

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 66 : Conversion


"I have a very bad feeling ...Jun..." Aleena said as they rushed towards the fort.

Suddenly , a gush of freezing wind made its way to them. It knocked them off the trees and made them drop to the ground.

"Ugh" .Aleena and Jun felt a shiver as a small bits of ice covered their clothes.

"That was ...Dolion.." Jun said as he swiftly got up and ran forwards into the freezing must. He held his gun and eyes glowed red.

" I won't let him escape.." Just as the thoughr crossed his mind , he came across Dolion going past him. Their eyes met and Jun immediately stuck his foot on the ground and shot his bullet.

*tsk* Dolion clicked his tongue making it bleed

" How annoying!!!" Dolion screamed , he took Jun's bullet to the back of his hand and waved his scythe . His movement was too swift for Jun to escape . Just as his gut was about to be pierced , Aleena took the blow and it sent them both hurling , as her body impacted with his.


Dolion screams echoed but were barely heard by the two of them as they were still on the ground .

Jun held Aleena , his face struck with horror.

Aleena held her waist tightly with her bloodstained hand as the blood flowed down covering the grass and making it red.

Jun was in a state of shock and panic, his hands went cold and anxiety welled up inside of him. He was reminded of the blood covered bodies of his parents he held in his little hands. The trauma of the past , froze him in the present.

" MOVE..." He thought to himself. " JUN!!!MOVE!!!!!!" But even with all that screaming , he failed to utter a single word and only tightened his grip on Aleena.

Aleena's hand , that was holding her waist , dropped to the grass.

"A..Aleena" Jun touched her cheek and it had went cold. He put his hand to press on the wound and shook her body . But there was no response.


*Aleena's mind*

" This...could be a problem..you are dying." BlackWing Aleena said to Killer Aleena as she stood behind her.

" You don't have a choice Aleena." she continued and held up her hand, " Take my hand....you cannot help anyone if you are dead...and you have much to live for. "

Killer Aleena turned around and stepped towards her other self.

She looked at her with her red eyes , one last time and held her hand .

Her ruby eyes had now turned emerald for good.


A sudden green light emanated from Aleena. Jun felt something and as he removed his hand from her wound he found it to be healed completely.

It took a few seconds for the light to dampen and disappear completely.

After a few minutes that felt like forever for Jun , Aleena finally opened her eyes but instead of red , they were neon green.

" Aleena..." Jun spoke but hesitantly.

Aleena was now a BlackWing completely.


*Yosei territory*

" I didnt think I would ever see you in this state." Krystallo said as Malak sat there , bandaged and resting.

" You thought too much of me Krystallo....You need more than raw power to win a fight....Somnium was as calm and as dangerous as the dark and what it carries within." He shook his head , " But Michelle...it is an unfortunate disadvantage on our side...we have lost an important friend and a great battle asset."

"There was nothing we could do , Malak." Krystallo said as he sat down next to him and touched a blade of grass , " It was a very unexpected move..."

" Dolion hasn't returned yet ..." Malak said.

" You said he left of his own accord without prior discussion with you....he will have to find his way back to us on his own too then...if he is still in the game.." Krystallo said, annoyed.

" Why are you so frustrated with him?"

" I am? "

" He might very well be that blade of grass you are trying to pull out...go easy on Laila's garden or you could lose your hand."

"Ah!" Krystallo let go immediately at the thought of it.

" You are annoyed because you couldn't protect Michelle aren't you." Malak spoke bluntly.


"Hahahahaha your face is red ."


" Just a bit further and then we will rest" Iris said to a struggling Noel.

" I... am going to die." Noel dropped on the ground.

"Sigh*.....I guess we rest now." Iris said as she sat down next to a rock and offered water to the dying Yosei.

" I can understand you are in a rush Miss Iris and rightfully so ...but please understand...I specialize in mind muscle and hence my rest of the body is a bit lacking." Noel spoke gracefully.

" So, you are a wimp."

*Cough* *Cough* " Now that's...not very accurate.." Noel said as he wiped the drop of wated coming down his lip.

" Is that so kiddo."

" Miss Iris?"

" Mmhm?"

" What exactly were the memories returned to you..." Noel askes carefully.

" I only see three things , one , Iris standing outside a temple . Two , Eisen shouting at his family. Three , A human child killing the father of the ancestor whose memories I possess."

" Those memories ...donot seem so stromg that they would drive you insane.." Noel said.

"That is because I haven't dared dive deep into them... there are many more secrets inside...but first I need to be back at the academy as soon as possible."

" Are you sure you should have left your grandfather all alone up there?"

" He is a pure blooded Yosei Noel , he can use gleam. As such he can return to the land anytime he wishes...."

" I see..."

" I am sorry you have to travel so much when you could easily return...since your task here is done."

" I am sorry but I still fail to understand what my task was... you only kept me with you to protect me."

" That is true but I needed you to confirm that the enemy was really using the mind to control everyone...which you confirmed."

" Yes but .... "

" I donot think they will find you . You can return to the Killer academy and the principal will cater for you. "

" I cannot leave you , I have to repay my debt to you. You need someone to stabilize your mind. You keep falling after a few miles and you need my help ." Noel said stubbornly.

" I see.Thankyou"
