

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · アクション
85 Chs

CHAPTER 67 : News


Dolion carried his scythe in his hand and walked on , until finally he came to a stop and dropped on the grass wet from the water of the lake flowing through it . Dolion put his hand inside the water and as it passed by it gave his numb body a soothing effect.

" I am sorry Eisen , I am too weak to carry you . My body is that of a child and as much as I wish for it to grow faster , it is just not possible...I hope you don't regret choosing me. " He spoke to thin air , atleast that's what it seemed until Eisen replied from inside his conscience.

" I am honored ...that you are the one who carries me.... I do not blame you or resent you . I trust you . I am glad that it was you who came around to the cave that day , and not someone from my big brother's line."

" Why..."

" It was him that made me and my dear sister suffer so much . He didn't understand that the Yoseis were made to be above the other species . He closed off the temple , our only chance of regaining our strength using his life . Me and my sister had to resort to more severe measures....I had to watch my family die . I had to hand over my power to those lower than me and sacrifice my kind at their filthy hands..... just so it could divide and gain strength ...enough to overpower his curse . My dear sister lived all alone for such a long time , struggling , waiting for me . I will bring back the Yoseis to their full glory and I will take my revenge on those who killed my kind after it was ME who gave them power . Finally , the time has arrived , I will conquer the throne of that temple and You Dolion , you will be the king. I promise you my boy."

Silence. There was no answer to what Eisen had just said. 

" I seem to have bored the child with my mumbling , hahaha. Rest up my boy." 

Dolion laid there , prone , his hand in the water , until the dawn of the next day.


" Let me help you ." Jun said as he helped Aleena stand back up on her feet.

" Your eyes..."

"I know.." She replied , rubbing her forehead with the back of her hand. " But this is something unimportant , we have to hurry towards the fort..."

Jun hesistated a little and then sighed , nodding his head in affirmation.

" You have to tell me everything later then."

" I will."

After a few more minutes of running as fast as they possibly could , they came across the battlefield where Bow had fallen and Batuhan was sitting there with his back against the fort's wall , still unable to move.

" Batuhan!!!" Aleena and Jun both shouted as they ran towards his bruised , some-frozen body. He didnot respond . 

Jun held his shoulders and shook him , which brought him back a little. He slowly lifted his head and stared at the two of them.

" Get a hang of yourself!" Jun said loudly which brought him back a bit more than before. Moments later , Aleena's eyes came across the huge hole in the fort wall. Her throat went dry,

" Batuhan.." she asked slowly , " Where is Bow..?"

At that name , his eyes came wide open but he lowered his head .He took a breath and then shook his head,

" Disqualified.." he mumbled. Aleena and Jun went silent. After a few seconds , Jun spoke,

" Why didn't Josh and Samuel help her..?"

" The three of them made a pact . Based on Zaki's information , none of them could defeat Dolion but what they could do was wear him down , one by one . They knew that if he made through the fort it was game over so they decided that whoever faces him first ... will be the one to go ...for the sake of the team. This could have been worse..."

The sun began to set on the last day of war as the blades of grass started to reflect fire.


" What the HECK HAPPENED HERE!?"Noir screamed as he entered , what he left as , the dark forest . Only there were no more trees and the dying sun rays were everywhere.

"You are too loud captain..' Noir flinched as Somnium suddenly spoked from right behind him .

"Who did this ? Is Aranea safe ?"

" Malak attacked .... Aranea is alright ..."

" You took down Malak...?"

"He chose the wrong battlefield..I won but I couldn't disqualify him."

" That is alright , you have done enough....where is Zahha-"

"I am here ." Zahhak said as he flew in towards the group , his wings barely kept him in air and eventually gave way. Aag ran and caught him before he hit the ground flat.

" What happened to you..." Aag said as she examined his bruised and cut wings . Noir and Somnium also ran over.

Noir sat down next to him as Somnium quietly stared , when he finally asked the question , the answer to which he was dreading.

" Fenrir..."

Zahhak looked up at him and then lowered his eyes...."I am sorry..."

The group went silent as Noir's eyes grew sharp, " Tell me everything that happened."

The red night finally returned and engulfed the whole group.


"Umm..." Bow was at a loss of words due to the confusion of waking up and finding Fenrir's and Michelle's faces , staring at her with wide eyes.

" Miss...you must be very weak....." Fenrir remarked after he looked at her beaten up , frozen form .

" Woaaah...wolf boy." Michelle spoke , " Chill out....like her...pfft!!!" They both cackled and rolled on the floor at the lamest joke ever made in webnovel history.

"Will someone tell me...." said Bow in a low but angry tone , freezing the two of them , surrounding them with arrows , " WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!"

