
Kingdom Conqueror

After exploding in a ball of fire Navy Seal Kane is given a chance by a shameless god to reincarnate with a system that will help him become a Conqueror who will rule the world. He will summon his armies to war and rise to the top. From a bandit to a king all the way to Emperor of all. He will be able to slay any man, monster, or woman. Time to have some fun and make this world his. PS: This is my first novel and will probably not be the best, but I will enjoy it and hope you enjoy it as well. It will hopefully improve in story quality and writing quality the more I write so please be patient while I test the waters. If you do not like harem or opmcs or systems then please know this book is not for you. This book will also be slow-paced especially in the beginning. Sometimes in the late game, there will be some fast-paced content. Also please feel free to give me advice about my novel and if there is something you want to see. The last thing is that I do not own the cover so if you own it then please let me know and I will take it down if you want me to.

KingOfDragons · ファンタジー
131 Chs

Chapter 11

After an eventful morning that included Kane falling off a roof and an earth-splitting headache, he finally headed out of the bandit camp to go see the Romans. While he was walking he noticed that he had a lot of unread system notifications so decided to check them out while he walked.

[Congratulations on completing the hidden mission: Stand and Deliver (Commit a crime) Reward: 200 shop points.]

"I am glad for the reward but did the system really need a mission where the goal was to commit a crime?"

[Congratulations to the Host for improving relations with Lonely Highland Woods Bandit Camp. Current relationship Friendly -> Admiring]

[Congratulations to the Host for leveling up. Current level: 4. Reward: 300 shop points, 4 F-rank troops summoning vouchers].


[New mission: Gain the bandit's absolute loyalty and have them join you in your journey. Reward: 20 F-rank horse summoning vouchers, 200 shop points.]

"Ok well, now I will be able to get a reward soon. That's pretty amazing!" Kane was really happy with the rewards that the system gave him. "How many shop points do I have BOT?"

[930 shop points]

"Wow, I have a lot now. This will be useful. I think it's time to go on a shopping spree" Kane said with joy. He was planning what he needed to be done at his Roman camp. He personally did not need anything at the moment so he thought it would be best to deal with the Roman camp first.

Kane finally arrived at the waterfall and went inside it. He noticed that the small cave entrance behind the waterfall had been blocked. The entrance looked like the rest of the stone wall. Kane was surprised but thought it was clever that the Romans disguised the entrance. He knocked on it to see if they would answer.

"Is that you Lord Kane?" said a vigilant voice. "Yes I have returned" replied Kane. The rock disguise was moved to the side and a saluting legionnaire was greeting him. "Ave!" he said. Kane nodded at the legionnaire and walked inside. He was greeted by the legionnaires who were standing next to each other shoulder to shoulder. They were saluting him as well. Annius stood in front of them. "Welcome back Lord Kane" Kane was happy at the legionnaire's efficiency. "Good job with everything Annius. I have some stuff to do around camp. Do you have anything to report?" Annius nodded and gave Kane the tour. Besides the disguise to the entrance, there was not much. The 2 tents were set up but the one given for storage was used by the troops as well. The legionnaires decided to put the things they got in the cave.

"We thought that it would be fine because we are in a cave so we do not need to worry about anything being stolen," said Annius. The legionnaires have been hunting had made a pile of furs, bones, and other important parts of beasts were put in an organized pile. There was also a pile of different ores which Kane was surprised about. "Where did you get the ores?" asked Kane. "We found out that this cave has another cave and it's filled with these. We did not have the means to mass mine them but we did get some out and put it in this pile," said Annius. "Really? That could be really useful" Kane looked at the assortment of metals. He knew that metals would be essential in the late game. "I will figure it out later," Kane told Annius before heading off to sit on a stone to explore the system shop. He planned on upgrading this camp and his army.

Kane was looking at this world's summon function and all the unlocked races he had. He saw something useful but had to be sure his idea would be feasible. "System are the basic dwarfs offered in the system shop good at mining and blacksmithing?"

[Yes in general all the Dwarf races are good at both. Some more than others. If you directly buy a troop or follower you can customize their professions as well as equipment, personalities, and looks. This applies to the followers in this world but not the others because they are already created. The only followers whose personalities and looks can be changed are the followers from this world. Beasts/animal's looks can also be customized.]

"Ok, thanks for the answer BOT. Also, what is the technology level in this world? And can I summon modern followers?"

[No you cannot. The technology in this world is strange. The world with all its different races and groups have created many different things with their skills. There are things like magic so there is magical technology and others things too. But it's not like they have electrical technology it's just magic or steam. Some of the Dwarfs have created some amazing things.]

"Ok that's very complicated but It is interesting to know about. I hope to unlock some of that technology one of these days." Kane decided to use the 4 F-rank vouchers on dwarfen warriors because they were just normal troop vouchers. He needs specific vouchers for things like blacksmiths and miners. He also knew they would be strong enough to mine the caves. Then he decided to create a commander for the dwarfs who had the blacksmith profession.

"System how much for my Dwarfen commander?" Kane had created his next follower. It was a basic Dwarf because that was the only type he had unlocked. It came with all the other basic unlocked races. His commander was bulky with a huge white beard and bushy white hair. He had slight wrinkles and a chunk missing from one of his ears. His personality was set to have a determined mindset when it came to his work but a fun mindset when it came to being with people he cared about. "I am proud of this guy" Kane decided to name the dwarf Brammorli Rubyminer.

[You have included a Roman centurions armor with him plus the blacksmith and commander professions. He is a Rank-C follower. All together Brammorli Rubyminer is 440 shop points. Do you still wish to buy?]


[Brammorli Rubyminer is being summoned]

[930 -> 490 shop points]

There was a big white light that blinded Kane and the Romans. Then when the light died down Brammorli Rubyminer was standing in front of Kane. He looked heroic and had a smile plastered on his face. "Ello Lord Kane my name is Brammorli Rubyminer and I am here to hammer metal into swords and your enemies into mush!" the dwarf said to Kane. "Welcome Brammorli I am glad to have you join me," said Kane who smiled at the dwarf's personality. He was happy with Brammorli. Next, he summoned the 4 dwarfen troops who he decked out with legionnaire armor which cost him 80 shop points. Then when he arrived he put them under the command of Brammorli Rubyminer. Last but not least he decided to buy a forge and another tent for the dwarves. It cost him a total of 30 shop points. Now the beginning of his army had grown and the camp was improving. He decided to have 1 tent for the officers (Annius, Brammorli) and the other 2 for the troops.

"This may not be much but it is a start," Kane said happily to himself.

[380 shop points left]

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