
Kiss till dawn (BL)

Jinwo, 17 years old and a very quiet person who likes to be alone. After he moved to a new home with his mom he also went to a new school, where he met Minjun, the popular boy. Jinwo feel unwillingly in love with him, but didn't want to admit it at first. But then Minjun unknowingly broke Jinwos heart. Jinwo went on with his live and went abroad to graduate in America. As they got older they met again, but what will happen? Can Jinwo love Minjun again? Does Minjun even want Jinwo to love him or sees he Jinwo just as a friend?

hanni_gurl_14 · LGBT+
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17 Chs

1. Wanne go home already

At 6 in the morning my alarm woke me up. Tired I went into the bathroom an glanced in the mirror.

Wow, I looked terrible!

Under my eyes there were dark circles and my hair stood up in all directions.

I looked like a mess!

I sighed, it was the first day at school and to be honest, I didn't want to go.

Still, I also was a little excited and nervous.

'Hopefully the kids in my class won't be so annoying as the ones in my old class'

I thought.

I got ready and went downstaires, my mother was also up and was greeting me friendly.

"Good morning, Jinwo.

I allready made you breakfast and your lunchbox for school."

Fascinated I looked at her.

My mom usually doesn't do someting like this for me.

"Thank you!"

I said in a friendly voice.

My mom was the only person who could make my day a little brighter no matter in which situation.

Quickly I ate breakfast and took my lunchbox. Then I left the house and walked to school. Luckily school was just a 10 minutes walk away.

So I didn't need to go by bus or with my bike. Because it was still early in the morning I was one of the first ones in school, and the only one in my class.

Because I was still super tired I put my head on my table and closed my eyes for a moment.

But a little while later I heared voices which interupted my little beauty sleep.

Annoyed from the voices I looked up and saw a group of students walking into the classroom.

Unintressted I turned away again and looked out of the window.

Then, a boy let himself down on the chair infront of me.

I guess I glared at him without notice, 'cause out of nowhere he turned around and looked me direct in the eyes.

That gave me the creeps and I imiditialy turned my head away.

'He is handsome'

I thought.

Well, very handsome.

But his glare was really scary.

I sighed, 'I wanne go home already'.