
Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System

I had just finished reading a novel, and I suddenly felt an intense pain in my chest. When I opened my eyes, I was trapped inside something. I fought until I managed to get out. "WHAT?! I BECAME A SPIDER?!" "Wait, that spider... Is it trying to communicate? Kumoko?" #### Read 14+ extra chapters on my patreon: patreon.com/parodygirl my discord: discord.gg/5B4Fb6KDut

ParodyGirl · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 12 - Gehre is very angry.

Even though I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer to me, I stayed still. I shouldn't draw attention. 'If these guys find me, I'm fucked. My HP is still low. What's more, I'm still without my two front legs.'

The only thing I can do if they find me is run.

'No, I shouldn't run.'


Then, my stomach rumbled. It's a terrible time to be hungry, mainly because my stomach starts to hurt.

I could hear the sound of the two dragons breathing.

And then...

'I have to get out of here.' Even though I didn't have the skill to detect danger, I felt like I had to leave this place as quickly as possible. And that's what I did. I used my ability to cut my webs and jumped away.

I jumped as far as I could.

Then, Kagna's dragon breath hit the same place I was before. The ground and walls shook from the impact of his attack. The breath had done a lot of damage to the labyrinth wall.

Then, I felt a chill run through my whole body.

'Damn!' Gehre, who had seen me flee, "teleported" behind me. I narrowly escaped his attack, but he still hit two of my legs.

I lost two more legs. Now, I only had one leg on the right side of my body. I couldn't run properly anymore.

HP 13/56

'Damn it, damn it. Edit my defense to 20,000! Right now!' I shouted in my mind, and the edit was applied in the nick of time.

Gehre managed to bite me, but his fangs couldn't pierce my skin, and I took the opportune moment to bite him and inject my poison into his body.

When I did, Gehre roared in pain.

He had no poison resistance, so my poison took effect quickly. However, it wasn't enough to stop him. I tried to swing on my web to escape since I couldn't run properly, but it didn't work.

I'm too slow. Using my web to swing was not a functional way to escape from a dragon with over 4,000 speed.

Gehre began to unleash various attacks, mainly using his paws. He started throwing me against the walls and floor of the labyrinth, but I wasn't being hurt.

Gehre was doing it with such force that the walls and floor were cracking, but I wasn't taking any damage.

'But this can't go on forever.'

Gehre moved away from me using his dimensional ability, and Kagna decided to attack. Believing that I only had a defense against physical attacks, Kagna used his breath.

I can't dodge this attack.

I tried to run using my remaining legs, and I also tried to use my web, but I'm not fast enough. Controlling this body with only four legs, three on one side and one on the other, is challenging.

'I'll be hit directly.'

I could see Kagna's breath coming toward me, and my whole life flashed through my eyes. My life as a human and also my short life as a spider. I felt that this was going to be a fatal attack.

Then I was hit.

My vision became blank. It was as if I was looking directly at the sun. But incredibly... I don't feel any pain, even though the attack hit me directly, I don't feel any pain.

'What's that?' Then, the attack stopped

Kagna, who had hit me directly with the breath, stood there staring at me in disbelief. There I was, sitting on the ground, without a single wound(caused by the breath) on my body.

'What? I didn't die? My defense is that high? 20,000 is too much?!' 

But this isn't the time to think about that.

'System, edit my offense ability to 20,000 too!' With my strength now at 20,000 and the certainty that I wouldn't be hurt, I finally put my fear aside and decided to face the two dragons head-on.

However, I noticed that they became more cautious.

Even though I was all wounded, without four legs and with my HP below 20, they were being cautious.

'I think Gehre could sense that I've gotten stronger.' Gehre was the most cautious among them. He continued to stare at me, not knowing what he should do. Gehre then looked at Kagna, and they both decided to attack.

Kagna, who wasn't fast, ran towards me. I threw my web on the ceiling and climbed up. Kagna tried to bite me, but I did a somersault in the air and fell right on top of his head. And then, with my remaining legs, I hit him.

I used all my strength.

My defense is very high now, so I don't have to worry about my legs being blown to bits after attacking him.

[ "Small Poison Taratect LV1" became "Small Poison Taratect LV2" ]

[ "Small Poison Taratect LV2" became "Small Poison Taratect LV3" ]

[ "Small Poison Taratect LV3" became "Small Poison Taratect LV4" ]

[ "Small Poison Taratect LV4" became "Small Poison Taratect LV5" ]

Kagna's head was blown.

'Ohhh! That's a lot of experience. 

I felt that something was going to happen, so I decided to run away. After I got out of Kagna's body, Gehre appeared where I was before. He looked at the body of his dead friend and then looked at me.

I could feel his thirst for blood, but I wasn't afraid.

I stood up using my hind legs and started punching the air as if calling him to fight.

It was enough to make Gehre roar and instantly appear before me to use all his hatred.

'Damn, I forgot he's so much faster than me!' Again, I was hit by Gehre. From then on, it was a one-sided massacre. While I tried to defend myself, Gehre kept hitting me and throwing me against the walls of the labyrinth.

Even though I felt no pain, it wasn't a pleasant sensation.

'I think I've made him too angry.'

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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