

Tiny_Legend · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 7

With the wolves dealt with and the fire still crackling, Kaito returned to his meal, feeling even more accomplished. The bear meat, now fully cooked, tasted rich and hearty, providing him with much-needed nourishment. As he ate, he reflected on the battles and the skills he had used. The Fireball had proven effective in taking down the wolves, though it had little impact on the armored bear. The Piercing Strike, however, had been indispensable in both encounters.

Finishing his meal, Kaito decided to allocate his newly earned stat points. He knew that increasing his agility would help him exploit the weaknesses of fast and powerful foes, while boosting his strength would ensure his attacks were even more devastating.

Character Stats:

[Name: Kaito]

[Level: 6] [Experience: 60/1500]

[Class: Swordmanship]

[Trait: None]

[Strength: 20] (18+2)

[Agility: 15] (14+1)

[Magic: 11]

[Endurance: 9]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Skills Unlocked: 3 (Analyze,Fireball,Piercing Strike)]

Satisfied with his choices, Kaito stood up and extinguished the fire, making sure no embers remained that could start an unintended blaze. He packed up his belongings and set off deeper into the forest, feeling more confident than ever.

The morning sun was now high in the sky, casting dappled light through the dense canopy. The forest was alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. Kaito moved with purpose, his enhanced senses and newfound strength making every step feel powerful and deliberate.

As he walked, Kaito kept a keen eye on his surroundings, ready for any signs of danger or opportunity. His recent battles had taught him the importance of vigilance and preparedness. The thrill of leveling up and gaining new abilities was addictive, and he was eager to see what else this world had in store for him.

After a few hours of walking, Kaito heard the unmistakable sounds of a fierce battle ahead. Kaito moved cautiously towards the sounds of the battle, his sword ready in case of sudden danger. As he neared the source of the commotion, he saw an imposing armored bear engaged in a fierce struggle with two massive boars. The bear's powerful swipes and thick hide gave it a clear advantage, and the boars were struggling to defend themselves.

Kaito decided to use his Analyze skill to gather more information about the boars. He focused on the larger of the two boars and activate, "Analyze."

[Creature: Ferocious Boar]

[Level: 5]

[Weakness: Fire]

[Description: A powerful and aggressive beast known for its sharp tusks and relentless charges. While it possesses significant strength and resilience, it is particularly vulnerable to fire-based attacks.]

With the knowledge that both creatures were vulnerable to fire, Kaito formed a plan. He would use his Fireball skill to weaken the boars first, then focus on the bear.

Taking a deep breath, Kaito summoned a fireball in his hand. The energy crackled and flared, and he aimed at the larger boar that was already reeling from the bear's assault.

The fireball struck the boar squarely in its side, causing it to squeal in agony as the flames licked at its flesh. The beast staggered, its strength sapped by the intense heat.

With the boar weakened, Kaito turned his attention to the armored bear. The bear, now distracted by the commotion, gave Kaito the perfect opportunity to strike. He activated his Piercing Strike skill, feeling the surge of power course through his body as his sword glowed with a faint, deadly light.

Kaito charged at the bear, aiming for a vital spot just below its neck. His focus was razor-sharp, and his target was clear. As he closed the distance, he yelled, "Piercing Strike!"

His sword sliced through the air with precision and force, driven by the enhanced power of his skill. The blade met the bear's thick hide and pierced through it, but not as deeply as he had hoped. The bear roared in pain, its eyes flashing with anger and determination.

Realizing he needed to finish off the boars first, Kaito quickly turned his attention back to the weakened boar, now trying to recover from the fireball. With swift, calculated strikes, Kaito attacked the boar, targeting its vulnerable spots. The creature fought back with surprising ferocity, but Kaito's agility and strength allowed him to outmaneuver it. Within moments, he landed a decisive blow, bringing the beast to the ground.

[Experience Gained: 150 XP]

The second boar, seeing its companion fall, charged at Kaito with renewed aggression. Kaito dodged its wild tusks, using his agility to avoid its powerful charges. He summoned another fireball and hurled it at the boar, striking it in the chest. The beast reeled from the impact, its movements becoming sluggish.

Kaito seized the opportunity, closing in for the kill. With a series of precise strikes, he brought the second boar down, ending its struggle.

[Experience Gained: 150 XP]

Breathing heavily, Kaito turned his attention back to the armored bear. The beast was still standing, blood oozing from the wound inflicted by his Piercing Strike. It glared at Kaito, preparing for another attack.

"Piercing Strike!" he shouted, lunging forward.

This time, his sword struck true, driving deep into the bear's neck. The bear roared, a sound filled with pain and defiance, but it didn't fall. Instead, it seemed to grow more furious, its eyes burning with rage.

The bear charged at Kaito with renewed vigor, swiping its massive paws. Kaito barely dodged the first strike, feeling the rush of air as the claws missed him by inches. He countered with a quick slash, but the bear's thick hide absorbed most of the impact.

Kaito took a deep breath and focused. He needed to be precise and patient. He darted around the bear, looking for another opening. The bear swung at him again, and this time, Kaito ducked under the swipe and stabbed upwards with his glowing blade.

"Piercing Strike!"

The sword sank into the bear's shoulder, and it let out a thunderous roar. Kaito quickly pulled back, but the bear was relentless. It lunged at him, forcing him to roll to the side to avoid being crushed. The bear's sheer power and durability were daunting, and Kaito knew he had to keep his wits about him.

"Piercing Strike!" he called out again, aiming for the bear's side. The attack connected, and the bear staggered, but it still didn't go down. Blood poured from its wounds, but its determination seemed unbreakable.

Kaito's breathing was ragged, and his muscles ached from the exertion. He needed to end this before he ran out of energy. Summoning his strength, he prepared for another Piercing Strike. The bear charged at him, and he sidestepped just in time, thrusting his sword into its flank.

"Piercing Strike!"

The blade penetrated deep, and the bear let out a guttural roar. It swayed, its strength finally waning. Kaito pulled back, readying himself for one last strike. The bear turned to face him, its eyes filled with a mix of pain and rage.

Kaito took a deep breath and channeled all his remaining energy into his sword. This had to be the final blow.

"Piercing Strike!"

He lunged forward, aiming for the bear's heart. The sword drove deep into its chest, and the bear let out a final, agonized roar before collapsing to the ground. Kaito stood over the fallen beast, breathing heavily, his body trembling with exhaustion.

[Experience Gained: 600 XP]

As Kaito stood over the fallen bear, catching his breath and wiping the sweat from his brow, he couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment. The experience gained from defeating this armored bear was significantly higher than the previous one he encountered. It seemed that this particular bear was indeed stronger, possibly one level higher than the one he had faced earlier.

"600 XP..." Kaito murmured to himself, mentally noting the difference. "That's quite a leap.

Despite his exhaustion, Kaito's mind raced with thoughts of strategy and progression. He knew that facing stronger foes would mean greater risks but also greater rewards. The challenge ahead was daunting, but he was determined to continue growing stronger.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Kaito set to work butchering the boars. He carefully took some meat putting it on his office backpack. He also took some meat on the bear since he liked the taste.

After finishing, kaito need to find a place before it gets dark. It'll be harder to find a place at night, specially the dangers that lurks around. After walking for some time he finally sees a secluded area, he crawled to get inside. His amazed to see that this place is perfect for hiding he immediately put the meat and crawled out to get some dry woods to create a fire.

After getting some dry woods kaito ignited the woods, finally feeling the warmth of the fire. He took some boars meat and cook it. As the meat sizzled over the crackling flames, filling the air with a mouth-watering aroma, Kaito settled down next to the fire, feeling the warmth seep into his bones. He let out a contented sigh, grateful for the chance to rest and recharge after the intense battles he had faced.

As he waited for the meat to cook, Kaito took a moment to reflect on his journey so far. From the moment he arrived in this world, he had been tested in ways he never imagined. Yet, with each challenge, he had grown stronger and more skilled, honing his abilities and learning valuable lessons along the way.

As the meat finished cooking, Kaito eagerly dug in, savoring the hearty flavor and satisfying texture. The meal replenished his strength and lifted his spirits, fueling him for the challenges to come. He knew that the road ahead would be long and arduous, but he was ready to face it head-on, armed with courage, determination, and the unwavering belief that he was destined for greatness.