
Kim Iseul

Kang_Rabia · 若者
11 Chs

The new girl

Kim Iseul and Park Joon, two individuals who have made a significant impact and have become the face of Haweol High School, arrived at the school gate.

This Ivy school located in South Korea is renowned for providing a high-quality education system, which unfortunately comes at a high cost, with only one scholarship being awarded annually.

However, the reputation of the school remains impeccable thanks to the presence of figures such as Kim Iseul and Park Joon who continue to represent the school in a positive light.

Despite the common knowledge that Kim Iseul and Park Joon are in a romantic relationship, there have been efforts to break them apart due to the belief that if they were to get married, their families would wield significant control over the country.

As the couple walked through the halls of Haweol High School, they were approached by numerous students who sought to engage in conversation with them.

Many individuals are grateful for their kindness and consider them to be ideal candidates for various decisions.

However, it is worth noting that the family of Kim Iseul is perceived to have greater influence and power compared to the family of Park Joon, leading some students to attempt to ingratiate themselves with her.

Park Joon proceeded to the rear of the classroom to converse with his friends, while Kim Iseul took her seat in the front row of the class as the School and Class President.

After placing her bag down, a gust of air from the open window lifted her hair, revealing her beautiful neck, causing many of the boys in the class to fixate their gaze upon her.

However, this momentary shift in Joon's demeanor, where his eyes momentarily darkened and grew cold, passed as swiftly as it appeared, and he quickly returned to his casual conversation with his friends about video games.

As Kim Iseul sat in the front row of the classroom, a group of her classmates approached her with one of them fixating their gaze upon her neck and noticing what appeared to be a hickey.

The classmate coughed the word "slut" and the other classmates directed their attention towards the potential altercation. However, Iseul simply disregarded the comment as if she had not heard it, leading the conversation to return to the previous topic of their weekend. Suddenly, Iseul touched her neck and made eye contact with the classmate, smiling sweetly before silently mouthing the word "slut" before looking away.

This rapid sequence of events caused the classmate to question whether she had simply imagined what had taken place.

The bell signaling the start of class rang as the teacher entered the room, accompanied by an unfamiliar young woman.

The teacher, speaking in an optimistic tone, announced that they had a transfer student who had recently arrived from America due to her father's job, and encouraged the students to make her feel welcome.

The teacher then stepped aside and asked the transfer student to introduce herself. Upon observing the new arrival, the students were surprised by her beauty and petite stature. The transfer student, Lee Yerim, greeted the class with a cute and girly voice, introducing herself and expressing her hope that her classmates would be patient with her as she adjusted to her new surroundings in Korea.

Some of the boys in the back of the class quickly jotted down her name and welcomed her warmly.

The teacher instructed the new girl to sit beside Iseul. As she walked, she stumbled and fell, causing a shocked reaction from those around her.

The teacher quickly rushed to see if she was okay, to which she replied affirmatively. However, Iseul, who had witnessed the whole incident, silently laughed and remained in her seat.

This behavior was observed by the new girl, causing her eyes to darken with hatred towards Iseul. After the hour-long lesson ended, the class attempted to get to know the new girl.

It was revealed that her family owned a fashion line business, and upon mentioning the brand name, it became evident that befriending her would be in their best interest.