
King Bladen : Ruler of Death

The world was at war with an enemy that no one could defeat , cursed and hexed not one realm had the strength to go against the enemy they faced . Had they ever imagined in the darkest of their nightmares that they would turn for help to someone who lived only to KILL. “ And Bring The DEVIL Himself To Fight The DEMON” ……… Will he save them all ? Or Will he be the reason for their doom? ……… A question that chilled their bones but the Dark Being grew with power and their was no stopping him . The gamble of the world begins!!!!! ……… “RISE FROM THE ASHES MY LORD “ ………. Read my book to know the story unfold in the most curious ways , filled with adventure , brutality , romance and everything you desire . Support me Thankyou

Temptress99 · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Skip to the Bad part

Cedrics words had once again gained interest from all and he was once again the centre of attraction for everyone wanted to know what more could have been worse than what already had happened.

"The wars had not only resulted in casualties but also in change of sides."

"Skip to the bad part already Cedric". Perciveus could no longer hold it. He wanted to know what exactly was worse that could happen or had happened.

"My Lord, forgive me but your elves play a big part in it." Cedric said shaking in his guts.

"What? Are they Alive? Where are they?"

"They are alive but I don't know where they are kept. They are the ones that are responsible for Adar's powers."

"They would have never sided with him." Perciveus was now not only angry but frustated.

"I know my Lord, they did not side, they were captured and kept like slaves but then they all vanished from the surface as if they disappeared into thin air. They are nowhere to be found but the powers that we see during attacks are similar to that of Elves. As if they are Elves but in different skin. And we all are aware of how strong your Elven army was." Cedric informed.

Perciveus did not say a word but a vein could be seen buldging on his forehead right above his left eyebrow. He was now angry beyond control for what in hell had been happening behind his back with his Elves.

Elves were an unnatural creation by Perciveus himself. He made the elves to have similar powers as him but they all had a power cap. The power cap required exterior natural forces to open so that the Elves could grow stronger. This was how Perciveus had brought a completely new species into existence but not just a new but the strongest of the existing as all there powers came from nature itself. Which meant the more the nature flourished the more stronger they grew thus giving a boost to their cap.

They already were born enough strong to support a long and healthy life of five to six hundred years which could be extended with magic till a thousand.

Hearing Cedrics' words had made Perciveus suspicious of only one thing and he blurted his thoughts out for confirmation.

"This information stayed with only two people of all, Tatiana and Cony but who would be brave enough to go against me to such an extent to hurt my most precious assets, my Elves".

"We don't know of what happened to the Elves, neither to Cony but we all know that Tatiana had not been growing in power since then. Its like she has reached her limit and cannot grow any further. Which may suggest that this all had been the work of Adar himself". Scrouche said a bit worriedly.

"Is that so?" Perciveus gave a menacing stare towards Scrouche and Cedric.

"To my knowledge, I don't remember Adar being born when I brought Elves into this world which clearly indicates that someone betrayed me. Someone who was once very dear to me". Perciveus snarled and stared at the ground with his hand clenched and his elbows resting on his knees.

No one had the audacity to voice the obvious as the two under suspicion were once hailed as the second strongest after Perciveus himself. And in present times they all were nearly at the same level since Perciveus was no longer as strong as he was which meant that if they would side with any one on the two names if they are wrong then the remaining one and Perciveus himself would kill them as for the bond they shared was ancient and strong.

Finally Cedric gathered his courage and swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke," My Lord, we know the importance that the two held in you life but for now the two you mentioned are completely different from back then. And There are suspicions and rumours going around in the lands that I have heard that might give a better picture of the current situation for Adar has a secret weapon someone that when comes into the warzone turns the tides of the war."

"His abilities are unknown and so is his species. He wears a robe to cover each and every part of his body and a hood covers his head and face. Not a single feature of this being is ever seen but we are sure that he is not Adar for he never speaks of screams. He might be unable to speak but he takes down the whole army with ease with screams of his power."

The description sounded a bit familiar to Perciveus but before forming an opinion he needed to get confirmation on the topic.

"Tell me more of this hooded figure every small detail that you have conjured." Perciveus ordred.

The room was silent once again but this silence was eerie as the damp power that filled the room was not of Veronica that somehow was soothing but instead it was way stronger and chilling as it was coming off of Perciveus while making other uncomfortable in breathing.

But Cedric knew that he had to be crystal clear with each and every information if he wants to get help from this mad King or else if not then he might ignore the whole mess of this world and go on his own way without bothering about this world.

Which pretty much meant that they would be on their own and hence he was the representative to get the strongest ally for the coming war.

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