
Kyuubi in Dxd

Transmigrated in Dxd World as a perfect jinchuriki of the Kyuubi.

Anotherhumanperson · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

"So you are the one Enma announced the Ruler of all Youkai, the True Kyuubi Emperor." questioned the Leader of the East Youkai Faction. He had the appearance of an old man with a gourd-shaped head wearing a kimono and he was eying me pretty intensely.

[Name- Nurarihyon

Race- Slippery Gourd Youkai.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 310 000.]

"Yep, that's me." I responded calmly.

"Is that so. Then I brought this sake as a gift for the new Ruler of all Youkai." he said while handing me a bottle of sake. I swear I could see pity in the uttermost corners of his eyes.

"Really, you're not going to even question it?" I said having expected some sort of scuffle from the old man.

"No, I honestly trust that Old Monkey's judgement." responded Nurarihyon dismissing the topic, "Anyway, today we are going to party until we drop. Well, after you beat down that fat bull from China."

"You really think he's going to challenge him." said Enma who had just opened the door entering the room.

"Of course, that fat bull is always looking for a chance to fight." responded Nurarihyon as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "But I have to say, even that fat cow must be excited by your announcement."

"Yeah, he might not look like it, but this kid is stronger than even Teacher Wukong." said Enma while patting my shoulder while laughing. Yasaka and the others also entered the room and started listening to the conversation.

"That strong, huh." said Nurarihyon curiously, "But you do know that not everyone is going to watch as all Youkai's unite."

"Yeah, that's why I didn't do it myself. Now if God-level threats do show up, we have the True Kyuubi Emperor on our side." responded Enma before both he and Nurarihyon started laughing out loud. Nurarihyon even swooped the sake he had handed me and started drinking it together with Enma as they chatted happily about the now 'bright' future of the Youkai.

"Are they always like this?" I asked Yasaka and the others.

"When they meet, they usually kick all of us out of the room, so we really don't know." she responded just as confused as I was.

"Yeah, but I've honestly never seen that Old Monkey this happy or excited." said Magatama in is usual lazy tone.

"Oh Great Kyuubi Emperor, will you beat up the cow king badly when he shows up." said Nurarihyon, clearly already drunk and he hadn't even finished the first cup.

"You'd think as a Gourd Youkai, he'll be more alcohol resistant." I said clearly surprised by the funny turn of events.

"I was honestly thinking the same thing." said Yoruichi.

Just like that UraKyoto immediately entered a festive mood. All the streets were decorated with Kyuubi related designs even the meals. Youkai from all around the world were welcomed in since it was a day of celebration for all Youkai. The streets of UraKyoto were packed to the brim with Youkai as they celebrated me. Not being narcissistic or anything, but I totally think I deserve it. I am pretty amazing after all.

Anyway on Kunou's request, she is currently sitting on my shoulders as she, Yasaka and I walk through the streets of Kyoto. We didn't bother hiding our identities as we all walked the city practically flaunting our nine tails and fox ears which earned us free snacks and a bit of worship here and there from other fanatical Youkai.

"Let's go that way, Kurama nee-san." said Kunou pointing to another food filled street with a pork stick in another hand.

"Ku-chan, haven't you had enough food for today." said Yasaka worryingly. Despite her body shape, Yasaka is only 1,71 metres tall meaning that I am currently taller than her.

"Umm umm." she reponded while shaking her head. Her mouth was currently filled by the large pork stick she was trying to devour.

"Don't worry, it's not like she'll get sick with magic around." I said easing Yasaka's maternal worries while turning to the street Kunou had pointed to.

"Kyuubi-samas, here have some wyvern on a stick." said a female Oni Youkai who was standing before her stand while giving us some free food. I took 3 sticks and handed one to Kunou and one to Yasaka and thanked the Oni Lady for the food. I have to treat my loyal subjects nicely after all.

"I don't deserve your praise Kyuubi-sama." said the lady as she prostrated herself before us. The privileges' of basically being the Emperor.

We moved on walking around the whole city making our subjects feel loved and important. It's my first day as royalty and I'm already killing it.

Anyway, we finally walk back to Yasaka's, no my mansion where all the Youkai executives were. I could see that a lot of Chinese Youkai were also here now also celebrating and chatting with other Youkai. There were some Ungaikyo, Kamaitachi, Nue, Yuki-onna, some Dog Youkai, Pig Youkai basically any kind of Youkai was there and I had to wait around as they came and greeted me. Since we never had the chance to enter the mansion, Kunou had already fallen asleep on my shoulders from the countless minutes I had to greet some other Youkai back.

When I finally got the chance to leave a large green circle with a bull insignia in the middle appeared in front of my mansion, and a 4 meter tall figure appeared over it and created a small crater when he landed on the ground.

"I King Yama, the Demon Bull King challenge the True Kyuubi Emperor!!!" shouted the giant minotaur like man. He had a human head with a thick black beard that covered most of it and two thick bull horns on either side. Instead of a muscular build you'd expect a Bull Youkai to have, King Yama had a large belly and thick fat filled arms that each held an axe. He had bull legs which looked comical on him, due to how small they looked on his enormous upper body. He was also wearing some three Kingdoms inspired armor.

[Name- King Yama

Race- Bull Youkai.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 320 000.]

"Can you hold her." I said as I handed the sleeping Kunou who looked so peaceful to Yasaka who was standing right besides me.

"I'm right here." I said as I walked towards the giant bull. The crowd parted as I passed through until I stood before him looking insignificant due to my 1,75 meter height.

"You don't look like much." he said cockily, but I could tell it was only to make me angry. I activated my Kyuubi transformation and I quickly transformed into a 180 meter behemoth looking down on the at the Bull youkai who was about a fortieth of my size. The crowd who had also seen my giant size for the first time also stood rooted in awe, since I wasn't releasing any aura. Actually due to my enormous size almost everyone in UraKyoto could see me and they all heard my voice when I responded to the Bull King.

"You also don't look like much."

The reason they hadn't seen me during my fight with Enma was because of the Isolation barrier that was being powered by Yasaka, Magatama, Ay and Yoruichi.

"AHHH!" shouted the Bull King as he jumped up to my eye level in an instant covered in thick white Touki aura as he swung his touki covered battle axes at me.

[Name- King Yama

Race- Bull Youkai.

Rank- Ultimate.

Might- 380 000.]

I quickly appraised him in his touki form, before I moved my giant hand at speed no one here could follow and flicked the charging Bull King away. The flick caused a very loud explosion as the Bull King was probably being hurled away at Hyper Sonic speeds.

"That's that." I said before I transformed back to my human-Kitsune form with the tails and ears.

"Yay!!!!!!" shouted all the Youkai happily at my overwhelming display of power.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!" I could hear the distinctive voice of Enma and Nurarihyon bursting out in laughter, probably at Yama's humiliating defeat. I ignored the happy crowds and laughing old geezers and walked back to Yasaka.

"Let's go put Kunou in bed." I said to Yasaka and we left the Youkai to their partying and walked into the Mansion to Kunou's room. It was a very large room which was mostly empty except for the bed, and small table.

I slowly placed Kunou on her bed since I had taken her from Yasaka at some point during the walk here. Yasaka gently covered her with her sheets and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"She's a lovely girl, isn't she." said Yasaka as we watched the sleeping Kunou. Not in the creepy way.

"Yeah. Although I met her just yesterday, I already think of her as my little sister." I responded truthfully. Us being Kyuubi is drawing us together, especially me towards Yasaka. The Kyuubi in me subconsciously wants her bad and it's strong emotions towards her are somehow affecting me. Her being otherworldly pretty isn't helping my case either.

"Growing up without a father has been hard on her." she said, obviously not expecting me to say anything in return.

"It was hard for me too." she said slowly as she turned to me.

"You don't have to be alone anymore." I said before I could even stop my mouth and her eyes widened for a bit.

"I'll be there for her, for you." I continued as I reached out for her hand and held it. Since I was already on this path, there was no turning back and luckily she didn't seem to reject the idea since she didn't remove her hand from mine.

"Really?" she said as she stared into my eyes and I stared into hers. But before I could answer, Freaking Ay walked in. I'll start calling him cockblock Ay, from now on.

"Your presence is required, great Kyuubi Emperor." he said, the last part full of sarcasm.


"That was pretty humiliating, huh." asked Yama as he stopped by Enma's and Nurarihyon's table.

"Yes, very much and I enjoyed it very much." said Nurarihyon clearly very happy.

"You stinking goard, are you still hung up about that sake I took from you." said Yama.

"That was 5 000 year old sake, you fat cow." retorted Nurarihyon angrily.

"But that kid is pretty powerful. Even stronger than that stupid teacher of yours. I challenged him for a rematch after his ascension and he wasn't that strong." said the Bull King seriously.

"Yeah, it seems even the world thinks it's our time. Giving us someone like him." responded Enma seriously.

"I just hope he's up for the task." said Yama as he sat on the table which surprisingly didn't break.

"He is but when he faces hardship, we'll be here to help him." said Enma while filling another cup which he lifted up for a toast, "To the age of the Youkai."

"To our Age." responded both Yama and Nurarihyon as they toasted.

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