
Kiss till dawn (BL)

Jinwo, 17 years old and a very quiet person who likes to be alone. After he moved to a new home with his mom he also went to a new school, where he met Minjun, the popular boy. Jinwo feel unwillingly in love with him, but didn't want to admit it at first. But then Minjun unknowingly broke Jinwos heart. Jinwo went on with his live and went abroad to graduate in America. As they got older they met again, but what will happen? Can Jinwo love Minjun again? Does Minjun even want Jinwo to love him or sees he Jinwo just as a friend?

hanni_gurl_14 · LGBT+
17 Chs

2. Sweet dreams after school

The day was long.

Class was so boring, that I almost fell asleep. The boy with the scary look and handsome face is called Minjun.

I asumed that he was the popular boy in school with his good looks.

Everyone talked about him and the girls were so clingy.

He must be really annoyed, but if he really is, he didn't show it.

He didn't even glare at them as he did at me. What an arrogant bastard.

Bored, and alone because I didn't have any friends here I walked down to the cafeteria. My stomach groald as I walked through the door.

The cafeteria was full with students.

There voices came from everywhere.

'So noisy', I hate noisy places.

As I pushed myself through the large group of students I bumbed into someone or someone bumbed in me.

Hot soup dripped down on the floor.

My shirt was completely wet and my hair was drained.

I looked up to the person who bumbed into me, and what a coincidence, it was Minjun.

I gave him the dead stare and walked away.

In the boys restroom I tried to get myself dry somehow.

Well it didn't work exactly how I wanted.

In the end I at least got my hair dry, but my clothes were still wet.

I took them off and laid them over the small heater.

I tried to get my upper body dry with some tissues, which worked very well.

Luckily I still had some time until I had to went back to class, so my clothes can dry.

The door creaked and scared me for a moment, but 'it's just a student who needs to go to the restroom', I thought.

But it wasn't just a student as I thought at first, it was Minjun.

He held a little bag in his hand and gave it to me.

In the bag there was some instant ramen. "Sorry that I bumbed into you earlier."

Minjun said.

'And this guy is an popular boy?

Are you kidding me?!'

He stood there with his face down like a puppy who did something forbidden.

"It's ok, and thanks for the ramen."

That was my answer.

He looked up, now you can see the popular boy in him, just thanks to his looks.

Whatever, after that he just left and I didn't see him in class anymore.

In the evening I went home.

I was dead tired and fell asleep imiditialy. "Sweet dreams."

My mom whispered to me before I fell asleep.