

Tiny_Legend · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

Instinctively, Kaito used his Analyze skill to gather information about the creature.

[Creature: Armored Bear]

[Level: 8]

[Weakness: Agility]

[Description: The Armored Bear is a formidable beast, known for its nearly impenetrable hide and immense strength. It relies on raw power and defense, but its bulk can hinder its agility in fast-paced combat.]

Kaito observed the armored bear carefully. Its thick hide glistened in the sunlight, a clear indication of its natural armor. However, the information from Analyze highlighted its primary weakness—agility. The bear's immense size and strength came at the cost of maneuverability.

Kaito considered his options. Confronting such a powerful creature head-on would be risky, but he was confident in his abilities, especially his Piercing Strike. He remembered how effectively it had bypassed the goblins' defenses and figured it could do the same against the armored bear's hide.

He approached cautiously, taking advantage of the bear's preoccupation with its meal. The wind was in his favor, blowing his scent away from the creature. As he closed the distance, he steadied his breathing and focused his mind, preparing for the precise moment to strike.

Kaito moved silently, stepping lightly to avoid making any noise. He used the cover of the trees and underbrush to mask his approach. The armored bear, engrossed in its meal, was oblivious to his presence. Kaito's heart pounded in his chest as he closed the distance, every sense heightened.

When he was within striking range, kaito activated piercing strike. His sword glowed faintly as he channeled his energy into a single, powerful attack aimed at a vulnerable spot just behind the Bear's foreleg, where the armor looked thinner.

With a swift and precise motion, kaito lunged forward and struck. His sword pierced through the Bear's hide, driving deep into its flesh. The armored bear roared in pain and fury, rearing up on its hind legs to swipe at kaito with its massive claws.

Kaito quickly rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the Bear's counterattack. He could see the pain and confusion in the creature's eyes, a clear sign that his strike had been effective. The bear, now aware of its attacker, turned to face kaito, its eyes burning with rage.

As the bear charges, kaito decided to test another of his skill. He quickly summoned a fireball, hoping to use the magic to weaken the bear further. With a swift motion, he hurled the fireball at the creature. The fiery projectile struck the bear, but to kaito's dismay, it seemed to have little effect. The Bear's thick, armored hide absorbed much of the impact, and the fire barely scorched its fur.

The bear shook off the attack and continued its charge, undeterred by the flames. Realizing that magic might not be his best option against such heavily armored foe, kaito refocused on his close combat skills. The bear lunged at him with a powerful swipe, and he narrowly dodged, feeling The rush of air from the massive claws.

Kaito's mind raced. He knew he had to rely on his agility and piercing strike to take down the beast. The Bear's immense size and strength made it a formidable opponent, but its bulk also made it slower and less agile. He decided to exploit this weakness.

Circling the bear, kaito kept his movements light and agile, dodging and weaving as the creature tried to close the distance. Each time the bear lunged, he was ready, using its own momentum against it. When the bear reared up again, kaito saw his chance. He activated Piercing strike once more, his sword glowing faintly as he channeled his energy into a single, precise thrust aimed at the Bear's underbelly.

The strike hit home, driving deep into the vulnerable flesh. The bear let out another roar, this one more desperate than before. It stumbled, clearly weakened by the blow. Kaito could see impact of his Piercing strike. Despite the Bear's formidable hide, his focused attack had pierced through, dealing significant damage.

As the bear recovered, it swiped at kaito with renewed ferocity. He dodged, but not quickly enough to avoid a glancing blow that raked across his arm, leaving shallow but painful scratch.

Kaito winced, the sting of the injury sharpening his focus. He couldn't afford many more hits like that. The Bear's bulk made it slow, but it's raw power was undeniable. He needed to exploit it's weakness if he hoped to survive this encounter.

Drawing on his agility, kaito darted to the side, avoiding another crushing blow. He could feel his heart pounding, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Each movement was a calculated risk, a dance of survival. He knew he had to keep his focus shar, One mistake could be fatal.

The bear, sensing its own desperation, charged again. Kaito sidestepped, slashing at its side as it pressed. The strike wasn't as powerful as his piercing strike, but It kept the bear off balance, buying him precious seconds.

He took a deep breath, gathering his strength for another decisive blow. His mind was clear, his focus singular. He had one shot to end this. As the bear Turned, kaito activated piercing strike once more, aiming for the beast's neck.

The world seemed to slow as he lunged forward, his sword glowing with a faint light. The blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, striking true. The Bear's roar was cut short as the sword pierced its hide. Driving deep into the vital spot.

The bear collapsed, its massive body hitting the ground with a final, thunderous impact. Kaito stood over the fallen creature, breathing heavily, his body aching from the effort and the injuries sustained. Blood trickled from the scratches on his arm and legs, but he felt a profound sense of accomplishment. He had taken down a formidable for using his wits, agility, and the devastating power of his piercing strike.

[Experience Gained: 450]

As he sheathed his sword, kaito couldn't help but reflect on the battle. The piercing strike had been a game-changer, allowing him to bypass the Bear's defenses and deal critical damage. It wasn't just powerful attack, it was a tool that could turn the tide of any battle, especially against heavily armored opponents.

The realization filled him with a renewed sense of confidence. If he could defeat an armored bear, he could face whatever challenges this world threw at him. He tended to his wounds as best he could, grateful for the minor injuries after that fierce battle.

After catching his breath, kaito decided to make use of the Bear's carcass. He took some of the meat, knowing it would sustain him in the days to come.

With his pack a bit heavier and his spirit lifted, kaito set off once more into the forest. The sun was rising higher now, casting dappled light through the trees. Each step felt more purposeful, each breath filled with anticipation for the adventures that lay ahead.

After gathering some meat from the fallen bear, kaito searched for a suitable spot to cook it. Finding a small clearing with a flat Rock serving as a makeshift cooking surface, he gathered some dry wood and started a fire. As flames crackled and the scent of cooking meat filled the air, kaito's stomach growled in anticipation. It was the first time he had ever eaten bear meat, and he was eager to taste it.

Sitting by the fire, kaito patiently cooked the meat, turning it over the flames until it was perfectly seared and tender. As he savored his meal, he couldn't help but feel a sense or satisfaction. He had faced a formidable opponent and emerged victorious, and now he was enjoying the spoils of his victory.

However, the smell of the cooking meat has attracted some unwanted attention. A group of five bloodfang wolves emerged from the shadows, their eyes fixed hungrily on kaito and the fire. These wolves were smaller than the armored bear, but they were swift and deadly hunters, know for their ferocity and pack tactics.

Kaito quickly assessed the situation. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, especially not with a pack of hungry wolves closing in. With s quick motion, he summoned a fireball, readying himself for the impending attack.

As the wolves lunged forward, kaito unleashed the fireball, sending it streaking through the air towards the incoming wolves. The fiery projectile struck true, engulfing the wolf in flames and sending it crashing to the ground with a pained yelp.

[Experience Gained: 100 XP]

The other wolves hesitated for a moment, taken aback by the sudden display of magic. Seizing the opportunity, kaito sprang into action, drawing his sword and meeting the wolves head-on.

His enhanced agility and strength served him well as he danced around the snapping jaws of the wolves, striking with precision and speed. With each swing of his sword, another wolf fell, until only one remained

[Experience Gained: 100 XP]

[Experience Gained: 100 XP]

[Experience Gained: 100 XP]

The lone wolf, sensing defeat, turned tail and fled into the forest, it's howls echoing through. Kaito watched it go, breathing heavily but unscathed. He had defeated the pack of bloodfang wolves with relative ease, a testament to his growing strength.

A familiar sensation washed over him as his experience points tallied up, signaling his progress. The glowing notification appeared before him:

[Level Up]

Kaito felt a surge of energy course through his body. Although his wounds remained, the level up brought a sense of renewed strength and vigor. He could feel his muscles tightening, his senses sharpening, and his mind becoming clearer. He took a moment to appreciate the newfound power, knowing it would serve him well in the challenges ahead.