
(Part 4)

Alan once again rushing towards the pitch bowled harshly. The ball fiercely slamming on the ground went upwards. Ryan eyeing the ball ducked down, "A short length bouncer."

The ball going above Ryan's hand landed in the wicketkeeper's hand. Alan taking deep breaths wiped the sweat over his forehead.

"Come on Alan, don't be pressurized. Calm down a little and focus." Ryan advised mockingly.

"Oh my god…" uttered Feng slapping his forehead. "Can't he for once just let things go?!" he asked in utter disbelief.

"If he could, then he wouldn't be Ryan to begin with." Helios remarked awkwardly. "That little rascal of yours is really out of it." Aaron commented pulling Ren up who turned around looking at the two of them on the pitch amused.

"Yeah… he is one hell of a rascal." Ren remarked.

Alan tapping the ball up and down nodded, "Thank you for your concern little prince, but I don't think you need to remind me."

"Moreover, since last two balls are left now. How about I get a little serious?" he asked with a suddenly smirking. Ryan silent took his position vigilantly.

Standing back Alan gazed at his right hand wrist which was covered with a black sports band. He instantly removed the band revealing his bare wrist which was slightly red.

Rubbing it Alan whispered, "Free at last hun… come, let's shine, even if it's within the last two balls."

Tossing the ball lightly he made his way towards the pitch with a low pace. "Looks like, Alan removed his weight band." told Isa. "He must be using that." told Zach surely.

Rauf glancing at Alan suddenly asked, "Nagi, how much weight does Alan carry on his wrists?" Evan and Haruf too eyed him curious. Nagi looking at his diary turned the pages around, "From my latest records, the weight Alan is carrying on both his wrists and feet are 25 kg at the very least." Hearing his words Kazuna eyed him astounded.

"Are you serious? You mean 25kg both on his both wrists and ankles?!" asked Senri twice more shocked.

"Indeed that's the case moreover, I don't joke over things like this." Nagi replied. "Don't tell me he was playing with this much weight on him since the beginning?" asked Orion and Elias together.

"Seems so…" replied Ren. Rauf, and Evan eyeing each other gazed at Alan wordlessly.

Stepping onto the wicket line, Alan once again bowled. The ball with the speed of lightning approached towards Ryan swiftly who taken aback for a moment whispered, "A fast bouncer aiming above…" however the ball went past him before he could even complete his sentence straight into the wicket keeper's hand. The middle schoolers eyeing each other stood speechless.

"So how was it? Tell me, how does it feel when you can't detect this fast ball and react? Enthralling right?" Alan winked his eye heading back.

"Say, did you even see the ball?" Azazel rubbed his eyes.

"Nope, we didn't. It was that fast." replied Cassiel.

"Does this big of a change happen when someone removes their wrist band?!" asked Adam shocked while Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"Alan was wearing weights that's why. The moment he removed them, his power of throw increased." told Kenzo.

"Does that mean, our prince's detection is completely sealed?" asked Ezekiel nervously. "No it isn't. Ryan's detection has no limits. He just have to stay focused. That's it." told Xavier.

"Now that's not bad." Ryan commented tapping his bat on the ground.

"The last delivery hun…" gulped Orion. Alan once again approaching towards the pitch bowled rashly towards Ryan who smirked, "So you'll end it with a slow fast ball hun…?" he asked tracing the ball and slamming against it as his eyes burned blazing green.

"So hard?!" Ryan thought getting pushed back. Alan with a smile turned around "Sorry my boy, this delivery will not be in your favor." he stated.

The pressure from the ball quaked the bat as Ryan's grip loosened as both the bat and the ball went flying away. Everyone surprised stared at the pitch flabbergasted. "Oh my god…" whispered Ezekiel and Feng with their gazes widened.

"Alan's fast ball has reached Zach's level of speed and power in such short time. I wonder what he did back at America when he was away." wondered Aaron worriedly as Haruf and Evan agreed. Rauf and Nidou to eyed him wondering.

Ryan looking at his hand wondered baffled. "So how was it little price, playing against me?" Alan asked picking his bat up. Gazing at it, he gleamed, "Wah! Little Kazu, Kazu, has grown much more proficient at fixing bats. To think it even withstood my fast delivery. You really are lucky to have it patched up by him." He handed it to Ryan.

Ryan snatching it back walked away. "You agitate me…" he uttered cross. Alan blinking his eyes sighed, "Haha… I seem to do that to everyone." "But still… you are worthy."

Ryan added, "And, I'll make sure that I beat you, the next time we stand against each other."

Alan slightly surprised nodded back, "The pleasure is all mine. However, next time make sure to use tricks your father taught you as well. You might hate him or have a sour history with him but his words and teachings will one day indeed turn out as a blessing for you which will conquer the world just like he did." "

Moreover, a sour history with your own father… don't worry, you aren't the only one on that page, I am right there with you." he whispered looking at Nidou with a soft smile who stared back at him expressionless.

Ryan turning around replied with a sly grin, "Well sorry to disappoint you, I don't want to do that. But, I will use some tricks of his for my own benefit and create my own new style to beat him, Ren, You and everyone else who stands in my way."

Alan nodding walked towards the highschoolers while Ryan went towards the middle schoolers who waited with heartwarming smiles. "A persistent brat indeed. Fit to be called a prince…" Alan thought amused.

Seraph nodding at Adam and Cassiel went into the ground from where Ryan returned. "Welcome back, buddy!" cheered Feng happily while Theo and Mikael stepped inside the ground. "Good job!" cheered Mikael hugging Ryan.

"Brother Mikael…" Ryan whispered lightly. His expression unseen, he stood silent.

"Geez, what's with this face? It doesn't suit you at all." told Adam crouching from below.

"Cheer up! Hehe…" he consoled showing him a victory sign.

"Very well done, young prince. Now let me take it from here." Seraph encouraged entering the ground as Ryan went inside the pavilion.

Kenzo smirked, "Tch! to think I would see your face like this. It seriously pisses me off." Ryan keeping a towel on his head stayed silent, not daring to reply back.

Poseidon looked at Helios and Ezekiel nervously. Xavier standing silently before him stared at Seraph. "That little prince really isn't arguing back… did he really suffer that big of a blow?" asked Heber blinking his eyes restlessly as Azazel shook his head.

Feng and Seles stared at him silently. Xavier staring at the ground suddenly turned around, a vibrant smile resting on his lips. He looked at depressed Ryan.

"So how was it…? Playing against someone of the same level as Hugo?" he asked abruptly.

Ryan clenching his fists uttered, "Annoying..."

Xavier upon his words chortled, "That's good then." Ryan standing up walked over the seats, seating himself like the king before the stadium.

"Ah… he's hella annoying… First father, then Captain Hugo and you and now… it's those rascals. Makes me feel like beating them all!" he claimed resting his bat on his shoulder.

"After all, hasn't the fight just begun?" he asked with a wild sneer. Adam eyeing him cheered up rushed over, "Yeah! The fight's just begun!"

"Good grief. And, here I was worried for no reason." sighed Feng while Theo patted his shoulder.

"Looks like our prince is back hun. Now… it's time to change the game…" Kenzo ordered. Helios smiling at Cassiel agreed.

"Brother Xavier." Ryan called.

Xavier turned around, "Yes?" "I'll beat him…" Ryan whispered.

"Huh?" asked Xavier puzzled as Poseidon looked at Kenzo complexly. "I'll beat them both up. Alan Rex Lorenzo and Hugo Al Luth. Don't worry… this was just the prelude." Ryan declared.

Xavier surprised for a moment turned around, a silent smile resting his lips he murmured, "Alright… I am counting on you."