

Few weeks later after the first council meeting the preparation and reqruitment of soldiers are now complete now there are over 60,000 soldier there are 20,000 medieval soldiers, 20,000 modern soldiers, and 20,000 recruit participating in the campaign to occupy the shiya kingdom since now they are at there most vulnerable state since the destruction of the thomson family.

And after a few weeks of doing the deeds with his wives charlotte and 5 other are now pregnant which immediately gave boost to the morale of the soldier's cause there will soon additional royal family member.

As the very first campaign of the kingdom it's impossible for the king to be absent and the 50 nobles wishing to use this campaign and make an achievement for their house, so he left 4 kingsguard to the palace in order to guard against anyone with malicious intent and took the 8 other with him even though the defences of the kingdom are extremely high he still made sure to leave some of the strongest warrior.

At the shore of the shiya kingdom after sending the declaration of war against them them they did not wait for the shiya kingdom to assemble the army and started to occupy city after city after occupying about a 1/3 of the kingdom the enemy army are already assembled in one of the most important and populous city there an army of 30,000 half of the army they have.

And williams came in front of the army and said using a loud speaker "this is the king of arcadia surrender now and there will be no bloodshed if not then let us dye the river with red."

on the other side when the count the lord of the city heard this he also use a loud speaker and said "we will never surrender let the river have the color red"

"so be it"said back then look at the arcadian soldier and said "let them have the taste of what it means when they are against us FOR ARCADIAAAAAA!!!" shouted and the soldier followed suit and it makes the earth tremble at their shout.

then the first confrontation started.


meanwhile while the battle started at the palace all women came all together and prayed for their husband and for each of their father's and prayed for victory while being tightly guard by the 4 kingsguards and other royal guards.

Outside at the top of inner wall there the golden cloak company are also guarding and not letting anyone enter casually.

Even at the outer wall the city watch are also guarding every soldier currently on the kingdom are on high alert andd tightly guarded the kingdom.

At the city center a mass prayer were also started cause they all know that this is a decisive battle whether the kingdom will continue or not.


  3 months later half of the shiya kingdom were successfully occupied but they are still putting up a fight many city have now fallen into ruin and due to the continuation of the war williams had no choice but to buy more soldier to the system and now they are 100,000 strong while the shiya kingdom are withering little by little.

And an intelligence came that there are now a coup d'etat that's happening in the capital and now there are 2 faction one is wish to continue the fight and one wish to surrender.

so williams sent an assassins to kill the king to fasten the war to end.


5 months later they successfully occupied 2/3 and just the capital is left standing many noble family of the shiya kingdom came to the frontline waving a white flag in order to surrender.

The assassination of the kiing is successful weaking the power of the royal family further now according to the surrendered noble there are now just loyalist of the royal family left continuing the war.

2 months later the fall of shiya kingdom are successfull ending the war and ending the shiya family rule and entering the new power in the world.

after the war williams and the nobles also goes back leaving only some commanders to clean up the war and manning the boundaries of the now arcadia kingdom.

back at the reid's island in palace a big festival was held for the success of the campaign at front was williams and kingsguard riding a horse followed by the 50 noble waving at the citizen who are cheering for their return and at the end were all the prisoner of war the loyalist of the shiya royal family including some princes and princesses of the former shiya kingdom.

  At the great hall where all the wives of williams and the nobles are waiting saw their husbands are ok without any missing parts a reunion was on going in the great hall after 7 long months of campaign and the belly of charlotte and the other 5 are now so big so they can't really stand up now.

after the reunion williams came to the throne still wearing his armor and made a speech "today is the day when my arcadia kingdom is establish and known to the world today will be mark as the foundation day of the kingdom now i wish our kingdom peace and prosperity!!" and a loud shout followed that made the palace somewhat tremble.

"let the prisoners of war enter" soon some remaining loyalist and princes and princesses came in front.

"you bastard you will pay for what you did" said by one of the prince who look like a dandy.


while the last princess are crying and the loyalist were glaring at williams.

"i do not plan on shedding more blood now stop your struggle i will give you 2 choices first i will marry your princess and let you all live sending you back to the former capital of the late kingdom and let you manage it while under supervision or two die now"

hearing the 2 choice most of the 10 people choose to die except for the eldest princess who choose to live.

after the execution of the remnants of the former shiya kingdom and with the agreement of the last remaining member of the shiya royal family.

"former princess jane shiya as the choice you made you will be married to the king of arcadia but your children or their children or even their descendants will have no claim in any form to the throne but when your child reach the age of adulthood he will be given a suitable title, right, and land to manage and only can they have and it will be up to them if they manage to make their position go to a higher level or the destruction of the family do you have any comment on this decision?" bruce announce in the great hall 

in the hall the lost spirited jane nodded for she no longer have any choice she just wish for the blood of shiya family to continue "i just wish for one thing"

"and what is that?" bruce ask back

"i wish to use my family name and not the family name of your family that's all"

bruce then looked at williams cause this is beyond his position.

william nodded and said "i will allow it but from now on you will be under surveillance all the time"

"ok"jane said

After this bruce continued "then for the next agenda is the dividing of the occupied territory of the shiya kingdom"


It took a long time but the territory were now divided to the nobles who has the most contribution and for the unfortunate ones they'll need to wait for the next campaign.

after the announcement at the great hall all council member were called in the council meeting cause now they need to discuss many issue including sending soldiers to the borders changing the capital adjusting the tax building a schools in the entire country and providing work with people who doesn't have work until today.

they also had a meeting on about the madams who are now 7 month pregnant cause right now having heir's is the most important for the kingdom without heir the kingdom will cease to exist.


After a another long time meeting in the council william came back to his royal chamber and there he saw his wives who are still not pregnant.

"husband" aisha and amelia ran to his side when they saw him.

"how are you?"olivia asks

"earlier we did not have the time to fully see your body on whether you have an injury are not but now come here and we will conduct a full body check up." hazel said with concern and full of worry.

"i'm fine ladies i'm a lot stronger than a 10 bull you know!"

"yeah right"all the women said in unison

"hey no one ever believe me now"shook his head and sigh.

"anyway enough about me it's time for you girls to also give me an heir hahaha i'm full of energy an energy accumulated in 7 months so be ready girls cause non of you are going to be able to sleep tonight."


"no you pervy husband"


And the accumulated energy were spent in this night