

early in the morning at 8 am looking at the huge bed and women all sleeping in the bed he cannot help but think *this is the life of king should have and not those so many problems* then laugh weakly.

after washing up and dressing up with the help of a servants he ask to call sebas the head butler.

he then goes to the throne room waiting for sebas but he did not wait no longer than few minutes and sebas came and bowed to him and said "his majesty what can i do for you?"

"go and call for all the noble houses for meeting here" then wave his hand to let sebas go and do it right away.

Sebas bowed again and left.

After sebas left williams goes to the dining room to eat and have an energy for the meeting later.

50 mins later all the noble lords came to the great hall waiting for their king to arrive.

not long after william came following him is the 12 royal guard the greatest warrior in the kingdom.

seeing him all nobles bowed and shouted "WE SEE HIS ROYAL MAJESTY"

williams then sat down at the head chair cause now there a long table in the great hall and both side are the nobles sitting there and accordingly to their rank.

sitting at the lord chair williams said "now since the council are still not created i would need all of you to be my advisor for the time being though i already did think for the candidates for other position in the council and just the high chancellor is left now i'm gonna have you guys help me to think who is the right person for the position."

All 50 nobles nodded and agreed to his word.

"now sebas here will say the candidate i made and their position and their work"

and sebas came behind of willias holding a document.

"as his majesty made a decision yesterday here is the list of it.

first for the position of master of the purse lord kevin tennison will be responsible for the royal treasury and expenses and income

second for the position of high steward were given to me by his majesty responsible of all the things inside and outside of the palace and will also be responsible for eyes, ears, arms of the king.

third for the position of lord warden were given to the kingsguard commander 001 medieval soldier

fourth for the position of master of sail were given to king level commander 001 modern soldier.

and lastly is the representative of the citizen which were waiting for the citizen to choose

That's all"

After hearing that kevin tennison were appointed as the master of the purse they all cheered and felt that the position is perfectly made for him cause he's engage in finance and own such a large bank now the only problem is the high chancellor such important place should not be put in just someone hands.

after sebas read the document williams said "now i'm sure you all agree to the people i put in those position after all currently there's no one better than them"

hearing this they all nodded cause they all agree to it.

"now the only problem is the position of the high chancellor"

then joshua cruz suddenly stood up "his majesty i would like to nominate bruce lawrence for the position of high chancellor"

hearing this all of them are shock specially bruce he did not believe that joshua will nominate him.

"ohh? and why is that? tell me a good reason for his nomination"

"yes, his majesty may not know but bruce is a triple degree holder he not only has a degree in finance he also have degree in economic and a degree in psychology and several masteral such as communication, that's why i think that he's the perfect candidate for the position"

when other heard such high achieving person in front of them they cannot help but feel in awe cause such person is one of them.

"as your lord i didn't know that lord bruce lawrence what do you say in the position of high chancellor your job is to give advise to me take care of my kingdom i made the council to be the decision maker of my kingdom except for major events"

thinking deeply bruce made up his mind and stood up and said "his majesty as long as you don't like me i would like to take on the position and shoulder the kingdom for you"

"hahahaha good today the council are success fully created" william said and stood up and raise the cup and shouted "FOR THE ARCADIA KINGDOM" all other noble lords followed suit.


few hours later the announcement were made which made the citizen to cheer.

now at the council chamber the official meeting were made and william started the meeting.

"now that the council is done lets start the meeting i would rely on all of you"

all 6 people shouted "PLEASE LEAVE IT TO US"

"now let's start with lord warden currently there's only a 500 city watch right?"

"yes your majesty we will need to increase it specially in the inner wall it is still being help by some member of he city watch i would like to ask to add more personel and categorize them and then i would like to start recruitment of soldier..." the kingsguard commander now named gilbert petersen said many things at once.

"well do what you said and ill send you the additional personel to add in the city watch in the outer wall and for the inner wall ill create a new divisionfor it."

"next is the master of sail"

"yes your majesty as we all know currently there's only 1 warship with 500 personel on board i would like to ask his majesty to also exapand it too..."the king leve soldier 001 now named winston hodge also said many things

"hmm yes we also need to expad it the kingdom surely now know what's happening here so we now need to expand our military"

"next is the high steward"

sebas bowed "yes your majesty currently there's nothing much going on since the palace and the whole kingdom are new it's up keep should not be burden for the time being in the coming years it's just that currently we don't have a intelligence network so i would like to ask your majesty to let me operate the intelligence department"

"hmm we'll do that"


It took hours before the first council meeting ended and soon he came to the study room and said "system you there?"

(ding, congratulation to the host for establishing the kindom reward are being distribute)

"!!! there still a reward for this?" feeling shock and excited 

(ding congratulation to the host for getting royal crest banners and upgrading the 12 kingsguard they are now proficient in both sword and weapon)

"PERFECT hahahahaha"

"i'm still thinking on the royal crest but now i no longer need to worry about it ill now just worry on the coat of arms of different military departments."

[https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/103793966404549520/] *reference only*

"and the biggest gain is the 12 kingsguard cause they are now truly the strongest warrior in the kingdom" now he could feel the adrenaline rush flowing in his vein.

after calming down he look at the royal coat of arms he was extremely satisfied so he called sebas "sebas come in"then he heard a knock on the door and sebas came in.

"your majesty what can i do for you?"then he bowed.

"this is the royal coat of arms from now on ask some artisan to make many flags and raise it to all top point of the palace and the inner walls and outer walls and make a big ones and put it at the highest point of the palace and another in the great hall behind the throne and small ones in each pillar in the great hall..."giving a series of order to sebas on sizes and places.

after giving order and letting sebas go back he soon put his attention on to military expansion he then first created the intelligence department cause this is the most important one.


*Ps. author here ill make a seperate auxilary chapter to introduce the departments of military and the ranks please wait for it*

after another hours and hours of buying soldiers in the system in order to expand the military,navy, and airforce the military are officially manned and ready to go to war.

Looking at the window he saw that it's already dark outside so he goes back to his royal chamber and with the help of the servant he was cleaned and dressed in night dress he then spend the night with charlotte in order to make the first prince/princess of the kingdom and the night of another battle started.