
Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System

I had just finished reading a novel, and I suddenly felt an intense pain in my chest. When I opened my eyes, I was trapped inside something. I fought until I managed to get out. "WHAT?! I BECAME A SPIDER?!" "Wait, that spider... Is it trying to communicate? Kumoko?" #### Read 14+ extra chapters on my patreon: patreon.com/parodygirl my discord: discord.gg/5B4Fb6KDut

ParodyGirl · アニメ·コミックス
79 Chs

Chapter 11 - My body couldn't take it.

I waited for a long time. Fortunately, there were no Finjicote to attack me and reveal my location since I had killed them all.

There were no other monsters around either. It's probably because of the dragons since they're too strong and scare the other monsters away.

'I've waited so long that the editing effect has already been deactivated.' I was terrified, but now my resistance to fear has gone up a level, and I feel calmer. Let's edit again so I can make my attack.

Speaking of which, I noticed something curious.

'My other active skills use my SP, but my editing skill doesn't use SP or MP.' It's strange. It's as if this skill isn't part of this world and, therefore, doesn't use any of this world's energy.

I wanted to know how all this happened. How did I come to this world with a skill that shouldn't exist?

'It wasn't the administrator who brought me to this place. I'm an anomaly here.' I sighed and then made the necessary edits. I again set my strength and speed to 10,000 to attack those dragons.

They had their eyes closed and were sleeping soundly. 

'All right. I'll attack Gehre directly into his head. The head is the most sensitive part of every living being, right?'

I can be wrong.

'All right.' I walked slowly and out from behind the rocks. I approached the dragons to make sure they were asleep. These guys' senses are good, so they'll react if they're not sleeping.

And... they're sleeping. 

'...' I stared at the dragons for a few seconds and then took another deep breath. After that, I finally decided to attack. I used all the strength in my eight legs to fly towards them.

Yes, I didn't run. I flew.

I flew at high speed as if I were Goku using KI to fly. I flew straight to Gehre's head. I couldn't stop now.

However, I had forgotten an important detail. Gehre has extremely powerful perception skills. He could detect my presence and also the danger.

'Ah.' Because of his stolen abilities, when I noticed, Gehre already had his eyes on me and opened his mouth to attack me.

'Damn it!' Desperate, I threw a massive amount of my web towards his mouth. I threw my web over Gehre's face, causing him to start choking. And that's when things got complicated.

With his dimensional ability, Gehre disappeared, and then I realized that things wouldn't be so easy.

HP 41/56

'I've lost HP!' Just "landing" on Gehre's head was enough to take away a lot of my HP. I wasn't even hit by him!

'Fuck it' So I decided to attack him directly in the head again, using all my strength.

Gehre, who had already removed my webs from his face, noticed the danger of my attack and tried to avoid it. However, even though he is fast, my speed is even greater.

I used all my strength in my front legs to hit his head.


However, the two legs I used to punch him exploded into pieces. Because of my resistance to pain, I didn't feel much pain. Even so, despair struck me.

'Damn it, damn it, damn it.' I was still on top of Gehre's head, who was dazed by my attack. I thought about attacking him again, but I realized that my body wouldn't be able to take it.

HP 11/56

Besides, Kagna had woken up and was preparing for battle.

'I have to run. I won't be able to kill these guys.'

And that's what I did.

I put all my strength into my hind legs and threw myself towards the ceiling. I passed Kagna, who was still trying to understand what was happening, threw my web onto the roof, and held on.

Then, I quickly ran along the stone walls without looking back.

It was hard, though, as I was missing two legs.

'Damn, I hadn't thought of that! Even though I have a lot of strength, my defense is garbage! My own body couldn't handle my strength!'

That's why I should change my endurance and strength, not speed and strength!

'Wait a minute, I'll be right back!'

It was a failure. I only managed to take out half of Gehre's HP with my attack because my legs couldn't take it. If I'd had a good defense, my legs probably wouldn't have exploded, and Gehre's wound would have been fatal.

I would have blown his head off just like I did with the Finjicotes!

'What the hell~~' Still in pain, I hid among several rocks, used my web to protect myself, and stayed there. The two dragons probably don't know where I am. I can rest in peace.

It's a pity that by the time I go to fight them again, Gehre will probably have fully recovered.

'I confess, seeing Gehre in despair with my webs all over his face was funny.'


My HP was recovering slowly. I had already recovered some of it. My SP, which had also dropped a lot due to the use of edit skill was also recovering.

Although I don't use SP or MP to activate the skill, just because my body is pushed to the limit is enough to make my SP drop rapidly with any move I make. 

Especially in the previous fight when I changed my strength and agility to 10,000.

'Hmm, although my HP is recovering, my legs haven't regenerated. I need to level up.'

But I don't know how to do that. Here, where I am, there aren't any monsters. Also, the dragons are nearby.

'I should just run past them and look for other monsters.'



'Oh, you're kidding me.' The stones around me began to sway. Heavy footsteps were coming towards me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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