
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · アニメ·コミックス
86 Chs

White fang

The sudden and aggressive move by the Third Hokage spurred the hidden Root operatives into action, launching an attack against him. However, before they could fully surround him, a gleaming and chilling knife light materialized in the room.

In a swift and deadly display, ten elite Root members recognized by Danzo for their strength were mercilessly slain. Their necks were cleanly severed, leaving their lifeless bodies sprawled on the ground, now cold corpses.

Appearing behind Sandai on one knee, a white-haired Anbu ninja adorned with a white-fanged dagger and a dog mask revealed himself—Konoha's White Fang, Hatake Sakumo.

Witnessing the swift elimination of his subordinates, Danzo clenched his teeth, his heart filled with a mix of hatred and envy as he gazed at the white-haired ninja holding the distinctive dagger.

"white fang ! "

Danzo's thoughts raced back to a time when he had the opportunity to win over the loyalty of Konoha White Fang, the sharpest and most loyal blade in the Third Hokage's arsenal. However, despite his efforts, he couldn't sway the blade, for it possessed a will as pure as fire, unwavering in its allegiance to the Hokage's seat. Even in the depths of darkness, Danzo couldn't find an opening to manipulate this sharp, resolute blade for his own purposes.

Deep down, Danzo knew that Konoha White Fang's loyalty wasn't to the Third Hokage personally, but to the institution of Hokage itself. As someone who had never ascended to that lofty position, he lacked the qualifications to command such a blade.

"Curse it all, why did I hesitate at that time ?" Danzo's regret gnawed at him once more. Now, forced into a corner by the current Hokage's strength and the unwavering loyalty of Konoha White Fang, he couldn't help but lament his past indecision.

Danzo's composed demeanor belied the gravity of the situation as he confronted the Third Hokage alongside Konoha White Fang, recognizing that his chances of survival were slim with such formidable opponents.

"Hiruzen, do you place so much trust in an outsider?" Danzo's voice held a mix of incredulity and challenge, directed at the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage, taken aback by Danzo's question, furrowed his brow. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, don't you realize? Hattori Masanari is not just any ninja; he's an Ame-Nin, a renegade hostile to Konoha. Why would we trust someone like him just because he possesses hidden information, when we can't even trust the loyalty of the Uchiha clan to Konoha?" Danzo's tone carried a hint of disdain as he revealed the depth of Hattori Masanari's true identity.

Danzo knew that Hattori Masanari's biggest vulnerability lay in his compromised identity. As an Amenin and a traitor hostile to Konoha, exposing these truths could shake the Third Hokage's confidence in dealing with him.

The Third Hokage's determination to trust Hattori Masanari remained steadfast despite Danzo's criticisms.

"You have a point, Danzo. But Masashi Hattori has already demonstrated his sincerity by providing valuable strategic information about the Hidden Sand battlefield. As long as there's a chance that this information is genuine, I'm willing to take that risk," the Third Hokage explained, unwavering in his decision to proceed with the deal.

Recently, he had received the proposed trading conditions from Hattori Masanari through Jiraiya. The terms were not excessive; Masashi only requested an inheritance of torture ninjutsu and resources sufficient to train ten Jounin. This indicated a deliberate effort on Hattori's part to establish a friendly relationship with Konoha, which wasn't entirely untrustworthy as Danzo claimed.

"Hmph, you are still the same, you are too easy to trust people, what if this information is false. what if it is a trap set up by him and sunagakure ? don't forget, our Konoha just finished the battle with Amegakura, not long After the battle between the Sand Hidden and Rain Hidden, they both have a common enemy now, and that is our Konoha."

Danzo, however, continued to voice his doubts, deepening the Third Hokage's own sense of caution toward Hattori Masashige.

The Third Hokage pondered over Danzo's words. While he didn't want to entertain the idea that Masanari's information could be false or a trap, he couldn't ignore the possibility, especially given Konoha's recent conflicts with the Yu Nin, the Sand Hidden, and the Rain Hidden. They now shared a common enemy, Konoha, making the situation even more delicate.

Yet, he couldn't shake off the belief that Hattori Masanari had genuine intentions, especially considering the risk involved in obtaining the information. The involvement of Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law wellbeing in sharing this information added a layer of credibility, given Chiyo's character.

Ultimately, the Third Hokage weighed the risks and benefits, knowing that if Masanari betrayed Konoha again, the consequences would be dire. However, he also considered the potential gains from this alliance and the likelihood that Masanari wouldn't risk angering Konoha's formidable forces, including Hanzo.

The Third Hokage ignored Danzo's instigation once again, delivering an ultimatum: "I stand by my decision. The Root must cease all activities in the Land of Rain. If I catch wind of any interference from the Root in the deal with Hattori, you and your organization will face severe consequences in Konoha. Don't doubt my words; I will act on them this time."


Danzo seethed with anger at the Third Hokage's threat, his face flushing red as his murderous intent leaked out unintentionally.

However, The White Fang, positioned behind the Third Hokage, swiftly drew his dagger, fixing a sharp gaze on Danzo.

Any hint of aggression from Danzo would be met with the deadly blade of the White Fang.

Feeling the intense stare of Sakumo, Danzo's nerves jolted, prompting him to suppress his murderous aura and attempt to provoke again: "Hiruzen, Masanari Hattori isn't trustworthy. If he truly intended to deal with Konoha, he would have used Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law for the trade instead of engaging with Iwagakure."

"He seeks alliances with both Iwagakure and Konoha. Stop sowing discord. My decision stands—I will make the deal with Hattori Masanari. Your people must vacate the Land of Rain by tomorrow morning," the Third Hokage rebutted, dismissing Danzo's arguments.

With that, he turned to leave. His purpose in confronting Danzo was to assert his resolve, not engage in pointless debates.

"Wait, take a look at this. It will pique your interest."

Seeing that the Third Hokage was unwilling to engage in further conversation, Danzo realized this was his final opportunity to make a move. Decisively, he retrieved his latest ace from the desk drawer, swiftly producing a scroll, and addressed the Third Hokage.

As the Third Hokage turned away, a smile briefly flickered on his face. He knew his old comrade might still hold valuable assets, ones that might only surface under pressure.

Once the Third Hokage turned back, the smile had vanished, replaced by a cold expression as he stared at Danzo and the scroll in his hand. Impatiently, he questioned, "What is this?"

"You'll find out once you read it. Trust me, Hiruzen, if you don't, you'll regret it," Danzo replied mysteriously before tossing the scroll toward the Third Hokage.

Without hesitation, the Third Hokage caught the scroll. With Bai Fang by his side, he wasn't worried about traps. He immediately unrolled the scroll.

There were no traps, but the contents were astonishing, causing the Third Hokage's breath to quicken slightly.

"Is this information accurate?" the Third Hokage asked, closing the scroll and directing his question to Danzo.

The scroll detailed strategic arrangements of Sunagakure logistics on the battlefield and some unrevealed battle plans. If accurate, this intelligence could severely disrupt Sunagakure's plans and pose significant trouble.

The only drawback was the scroll's incomplete nature—it listed the locations of five secret warehouses and two inactive battle plans.

"Absolutely. This is precious intel gathered by the Root group under my leadership in the Hidden Sand," Danzo stated proudly.

This information came through a covert asset Danzo had embedded in the Hidden Sand. This asset had risen in the Hidden Sand's ranks, providing valuable intelligence.

The Third Hokage's doubts dissipated upon seeing Danzo's confidence and demeanor. Despite the Root's questionable actions at times, Danzo was skilled in intelligence gathering.

However, the Third Hokage was irked by Danzo's delay in sharing this vital information. It could have saved lives on the battlefield.

"Why didn't you share this sooner?" the Third Hokage demanded angrily.

"I acquired this information recently, and as a convicted felon, I lack the authority to directly approach you, Hokage-sama," Danzo retorted.

While Danzo's explanation seemed like an excuse, it held truth. He had only received this intelligence yesterday.

Still, the Third Hokage found Danzo's timing suspect. He had hoped for this information sooner, especially given its potential to save lives on the battlefield.

"It seems you remember your status. Then stay here honestly," the Third Hokage remarked, using Danzo's excuse to point out the inconsistency in his actions.

Danzo was seething with anger as the Sandaime Hokage ridiculed him, his face livid with fury. However, he knew he had to bear it for now if he wanted to protect himself and his root's strength from the overwhelmingly powerful Third Hokage.

"If you come across any more crucial information, you must inform me immediately," the Third Hokage stated coldly, noting Danzo's lack of retort.

"Actually, if you wish to acquire more vital intel, it would be in your best interest to allow me to leave. As you know, I'm severely restricted here, and many crucial details cannot reach me," Danzo proposed.

"You know that's not possible," the Third Hokage responded after a brief silence, rejecting Danzo's tempting request.

Indeed, Danzo being confined greatly diminished his effectiveness. If released, the Root's operations would escalate, and numerous vital contacts would be reestablished, providing a steady flow of intelligence from the Hidden Sand.

However, Danzo was now a convicted criminal stripped of political rights for life; his release was out of the question. Furthermore, with Master Mito still alive, the Third Hokage couldn't justify Danzo's release.

It wasn't about a thirst for the Hokage position; it was about stabilizing Konoha. The Third Hokage had toiled tirelessly, gaining an unparalleled understanding of Konoha.

"Why are you so fixated on rules? We are at war; special measures are necessary. I took immense risks gathering intelligence for Konoha. Do you think I'll be gone forever?" Danzo retorted angrily, frustrated by his captivity.

He yearned to leave. His abilities were stifled, and root's intelligence network was rapidly deteriorating. The current landscape was volatile, especially with the Uchiha clan's dangerous involvement and the Night Organization's relentless pursuit of the Root. Staying confined would eventually cripple the Root's intelligence network beyond repair.

"No rules, no system. Konoha upholds it's principles. As the Hokage, I must set the example. If I disregard rules, how can I expect others to follow them? You will remain here until further notice," the Third Hokage replied firmly, rejecting Danzo's plea.

The Third Hokage couldn't afford to ignore protocol and release Danzo. The consequences would fall squarely on him. Despite Danzo's past loyalty, he had become untrustworthy. Moreover, if released, would Danzo even return?

Contemplating Danzo's potential betrayal sent a chill down the Third Hokage's spine.

To Danzo, Hiruzen's words about rules were laughable. The Sarutobi clan had a significant influence in Konoha since his ascension. Many key positions were held by Sarutobi clan members, including Anbu leaders. The Head of anbu was help by his son and daughter in law. Even sakumo was relegated to being a sharp blade.

Hiruzen arguments held no weight in the face of Konoha's real structure.

Danzo was frustrated but had no choice but to endure. He then tried a different approach:

"Hiruzen, you may not be aware, but the Root is facing a grave crisis. A mysterious organization called the Night is targeting us, continuously dismantling our intelligence networks. If you don't allow me to leave, our external intelligence operations will crumble completely."

"The Night Organization?" The Third Hokage's expression shifted to alertness upon hearing about this mysterious threat targeting the Root, an organization that, despite its rebellious nature, was still an extension of Konoha's operations.

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