
King of Conquerors

Once Popularly known as the Most Unfortunate Kid, Ma Feng, A Child of sorrow and a Curse to the world suffers terrifying illness On the Day of his death, He was murdered By a Gang only to be Reincarnated into an Unknown world as a Dragon. An Unfortunate Child becoming one of the most powerful beings in the world, He is set out to become the Ultimate being. To Return back to his former world and to exact his revenge..... He shall become the King of Conquerors

Wonder_Emeh · ファンタジー
68 Chs

Chapter 60: The Fierce Monument

It's already noon and all the Warriors of the Syndrome were all gathered while being dressed in their Uniforms, They were putting on black while covering their faces with face mask to hide their identities.

There are Four Divisions of the Syndrome and Each Division is represented by a Commander, The Syndrome consists on both First Year, Second Year, Third Year and Fourth Year Students but the Fourth Year were the highest in the ranks.

Raisen Bourne walked out while dressed in a black coat, He stood firmly with smiles on his face.

The Syndrome were assembled in their Main Base of Operation, Located at the East Forest of The Scarlet Academy, There is a huge boulder and Raisen Bourne stood on the boulder while staring down at his soldiers.

" Captain, The Five Divisions are all gathered before you " A Voice spoke out from behind when Raisen Bourne turns to see Five Beings bowing their heads down before him, They were on their knees the entire time.

" It's good to see that you guys are already assembled, Today is the day when we will lay waste to the Dragon Knights, We will be showcasing our supremacy to the world " Raisen Bourne said with pride.

The Five Commanders standing before Raisen Bourne, The Captain of the Syndrome were Seiko, Terin, Ichin, Cochio and Murida, Seiko, Ichin and Murida are A-Level Magical Casters, meanwhile.

Terin and Cochio are Assasins....High Level Assasins and they were the Fourth Year Members of the Five Divisional Commanders, Seiko raises his head when he slowly stood up from the ground he was kneeling on..

" The Plan is going according to your prediction, The Dragon Knights are planning something nasty but we will locate their Base of Operation and end them at once " Seiko said with pride when Raisen nodded.

" Hehehe...Perhaps let me render a enticing announcement to you "

A Calm Voice was heard when Raisen Bourne to see a Young lad standing before him, Purple hair and quite the extreme Beautiful looks, The Young Lad is seen standing before Raisen Bourne while smirking.

" Huh? Who are you? " Raisen Bourne asked when he slowly approaches the lad, The Commanders remains were they were, They have no intentions of interfering at all, It's not their business.

" Well you must be Lord Raisen of the Syndrome, I am a messenger from the Black Skull but I am also ordered here to help you with this war, I might not look it but I am quite strong " The Young Lad said with pride.

" You are from the Black Skull? No wonder you have such crappy attitude of yours, I will pummel you into the ground if you don't tell me why you are truly here, There must be an hidden Intention " Raisen Bourne said.

" My My, Aren't you quite smart? Yes...There is another hidden agenda but that's a secret, You are not allowed to know it and besides, I have some interesting information to give " The Young Lad said when he clicks on his Erafel Device on his wrist when a plasma Screen appears on the air.

The Commanders were in the state of shock while Raisen Bourne withheld his shocking expression to hide his fear, The Names of The Five Commanders were all broadcasted to the Punishers.

The Five Commanders were already declared wanted by The Punishers and now they realized this is the work of The Communicator, They should have destroyed the Communicator on time before this happened.

" Damn that Communicator, He leaked our identities to those filthy Punishers and now they are being wanted drastically, This will serve as a motivation to the Punishers to take action " Raisen Bourne said when he Gnashes his teeths.

" Boy, You tell me your name!! " Raisen Bourne asked while facing the Young Lad.

" The Name is Kozan and I am a Special Officer of the Black Skull, By the Orders of my Master, I will be aiding you guys in this War, I hope you guys win " The Young Lad whose name is revealed to be Kozan said.

" Very well then Kozan, You will be taking two roles now...You will be my Vice Captain and will help me to win, You can still remain fateful to The Black Skull while taking this role " Raisen Bourne said.

" Very well then, I will accept your offer and will become the Vice President of the Syndrome but I have set up a plan to Destroy this Dragon Knights, They are still a new Organization so their members won't be much "

" With this my strategy, There is a good chance of victory " Kozan said with pride.

According to Kozan, He had already designed traps before arriving here so it will trigger the effects of the Traps once the War truly begins, He showed the Commanders all the spots for the traps.

" I know that the Commanders are strong so it wouldn't be much of a problem, The Only Problem is what we don't know who the real Enemy is, We don't know the boss of the Dragon Knights " Kozan said.

" I know the Leader but I won't be mentioning his name to you, I will take him out myself " Raisen Bourne said while folding his arms when Kozan nodded, Kozan took a stone from the ground when he smirked.

" El Zora Tozino Kushinkeke El'Juritono Muzirawa el fruige Kokomo del kondon " Kozan silently chanted when his eyes flashes bright light, Kozan threw the rock far away from where they were and the rest watches.

The Rock started expanding when it grew to the size of a house...The Rock cracked like egg when screeching sounds filled the air, Monsters started emerging from the rock in their great numbers.

" Huh? Are you a summoner? " Ichin asked.

" Yea I am, But that's not all, Let them first handle the job, We will test out the strength of the Dragon Knights afterwards " Kozan answered when he let the monsters free without controlling them at all.

" This Specie's of Monsters are called the Spiral, Half Spirit, Half Magical Monsters...How did this boy summoned such extremely difficult monsters with ease, What exactly is he? " Raisen Bourne asked himself.

" This War will determine our Position in the Underworld, If we defeat the Dragon Knights them we will be acknowledged as supreme power but if we fail, We will lose our title and our freedom " Raisen Bourne said.

" That's why we have no choice than to win, Failure is not an option " Raisen Bourne said when the Five Commanders nodded with smiles on their faces, They bowed their heads before Their Captain.

" We will be leaving now...Captain!! " They said in Unison when they Vanished!

The Battle will take place in this forest and before the Punishers would get here, It would be already drawn and the winner would have being decided by the victory, While the Warriors were scattered around the forest.

Through their Erafel Teleportation Button, They arrived in the Forest without hesitation, A Grand Style Transportation would be cool but Ma Feng doesn't fancy it, He prefers the normal way to do things.

Ma Feng could feel this Forest is filled with Hundreds of living beings, His Dragon Eyes could see through the Forest and he noticed something strange, Hundreds of Wild Monsters were charging at their Direction.

" So this is the first step of their attack huh? " Ma Feng asked himself when he made to superstore, Jude beat him to it when Jude landed on the ground, The Dragon Knights were all standing on Tree branches.

" I will take care of this monsters, Please go as you have planned...Cast your magics " Jude said when he quickly speed, Increasing his speed as he supersped, Charging directly Against the Monsters.

" Sage Art: The Sacred Light of The Monument!! " Jude chanted when he closes his eyes!

He charged into the Monsters when the ground exploded, Jude emerges from the Flames when the air grasses were being burnt by the flames, Jude's eyes were pure white when his entire body was burning.

His clothes never got burnt when six monsters charged at him, Biting Jude's arms and body parts, They were setting themselves on fire, One Physical Touch is all it took to disintegrate all this monsters.

Jude started attacking when the monsters were screaming out in pains!

" Jude is over there having his fun, Very well then...It's time to begin " Ma Feng stated when he raised his hand towards the sky, The Sky darkened when he created a mighty circular barrier that covers the Entire Forest.

" Dragon Magic: The Apostlic Barrier!! " Ma Feng chanted when he doubled the Barrier to increase it's indomitabilty, The Sky roared out loud when Ma Feng looked down to see the monsters being manhandled.

" Dragon Magic: Versatile Resurrection!! " Ma Feng chanted when he Activated the spell, Only creatures with souls are granted resurrection, Beings like this monsters would be erased immediately they are killed.

" Everything is complete...Remember the plan, You guys can go and have your fun " Ma Feng said while he remains seated on the tree branch, The Dragon Knights were immediately scattered except for Beatrice.

" What are you doing here Beatrice? Did I give you guys freedom to act as you pleases? " Ma Feng asked when Beatrice nodded, She stayed while adjusting her glasses, She is seen dressed in a sexy outfit.

" I have my reasons of staying behind...After all, You are The Captain!! " Beatrice said.

" Things are about to get darker than I thought but it's still going according to my plan, I have no reason to be protected or bodyguarded, If I needed a Bodyguard, I would have called for him " Ma Feng said.

" You are free to leave and enjoy this battle to the fullest " Ma Feng said, Beatrice nodded when she swiftly from the scene, Ma Feng took a deep breath when he smiled, He knew things are going as he has planned.

" It's inevitable...The Syndrome are going to lose!! "