
Chapter 13

Leah and King rode in the boat till morning, and only stopped when they arrived at a shipping docks. When they arrive the docks, King and Leah get down and King leads Leah to his yacht. Leah just follows quietly, anywhere he entered. The people at the docs welcome him and thy get his bag, puts it in the yacht and then he gets into the yacht. He then turns back abruptly causing Leah to be startled and almost tripped, save for King who caught onto her hand quickly,

"is the yacht fully stocked?" King asked.

"yes sir. And as we got your call yesterday night, we had someone come check it. Even this morning too. Everything is set and in order sir" the docks man said.

"alright, thank you. My regards to your family. Especially the little miss" King said. Him and the man had known each other for a while now. And since he stared working for King, he did nothing but a perfect job, always, that's why King was found of him. King had even been introduced to his family, though it was against his wish, the man didn't want to take no for an answer, so he had to oblige. But since then, he had become close with the man's family, and would from time to time, check up on them, though through phone calls.

"they will hear sir" the man said cheerfully.

"how old is she now?" King asked, referring to the man's daughter.

"12" the man answered.

"12? Last I saw her she was 2, I think?" King said and the Docks Man nodded his head, affirming that it has really been 10 years. "it's been 10 years already. Time does fly. I bet she must be big" King said, amused by how long it has been.

"true-true, she don fat small sir" the man said.

"that's expected" King said then deeps his hand into his pocket and brings some money out and stretches his hand to the Docks Man.

"here, take this and buy whatever 12 year olds like these days. Lord only knows what it is" King says and the man laughs, with gratitude in his eyes as he takes the money from King.

"ah, thank you sir. Thank you very much sir. God bless you" the man thanked.

"welcome" King said.

King goes back into the yacht while Leah was still looking at what just happened. King calls her, bringing her attention back, then she goes into the yacht.

"so where is the sailor?" she asks.

"you are speaking to him" King replied.

"you can drive this?".

"yes. I have brains".

"I didn't say otherwise…are we stealing this?".

"no. I own this".

"you borrowed this you mean".

"did your English teacher in secondary school ever tell you that "I owned this" and "I borrowed this" sound the same. If he or she did, tell your parents to go ask for a refund".

"you can't…" Leah is saying but gets cut off as she jolts back a bit because the yacht began to move). "you can drive this thing!" she says in disbelief.

"but it still doesn't mean it's yours. You can't possibly own a yacht. You are basically a thug" Leah added.

"just because I live in a village doesn't mean I'm uneducated or broke. But suit yourself and believe what you want. But don't call me a thug" King said.

"yeah right, because you are king. King of the thugs" Leah said.

"I am King. It's not a title, it's a statement. And for the heads up, there is a driver here. He will come and take over when I'm tired. That's probably in the next 30 minutes, because I just came to relax and be taken care off" King said as he continued to sail the yacht. Leah looks at him, though his back is faced to her. she couldn't help but wonder, who is he?

"stop staring, isn't that what you guys call creepy. Just sit your ass down and stay quiet" King said. King continues sailing the yacht till he gets tired and the yacht sailor comes and takes over.

* * * *

Night came and King went to bed in his own room, him and Leah having separate rooms. As king is on his bed, with his eyes closed, he hears a movement in his room which cause him to open his eyes as stare into the dark for some seconds. He looks straight ahead and sees Leah in an over sized shirt, the full length reaching her laps and the length of the sleeve reaching her wrists, and she is wearing a short underneath.

She walks over to Kings seductively all the while King just looks at her with a plain expression. She sway's her hips a bit as she walks over to him. Then when she gets to him, she places her hand at the top of his chest and begins to trail down, then he holds her hand as it's at the idle of his chest, stopping her hand from moving.

"what do you think you are doing?" King asked. Leah gulps before she answers.

"thanking you".

"is this how they say thank you in the city. Unless you want to give me a massage and I'm getting all of this wrong".

"no, it's not a massage".

"and what makes you think I'm interested in this form of thank you, when there is the verbal form?".

"because… because your men said that, that's what you like. That, that's the only way to thank you so you don't wake up the next morning and kill me".

"I'm not going to kill you, after I've passed up so many easy chances. And you should not listen to my men, they are stupid. Why? Because they are men. Don't you have a degree from one of those prestigious schools that says you ought to be smarter than this?

"I am…" Leah is saying but King cuts in.

"I'm trying to get some rest here. And do some thinking, while am at it. So please do us both a favour and leave, seeing as I am not interested in what you are offering. We both need resting, especially you. So I'm going to pretend that this didn't happen and when I wake up it will all be a bad dream, and maybe then your senses would have returned. Now, please leave.

King let's go of her hand and then she hurriedly walks away. King sighs and then shakes his head as he closes his eyes and goes back to sleeping.