
Kamen Rider Through the Multiverse

Sougo Tokiwa, a high school student born in the year 1998, has always dreamed of becoming a king when he encounters a mysterious girl, She presents Sougo with an ominous warning "You will become the worse thing ever, a demonic king destined to rule the world.”. But, in this timeline he’s just a young NEET tired of his mundane life, the only thing he finds interesting is anime, manga, and photography. He ends up stumbling upon an abandoned photo studio, inside he finds an old camera standing on a tripod. Sougo Tokiwa picks it up and peeks through the viewfinder. Through the viewfinder, Sougo Tokiwa sees a completely different world. Urahara Keisuke: I understand the truth, but why do you have sound effects every time you transform? Sougo: Don’t worry about such details. Batman: I understand the truth, but can you explain why you can beat Krypton without changing form? Sougo: This is a secret~ note: In the first volume, some other things are messed up, but there is no more in the back or the main Kamen Rider

RedIsPowerfullHire · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Faiz Shot

Hulk is looking for Peter's trace!

'Doctor should not have gone far. I have to pick him up.'

When he went away, Hulk was still wreaking havoc on the roof. But he could not see Peter or the Soldier. Hulk is too immature. No Soldier or Peter, his anger has no way to vent! Fortunately, Hulk found a moving black spot. This black spot was Sōugo who was hanging out on the street. This dilapidated neighborhood has a different taste from hell's kitchen.

The angry Hulk landed, splashing a lot of rock.

'Is Peter that bad?'

Sōugo thought that even if Peter couldn't beat Hulk, he would not lose. Unexpectedly, Hulk came to him in such a short time. Hulk roaring did not cause waves in Sōugo's heart.

He doesn't even want to do it. Hulk is not as intelligent as an ordinary beast. How could Hulk willingly let Sōugo leave. Especially Peter had completely hooked up his anger. He has to smash something to reduce his fury! Sōugo is the only target Hulk could find!

Sōugo sensed Hulk's intentions. But, He has no interest in fighting this beast. But the Hulk has charged toward him. He is not intelligent enough and controlled by his desire for destruction.

Sōugo wears his SB-555C 『Digital camera-shaped knuckle-duster!』Faiz Shot and inserted it into Faiz Mission Memory - 『A small metallic card key containing the information of the Faiz Armor.』

『Ready!』―Activation announcement was heard.

During the charge, the huge inertia added a bit of power to Hulk's fist. Hulk's fighting style is always very simple and direct, resisting all damage and throwing a powerful punches. This punch made a huge air shock. But, no matter how fast and powerful it is, compared to Kamen Rider Faiz, it becomes weak.

Just after it punched, Sōugo's punched out. His punch seemed to be very slow, but it was printed on Green Hulk first, and the opponent's punch was only halfway through.

This punch doesn't seem to have much power, just an ordinary punch. But, Hulk could feel an overwhelming force coming, like being forcibly hit by Tank ammunition.


A loud bang echoed through the entire block. Hulk, who was still aggressive just now, flew out backward, and a huge depression appeared on his face. If it weren't for his strong physique, Hulk might have been smashed. But even so, it was accompanied by a huge sound of bone cracking, a few ribs were broken.

As one famous mixed martial arts said. "Precision beats power, and timing beats speed" This is not just a bullshit quote. An undisputed king of the featherweight division for 10 years straight, with his speed. But, he lose because of a crisp left hand which was perfectly timed.

Hulk is too immature, is not intelligent enough, and is completely controlled by his desire for destruction. All he had was strength, physical endurance, and a rather perverted physical healing ability. He lacks timing and precision, his fighting style is a bit old-fashioned and rough. The more schooled someone can negate a strong fighter lacking technique. It is a science.

Hulk was the strong fast guy who got by on athletic ability. Unfortunately, he chooses Sōugo, a well-trained martial artist with Orphnoch DNA + Faiz gear. Sōugo doesn't have to hit hard to hurt Hulk. Sōugo knows the distance and when to strike. His jab has the power of Hulk's cross.

After the Hulk was knocked down, Hulk became difficult to even breathe. But the violence in his eyes remained the same. Struggling to get up, the Hulk grows bigger. Although his body has been severely injured, Hulk's anger once again supported him to stand up. Hulk's momentum has become more terrifying, far more than ever before.


The Hulk roared, declaring that he was not knocked down.

Sōugo immediately presses『Enter』on his Faiz Phone. Pressing the 『Enter』 button without entering a code allows for Sōugo to execute an "Exceed Charge depending on the item he inserted the Mission Memory into, sending a burst of power from the Faiz Driver along the Photon Streams to the weapon in question, giving it a tremendous power boost, and in some cases extra abilities.

『Exceed Charge!』―Finisher announcement via SB-555B Faiz Drive.

Sōugo punched out again, and Hulk's roar stopped abruptly. No matter how strong his anger was, he couldn't support him with Sōugo's Exceed Charge!

Hulk started shrinking directly, gradually changing back to Banner. Banner's physique alone was not enough to withstand such an injury, and the moment he changed back, he fainted on the ground.

Without further action, Sōugo chose to ignore it. Sōugo is not interested in Hulk, let alone Banner. But, He needs to be dealt with by Hulk. Sōugo doesn't want to be shot with missiles anymore because of general ross's crazy obsession.

Sōugo lazily Pressing the "End Call" button, switch off the Faiz Driver and cause the Sol Foam and Sol Metal to disappear. After stepping over his body, Sōugo directly calls Nick Fury

"Nick, There's a big green baby to take care of! Call Natasha!"


"Doctor, I'm here to pick you up!"

Just after Sōugo walked, Peter came while swinging with his Spider-web.


"Doctor, I'm here to pick you up!"

"Yes, I can Hear you…" Sōugo looks at Peter and the surrounding area. "You weren't planning on taking me for a swing between the New York buildings, were you? Peter, I've never been bitten by a spider!"


"Let's me call my bike!" Sōugo opens his phone and press 5-8-2-1- Enter (Come Closer): This code allows him to summon the Auto Vajin.

"Auto Vajin, come closer!" ―Auto Vajin's summoning announcement was heard through Faiz's Phone.


After Sōugo had gone for a long time, Banner covered his forehead and stood up.

"Ah! It hurts!"

The severe pain made him feel unbearable. His chest seemed to have been hit by a high-speed train, and his head also suffered a concussion. He shook his head, forcing himself to see that there were no more double images.

'How is this going?'

'Is your brain like this?'

'Is it all caused by me?'

Looking at the nearby ruins, Banner felt guilt in his heart.

But soon, it was interrupted by severe pain again!


Banner could only relieve himself by constantly breathing in the air. Among these ruins, he found a tattered garment. But Banner didn't care about that either. He found a place and wanted to fall asleep. But as soon as he closed his eyes, a green image, accompanied by a roar, appeared in his brain.

He opened his eyes in horror!

"That's it, Hulk?"

Although he and Hulk are one, it is the first time that they have seen each other. The feeling surprised him, but soon the surprise turned into disgust. It's all because of this green-skinned monster that he has become like this! The destruction, and the people who lost their lives!

'Why haven't you gone away, you green monster?'

'This body is mine, and you are a real monster!'


Strong negative emotions are passed to the Hulk! He was physically and mentally injured because of Sōugo's fist, but he didn't expect that he was not comforted by his 'big brother', but instead was humiliated and abused. Immediately, Hulk became angry in his brain.

"Ah! You monster, leave me!"

Banner, tortured by the Hulk, fell to his knees, pulling his hair like a lunatic. But Hulk didn't stop!

Banner doesn't like the Hulk, so the Hulk doesn't like Banner either!

After being beaten by Sōugo, Hulk understood simple thinking!

Nick Fury and General Ross boarded a warplane again and began to show up on tour. The location is where those fighter planes disappear. Although the way the fighter plane disappeared was a bit terrifying, they couldn't help but explore. These two people can be said to be the most stubborn and the two people who like to master everything the most. If they don't find some clues, they will not be able to sleep.

"Collect all the useful items, don't let the military get them!

Nick Fury asked Coulson secretly. Although he has a cooperative relationship with the military now, this relationship will not last long. He remembered the license plate.


Nick Fury put away the license plate without anyone noticing. He didn't plan to tell anyone about this information, even his subordinates. Sōugo,

"Looks like I need to meet them more often in the future!"

Since the Hulk ravaged New York, One-eyed Nick Fury became more determined to make Sōugo avenger. He even came more diligently than Stark.