
Tsunade being a thug

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"What did you do to me just now?" Hyuga Rei's voice abruptly broke Kirito's train of thought.

"It's nothing major. I simply let you rest for a bit. After giving it some thought, and since you genuinely care about Hana, I won't actively seek her out in the future. But if she seeks me out, I won't avoid her. Can you accept this?" Kirito responded, refocusing on Hyuga Rei's query.

The ordeal Hyuga Rei endured with the caged bird was indeed harrowing, and Kirito felt a pang of sympathy, especially considering Hana Hyuga's tender age.

In truth, Kirito rarely had the time to interact with Hana Hyuga. Moreover, she appeared strong and self-reliant, unlikely to seek him out even if facing difficulties.

"Really? You're not deceiving me?" Hyuga Rei's eyes lit up, although a hint of suspicion lingered in his expression.

"I don't have the luxury of time to deceive you. Believe it or not, and remember, keep this conversation confidential. If it leaks out, my promise may not hold true," Kirito warned sternly.

With a wave of his hand, Kirito released Hyuga Rei from his restraints. Educated by his encounter with Kirito, Hyuga Rei vowed to keep silent.

"I hope you'll keep your word," Kirito remarked with a meaningful glance at Hyuga Rei.

Although Kirito trusted him, Hyuga Rei had once yielded to the caged bird's threat. If the Main family used it against him again and found out about their conversation, it could cause complications for Kirito.

Nevertheless, their dialogue wasn't harmful to the Hyuga Clan and, in some ways, could benefit them.

Moments later, Kirito dispersed the surrounding sealing barrier and swiftly returned Hyuga Rei to the ground using iron sand.

Upon Kirito's descent, Tsunade, his elder sister, approached with concern, inquiring about his well-being and offering immediate medical aid if needed.

"I'm fine, sis. It's not easy for anyone to bully me," Kirito replied with a smile.

After confirming Kirito's health, Tsunade turned her attention to Hyuga Rei, her gaze cold and disapproving.

Hyuga Rei shivered at Tsunade's icy glare, respectfully saluting her and acknowledging his wrongdoing without protest.

Tsunade's formidable reputation preceded her, especially after her exploits on the battlefield. Hyuga Rei had received treatment from her before, an experience he wouldn't soon forget.

"Rei, you've returned from the battlefield feeling invincible, only to bully younger ones? Here's your chance. Let's spar, bare-handed. I promise to give you a fair fight," Tsunade declared, her tone scary.

Hyuga Rei, aware of Tsunade power, didn't dare to object. He humbly accepted her reprimand.

"Forgive me, princess "

"Master Tsunade, I apologize for Hyuga Rei's actions. Rest assured, we will extend our apologies to Kirito on behalf of the Hyuga Clan," the clan leader interjected, seeking to mitigate the tension.

"Is that so ? Im not feeling the sincerity. Do you feel that our senju clan isn't what it was before ? "

Tsunade, however, showed no leniency. She reminded them of the potential consequences and warned them not to underestimate the Senju Clan's influence.

Despite the Hyuga Clan's attempts to reason, Tsunade's protectiveness of Kirito was apparent, and any attempt to harm him would undoubtedly incur her wrath.

The Hyuga Clan had underestimated Kirito's status within the Senju Clan and Tsunade's protective stance towards him, leading to their current predicament.

It was a grave miscalculation.

In response to Tsunade's stern demeanor, the patriarch stepped forward once more, taking responsibility for the incident.

"Master Tsunade, please accept my humble apologies. The Hyuga Clan acknowledges our mistake in this matter. As the patriarch of our clan, I will personally ensure a satisfactory explanation is provided to you. I assure you, the Hyuga Clan will never intentionally offend the Senju Clan," the patriach stated, lowering his stance and showing willingness to appease Tsunade.

His gesture of humility caught Tsunade off guard. She had planned to press further, using the Hyuga Clan's misstep to assert Kirito's status within the Senju Clan. However, the display of contrition gave her pause.

"Kirito, what are your thoughts on this?" Tsunade turned to Kirito, deferring the decision-making to him.

Kirito, sensing the tension, decided to de-escalate the situation. "Sister, let's end it here. I'm uninjured, and if Mr the Patriarch promises a satisfactory explanation, I trust him."

"Hum..alright. "

Tsunade, satisfied with Kirito's response, agreed to let the matter rest. She advised Kirito not to handle such situations alone in the future, emphasizing the support of the Senju Clan.

"Most grateful"

The patriach expressed his gratitude for the resolution, relieved that Kirito chose not to escalate the conflict.

Despite Tsunade's strong stance, she didn't want unnecessary enmity with a powerful clan like the Hyuga. Kirito's decision reflected this sentiment.

"Kirito, rest assured, the Hyuga Clan will provide a satisfactory explanation, and you will always be welcome as our guest," Hyuga Kazuma assured Kirito with a smile.

"As for rei..."

As the situation diffused, Hyuga Rei was suddenly attacked by a branch elder using a powerful Empty Palm, sending him flying and leaving him injured.

Tsunade observed the incident silently, her cold eyes conveying her disapproval but not intervening.

Afterward, The Hyuga patriach and the other Hyuga Clan members departed swiftly, signaling the end of the confrontation.

"Let's return home, Kirito" Tsunade advised as they left the scene.

"Yes, sister," Kirito replied honestly, taking Tsunade's extended hand as they returned to the Senju Clan.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru observed the scene from afar, lamenting Tsunade's protective attitude towards Kirito. He regretted not being able to recruit Kirito into his team, considering the potential advantages Kirito's skills could bring, especially in handling dangerous sabotage missions.

As he contemplated Hyuga Rei's actions and Tsunade's reaction, Orochimaru couldn't help but think of his own plans. He noted that despite Hana status as a branch member, Kirito valued him highly.

Orochimaru saw this as an opportunity to nurture Hana for future gains.

Thinking of Kirito's unique abilities, Orochimaru was intrigued by his mastery of natural energy. This was an area Orochimaru had long researched without success. He recognized Kirito's potential to significantly advance his own studies.

Orochimaru reflected on his past admiration for Minato due to his exceptional abilities, especially in cracking difficult sealing techniques. However, Orochimaru now saw Kirito's accomplishments as far surpassing anything he had encountered before.

Considering Kirito's young age and potential interest in immortality, Orochimaru decided to approach him about these topics after he gained more experience in battle. He believed that understanding death was crucial for appreciating life.

With these thoughts in mind, Orochimaru headed to his laboratory outside the village to continue his research.

Meanwhile, in Konoha Prison, The Sandaime Hokage led a group of ANBU elite ninjas to confront Danzo, the leader of the Root. Despite the tension, Sandaime understood the delicate balance of power involving Danzo and the Root within Konoha.

He had once trusted Danzo greatly and relied on the Root's support for various tasks. However, as their differences grew, the Sandaime became more cautious about Danzo's actions and the Root's influence.

Today, the Sandaime's visit to Danzo aimed to caution him about his actions and the growing dissent between them. However, he knew that any direct confrontation with Danzo could have severe consequences for Konoha's stability.

The information provided by Masanari Hattori to Konoha has been confirmed to be accurate. However, Sandaime Hokage doesn't know how Danzo got wind of this and has now dispatched his most elite members of the root to the Land of Rain to search for Masanari Hattori extensively.

Masanari Hattori had previously warned Konoha against any interference with the trade fair from Root members.

Danzo's actions have deeply angered Sandaime Hokage as they directly interfere with the critical transaction between Konoha and Masanari Hattori. The Sandaime Hokage is determined to ensure this transaction proceeds smoothly, especially since missing this opportunity to confront Sunagakure would be unforgivable.

To make his stance clear to Danzo, Sandaime Hokage has personally visited him today.

"Danzo. We need to talk "

"Hiruzen, since you're here, let's come in and talk. I've already prepared tea," Danzo's voice came from behind the cell door.

Upon hearing this, Sandaime Hokage pushed open the door without hesitation, entering the cell only to find darkness shrouding the room, with only Danzo's eyes glinting dangerously.

"It's too dark. Turn on the light, Danzo," Sandaime Hokage said calmly.

"Oh, can't you see clearly, Hiruzen ? it seems that you have been in the sun for too long, and your night vision has deteriorated. This is not a good phenomenon, after all, it is very common for ninjas to act at night. You'd better exercise more at ordinary times, otherwise, you will lose your step at a critical moment, and that will be your fatal weakness. more than that...Does a bit of darkness scare you, Hiruzen? I wasn't aware you got so weak."

Danzo didn't comply, not turning on the light and engaging in a sarcastic conversation about the Sandaime Hokage's supposed decline in combat readiness due to lack of exercise.

At the words, the Sandaime Hokage felt the sting of Danzo's words but maintained his composure.

This bastard taunted him that he hadn't been on the battlefield for too long and that his combat power was regressing.

He has indeed neglected to exercise for a long time, and his strength will inevitably decline, but this is also something he can't help. Konoha has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't even have enough time to rest. There is no time to Go for a workout.

However, he recently fought with the Kyuubi, and he also learned an interesting sealing technique from a cute and powerful junior who knows how to manipulate natural energy. To defeat Danzo and those roots hidden in the dark, his current strength is still more than enough.

"Hum.." the Sandaime Hokage then emitted a powerful chakra wave, causing cracks to form on the floor and overwhelming Danzo and his Root elites with the pressure.

"Turn it on "

Under the impact of this terrifying chakra fluctuation, Danzo and the root elites hidden in the darkness suddenly felt short of breath.

The huge pressure from the third Hokage made their hair stand on end, feeling that the man in front of them was extremely dangerous. they couldn't help but have the idea of ​​escaping from there.

They know they would be killed if he wanted to kill them.

Danzo's expression soured as he sensed the overwhelming chakra fluctuations emanating from the third generation. Despite being deep within the confines of the prison, he found himself surprised by the immense power he felt.

In his limited freedom, Danzo devoted his spare time to rigorous training. As the leader of root, he had access to abundant training resources and rare ninjutsu techniques, all thanks to Root's extensive resources. Recent improvements in his strength were evident to him, especially after mastering the S-level ninjutsu of the dark line, which was particularly effective against Uchiha clan members.

While Danzo remained in the shadows, his leadership of the Root necessitated engaging in covert battles against formidable adversaries. However, these contributions often went unnoticed by the general populace of Konoha.

Years of relentless training and combat had kept Danzo's overall strength at its peak and even allowed for gradual improvements. Nevertheless, he was taken aback by the sheer prowess displayed by the third generation; he harbored doubts about his ability to defeat the current third generation in combat.

'what a monster..damn hiruzen..' Danzo, surprised by Sandaime Hokage's strength, couldn't help but wonder how Sandaime Hokage had improved despite his lack of training.

As the tension rose, With the Sandaime Hokage urging, Danzo to turn on the lights, prompting Danzo to comply this time, dispelling the darkness in the room.

" Release ! "

"The Art of Darkness, he managed to master that S-level ninjutsu. No wonder he was so arrogant earlier. His strength must have improved significantly recently."

Sandaime Hokage was taken aback when he witnessed Danzo's use of the Art of Darkness, a Yin escape ninjutsu designed to create darkness and facilitate assassinations. It was clear that Danzo had been diligently training and had made a breakthrough in ninjutsu during his time in prison.

"I need to make more time for training. As the Hokage, neglecting training for too long is unacceptable," The Sandaime Hokage thought to himself.

Despite maintaining his overall strength, he acknowledged that consistent training was crucial to avoid a decline in combat readiness as he aged. He resolved to dedicate more time to training and rely on supplements provided by his wife, Biwako, to prolong his peak performance.

"Hiruzen, it's rare for you to visit me personally. Is there something important you wish to discuss?" Danzo, after dispelling the Art of Darkness, observed Sandaime Hokage's surprise and quickly realized the reason for his visit.

Danzo was well aware of why the third generation had arrived without prior notice.

The root members he dispatched had been quite active in the Land of Rain, and it was nearly impossible to conceal such activities from the keen observation of the third hokage.

Undoubtedly, Hattori Masanari, the troublesome ame-nin, would be at the forefront of the impending discussion with the third generation.

"Who is this person? Their ability to remain hidden is really impressive," Danzo thought about Masanari Hattori's elusive nature with concern.

Despite Danzo's confidence in the Root's intelligence gathering abilities, they had been unable to locate Masanari Hattori, much to his frustration.

"Cease all Root activities in the Land of Rain immediately," Sandaime Hokage cut straight to the chase without engaging in small talk.

"These activities are crucial for Konoha's intelligence gathering. I'm acting in the village's best interests," Danzo replied, defending the Root's actions.

"Danzo, this is an order, not a negotiation," The Sandaime Hokage asserted firmly, expressing the gravity of the situation

His words were backed by a surge of intimidating chakra, causing Danzo to step back in apprehension. 

The accuracy of Hattori Masanari's information has been established, making it imperative for Konoha to execute this deal flawlessly, without the slightest error

In pursuit of this goal, any obstacles, including Danzo and his Root operatives, must be swiftly dealt with.

For the sake of Konoha's interests, nothing is beyond sacrifice. Should Danzo dare to defy or refuse to comply, decisive action will be taken to eliminate him and any Root ninja who fails to obey orders.

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