
King of Conquerors

Once Popularly known as the Most Unfortunate Kid, Ma Feng, A Child of sorrow and a Curse to the world suffers terrifying illness On the Day of his death, He was murdered By a Gang only to be Reincarnated into an Unknown world as a Dragon. An Unfortunate Child becoming one of the most powerful beings in the world, He is set out to become the Ultimate being. To Return back to his former world and to exact his revenge..... He shall become the King of Conquerors

Wonder_Emeh · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 61: My Calculations are perfect

Ma Feng sat down on a tree branch, Folding his arms and Whistling out loud while the War has already begun, His Teammates has being released and there are already scattered into the different areas they would cover.

There were no Weaklings amongst the Dragon Knights and that's what excites Ma Feng, It would be a problem to him if he had weaklings in his group, It would be difficult for him to proceed.

" Everything is going according to my plan but I wish Violet is here, She could do some Analysis for me and get me the valuable information that I need, But she is not here...I will have to work it out myself " Ma Feng said.

Ma Feng calmly dived down from the tree branch when he landed on the ground, Snapping his fingers, A calm mist surrounded Ma Feng when Tran of the Arch Graded Curses appeared before Ma Feng.

He is seen on his knees the entire time when Ma Feng slowly turns to face the Arch Grade Curse kneeling before him, Ma Feng's expression is joyful and priceless but deep down, No one knows what Ma Feng is thinking.

" You called for me, My Lord!! " Tran spoke out!

" Yes I did, Your name is Tran right? I would like you to find me the location of the Enemy's Leader, But first, I would like to connect with your eyes, Is that possible? " Ma Feng asked when Tran slowly raised his head.

" Yes my Lord, It's possible...A CURSE can connects it's vision with the one who tamed and gave it a name, It's literally a rule " Tran said when Ma Feng nodded, Ma Feng sighed while being calm all this while.

" Find the one who I have ordered you to locate, Once you have locked on the target... Don't forget to inform me, I will know what to do next " Ma Feng said and he snapped his fingers, Immediately the Curse vanished.

Everything has being set in motion...It's time to see how strong his subordinates are!

Rose could be seen running deeply into the forest with her eloquent speed, She passes through Different corners and areas while overspeeding, Rose frowns when she leapt high, Evading arrow attacks.

Rose landed on a tree branch when she looked up to see an Archer standing on a tree branch also while aiming his bow at her, The Archer has already locked on his arrow when he shot it at Rose.

Rose dodged the arrow when the arrow strucked the tree, The Archer launches another arrow but she caught it at once, Crushing the arrow with her fist when the ground began to shake Vigorously.

" Big Brother has given us the order to kill so I guess I won't be limiting myself anymore " Rose said when The Artifact Mark glows on her wrist, Her Artifacts appears on her hand while it glows vividly.

Rose held her Artifact's Daggers when she supersped, Moving at the Speed of instant...She appears Behind the Archer when the Archer gasped in shock, His bow fell from his hand when he fell down from the tree.

With bloods Gushing out of his neck, Rose had already slitted his throat without hesitation, She came down from the tree when Six Warriors charged at her, She evaded their attacks at quick speed.

Blocking a kick with her arm when she stabbed the Warrior with her Artifact, The Warrior scream out in pains when he got sent crashing by the brute kick of Rose...Rose bounced back afterwards.

They were not relenting, Not even for the slightest bit when Rose frowns at them!

Their numbers increased when they all attacked in unison, Evading their attacks like it was in slow motion, Rose appears Behind the Warriors when they all fell down dead and she began to walk away.

Rose was seen walking away while her daggers dripped with bloods, She is a Fast Type Assasin whose Strength is measured in her speed, She couldn't really drag with her brother in terms of Strength but she is the fastest.

Rose was about to leave the premises when she turns to evade the spear launched Against her, The Spear had the runs mark of The Marcel Kingdom, An Artifact?....Rose bounces back as she composed herself.

" That Spear? Is it an Artifact? " Rose asked as she frowns, Footsteps could be heard when a Young Man emerges from the darkness, Covering his face with a mask when he stretched forth his hand.

The Spear flew straight back into his waiting hand!!

" Yes it is an Artifact, A Blood Contract Artifact as you may see....This is the Weapon that will Destroy you, Little Girl " Cochio a Commander of the Syndrome spoke out, He swung his spear skillfully when he sent aerial strikes.

Rose senses the Aerial attacks when she evaded them like it was nothing, She gasped as Cochio appears above her, Aiming his spear Against the skull of Rose...Rose moved back, Ducking the spear attack.

The Spear causes the ground to quake Vigorously as it strucked the ground!!

" Your speed is amazing " Rose stated when she composed herself, She Positioned herself well as Cochio looked up to face her, His body was beaming with Killing Intents as he faces Rose without mercy.

" I can say the same to you, Little One and judging by your size and body, You are either a Second Year or a First Year Student, Fighting a Fourth Year Student like me is overkill for you, Why don't you surrender? "

" I might be merciful to you judging by the fact that you are a...." Cochio couldn't complete his statement when Rose launches a Devastating kick at him, He was quite lucky to have evaded the kick.

He moved back to Position himself well when Rose didn't slow down, She launches another kick which sent Cochio flying as he crashes into a tree, Cochio looks up when she caught the leg of Rose.

Rose gasped as she sighted Cochio Aiming for his spear, Rose quickly twisted her leg to set herself free from Cochio's grip when she bounced back, Reshaping her broken bone without even showing any sign of pain.

" You are really a worthy opponent... It's being Awhile since I fought an Assasin like you " Cochio screamed out in excitement when Rose couldn't read his speed again, He is moving in a zig zag Position.

Within a second...Rose felt the Artifact aiming for her neck without hesitation!

Rose blocked the Spear with her Dagger when Her Daggers glowed brightly while spreading detestable auras into the Atmosphere, Rose strucked the ground causing tons of rocks to rise into the air.

" Tenzura Technique: Fronizarawa!! " Rose chanted when she kicks the air, Sending the Rocks Against Cochio at an incredible speed, Cochio evaded the rocks when he sliced one in half but he felt the pressure.

The Rocks that blitz past him already wrecked down the trees behind Cochio, Cochio frowned when he dodged the kick of Rose, The Tree Rose crashes her leg into got shattered into pieces without hesitation.

" The Tenzura Assasin Technique? I can't believe a girl at this age would Master such a Destructive Assasin Technique, That kick would have shattered my bones into pieces if it had strucked me " Cochio said.

" Hmph...The Tenzura Technique is just one of the few Techniques that I have mastered but I will only be using two against you " Rose said when she swung her Artifact skillfully on the air as she supersped.

Cochio sensed the attack when he strucked the ground with his Artifact, The Wind pressure sent Rose crashing without hesitation when clouds of Dusts covers the Atmosphere, Cochio senses movements on the air.

He sensed an Incoming attack when the Dagger of Rose blitz passed him, Cochio slowly turns to see everything behind him was sliced in half by that single attack, He couldn't believe his eyes when Rose stood before him, He then knew Rose wasn't an Ordinary Assasin that he should mess with.

" Who...Who...Who are you? " Cochio asked in shock.

" That was a weak attack, A Full Force of mine would have destroyed more of that " Rose said to herself when she slowly turns to face Cochio, She knew Cochio has few moves so he wasn't really shocked.

He is only suprised that a young girl like her would be able to carry such an act and attack, Cochio stretched forth his spear at Rose when he created a large flaming energy ball at the end of the spear.

Blasting the spear attack Against Rose without hesitation when Rose moved at supersped, The ground cracked heavily while reacting to Rose's speed when Cochio couldn't sense her again when he felt a cut wound on his face.

He felt his body boiling in anger when he strucked the air, Ravaging the ground without hesitation when Rose wore a cute but evil smile at the end of her lips, It was like she has already won.

" Your Artifact is an Aerial Type of Artifact which grants you Abilities to construct Aerial strucked and many more but with my Artifact, I have already won this battle " Rose said when the cut mark became dark.

" You've won? Please stop the joke, Not even for a single chance will you defeat me, I could never lose to a lousy girl like you " Cochio stated when veins started popping out of his body without hesitation.

" We are just getting started!! "