

Tiny_Legend · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 5

With a swift motion, he swung his sword at the tree trunk, aiming for a precise point. The blade sliced through the wood effortlessly, leaving a deep gash in its wake. Kaito marveled at the effectiveness of the Piercing Strike, impressed by its ability to cut through the sturdy tree with such ease.

Encouraged by the results, Kaito practiced the technique several more times, honing his precision and control. With each strike, he felt his confidence grow, knowing that he now possessed a formidable weapon in his arsenal.

As he sheathed his sword, Kaito couldn't help but imagine, just how in the world beast that powerful got injured, but he was not to give up now as he just become more powerful.

With his newfound skill honed and his confidence bolstered, Kaito set out deeper into the forest, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him. The trees thickened, casting long shadows that danced in the dim light. As he moved cautiously through the underbrush, he heard faint rustling and guttural voices nearby.

Drawing his sword, Kaito moved stealthily towards the source of the noise. Peering through the foliage, he saw a group of goblins gathered around a makeshift camp. They were armed with crude weapons and seemed to be arguing over a recent hunt, their grating voices rising and falling in the twilight.

Assessing the situation, Kaito decided to strike before the goblins could notice his presence. He emerged from his cover, his sword gleaming in the fading light. The goblins, startled by his sudden appearance, scrambled to ready their weapons.

Kaito didn't give them a chance. He activated his Piercing Strike, focusing his strength into a single, precise attack aimed at the goblin closest to him. His sword glowed faintly as it cut through the air, striking the goblin with a force that sent it flying back, lifeless, before it even hit the ground.

[Experience Gained: 30]

The remaining goblins, momentarily stunned by the ferocity of the attack, regrouped and charged at Kaito. With a calm and practiced motion, he unleashed another Piercing Strike, this time targeting two goblins who were advancing side by side. His blade sliced through their defenses, the critical hit dropping them instantly.

[Experience Gained: 30]

[Experience Gained: 30]

Kaito's movements were fluid and precise, each strike measured and lethal. He continued to weave through the goblins, his Piercing Strike cutting down any who dared to approach. The goblins, realizing the futility of their assault, attempted to flee, but Kaito was relentless. He dispatched the last of them with a final Piercing Strike, leaving no survivors.

[Experience Gained: 30]

[Experience Gained: 30]

[Experience Gained: 30]

Breathing heavily, Kaito surveyed the scene. The goblin camp lay in ruins, its inhabitants defeated with remarkable efficiency. He felt a rush of satisfaction and a deep sense of power. The Piercing Strike had exceeded his expectations, proving to be a devastating addition to his combat repertoire.

Reflecting on the battle, Kaito realized just how potent the Piercing Strike was. The skill had not only increased his offensive capabilities but also provided a strategic edge by bypassing enemy defenses. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to take on greater challenges with confidence.

As the forest grew quiet once more, Kaito sheathed his sword and continued his journey, eager to see where his path would lead him next. The thrill of battle and the promise of new adventures propelled him forward, each step filled with anticipation for the trials ahead.

As the adrenaline from the battle began to fade, Kaito noticed the sun sinking lower in the sky. The forest was gradually being swallowed by shadows, the twilight deepening into the darkness of night. He knew that he needed to find a safe place to rest before the creatures of the night emerged.

He sheathed his sword and began to search for a suitable spot to set up camp. The dense forest offered few options, and he needed a place that provided both shelter and a clear view of his surroundings to spot any approaching threats.

After a short while of searching, Kaito found a small clearing nestled between a cluster of large trees and a rocky outcrop. The trees provided a natural barrier on one side, and the rocks offered some protection on the other. It wasn't perfect, but it would suffice for the night.

Kaito quickly gathered some dry branches and leaves to build a small fire. he ignited the tinder, and soon a modest flame flickered to life, casting a warm glow in the encroaching darkness. The fire would help keep wild animals at bay and provide some comfort against the cool night air.

He settled down near the fire, feeling a bit hungry. He hadn't eaten since he got transported to this world, and he didn't have any food with him. Reaching into his pockets, he found nothing that could satiate his hunger. The realization hit him hard, he was in a strange world with no supplies and no idea where to find food.

Reflecting on the day's events, Kaito began to wonder if his enhanced strength had something to do with his diminished appetite. Despite not eating, his energy levels remained surprisingly high. He considered the possibility that his body's increased strength were allowing him to sustain himself longer without needing food.

"This might be another benefit of leveling up," he mused, leaning back against one of the large trees. "If my body is more efficient, it makes sense that I wouldn't need to eat as much."

Feeling a wave of satisfaction, Kaito settled down near the fire, the flames casting a warm glow around the clearing and creating a sense of security in the darkening forest. He decided to take advantage of the calm and review his stats and new skill again, this time with a deeper understanding of their impact.

Character Stats:

[Name: Kaito]

[Level: 5] [Experience: 310/1100]

[Class: Swordmanship]

[Trait: None]

[Strength: 18]

[Agility: 14]

[Magic: 11]

[Endurance: 0]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Skills Unlocked: 3 (Analyze,Fireball,Piercing Strike)]

Skill: Piercing Strike

Description: The user focuses their strength into a single, precise attack, dealing significant damage to a targeted enemy.


•Focused Attack: Delivers a powerful, precise strike that deals additional damage.

•Critical Hit: Increases the chance of a critical hit, dealing even more damage.

•Armor Piercing: Penetrates the target's defenses, ignoring a portion of their resistance or armor.

Reflecting on his recent encounter with the goblins, Kaito felt a sense of pride and confidence. The Piercing Strike had proven to be an invaluable skill, allowing him to cut through enemies with ease and precision. He was eager to see how it would fare against more formidable foes in the future.

As the forest grew quiet and the night deepened, Kaito allowed himself to relax. The warmth of the fire and the peacefulness of the surroundings began to lull him into a state of calm. He knew that the coming days would bring new challenges and adventures, but for now, he was content to rest and recharge.

Just before he closed his eyes, he made a mental note to remain vigilant. The forest could be unpredictable, and he needed to stay alert even while resting. With a final glance at the fire, Kaito settled into a comfortable position, ready to let sleep take him.

The night passed peacefully, the forest remaining quiet and still. Kaito's enhanced senses allowed him to remain semi-alert even in his sleep, a subtle awareness of his surroundings keeping him safe. As dawn began to break, casting a soft glow through the trees, Kaito awoke feeling refreshed and ready to face the new day.

Rising to his feet, he stretched and took a deep breath of the crisp morning air. The fire had burned down to embers, and the forest was coming alive with the sounds of birds and small animals. With a renewed sense of purpose, Kaito gathered his belongings, extinguished the remnants of the fire, and set off into the forest, eager to continue his journey and uncover the mysteries of this new world.

As he walked, Kaito decided to test his enhanced strength further. He spotted a large rock that would have been impossible for an ordinary person to lift. Determined to see just how powerful he had become, he approached the rock and bent down, wrapping his fingers around its rough edges.

With a deep breath, Kaito focused his strength and lifted. The rock, which would have required several men to move, rose steadily in his grasp. He marveled at the strength with which he handled the massive weight. "If 10 points of strength is equal to a normal adult person," he mused, "then having 18 makes me superhuman."

He set the rock down gently, amazed at his newfound abilities. The realization of his increased strength filled him with confidence and a sense of accomplishment. He knew that this power would be crucial in his battles ahead, giving him an edge against the formidable creatures he might encounter.

Continuing his journey, Kaito kept an eye out for anything that might provide him with more information about this world. He navigated through the forest, his enhanced senses allowing him to detect subtle changes in his environment. The sunlight filtering through the trees created a serene atmosphere, but Kaito remained vigilant, knowing that danger could lurk around any corner.

After a few hours of walking, Kaito stumbled upon a creature feasting on a fallen prey. It was an armored bear, a massive beast with a hide that looked like it could deflect even the sharpest of weapons. The sight of the creature sent a thrill of both fear and excitement through him.