
King Bladen : Ruler of Death

The world was at war with an enemy that no one could defeat , cursed and hexed not one realm had the strength to go against the enemy they faced . Had they ever imagined in the darkest of their nightmares that they would turn for help to someone who lived only to KILL. “ And Bring The DEVIL Himself To Fight The DEMON” ……… Will he save them all ? Or Will he be the reason for their doom? ……… A question that chilled their bones but the Dark Being grew with power and their was no stopping him . The gamble of the world begins!!!!! ……… “RISE FROM THE ASHES MY LORD “ ………. Read my book to know the story unfold in the most curious ways , filled with adventure , brutality , romance and everything you desire . Support me Thankyou

Temptress99 · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Fateful Day

Miranda was the royal kingdom of Queen Mary, a dock city built on the wreckage of ships. Looked abandoned from afar but inside was as lively and beautiful as the queen herself. The city had no monuments that stood out as all were ships, huge and broken yet elegant as they stood on the shores of the Tirad Sea. The sea was named after the first royal king Tirad Vensco, a true warrior and a humble man he was, his bloodline gave the warriors that were undefeated and became the rulers of all the kingdoms. On the shore, one could see a palace that stood tall with pride. Great towers and stone walls protected the castle, knights stood their positions in towers, and at walls, a whole army could be seen moving in and out of the palace. The palace did not have its full glory as it seemed that it had been worn down in the wars for ages.

Off into a large ship, colony lived Veronica with her mother. The time was for her mother to be guarding one of the towers of the castle in the sergeant's battalion. As soon as she has left her quarter, an event was unfolding that would change everything that her generations would know.

Veronica was a very simple and obedient girl who followed her mother's orders without a single doubt in her mind , but that was different , as she had this urge to leave the place for good. She was not willing to marry an old sergeant, and spend the rest of her life as just a pleasure to the old man, she wanted to become a knight, fight for her realm, and live like a warrior, not some showpiece in the cupboard that only pleases one's eyes. Looking out of one of the cracks of the ship, Veronica could see her mother's battalion leaving for the tower.

"Leaving this place wouldn't be as easy as I thought, there is no way I can get past those guards, and then also the people in the marketplace would know if I move towards the outer of the city. That leaves two places where I can escape from, the dungeons, but that's not safe at all. No No No. By sea is the only way out". Veronica was talking to herself stressed and sweating at the thought of what she had to do to leave this place.

Covering herself with a hood, Veronica wore a deep blue robe to not get noticed by anyone on her way. Walking at a fast pace, she swiftly moved from her quarters to the bridge that led the way from one ship to other giving a view of the breathtaking scenery of the sea and the dimly lit shipwreck city of Miranda. Veronica looked no different from the passerby's and evenly looked to be minding her own business as others. Unlike the city and the markets, the bridge was quiet and stranded off from the hustle of the city people, only a few old people passed it to enjoy the view on their walk around the place. It was the perfect place for Veronica to escape but the sea screamed of danger with every wave that crashed upon the ships and the shore.

It was dark even at this hour of the day. A storm was brewing and the sea will become the invitation of death for whoever took a leap of faith into it. Veronica was not bothered by any dangers, her death would be more beautiful than her life to her. She feared only one thing in her life and that was to spend another day here, in disguise always covering herself, without anyone to talk to. Veronica readied herself to take the leap of faith into the deep waters below and with the last breath in the city of the ships, she jumped off the bridge into the water with her arms widespread, it seemed as if she was ready to hug her death that waited in the depths of the sea. Her body crashed into the waves and started to sink into the deep blue water that seemed like it was holding its pearl in its arms with grace and gliding into bliss.


"Master, is that you?", Drupal questioned.

" Drupal waste no more time open the Forbidden Castle, I need to make all the arrangements."

Smiling ear to ear was Scrouche, with his exceptionally long robes flowing in the winds, " Even nature is here to welcome Him, Drupal you see the clouds, the storm that is about to strike, that's how the nature reacted when He was born and you it knows who is coming back."

In the distance, carriages stopped and with four guards standing, Cedric stepped out of the carriage. Cedric waited as his carriage left and standing with his guards he waited for others to arrive. Scrouche walked toward him with a soft smile and bowed which was answered with the same gesture, Cedric. The next few minutes passed with the arrival of Haden with the two gammas as guards, Mary with her six knights, Phineas who came alone, and at the last was Franchesca with eight guards who had skin like the bark of the tree. Thought the protection was not needed but advised for if they get attacked.

"Let us head inside Drupal is waiting for our arrival, leave the guards here.", Scrouche asked all the members.

It was time for Him to return.

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