kunou, sometimes teaching them about my abilities to see if they can learn them. They also insisted on teaching me Youjutsu which I really don't need but I have the time so why not. I also spend time in my Hueco Mundo Dungeon levelling up like crazy.

Another Important thing is that we created a new much larger Dimension using the lay lines of Kyoto, Kanto and the Chinese cities which is the size of a small country where most Youkai in the world live in now, which we appropriately named Ura-Youki. It is located somewhere in the Dimensional Gap, with entrances in Kyoto, Kanto and all over China and Asia, which are guarded of course.


[You have reached the Limit of humans. You are no unable to raise stats any further.]

[Name- Naruto Uzumaki/ Kurama

Health- 1 000 000/ 1 000 000

Mana- 90 000 000/ 90 000 000

Level- 51 [5 100 000/ 5 100 000]

Race- Human.

Rank- Super[Currently Ultimate].

Title- Heavenly Youkai, The True Kyuubi Emperor.

Strength- 15 000

Speed- 15 000

Intelligence- 15 000

Wisdom- 15 000

Might:- 60 000

Points- 0]

I tried raising my Strength and Speed stat after levelling up once but nothing happened, so I decided to level up my other stats and today I have made them both also reach 15 000 which is apparently the human limit. I mean it makes sense, the humans who show high Ultimate body strength all either have a sacred gear or are using something to temporarily enhance their body like Touki or just normal Mana/ Magic.

The only way, I handle get stronger now, is to change my race or use power up techniques. Or I could do both. I could infuse a lot of my Kyuubi aura into my body every day to slowly mutate my body into a Youkai body changing me from being a human to a Youkai. If it fails, I can just rely on the fast regeneration spell to keep me together.

On the power-up side, I should start learning Senjutsu. Not Dxd Senjutsu, but Naruto Senjutsu. They are both kinda similar with Touki and the enhanced perception so learning Dxd Senjutsu wouldn't be much of a loss if I fail at recreating the Naruto one. With Senjutsu, I can combine the sage mode or touki with my transformation to make myself stronger like Naruto. Maybe I can even recreate Rikudo Senjutsu here with divine energy to basically make myself a God. True Kyuubi God Emperor doesn't sound bad.

"Luckily, Old man Enma said he's an expert in Senjutsu. I better ask him." I muttered as I used ID Destroy Spell to appear back in my room only find Kunou sleeping on my bed.

'She must have dozed off waiting for me.' I thought as I walk up to the bed.

"Wake up!" I said loudly while shaking her violently.

"Eeep!" she exclaimed as she jumped up, awake. Kunou quickly gave me a Tsukuyomi stare as soon as she oriented herself, but I had just the thing to get her happy again.

"Let's go continue your training." I said to the girl. This got her to immediately forget how I had just woken her up as she smiled excitedly.

"Today you promised to teach me about version 1." she said cheerfully.

"Yes, jump on, we're already late." I said and Kunou quickly jumped onto my shoulders as we left the mansion for the enormous backyard. I kept the design of the mansion the same as the one Yasaka had in UraKyoto for Yasaka and Kunou, plus I really didn't mind the design and I had our backyard reinforced with countless barriers for training Kunou and maybe Yasaka.

"Okay, are you now able to condense your aura until it's visible?" I asked the little girl who nodded furiously.

"Yes." she said as a slightly visible golden aura surrounded her small hand.

"Good. Now, I want you to to be able to cover your whole body. Like this." I said as I used a little aura to enter the mode Naruto used in the Chunin exams against Neji. My body was surrounded by a thin red-ish orange aura that was slightly flickering.

"We'll call this Incomplete version 1." I said and Kunou's eyes widened in excitement, "Okay, you try it."

"Ha!" she screamed as the pale golden aura around her palm started spreading until it covered her whole hand.

"I don't think I have enough of this aura thing." she said cutely.

"Aura, doesn't work like that. It seems you need a little help." I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Don't resist."

"What are you doin-" said a flustered Kunou but she turned silent when a thick red cloak immediately surrounded her with nine aura tails and two ears. I had just given her a complete version 1 cloak.

"How do you feel?" I asked curiously.

"Wow, I feel like I can do anything." she said while flexing her muscles. So cute.

"Good, I want you to memorize how the cloak feels around your whole body." I said and she nodded sheepishly. After about the minute, the aura I had passed to her depleted and the cloak slowly vanished.

"Ehh, it's gone." she commented disappointedly.

"Now, try again. This time don't start spreading your aura at a specific point like before but just cover your body with it like like how mine did." I said calmly and Kunou nodded sheepishly.

"Here goes." she said as she closed her eyes for a few seconds before her body was immediately covered in a golden Incomplete version 1. She opened her eyes and looked at her body for some moments. I quickly appraised her.

[Name- Kunou

Race- Kitsune Kyuubi.

Rank- Mid Class.

Might- 800.]

This is her page before she activated the cloak and below is the one after.

[Name- Kunou

Race- Kitsune Kyuubi.

Rank- Mid Class.

Might- 1 300.]

"Good, you did it." I said extending my hand to her head and patting her.

"Yay." she said happily while enjoying the head pats.

"Kurama-sama, I didn't know you were such a good teacher." said Yasaka who has been spying on us the whole time.

"I was wondering when you were going to show your self." I said, "Don't you want to try it yourself."

"Yes, mommy. Try it I feel so powerful." said Kunou who was still shrouded in a golden light.

"If you say so." she said and she too was covered in a golden aura coat, but hers was bright and strong unlike her daughters.

"Wow." commented Kunou excitedly.

[Name- Yasaka

Race- Kitsune Kyuubi.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 320 000.]

"I don't feel any different." she said while checking herself out.

"Curious. Cancel the aura." I said and Yasaka did as she was told. I walked up to her and tapped her on her shoulder and a thick red complete version 1 cloak appeared around her with her golden nine tails also shrouded by the aura.

"How do you feel now?" I asked but I could see her eyes wide open as she checked herself out.

[Name- Yasaka

Race- Kitsune Kyuubi.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 338 000.]

"I feel stronger." she said, but her status had already told me what I wanted to know. Kunou only got the technique right after she had a feel of my energy, meaning my energy or more specifically biju was the catalyst needed for the version transformations.

"How about this?" I said as I pumped more aura into her and using the version 2 spell on her. The reaction was immediate as the red cloak around her started to compress itself until it was a thin black and red aura around her. She now looked like a normal version 2 jinchuriki.

[Name- Yasaka

Race- Kitsune Kyuubi.

Rank- Ultimate [Currently enhanced to Super Class.]

Might- 500 000.]

"How, this power is amazing." said Yasaka in a distorted voice like how I sounded in version 2. I quickly cancelled her transformation and took back my aura from her and she immediately transformed back into her human form.

[An effect of User's title, True Kyuubi Emperor has been discovered.]

'Title's huh. I completely forgot to appraise them.' I thought while looking at Yasaka who was still shocked by the power she had so briefly possessed.

"Can you try it yourself now." I said which brought Yasaka from her daydreaming.

"Y-Yes." she stuttered and a golden aura immediately surrounded her, it was a full version 1 cloak and It looked pretty good in gold.

[Name- Yasaka

Race- Kitsune Kyuubi.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 338 000.]

"It worked." she said surprised.

"It seems I have the power to bestow my abilities upon other Kyuubi." I said thoughtfully, 'Not that it matters since we are currently the only Kyuubi in existence.'

"Big brother is so amazing." said Kunou who was standing at the side, still in her incomplete version 1.

"Well, if I can indeed do that, let's all change to our Kyuubi forms." I said excitedly, "I have something to teach you."





"What are those three doing?" asked Enma looking in the direction of the Mansion where all the explosions are coming from.

"I think that's Kurama teaching Yasaka and Kunou some of his techniques." responded Magatama lazily as usual.

"I knew that reinforcing their backyard was a bad idea, but I am curious what these techniques are." said Enma calmly.

"Me too, but we have a job to do. I heard that the devils want a meeting with us." said Magatama seriously while also sounding lazy. How he does this, I have no clue.

"The devils huh, they are a tricky bunch. I have heard that they are changing as of late." said Enma casually, "I thought that Old Crow Azazel would be the first to contact us."

"Gregori also sent us a letter." said Magatama, "But I got it just this morning."




"It seems we're going to have to put some noise cancelling barriers as well." said Enma messaging his temple.


[Title- Heavenly Youkai

-As the strongest Rank of Youkai, your words hold the highest authority amongst the Youkai.

-Youkai who you aren't hostile with respect you immensely and hostile one's fear to to the maximum extent.]

[Title- True Kyuubi Emperor

-A title gained by being a Transcended Class Youkai.

-Title allows host to have power over fox related Youkai.

-Fox related Youkai will treat you as their deity and guardian and have the highest regard for you.

-As a Emperor Rank, Your title scares the living hell out of enemies weaker than you and makes enemies equal in Rank respect you. This also works on friends, as allies weaker than you respect you greatly.]

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