
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · ファンタジー
77 Chs

611 to 620

Sign In For One Hundred Thousand Years, Please Hurry Up Chapter 611 Read Online

Chapter 611

Chapter 611 Water Tomb, Crystal Coffin, Five Elements True Dragon


Within Langya Cave, I remembered the loud noises from time to time, but this huge noise and the strong shock wave of the battle were absorbed by the distorted space and did not spread far.

Every loud bang represents the fall of a cultivator possessed by Blood Spirit Yin Gu.

A team of one hundred people, after traveling for an hour, has lost nearly one-third.

"The ancestor of the Su family is just a pawn, my ancestor, can't let him die in this place…"

Ye Yun's eyes flickered, looking at the back of the Su family ancestor in front of him, and suddenly he shot.

Without being noticed by anyone, the ancestor of the Su family was moved to Ye Yun's side like a ghost.

Ye Yun created an illusion in front of the ancestors of the Su family, making him mistakenly believe that he was still in the original team.

This level of disillusionment power is equivalent to a barrier, in the eyes of others, it seems to be transparent, and the Su family ancestors cannot be seen.

In the original position of the Su family ancestor, there is already a newcomer-the immortal god Cane has turned into another "Su family ancestor."

Ye Yun's hiding from the sky, naturally no one would notice.

After all, his Realm is too high.

The disguise of the undead silkworm is also terribly clever, no one will find out.

Although many people died along the way, the people in the team were still excited and didn't feel the horror of Death.

As people continued to die along the way, Ye Yun found that the black-robed old man's expression became more and more excited.

When it was almost the black robe old man's turn to break the ban, he turned and retreated.

"Go on." The black robe old man ordered.


The person behind replied with a frenzied expression, that he did not complain at all for giving his life to break the ban.

After crossing several mountains, the number of people has dropped sharply to two-thirds.

At this time, the ancestor of the Su family, made by the immortal god, was already at the forefront of the team.

"Everyone work hard and we will soon reach our ultimate destination.

The black-robed old man took a deep breath, looked at a towering mountain range in the distance, and said with excitement.


"We will definitely complete the task assigned by the master!"

"come on!"

The rest of the cultivator suddenly became excited.

"We seem to be walking slowly now, but in fact the speed is already very fast."

The black-robed old man pointed to the sky with a frightened expression on his face, and said in a low voice: "The Langya cave sky is terrible, and the blood and spirit forbidden in the sky are densely packed. If we fly over, we will probably have died long ago."

"My lord, let's hurry up! Finish the master's task early."

The real green dragon laughed.


The black-robed old man waved his hand and said, "Then we continue on the road."

Everyone continued on the road.

Just stepping out of a distance of one hundred feet, suddenly I heard a buzzing sound.

The space in the tall woods ahead was severely distorted, and the green leaves turned into dust, forming a series of cold swords, shooting at the undead silkworm.

"Hey, it's finally my turn to shoot."

The undead god Cane was secretly happy in his heart, and rushed towards the sharp swords.

He waved his fist, entrained a gust of wind, and slammed the sharp swords on the opposite side abruptly.

"Why are you so trash? Didn't someone just die in vain?"

The black-robed old man yelled.

Just finished speaking, a scene that surprised him happened.

I saw that the punch was extremely fierce, wrapped in a layer of silver light, and after hitting the sharp sword, it actually blasted most of the sharp sword out.

"How can this guy's body be so strong?"

The black robe old man was shocked.


Xue Lingban shook violently again, as if the second wave of attacks was about to be born.

Seeing that the undead silkworm was a little overwhelmed, Ye Yun hurriedly sent out a voice transmission and exhorted him.

"Master, I'm sorry, I was a little overwhelmed just now!"

The immortal silkworm felt guilty and immediately apologized to Ye Yun.

"It's okay!"

Ye Yun said.

After getting the master's order, the undead silkworm suddenly seemed to have changed people. After suppressing the blood spirit ban, the undead silkworm suddenly exploded.

"This little guy pretends to look a lot!"

Ye Yun smiled in his heart. Naturally, the immortal silkworm would not really explode and die. Its body is the seventh level of the gods, and this clone has at least the first level of the gods.

Therefore, playing a little trick in front of these people will not be discovered at all.

A silver light flew silently to Ye Yun's shoulder, and the undead silkworm returned.

"Good job!"

Ye Yun sighed.

"Let's go ahead!"

The black-robed old man had no guilt about the death of "Su Family Patriarch". Looking at the towering mountains in the distance, he waved his excited hand and immediately commanded the team to move forward.

After another period of time, after surpassing several mountains in a row, only seventeen or eight were left in their team.

The crowd stood on top of a mountain.

The black-robed old man looked at a large emerald green lake below, and said excitedly: "Our goal is the water tomb at the bottom of the lake!"

Water tomb?

Ye Yun was taken aback immediately.

Is the water tomb in this lake really the cemetery for the people of the Blood Spirit God Sect after their death?

The master behind the Blood Spirit Yin Gu has worked so hard to obtain the inheritance of the Blood Spirit Divine Sect?

Ye Yun thinks it makes sense to think so.

"True blue water dragon, there are seventeen water dragons sleeping in the bottom of the lake. You are of the same race as you. You should sneak down for a while, don't disturb them, just quietly carry the crystal coffin inside out!"

The black-robed old man looked at the real dragon on the clear water and commanded with a serious face.


The True Dragon of Bishui immediately agreed, and he walked two steps forward. Suddenly he looked a little confused, turned his head and asked again.

"How come there are so many of my kinsmen in this lake?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go quickly! You are of the same race as them, don't disturb them if you come back now!"

The black-robed old man glared his eyes suddenly and said solemnly.


Jie Shui Zhenlong nodded, and suddenly thought of something, then turned around to look at Ye Yun, and smiled: "Brother, wait for me here!"


Ye Yun nodded.

The clear water real dragon turned into the body of a real dragon and sneaked into the lake quietly. Because of the innate water system magical powers, it did not arouse any waves.

It dived down without knowing it.

The black-robed old man stood on the top of the mountain with hope in his eyes.

After half a stick of incense.

A giant in the lake slowly emerged.

It is the true dragon with blue water and clear water.

On its dragon head, there is also a small crystal coffin.


The black robe old man said excitedly.

Ye Yun looked at the coffin, but there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

The crystal coffin was shining and transparent, wrapped in a layer of shining light, but inside the coffin was a small dragon.

It's not human.

"Is it possible that the descendant of the Blood Spirit God Sect is the Dragon Race?"

Ye Yun asked secretly.

"It can't be the dragon, sir."

The immortal silkworm replied.

"It's weird. Although the dragon in the crystal coffin is dead, the corpse is still lifelike. It seems that there is some treasure in the body…"

Ye Yun's gaze flickered, his gaze stared at the crystal coffin, and the expression on his face suddenly changed.

The dragon in this crystal coffin turned out to be a real Five Elements dragon!


Just as his head came out of the water, the Jade Water Real Dragon suddenly screamed, his body trembling constantly in the water, and the expression in the dragon's eyes was extremely painful.

"True blue water dragon, do you still want to counter the master's will?"

Seeing this scene, the black-robed old man suddenly shrank his pupils, and a powerful spiritual force immediately rushed past.

Chapter 612

Chapter 612


The Azure Water True Dragon screamed in pain, and in its mind, the Blood Spirit Yin Gu violently broke out again, violently confronting the will deep in its heart.


The lake water shook up suddenly, forming huge whirlpools.

"No, the true dragons of clear water have all awakened!"

Seeing this scene, the black-robed old man immediately changed his face.

A behemoth emerged from each vortex.

These giant dragons that stick out their heads are all aqua-blue bodies, exuding a powerful aura.

"Interesting, I finally understand the meaning of Brother Shiba Dao's name…"

Seeing the drastic changes in the lake water and the sudden appearance of seventeen true dragons in clear water, Ye Yun's eyes flashed with enlightenment.

In this lake, there were originally eighteen dragons in clear water.

These blue water real dragons together guard the ancient water tomb and the Five Elements real dragon in the crystal coffin.

But I don't know why, this true blue water dragon ran outside Langya Cave Sky and was hit by Blood Spirit Yin Gu.

Finally…he became the dragon ancestor of the Water Dragon Gate.

The black-robed old man gave a grinning smile and sternly shouted: "Even if you have eighteen dragons in clear water, what can you do?"

After speaking.

With a big wave of his hand, the cultivators beside him immediately jumped into the air and rushed towards the real dragons of clear water.

The real dragon of clear water is a state of life and death, and these cultivators are also a state of life and death.


The two sides fought immediately over the lake, and the waves rolled and the land broke.


The black-robed old man made a sharp move with his hand, and a thin thread flew out of his hand and rolled towards the crystal coffin on the dragon's head.

At this moment, the real dragon of clear water was still in an extremely painful state of chaos and did not react.

The thin thread entangled the crystal coffin fiercely and rolled back.

"I can't betray my master!"

The Jade Water Real Dragon suddenly roared, vacated the water, and rushed towards the black robe old man.

The black-robed old man pulled a thin thread and grabbed the crystal coffin.

At this moment, the figure flashed.

A figure in white suddenly appeared opposite him.

"I want this crystal coffin."

As soon as Ye Yun stretched out his hand, the thin thread broke, and he grabbed the crystal coffin.

"Why are you out of control?"

The black-robed old man looked at Ye Yun in disbelief and shocked.

"Blood Spirit Yin Gu is not a 100% success, don't forget, I am also a clan of true dragons with clear water."

Ye Yun sneered.

"Since there is no success, I will plant a few more for you."

The black-robed old man suddenly grinned.


A blood hole suddenly cracked in his chest, and dozens of scarlet bugs were immediately drilled out of it.

These scarlet bugs were extremely hideous and terrifying, and they were as fast as blood-colored lightnings, and suddenly came out in a burst and pounced on Ye Yun.

Some blood spirit Yin Gu flew towards the real dragon of clear water.

Seeing that the black-robed old man was fully prepared and had been controlling the rhythm, Ye Yun couldn't help but sneered.

He just lightly clicked, and the blood spirit Yin Gu that pounced on him was immediately held in mid-air.

In the other direction, a silver ray suddenly swept out, devouring all the blood-colored bugs.

"what is this?"

The black-robed old man looked at the little silver light with a shocked expression on his face.

A silver light flashed slightly in the air, and a small silver-white silkworm emerged.

"This… turned out to be the undead silkworm?!"

The black-robed old man looked at the white silkworm with disbelief in his eyes, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"Hey, it's weird, I didn't expect you to know me too? It seems that you also lived an era?"

The immortal silkworm was slightly taken aback.

"Your body is more precious than the Five Elements real dragon. No matter what the price is paid today, the old man will catch you!"

The black-robed old man laughed strangely. He stretched out his blood-red tongue and licked it lightly on his lips, his eyes hot.

"It looks like he is going to catch you, Xiao Can?"

Ye Yun put her arms around her chest and laughed loudly.

"Master, he wants to catch me, there is no door!"

The undead silkworm snorted coldly, furious.

As soon as the voice fell, its body's momentum continued to grow, and at this moment, it reached the tenth-level peak of life and death.

This Realm, in the Langya Cave Sky, is already considered top-notch.

The Cultivation Base of the black-robed old man is just the tenth level of life and death.

"It turns out that you also hidden Cultivation Base!"

The muscles on the black robe old man's face twitched abruptly, and he swiped lightly on his chest, and the wounds healed quickly.

"Take your life!"

The Undead Silkworm yelled coldly. It opened its mouth and spit out a silver filament.


There was a slight noise in the space.

This silver filament was incredibly fast, and fell on the black-robed old man in a blink of an eye.

The black-robed old man didn't even react during the whole process.

The swift entanglement of this filament, one breath of effort, turned the black robe old man into a silver cocoon abruptly.

"Master, I didn't kill him, just keep alive."

Said the immortal silkworm.

"very good!"

Ye Yun exclaimed.

There are still a lot of clues on this black-robed old man, leaving him for a while.

Just now.

Outside Langya Dongtian, a terrifying figure suddenly fell.

This is also a black robe old man, wearing a mask, unable to see the true face clearly.

His body unexpectedly released the powerful aura of the eternal realm.

This is a great cultivator in the eternal realm.

"Damn it! How could such a variable occur!"

The black-robed old man carried his hands on his back and said angrily.

He wandered outside Langya Cave Sky, stopped, and didn't dare to enter at all.

He knew very well that once he entered, he would be trapped by the sky full of blood spirits.

Even if he is the Cultivation Base of the eternal realm, he will hate it.

"Huh! The old man's luck is so good that he discovered the undead silkworm of that era, which is many times stronger than the body of the Five Elements real dragon!"

The black-robed old man murmured to himself, his tone was extremely excited.

After so many years of hard planning, although the crystal coffin was not obtained in the end, a legendary undead silkworm appeared.

Once this undead silkworm is captured, it will be an unimaginable huge harvest.

"In addition to the body of the true dragon of Five Elements, the Divine Orb of Water in it is also an incredible treasure, and the old man will also get it!"

"By the way, there is also that set of Cultivation Technique…"

The black-robed old man murmured to himself, his voice was a little anxious, he was waiting for him at the moment, and he wished that the few guys would come out immediately, so he could catch it all in one fell swoop.

Within days of Langya Cave.

Ye Yun saw the cultivator and the Jade Water Real Dragon fought fiercely, and she couldn't stand it anymore.

His pupils shrank slightly, and the sky disillusioned his eyes in an instant.

The battle stopped abruptly.

The cultivators screamed, fell from mid-air, and plunged into the lake.

At this moment, Ye Yun got rid of the Blood Spirit Yin Gu in their bodies.

Including the Blood Spirit Yin Gu in the mind of that clear water real dragon, was also removed at the same time.

Seeing "Brother Eighteen Dao" look blank and still in painful entanglement, Ye Yun took out the eight-treasure glass bottle, flicked a drop of Sanguang Divine Water, flew over, and fell into the mouth of this true blue water dragon.

Sanguang Shenshui repairs the soul, with an amazing effect that is unimaginable.

In a moment, the expression of the Jade Water True Dragon returned to normal.

"Huh? Brother, what did you eat for me? I recovered most of my memory, and the scary little bug in my mind disappeared…"

The True Dragon of Bishui looked at Ye Yun with a dazed expression, and said in disbelief.

"Recovered some memories?"

Ye Yun suddenly smiled, and in an instant he invaded the brain of the Jade Water True Dragon.

He wanted to take a look at the origin of the dead Five Elements dragon in the crystal coffin.

Chapter 613

Chapter 613: Yunxiao's First, Second, and Third Life Body

"This is… Yunxiao?"

When he intruded into the mind of the real dragon of clear water and touched the incomplete memory, Ye Yun was shocked and couldn't believe what he saw.

A familiar Yunxiao appeared in Ye Yun's sight.

Lying in the depths of the cemetery, her skin is white and crystal clear, and her beautiful eyes are picturesque. She is still so beautiful and beautiful.

This is the memory of the Jade Water True Dragon, a certain kind of incompleteness occurred, and then he jumped–

I do not know how long it has been.

Yun Xiao, who was sleeping, had amazing changes in her body, and she gradually became a four or five-year-old girl.

She awakened from her sleepy state.

"Little eighteen, will you come with me?"

Little Yunxiao jumped to the front of a real dragon with clear water, gently touched the head of the huge water blue dragon, and said with a smile.

"Okay, Master."

The Jade Water Real Dragon agreed and woke up from a deep sleep.

Xiao Yunxiao leaped lightly and jumped onto the head of the true dragon of clear water.

"Going out, this time I am a little weak and need you to escort me away."

Xiao Yunxiao frowned and said.

"Okay, Master."

Bishui Zhenlong replied very respectfully.

It swung its dragon body, flew out from the cemetery of the lake, rose into the air, and flew out in the direction of the entrance of Langya Cave.

The trajectory of the Jade Water True Dragon's flight is extremely peculiar, and it seems to have avoided those blood and spirit forbiddens.

After flying out of Langya Cave.

Suddenly a black shadow shot from a distance.

"Who are you? Come out of it?"

The black shadow turned into a black robe old man wearing a mask, looked at this man Yilong in shock, and said in disbelief.


Xiao Yunxiao nodded, but there was a dignified look in his eyes.

The old man in front of him carried a dangerous aura.

"Take me in and I can spare you from dying."

The black robe old man rolled his eyes and said loudly.

When he said this, a handful of red worms suddenly appeared on his hand.

"Little Eighteen, we must not let him in, can you stand it for a while?"

Xiao Yunxiao said.

"Master, don't worry, I can resist him for a while, you leave this place quickly."

The real green dragon said in a deep voice.

"Good! If there is an afterlife, I will definitely repay your kindness!"

The corners of Xiao Yunxiao's eyes were crystal clear, tears rolled, she was running the little Magic power in her body, and her little jade hand was raised, and there was an old talisman in her hand.

"Ten Thousand Miles Teleportation Symbol?"

The black-robed old man was taken aback. He didn't expect this little girl with a low Cultivation Base to have such an old talisman.

"You immortal, today I am dead, and I will also drag you to die together!"

The Jade Water Real Dragon roared, manipulating the rolling water, and rushed towards the black robe old man with teeth and claws.

A light flashed.

Xiao Yunxiao launched the Wanli Teleportation Talisman, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.


The old man in black robe and the real dragon of clear water fought together in an instant.

The fight was fierce.

The river was rolling, and huge waves rose to the sky.

However, after a few rounds, the Jade Water Real Dragon fell short.

"Hey! Little Longer, let you taste the power of the old man's blood and spirit Yin Gu today!"

The black-robed old man gave a grinning grin, and shook the red bug out of his hand.

Each worm turned into a red lightning, blasting towards the real dragon of clear water from all directions.

The water and light emerged, forming a barrier.

The Jade Water Real Dragon blocked it for a while, but was still attached to his brain by a red bug.

"Want to control me? I won't let you do it easily!"

The Jade Water Real Dragon roared and began to kill the memory in his mind in a suicidal manner.

After all, it controls the only passage in Langya Cave. If the black-robed old man gets it, the crystal coffin that the master asks them to guard will be obtained by the black-robed old man.

This is something that it cannot tolerate until death.

"Want to self-destruct memory?"

The black-robed old man saw the clue in an instant, and suddenly roared, the red bug suddenly accelerated, and plunged into the mind of the Jade Water Real Dragon like lightning.

The pathway in the memory had just been destroyed, and the other memories had just been destroyed a bit, and the Blood Spirit Yin Gu entered.

As soon as the blood spirit worm came in, it immediately controlled the real clear water dragon.

Let it not continue to destroy its memory.

At the same time, the black robe old man also spied some memories of the clear water real dragon through the blood spirit Yin Gu.

"It turns out that there is actually a real Five Elements dragon here, which has reached the tenth-level peak of the eternal realm…"

Nan Nan, the black-robed old man, muttered to herself, with extremely hot eyes.

"The only safe passage in this Langya Cave is now on that little girl. She must not be allowed to escape…"

The black-robed old man showed a hideous look, and when he turned around, he broke through the air.

The memory of the Jade Water True Dragon has been broken here, and it is not clear whether the old man in the black robe behind has found Xiao Yunxiao.

However, later the black robe old man went and returned. He entered Langya Cave Sky, and after barely breaking some blood and spirit bans, his vitality was severely injured and he had to withdraw from Langya Cave Sky.

And strengthened a layer of formation seal.

This blue-water real dragon was also freed by him. Anyway, there was a bloody yin gu in his mind, so the black-robed old man didn't need to worry about anything.

This is probably the most important memory in Bishui Zhenlong's mind.

After reading these memories, Ye Yun's mood was overwhelmed, and the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

The little girl Yunxiao, really cultivated his self-transformation dragon art, and lived out the second life.

The Five Elements real dragon in the crystal coffin is Yunxiao's first real body.

The young and beautiful Yunxiao before was her second life.

Ye Yun didn't expect that Yunxiao, who cultivated his self-transformation dragon art, could actually be cultivated for the third life.

That four or five-year-old girl is Yunxiao's third life.

"Yunxiao's talent is indeed incomparable, and his self-transformation dragon art is carried forward on her body. However, in this way, the dragon blood in Yunxiao's body is probably already thin and pitiful."

Ye Yun sighed slightly.

His gaze condensed, and in an instant he invaded the old man in black robe wrapped in silver silkworm cocoons.


Feeling the power of the invasion, the Blood Spirit Yin Gu exploded and died instantly.

Ye Yun was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, these little bugs still have some unique features.

Ye Yun thought for a while, and finally thought that Yunxiao's luck should be good, the master of the bloody Yin Gu, the old man in black robe, must have not caught Yunxiao.

if not.

He obtained a way to escape the blood and spirit forbidden, and was able to enter this water tomb at that time.

The black-robed old man in the silver silkworm cocoon, due to the self-destruction of the blood spirit Yin Gu, fell in an instant.

In order to prevent the ancestors of the Su family from going down this old road, Ye Yun immediately activated the sky disillusioning eyes, turning the bloody yin gu in his mind into particles in an instant and dissipated.

Ye Yun withdrew from the memory of the Jade Water Real Dragon.

At this moment, the other seventeen real dragons with clear water also swam over quickly.

They surrounded Ye Yun, feeling the breath of the same clan, and their eyes showed shock.

"Are you the master… the newly raised real dragon with clear water?"

"Hey, do you know where the master is?"

"After so many years, is the master still alive?"

The real dragons of the clear water babbled and asked Ye Yun.

"I do not know either."

Ye Yun shook his head bitterly, thinking of the lonely and wandering clouds, tenaciously living out life after life, and there was unspeakable grief in his heart.

Chapter 614

Chapter 614

"Let me say some elder brothers, don't ask my brother like that. You see that his mood is a little wrong…"

Seeing Ye Yun's sadness, the real dragon with the name of eighteen hurriedly persuaded him.


A dozen dragons closed their mouths and stared at Ye Yun blankly.

"Eighteen, who is he?"

A real dragon with clear water asked.

"Our good brother, the same clan, the same clan, can this be fake?"

Eighteen said with a smile.

"After that, I'll call him nineteen, haha."

The real clear water dragon laughed.

"I said, don't you be joking too much? How can my elder talk to your peers?"

Seeing this, the undead silkworm next to him couldn't help but said loudly in embarrassment.

After speaking, it instantly turned into a small white silkworm from a little silver light.

"Hey, it's weird, what is this little white bug?"

"It looks like a silkworm!"

"Tsk tusk! It's too small, not as big as our fingernails!"

The real dragons in the clear water were talking about it, and they were extremely interested in the undead silkworm, and they discussed enthusiastically.

Damn it!

These stupid dragons!

The undead silkworm was furious.

"You guys, give this uncle an honest stop for a while!"

After speaking, it spit out a silver thread fiercely from its mouth.

Chi Chi!

This silver filament was immediately divided into eighteen thin threads, which were put on the bodies of eighteen real dragons with clear water.

The silver wire rotates at a high speed, and the speed is terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, these true blue water dragons were wrapped in a huge silver cocoon.

Eighteen huge silver cocoons floated in the air, suddenly quieting the surroundings.

Ye Yun came back to her senses and couldn't help but smile when she saw this scene.

"Master, the mouths of these light and heavy guys are so broken, I will shut them up first."

The Undead Cannon said with a smile.


Ye Yun nodded slightly.

He activated the sky disillusioned eyes, and once again invaded the minds of the remaining seventeen true dragons with clear water.

The memories of the seventeen real dragons with clear water are only a little more than the eighteen.

It turns out that these eighteen blue-water dragons are Yunxiao's second-life, brought back from the outside to watch and guard the crystal coffin's first-life.

"It's been more than 60,000 years, and I don't know how many lives Yunxiao lived…"

Ye Yun's eyes were lonely, and he sighed softly. Void grabbed the crystal coffin, and walked into the large tomb in the lake.

This large tomb is very old, and its architectural style is something Ye Yun has never seen before.

In the large tomb, there are still many blood and spirit forbiddens, which block the way openly or secretly.

If you don't know the path, hitting it with one head will definitely trigger the blood and spirit forbidden.

However, these blood spirits are nothing in Ye Yun's eyes.

But he did not break the blood and spirit forbidden.

After all, this tomb has always housed Yunxiao's first life.

After bypassing the blood and spirit prohibition, Ye Yun walked into the depths of the cemetery.

The tomb is deep and unfathomable.

In the deepest place, there is an empty Great Hall.

Above the Great Hall, there is a square hole, and water is constantly pouring up.

Ye Yun waved his hand, and the crystal coffin flew over and landed on it.

The water flow no longer rises, it is suppressed by the crystal coffin.

Ye Yun walked to the crystal coffin and looked at the body of the Five Elements real dragon inside, feeling a little excited.

With a light wave of his hand, a small azure bead rose up within the dragon's body.

These little beads are only the size of a duck egg, surrounded by mist, blooming with surging water vapor.

There are four small characters on the surface of the beads: Chishui Shenzhu.

"Yunxiao was able to successfully cultivate from his first life, and this divine bead is indispensable…"

Ye Yun's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of enlightenment in his eyes.

This divine bead is a great treasure.

The grade has reached the god-level inferior grade.

Yunxiao, who had suffered serious losses at the beginning, accidentally obtained this bead, and used the surging water energy contained in the beads to supplement her Five Elements origin.

The origin of Five Elements has added one line to Consummation.

Enough for Yunxiao to successfully live out his second life.

"This little girl, luck is so good…"

Ye Yun smiled lightly, with a pleased smile on his face.

Turning around, Ye Yun's eyes jumped when he looked at the dense blood and spirit forbidden in front of him, and the cemetery with an extremely ancient architectural style.

In his eyes, there are countless small runes, which are changing rapidly.

After observing for a while.

Ye Yun had an inference about the situation here.

"This place should be the cemetery of a descendant of the Divine Blood Spirit Sect. The Blood Spirit Restriction that was placed at the beginning was also extremely powerful, but it was too long ago, and it has decayed to this level…"

Ye Yun said softly.

Suddenly he stretched out his hand and grabbed the divine bead of water in his hand, and walked straight towards the nearest blood spirit forbidden.

When he walked into the space of the blood forbidden, it did not trigger the blood forbidden.

"Sure enough."

Ye Yun nodded secretly.

Chishui Divine Orb-it seems that it is also a relic of the descendants of the Blood Spirit God Sect, and I don't know how it was obtained by Yun Xiao.

Holding the Divine Orb of Water, Yunxiao can pass through the entire Langya Cave unhindered.

Feeling the amazing water energy, Ye Yun put it back again.

In fact, the energy of the water system is not so sufficient for this divine bead of water.

Most of it was absorbed by Yunxiao's first life body.

And this flood in the Jiangchuan Dynasty tens of thousands of years ago should be the decline of the formation outside this Immortal Cave, causing the breath of the water god pearl to leak out, forming a monstrous flood.

Thinking of these causes and consequences, Ye Yun was complicated and sighed silently.

He put the divine bead back to its original place.

Yunxiao's Five Elements true dragon body also needs the moisture of this bead to remain unchanged forever.

There was a moment of silence.

Ye Yun turned and left.

He did not take this crystal coffin away, but left a strand of Divine Sense.

If Yunxiao returns here in the future, Ye Yun can know it for the first time and recognize Yunxiao.

Out of the water, Ye Yun looked at the giant silkworm cocoons, his pupils shrank slightly, and the eighteen clear-water dragons fell into a deep sleep state.

"After you find Yunxiao, let them wake up."

Ye Yun took out a green bead, put eighteen silver silkworm cocoons, and the ancestor of the Su family into it at the same time.

"let's go!"

Ye Yun stood in mid-air, staring deeply at the tomb in the depths of the lake, his eyes were extremely depressed, and after a light sigh, he turned around and left here with the undead silkworm.

Out of Langya Cave Sky.

Ye Yun found an old man in a black robe, wearing a mask, standing quietly opposite.

"Yeah, after all waiting for you to come out, it's really not easy!"

The black robe old man laughed.

Seeing this black-robed old man at the Cultivation Base of the Eternal Realm, Ye Yun suddenly understood in his heart.

The master behind the scenes of Blood Spirit Yin Gu finally showed up.

"These Blood Spirit Yin Gu… are all raised by your Excellency?"

Ye Yun asked lightly.


The black-robed old man nodded, then waved his big hand, and said viciously: "Hand over the undead silkworm, I don't have to kill you, but accept you under his command."

"Accepting subordinates?"

Ye Yun was amused and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Haha, I said you, old boy, you are covered with bugs all over you, it seems that you are already brain-dead!"

The undead silkworm beside him laughed loudly.

Chapter 615

Chapter 615 Who is this?

"The Immortal Silkworm, although you are precious, Cultivation Base is just a real life and death. Do you dare to talk to the old man like this?"

The black-robed old man was furious, opened his big hands, and suddenly grabbed the undead god.

"Keep alive."

Ye Yun didn't move, but gave a gentle command.

"Okay, sir."

The Undead Silkworm happily agreed, and a white silk was spit out from his mouth.

laugh! laugh!

This thin white silk wrapped around the black-robed old man's hand like lightning. At an unimaginable speed, it first sealed his entire arm, and then wrapped it all the way, wrapping the black-robed old man's whole person.

"How can it be so strong?"

The black-robed old man was so scared that his soul was dissipated. Is the undead silkworm in the realm of life and death strong enough to defeat the realm of eternity?


Ye Yun lightly clicked, and in an instant, the black-robed old man froze.

Not only the blood spirit Yin Gu in his body, but even his blood, thoughts, and everything were frozen.

After all, this old man in black robes is just the Cultivation Base of the eternal realm.

Ye Yun freezes everything about him-easily.

Activating the disillusioned eyes of the sky, Ye Yun began to dig into his memory.

The old man was originally named Chen Kang, and later named himself a real blood spirit.

He turned out to be a Rogue Cultivators, but by chance, in an underground ruin, he obtained the inheritance of Blood Spirit Yin Gu.

This blood spirit real person, the qualifications are not bad, after obtaining the inheritance, he has cultivated all the way to the life and death state.

His impact on the eternal realm is naturally not a problem.

This person has a gloomy temperament and a low-key behavior.

Planting Gu is also risky, and it does not necessarily succeed every time.

In this way, he developed along the way, from the original Rogue Cultivators to the great cultivator of life and death.

Later, there was a flood of Jiangchuan Dynasty. He accidentally passed by and found some clues, which was like a flood caused by the god of water.

After some searching, I finally found the source within a small hole.

In the memory of inheritance acquired by the blood spirit real person, the water divine orb is a product of the blood spirit god sect.

And the inheritance he obtained naturally came from the Blood Spirit God Sect.

The real blood spirit broke the outer formation and was about to enter Langya Cave, when he saw Yunxiao and the real dragon on clear water.

So a battle broke out between the two sides.

The real blood spirit used the blood spirit Yin Gu to subdue the real dragon of clear water, but did not get the information he wanted, so he used some secret method to start looking for Xiao Yunxiao, who had escaped far away.

After some searching, I finally found the traces of Xiao Yunxiao.

The black-robed old man rushed over and was about to catch Yunxiao when suddenly a light fell from the sky and picked Xiao Yunxiao away.

That ray of light exudes a powerful pressure, and the black-robed old man hides in the distance, shivering with fright, and dare not move.

After missing Xiaoyunxiao, the old man in the black robe did not give up, returned to Langya Cave Sky, explored a lot, and ended in failure. This action caused a great injury to his vitality, his life was drastically reduced, and he almost didn't die in it.

After coming out of Langya Cave, the black robe old man tried his best to extend his life.

The way to prolong life is still through Blood Spirit Yin Gu.

The Blood Spirit Yin Gu planted into someone else's body can absorb Blood Essence through a certain secret technique, and at the same time absorb a certain amount of life of the other person.

It's just that this method will have big drawbacks——

The lifespan of Blood Spirit Yin Gu will not be long, and the person who is planted will not live long.

This requires the continuous seeding of the blood spirit real person.

On the other hand, those who are planted by the blood spirit real person will also look for genius treasures to extend their life. For example… they will send people into the ancient land of the gods to find the gods' longevity fruit, and then swallow them to extend their lifespan.

The ancestor of the Su family at the time fell into a deep sleep after eating the Shen Yuanshouguo. In fact, at that time, it was through the blood spirit Yin Gu to transfer the life of the blood spirit real person.

"Little Silkworm, I can't think that the blood spirit Yin Gu inheritance obtained by this real blood spirit person is also from the blood spirit divine sect…"

Ye Yun said with a smile.

"Master, I remember that the Blood Spirit God Sect has done a lot of bad things, and now that I see it, I still remember it correctly."

The immortal silkworm said with a smile.

Ye Yun nodded.

Whether it is Blood Spirit Forbidden or Blood Spirit Yin Gu, it is a technique of insidious damage. It can be seen that this Blood Spirit Divine Sect is also a wicked way, and it really hasn't done anything good.

Ye Yun glanced at the silver silkworm cocoon. He wanted to kill the real blood spirit, but after thinking about it, he felt that the time was not yet in sight.

It is better to leave him first.

When you find Yunxiao in the future, let her do it yourself.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun stretched out his hand and put away the silver silkworm cocoon.

He turned around, looked at Langya Cave Sky, and waved his hand again to seal the place.

Only with this seal, Ye Yun also left a back door.

This back door is the clone of the undead god Cane.

This little guy has countless avatars, let him wait here for a while.

After setting up the undead silkworm, Ye Yun rose to the sky and left the black abyss.

Leaping up from the water, Ye Yun stood in the void, feeling the movement in a certain direction, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

At the seal of Sumeru's dark world, a large number of powerful people have gathered. There are human races and demons. The two sides joined forces to constantly attack the seal.

Ye Yun's figure flashed, tearing through the void and disappearing in place.

The next moment.

Ye Yun quietly appeared in the huge tunnel at the seal location.

The tunnel at this moment has been expanded even wider.

The number of people inside has reached as many as 100,000.


There were loud noises.

All the attacks that fell on the seal were silently absorbed by the seal.

The seal did not move.

After attacking for a while, the top cultivators of the two races of shemales could not help being a little discouraged.

"This seal is too strong, right?"

"Now that we have gathered our three supreme Sects, and the four supreme forces of the demon race, so many people gathered together, it is still impossible to break this seal!"

Everyone frowned, looking at the seal, looking distressed.

I watched the supreme imperial weapon in it, but I couldn't get it.

This kind of complicated mood can be imagined.

In midair.

Suddenly a small vortex appeared, and a bright beam of light fell and dived directly into the bottom of the sea.

"Voidcast? Who is this?"

Ye Yun wanted to leave, but suddenly became a little curious about the person's appearance, so he planned to stay again.

The person who came was a silver-robed youth on the first level of life and death. He had his hands on his back and stood in the void above the tunnel with an expression, staring at the seal.

"I said, the three major Sects of your Jiangchuan dynasty, and the four major demonic forces, what are you gathering here to tinker with?"

The silver-robed youth asked quietly.

"What's the matter with you! The little life and death is one level. If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

An old demon clan had an angry face, and scolded unceremoniously.

"Are you—talking to me?"

The silver-robed youth frowned slightly, and an indescribable coldness spread instantly.

"What's wrong with talking to you? I repeat again. If you don't want to die, get out!"

The demon old man said angrily.

"You three Sects, do you have the same attitude?"

The silver-robed youth looked at the three supreme Sects such as the Shuilongmen, and asked with a sneer.


The Sect Leader of the three major Sects expressed contempt at the same time.

"Supreme Sect, is it arrogant like this?"

The silver-robed youth smiled proudly, and suddenly stretched out his hand, with a silver token in his hand.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked at the silver token.

"This is… a secret order?"

The old demon clan stared, and said with a trembling: "Could it be that the son is from the Tianji Pavilion?"

Chapter 616

Chapter 616: The descendant of Tianji Pavilion is here!

After the Yaozu elder said these words.

There was silence all around.

No one thought that the young man in silver robes who didn't look amazing came from the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

What is Tianji Pavilion?

That's the super Sect!

Although their supreme Sects have reached the peak of their power in the Jiangchuan Dynasty, they are nothing compared to the super Sects, and there is no way to compare them.

If the Supreme Sect is a grain of sand, then the Super Sect is a fist.

Putting a grain of sand and a fist together, you can imagine the huge difference in size.

The heads of the three supreme Sects, as well as the leaders of the four supreme monster clan forces, were breathing quickly, and their faces became ugly.

Just now, they spoke rudely, and verbally collided with the descendants of Tianji Pavilion.

This is simply unforgivable!

"Unexpectedly, you still have a bit of insight to recognize the secret order of my Tianji Pavilion!"

Gathering the expressions on everyone's faces, the silver-robed youth smiled proudly, then changed his hands and installed the secret order.

Ye Yun, who had been watching the battle next to him, was a little surprised to see this scene.

The Tianyue secret realm that Jun Moxiao and Lei Qinian experienced was created by the Super Sect Tianji Pavilion using the dragon body of the Xuanyin Moon Dragon.

This Tianji Pavilion is also the man behind the scenes of ruining Shenlongzong.

Ye Yun also mobilized Divine Sense to find the Heavenly Secret Pavilion in the Plowing Dynasty, but the Heavenly Secret Pavilion has always been extremely mysterious and proficient in the technique of formation concealment, so he did not find the Secret Pavilion's lair.

Unexpectedly, now in the Jiangchuan Dynasty, Ye Yun met the descendants of Tianji Pavilion.

This is really nowhere to be found by breaking through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless!

Ye Yun was overjoyed.

This is really a wise man's care, no matter how mysterious the Tianji Pavilion is, there will always be a day in the world.

It happened to be met by him in the Jiangchuan Dynasty.

With a faint smile on Ye Yun's face, looking at the jealous young man in front of him, she felt relieved in her heart.

He was planning to leave, but he was not planning to leave either.

Through this silver-robed young man, Ye Yun can lay down his dark hands, quietly trace to the nest of Tianji Pavilion, and then wipe out the entire Tianji Pavilion.

By the way, take a look at the back of the Tianji Pavilion-who else is supporting it.

According to Ye Yun's analysis, the black hand behind the scenes is good at concealment, presumably this Tianji Pavilion is only one of the chess pieces.

Only the Eternal Sect can really make waves in the Cangnan Continent.



Accompanied by a muffled sound, the Sect Leader of the three supreme Sects, as well as the leaders of the four major monster clan forces, their knees softened and they all knelt down.

"My son, please be forgive-I don't know if my son is from the Tianji Pavilion, there is so much conflict in his words, please forgive me!"

Everyone's faces were pleading.

In front of Super Sect, in order to survive, they can only beg for mercy.

Oh my!

What kind of power is this Tianji Pavilion?

Disciples of the major forces around saw this scene, could not help but look at each other, inexplicably shocked in their hearts.

Most of them have never left the Jiangchuan Dynasty, and have little understanding of the mysterious power Tianji Pavilion of the distant Litian Dynasty.

"All kneel down!"

Xu Luan turned around and shouted at the disciples of the water dragon gate.


All the disciples were frightened and immediately all knelt on the ground.

Several other big Sect and Yaozu forces have also followed suit.

Ye Yun couldn't help nodding secretly when she saw this scene.

Tianji Pavilion is worthy of being a Super Sect, but it looks a bit like a Super Sect.

in those days...

Shenlong Zonggui is an eternal Sect. When a disciple goes out, a super Sect like Tianji Pavilion has to kneel on the ground when facing him.

This is the gap.

Thinking of the glorious scene of the Shenlong Sect in the past, Ye Yun felt nostalgia again in his heart.

At this moment, his mind has even more thoughts of wanting to bring the three juniors of the Shenlongzong generation as soon as possible, and re-establish the Shenlongzong on the Cangnan Continent.

"Hey, you are pretty knowledgeable. I'm not as knowledgeable as you, let's get up!"

The silver-robed youth showed a smug smile on his face, glanced at the location of the seal lightly, and waved faintly.

"Thank you son…"

All the faces were filled with joy, and they immediately stood up from the ground.

The backs of the three major Sect Leaders and others are already showing cold sweat at this moment.

They looked at the silver-robed man, and a question emerged in their hearts.

The Tianji Pavilion has always been extremely mysterious, and rarely appears in the world. How could the silver-robed youth in the opposite Tianji Pavilion suddenly descend on the Jiangchuan Dynasty?

"What's in this seal?"

The silver-robed youth turned his eyes and suddenly asked coldly.

"My son, there is an ancient relic in the seal, a place where gods and dragons once fought…"

The old demon clan said with both hands cupped fist, very respectfully.

"Don't tell the truth? You think I suddenly came here, don't you know some reason?"

The silver-robed youth said indifferently.

These words suddenly caused the temperature of the surrounding space to drop sharply.

Everyone was agitated.

"Don't forget, our Tianji Pavilion is the best at deduction…"

The Yinpao youth reminded with a sneer again.

"My son, how dare we conceal the Heavenly Secret Pavilion? Even if we dedicate all the opportunities we gained in this ancient ruin to Heavenly Secret Pavilion, we are willing!"

The demon old man said with a wry smile.

"Then tell me, what is in it?"

The silver-robed youth turned his eyes and said with deep meaning.

Just now, he received a secret order from Shimen, asking him to come to Jiangchuan Dynasty to find out.

At that time, the Elders who were good at deduction in the division did not calculate the specific opportunity of the Jiangchuan Dynasty. They only said that the opportunity was extremely amazing, but there was also a loss. For the sake of caution, it is recommended that he go take a look and investigate. Something.

Therefore, he directly used the means of void teleportation to teleport to the sky above the waters of the Jiangchuan Dynasty.

"Master Qi, there are imperial artifacts in this ancient ruins."

The demon old man said in a deep voice.

Although he was reluctant to tell the truth, at this time… he had no choice.

Super Sect is powerful, far from what they can afford.

"Imperial weapon?"

The silver-robed youth was shocked when he heard the words.

For the Super Sect, the imperial weapon can also be regarded as the treasure of the town.

Their Heavenly Secret Pavilion only has only one imperial weapon.

"My son, we have gathered the power of the entire Jiangchuan dynasty for this seal, and we have not been able to break it, so please help him…"

The demon old man said quickly.

"Alright, I will teach you a formation so that this seal can be broken…"

The silver-robed youth hesitated for a moment, and then happily agreed.

Regardless of whether the opportunity is lost, he will try to attack this seal anyway.

If he can successfully enter this ancient ruins to obtain an imperial weapon, then he has made a huge contribution to the Tianji Pavilion.

The future achievements are limitless.

"Thank you son!"

Hearing what the Yinpao youth said, everyone's faces were filled with joy.

Ye Yun watched with relish.

The descendant of Little Tianji Pavilion still wants to break the seal through formation?

It's just wishful thinking.

Ye Yun was patient, ready to watch a good show.


Under the instruction of the silver-robed youth, all the cultivators of the human race and the monster race have learned an extremely advanced offensive formation.

This formation was rehearsed for a full day before it was barely familiar.

"Okay, now you can attack!"

The silver-robed youth stood in mid-air, looking at the seal in the distance with a majestic look, waved his big hand, and gave the order of formation to attack.

Chapter 617

Chapter 617


A powerful formation came into operation in an instant, and the powerful force leaked out.

Even if it is only a few minutes, the rocks in the underground tunnels have turned into pieces of dust, which are washed away in the distance along with the water flow.

Run with formation.

Strips of colorful star-like lights illuminate on the formation.

These dazzling rays of light revealed an aura of terror. Under the control of the silver-robed youth, they gathered together and slammed into the seal.


The silver-robed youth shouted loudly.

This nine-tune Galaxy Cluster formation is a very powerful attack formation of Tianji Pavilion. Now that the masters of the entire Jiangchuan dynasty have gathered, after the formation has operated, the attack formed is already comparable to the first level of the Eternal Realm.

With such a powerful blow, he believed that he could definitely break the seal.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

That horrible beam of light blasted on the seal, and apart from a blast of noise, it didn't even threaten the seal at all.

"How can this be?"

The silver-robed youth saw this scene, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"My son, it turns out that this ancient ruins had a seal, which was easily broken at the time. Later we were teleported out and a new seal was formed on it…this seal is much stronger than the previous one!"

The demon old man explained.

"No matter how powerful, I have a way to smash it!"

The silver-robed youth gritted his teeth and said.

He adjusted his gestures again, and the big array began a new change.


With the operation of the big formation again, countless Star rays rose up.

At this moment, everyone felt the magic power in the body, and it rushed out like a tide.

Although everyone was a little scared, they knew that there was no retreat at this moment and could only rush forward.

If this seal is not broken, everyone's efforts will be in vain.


The Jiuqu Star formation once again burst out a powerful beam of light, with a terrifying aura, and it fell to the seal overwhelmingly.

This time the large array of attacks formed a continuous offensive.

There was a burst of loud noises in the sky, all the beams of light fell on the seal, and there was still no danger to the seal.

"It's a waste of effort! You little guys have bombarded for a million years, 10 million years, and it's impossible to break this seal…"

Ye Yun shook his head and laughed.

"Why hasn't it been broken? How can the seal formed this second time be so strong?"

The silver-robed youth roared, his eyes bursting with anger.

He began to command the big formation continuously, the speed of the big formation moving faster and faster, and the beams of light continued to hit the seal endlessly.

The Magic power in everyone's body was consumed violently, and some people saw that it was not good, and immediately took out the Medicine Pill to make up for the Magic power in time.

A stick of incense passed.

The crowd was panting, and the speed of the large array slowed down.

But the seal is still as stable as Mount Tai, as solid as a rock, without any change.

"Could it be that I want to go back to the Tianji Pavilion to invite rescuers?"

The silver-robed youth looked at the direction of the seal, his face became gloomy.

Ye Yun at the moment, seeing these little guys make some unnecessary efforts, felt a little boring in his heart.

This seal…

Even if he showed kindness and removed it temporarily, there would be no imperial weapon in this Minor World.

Ye Yun had put away all the imperial artifacts long ago and was going to leave it to the Su family.

Part of it has been given before, and the remaining part Ye Yun is going to be placed deep in the ground of Su's house.

"Oh, that's boring."

Ye Yun felt dull in her heart. Suddenly, with a flick of her finger, she saw that a small fragment of Sumeru's dark world was hit by a powerful force, and it shattered the void, penetrated into the void like lightning, and disappeared from the crack.

"What? How could this ancient ruin suddenly disappear?"

All the cultivators of the Jiangchuan Dynasty looked at the weird scene that happened before them, unbelievable.

After working hard for so many days, not only did not break the seal, but the ancient ruins seemed to have been frightened, and they escaped into the void and disappeared.

It's weird.

"My imperial weapon!"

"Fucking, the imperial weapon just flew like this, it's really annoying!"

Countless people began to beat their chests, with angry expressions on their faces.

Especially those who entered this ancient ruins for the first time, some of them had those imperial artifacts, and at this moment, they were indescribably depressed.

"The appearance of loss… Alas, it was a pity that I encountered it!"

Seeing all this with his own eyes, the silver-robed youth lowered his head, his eyes filled with indescribable annoyance.

Although Elder had calculated all of this in Sect, he still did not seize the opportunity after working hard. The degree of depression in his heart can be imagined at this moment.

"My son, this ancient ruin has escaped, is there any way to get it back?"

The Yaozu old man raised his head and looked at the silver-robed youth with hope.

He naturally hoped that the descendants of the Tianji Pavilion had great magical powers and could find a way to find the ancient ruins.

"There is no way!"

The silver-robed youth shook his head, his body slowly rising into the air.

A small whirlpool suddenly appeared in the mid-air of the water area, a rumbling sound rang, a powerful suction force emerged, and a bright beam of light descended.

The silver-robed youth was shrouded in a beam of light.

As the beam of light rose into the sky, it entered the vortex, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Tianji Pavilion can't do anything…"

The Yaozu elder sighed and slumped weakly on the ground.

The other people looked at each other, with an expression of tears and tears on their faces. After working hard for so long, it was finally nothing.


Ye Yun smiled faintly, and shook his figure before leaving the waters.

Ye Yun did not follow the young man in the silver robe who left the Tianji Pavilion. He just attached a ray of Divine Sense to the young man.

In this way, as long as this young man returns to the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, the position of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion will be exposed. At that time, Ye Yun will lead these juniors of the Shenlong Sect and directly kill them to avenge their grievances.

There was a wave of fluctuations in the void, and Ye Yun's figure appeared above Su's house.

He looked slightly surprised.

Because the silver-robed youth attached to the Divine Sense was sent to the Heavenly Dynasty.

Did not return to the plowing dynasty.

After the silver-robed youth appeared, he only entered a large auction house in a city, then entered the secret room, and began to cultivate.

This disappointed Ye Yun.

It seems that this silver-robed youth may not be the core figure of Tianji Pavilion.

Be regarded as one of the peripheral characters, such as Outer Sect disciple…

"Now that this chess piece has been focused, it will show its feet sooner or later, so there is no need to worry…"

Ye Yun smiled softly and fell from mid-air.

His appearance immediately shocked the father and daughter of the Su family.

"Dage, you finally came back!"

Seeing Ye Yun, Su Jin's face flushed, revealing an indescribable joy.

This kind of joy and shame is like the kind of young girl's first love.

"Your ancestor of the Su family, I have found him back…"

Standing in the courtyard, Ye Yun smiled slightly, shook his hand, a burst of light flashed, and the sleeping Su family ancestor appeared in the void.

"Is the ancestor injured?"

Su Shan leaned over, looking at the sleeping ancestor with an nervous expression on his face.

"He just got a slight injury, it's not a hindrance…"

Ye Yun disagreed, and took out the eight-treasure glass bottle with a chuckle, and popped out a drop of Sanguang Divine Water.

After Sanguang Shenshui entered the mouth of the Su family ancestor, it was quickly absorbed.

The ancestor of the Su family immediately woke up.

"After eating the Shenyuan Shouguo, I actually slept for so long…"

The ancestor of the Su family opened his eyes and looked at Su Shan in front of him.

Ye Yun smiled slightly.

Part of the memories of the ancestors of the Su family has been erased by him.

Chapter 618

Chapter 618 Burning a Stick of Incense in Ancestral Temple

"Ancestor, have you forgotten all the things before?"

Su Shan asked in shock.

The ancestor of the Su family scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "What happened? Why don't I have any impression?"


Su Shan sighed and was about to explain, Ye Yun suddenly stepped forward and patted Su Shan on the shoulder.

"Su Family's Ancestral Temple, can I go in and take a look?"

Ye Yun's face was calm and said softly.

Ancestral Temple?

Su Shan was stunned.

This prince is not a member of the Su family, so why did he go to their Su family's ancestral shrine?

But when he thought of the kindness of this young man to the Su family, Su Shan knew that he could never refuse.

This young man not only helped them solve the family crisis, but also gave them several imperial artifacts, and now he has brought back the ancestor of the Su family.

This kindness is as deep as the sea.

"If the son wants to go to my Su Family Ancestral Temple, naturally he can!"

Su Shan agreed with one bite.

"What are you talking about? Su Shan, how can you promise outsiders to enter my Su family's ancestral shrine?"

The ancestor of the Su family opened his eyes and yelled.

In his opinion, Ye Yun is an outsider.

And the ancestral temple is such an important place, only the direct family members of the Su family can enter.

"Ancestor, I will explain this to you later…"

Su Shan gave a wry smile, winked at Su Jin and said, "Daughter, you take the son to the ancestral shrine!"


Su Jin immediately agreed.

Seeing that Su Shan was still taking care of him, Ye Yun nodded in satisfaction and walked towards Su Jin.

"Dage, come with me."

Su Jin smiled slightly, as if ignoring the ancestor of the Su family at this moment, leading Ye Yun out of the courtyard.


The ancestor of the Su family suddenly blows his beard and stares with anger.

After Ye Yun disappeared, the anger in his heart finally broke out.

"Well, you Su Shan, do you really take me as an ancestor nowadays?"

The ancestors of the Su family jumped like thunder.

"Ancestor, how do you look at my sword?"

Su Shan reluctantly took out an emperor sword from the storage ring.

"What? This sword?"

The ancestor of the Su family hadn't received this sword before, he was already shocked by the breath of this sword.

After he took the sword, the moment he felt, his body became stiff and he couldn't speak.

This turned out to be an emperor sword!

A real imperial weapon!

A supreme Divine Armament!

"Su Shan, how can you, you, you own such a magic sword?"

The ancestor of the Su family was not calm anymore, and said tremblingly.

"It was a gift from the son…"

Su Shan seemed to have expected the ancestor's reaction a long time ago, and sighed helplessly.

"My God! That young man will give you an emperor sword, who is he?"

The ancestor of the Su family looked in a certain direction in shock and muttered to himself.

"Ancestor, take a look at my storage ring…"

Su Shan handed the storage ring in his hand to the ancestor of the Su family.

The ancestor of the Su family plunged into Divine Sense, and when he looked inside, his eyes widened, and the whole person was like a clay sculpture, falling into a huge shock.

In this ring, there are several imperial artifacts.

This is really terrible.

How could they have so many imperial artifacts in the Su family?

You must know that the supreme Sect of the dignified Jiangchuan Dynasty does not even have a single imperial weapon.

And their little Su family has several imperial artifacts!

The ancestor of the Su family thought of this, he slammed the spirit, and immediately stuffed the emperor sword on his hand into the storage ring, and then carefully handed the storage ring to Su Shan.

"This matter must be kept strictly confidential, and it must not be spread, otherwise my Su family is imminent…"

The ancestor of the Su family said solemnly.

"I understand, ancestor, I also want you to take a look at the kindness of the son to our Su family!"

Su Shan took the ring, put it on his hand, and said with a smile.

"This great kindness is unforgettable for my Su family!"

The ancestor of the Su family said excitedly.

His previous prejudice against Ye Yun disappeared at this moment.

"My Su family has so many imperial artifacts at once, what should I do?"

The ancestor of the Su family was anxious like ants on a hot pot, walking around in the yard constantly.

"Ancestor, you don't have to worry too much."

Su Shan said.

"How is it possible not to worry? If an imperial weapon leaks out, our Su family will all incur an extinction. Such a Divine Armament, we can only look at it…"

The ancestor of the Su family was so anxious that he almost cried.

He couldn't even dream of it-as the ancestor of the family, he actually owned several imperial artifacts for the family, and he was about to cry in a hurry.

Su Shan lowered his head, stood there silently, thinking constantly.

The Su family's strength is too weak, these several imperial artifacts… are really very hot.

Inside the ancestral shrine of the Su family.

Ye Yun stood somewhere, looking at one of the spiritual cards, and quietly put on a stick of incense.

This is the spiritual position of his eldest disciple Su Qi.

After a hundred thousand years of vicissitudes of life, his big disciple could not withstand the erosion of time after all, and he died.

Green smoke curled up, slowly drifting across the line of sight.

Ye Yun's eyes were filled with sadness, and the scene where Su Qi challenged him in the past seemed to reappear in front of him.

It was precisely because Su Qi failed to challenge that he worshipped Ye Yun as his teacher.

"Dage, why do you care so much about the ancestors of my Su family?"

Su Jin looked at Ye Yun's back and kept guessing in her heart.

After quietly waiting for the incense stick to burn, Ye Yun's mood returned to normal from the memories of the past.

Ye Yun turned around and walked straight out of the Ancestral Temple.

Standing in the courtyard of the ancestral shrine, Ye Yun looked around, sighing softly with nostalgia.

The first time he came to Su's house, it would also be the last time in his life.

Ye Yun has burned a stick of incense for Su Qi now.

The years are long, and some deep memories are destined to be deeply buried by him.


Ye Yun stretched out his hand, and beams of light spread towards the surroundings.

A powerful formation surrounds the entire Su family and within a hundred miles.

"Dage, you are…"

Su Jin asked in shock.

Ye Yun took out a token and smiled slightly: "I arranged a formation to protect your Su family from being invaded by any forces. This is the control token of the formation, you have collected it!"

With that, Ye Yun handed the token to Su Jin.


Su Jin took the token at a loss and looked at Ye Yun with a dazed expression.

How did this Dage arrange a formation for the Su family well?

What does it mean?

Ye Yun waved his hand again, and beams of light sank into the depths of the earth.

Without knowingly, he took a wisp of Su Jin's blood and placed a Restrictions deep in the ground.

Only people of the Su family's bloodline can enter the depths of the earth and take out the imperial artifacts inside.

"There are still some imperial artifacts in the ancient ruins. I have placed them deep underground. In the ancestral hall I have arranged a small teleportation formation. People from the Su family's line can enter through it…"

Ye Yun said softly.

At this moment, two rays of light shot into the small courtyard from a distance.

It is the ancestor of Su San and the Su family.

"My son, what did you do to our Su family?"

Su Shan asked nervously.

"Su Jin will tell you…"

Ye Yun smiled lightly, the star-like rune in his eyes flashed away.

The eyes of disillusionment in the sky were activated.

At this moment, all three of them fell into a dream.

Ye Yun's figure disappeared.

At the same time, a man's voice suddenly came out from inside a black carriage.

"Let's go, let's go to Tianri Dynasty!"

"Good Le, sir!"

The big black horse happily agreed, pulled the black carriage into the air, and disappeared above the Su family in a blink of an eye.

After a while.

In the small courtyard of the main shrine of Su's family, three people woke up like a dream.

"The mysterious senior is gone…"

Su Shan looked at the sky and said in despair.

"This senior, because he had formed a fate with my Su family from the ancestors, he would treat my Su family so kindly!"

The ancestors of the Su family were shocked and tearful.

"Senior Shenlong misses the end, I don't know if I have a chance to see you again…"

Su Jin sighed.

None of the three of them thought that the memories in their minds had been tampered with by Ye Yun.

The three only knew that a mysterious senior had helped the Su family. As for how and where this senior looked like, Sacred——

The three knew nothing.

Chapter 619

Chapter 619-The Goddess

Heavenly Dynasty.

It's vast and boundless, and its territory is so vast that it is unimaginable.

The Tianri Dynasty belongs to the sphere of influence of the Supreme Sect, and it controls more than a dozen of the territory as large as the Tianyue Dynasty.

And under the Tianyue Dynasty, there are many territories similar to the Tianxing Dynasty.

It can be imagined how terrifying the real Tianri Dynasty is.

At this time, somewhere on the border of the Tianri Dynasty, in a lush mountain range.

In the middle of the mountain road.

A black carriage was driving slowly.

Although the speed of the big black horse pulling the cart seems very slow, in fact, it takes a few breaths to walk from one mountain to another.

Inside the carriage.

Ye Yun silently glanced in a certain direction, with a meaningful smile on his face.

The silver-robed youth in the Tianji Pavilion was still cultivating in the same place, without any movement.

This is a bit beyond Ye Yun's expectations.

After all, nearly a month has passed since the Jiangchuan Dynasty arrived at the Tianri Dynasty.

For so long, the silver-robed youth hadn't contacted Tianji Pavilion, which made Ye Yun a little helpless.

This also shows from the side that Tianji Pavilion is not only mysterious, but also has been deliberately hiding itself.

Even the person of his own Sect will never contact him easily.

This style is very much in line with the style of the man behind the scenes.

This month.

Constantly absorbing the Spirit Stones, the three juniors of the Shenlong Sect, and some Demonic Beasts have also achieved breakthroughs.

Lord Grim officially entered the first level of the Destiny Realm.

Luo Li and Su Wanyi also reached the tenth level of the Nirvana realm, only half a step away from the destiny realm.

Cat Boa reached the ninth floor of the Nirvana realm.

Although Da Hei Mao and Mu Qing did not break through to the next small Realm, they have reached the pinnacle of life and death.

It's not too far away from the next small Realm of breakthrough.

Ye Yun told the two of them not to be anxious to break through, but to fight themselves a lot. Sometimes the practice is too fast and if the perception can't keep up, it is also detrimental to the practice.

After all, from the breakthrough of life and death to the eternal state, it is also an unattainable sky.

For the ordinary cultivator, it is as difficult to break through.

"Master, please have tea!"

Muqing boiled the hot water, made a cup of tea, and handed it to Ye Yun.

Taking the teacup, taking a sip, then looking at Mu Qing, Ye Yun smiled and asked, "Is there a lot of tea leaves?"


Mu Qing was a little caught off guard. She didn't expect the master to ask like this, her beautiful little face blushed instantly, and she replied with shame, "Master, I really saved a lot…"

"This tea is extraordinary. If it's not in the eternal state, you should never touch it. Keep your inner clarity…"

Ye Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, sir, I get it!"

Mu Qing blushed and nodded.

Ye Yun cast his gaze into the distance at this moment.

Thousands of miles away, it has been sealed off by many people.

"It turns out that a lot of Nine Leaf Blood Lotus grows in that valley."

Ye Yun smiled slightly, she understood what was going on.

Seeing the crystal clear nine-leaf blood lotus, Ye Yun remembered the situation of subduing the big black cat.

Remembering that the big black cat was tossed so badly by the big black horse at that time, the corner of Ye Yun's mouth was slightly cocked, and he smiled.

"Xiao Hei, do you remember the Nine-Leaf Blood Lotus?"

Ye Yun moved in his heart and asked in the carriage.

"Remember, sir, why did you suddenly remember to ask this?"

The big black cat opened his eyes and said in surprise.

"There is a large area of ​​nine-leaf blood lotus in the valley in front of thousands of miles, and there are a dozen plants in total…"

Ye Yun said with a smile.

"There are so many Nine Leaf Blood Lotuses?!"

The big black cat was taken aback immediately, with a shocked expression on his face.

At that time, he guarded the nine-leaf blood lotus for so long, and finally followed the master without getting a hand.

The big black cat felt a little regretful.

Nine-leaf blood lotus, but a rare fairy grass, is of great benefit to the cultivation of the body.


At this time, a black horse's tail fell from the air and patted the big black cat on the carriage.

"Oh, Uncle Ma, why are you bullying me again?"

The big black cat shook himself, got up from the carriage, and said grinningly.

"What is bullying you? I care about you!"

The big black horse pursed baldly, licked his big white teeth, and said angrily.

"Yes, yes, Uncle Ma cares about the little ones-remember the little moments!"

The big black cat nodded repeatedly.

After so many days with Uncle Ma, it naturally understood Uncle Ma's temper.

In front of Uncle Ma, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, it has to be modest and low-key.

"I said Xiao Hei. When the master talks about the Nine-Leaf Blood Lotus, your face is not right. Just say, do you miss your original master?"

The big dark horse turned his head and asked with a smile.

"No, no, in my heart only the master is the real master, who is kind to me and recreated, just like my biological parents!"

The big black cat said plausibly.

"I went to your uncle, you dare to say that the old man is your biological parent!"

The bloody monster dragon next to him was furious, and suddenly stretched out a furry slap, abruptly patting the big black cat into the shape of a card.

"Ha ha!"

The few kittens nearby laughed.

Even the mysterious bird standing on the top of the carriage couldn't help laughing.

As the saying goes, disaster comes from the mouth, this nine-tailed civet has really come true.

The flattery didn't take a good shot, and he got under the horse's legs.

It deserves it.

Ye Yun laughed too, feeling helpless for these live treasure-class Demonic Beasts.

Fortunately, having these Demonic Beasts as the company along the way is a lot of fun.

"I know I was wrong, sir, I shouldn't talk nonsense!"

The big black cat got up tenaciously again, his body shook, and immediately returned to normal.

"Xiao Hei, since you have this mind, then you are responsible for picking all the nine-leaf blood lotus thousands of miles away!"

Ye Yun said with a smile.

"No problem, sir, promise to complete the task!"

The big black cat said vigorously.

When saying this, it also stretched out its furry black paws and patted it twice on its chest.

Cat Baoer next to her smiled and did not speak.

Intuitively, it feels that the task arranged by the master is not simple.

"Xiao Hei, if this mission is completed well, I will reward you with a set of armor…"

Ye Yun speaks surprisingly.


The task is complete-there is still a set of armor?

The big black cat suddenly jumped up like a monkey whose ass was burnt on fire.

Having joined the Shenlong Sect for so long, it naturally understands the power of the armor that the master said.

"Come down, don't be so impulsive, no big or small!"

The big black horse stretched out his horse's tail in angrily, and immediately pulled the big black cat down in mid-air.

"Xiao Heizi, go boldly, we will show you the enemy's formation and beat the drums to cheer!"

Mingxue Qingmulong next to him smiled.

"Could it be that there are many people competing for these nine-leaf blood lotus?"

The big black cat blinked and seemed to understand.

However, it immediately patted its chest and vowed: "Master, don't worry, no matter how many people are fighting, I will definitely get the Nine Leaf Blood Lotus!"


Ye Yun nodded and smiled.

The big black cat, although a little unreliable at ordinary times, will not lose the chain at critical moments.

The carriage continued on.

After a while, two cultivators blocked the way above the intersection of a huge mountain.

"Shen Luo Tian forbidden, all idlers and others will return!"

A young man put his arms around his chest and shouted coldly.

Chapter 620

Chapter 620

"Shen Luotian?"

Ye Yun in the carriage, looking at Mu Qing, raised his brow lightly.

Mu Qing understood, and quickly explained: "Master, Shenluotian is one of the four supreme Sects of the Tianri Dynasty. It is listed as the four supreme heavens alongside Daritian, Jiuyoutian, and Xuelingtian."

"The four supreme heavens? Haha, the tone is very arrogant! Now, is this little supreme-level big Sect already so rampant?"

Ye Yun laughed.

This kind of thing was absolutely impossible to happen 100,000 years ago.

If someone dares to call the Supreme Heaven, then his Shenlongzong will be the first to make a move and directly annihilate the opponent.

Shenlong Zonggui is the Sect of the eternal level, and the name is ordinary.

Therefore, it is impossible for the domineering Ye Yun to allow any Sect to override the Shenlongzong.

"Master, these four supreme heavens are extremely famous in the entire Tianri Dynasty, including those under the jurisdiction of the Tianyue Dynasty and the Tianxing Dynasty…"

Mu Qing said softly.

"What are the characteristics of these four Sects? Wait… You said one of them is called Xuelingtian?"

Ye Yun's heart jumped and asked subconsciously.

This Blood Spirit Heaven, shouldn't it have any connection with the Blood Spirit God Sect?

In the sky of Langya Cave.

Ye Yun has some understanding of the Blood Spirit God Sect. Today, in the Tianri Dynasty, a supreme Sect like the "Blood Spirit Sky" has appeared, which has to arouse some associations from Ye Yun.

If it is said that the inheritance before an era can be passed down to the present, it is impossible to imagine how powerful its heritage and vitality are.

"Master, Tianri Dynasty does have a powerful force called Xuelingtian. This Sect is extremely mysterious, and it can be called the most mysterious Sect among the four supreme heavens…"

Mu Qing explained.


Ye Yun nodded with a deep face.

It seems that this trip came to Tianri Dynasty, and he was going to meet these four Sects for a while.

First of all, he was not pleasing to his eyes just by looking at these names. In any case, he had to ask them to change their names. He also learned from the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Emperor of Divine Land.

Secondly, Ye Yun will also visit this mysterious Blood Spirit Heaven to see what connection it has with the Blood Spirit God Sect.

"Among the four supreme heavens, Da Ritian is the most orthodox, Jiuyoutian is the most weird, Blood Spirit is the most mysterious, and Shenluotian is the most domineering…"

Mu Qing said with a soft smile.

"Shen Luotian is the most domineering? Then this time, let Xiao Hei fight them hard…"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Ye Yun's mouth.

Although there are not many disciples of Shen Luo Tian in the distant valley, and there are not many high Cultivation Base, this is the first start of their Shenlong Sect, entering the Tianri Dynasty to pick God of War Luo Tian.

Can only win.

On the carriage at the moment, the big black cat has turned into a black robe boy.

"Shen Luotian? Isn't this the supreme Sect of the Tianri Dynasty?"

With a heartbeat of the big black cat, he suddenly remembered the origin of Shen Luotian.

Shen Luo Tian.

One of the four supreme heavens of the Tianri Dynasty, belongs to the power of the Supreme Sect.

If he had not joined the Shenlong Sect before, and heard these three words, the big black cat would naturally slap his butt and leave.


Now that he meets Shen Luotian, he is naturally confident.

Among the big demons beside him, either the eternal realm or the divine monarch realm. It can be said that these Demonic Beasts senior are invincible existences on the entire continent.

Thinking like this in my heart.

When the big black cat saw that the two young people in front were only the first level of the Destiny Realm, his face suddenly showed disdain.

"Shen Luotian is a shit, get daddy away!"

The big black cat sneered, turned into a black light, suddenly rose into the air from the carriage, and rushed over like a black lightning.

Bang! Bang!

Two muffled noises sounded.

The two disciples were shot and flew out by him, crashing into the distant rocks, vomiting blood, and fell down limply, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"Two ants in the destiny realm, dare to hack the door in front of your uncle cat?!"

Falling down from mid-air, the big black cat clapped his hands, a cold look appeared on his face.

"So handsome!"

Cat Boa shouted loudly from the carriage in the distance.

"Handsome shit, Mao Bo'er, don't give your uncle Cat a beauty trick. Uncle Cat doesn't have a woman in his heart, so he is focused on the cultivation of the avenue!"

The big black cat stretched out an index finger and shook it at Mao Bao'er in the distance.

"Is this guy too narcissistic?"

Cat Baoer wanted to cry without tears, and was depressed, so she had to lower her head to start cultivation.

Anyway, her Cultivation Base Realm is the lowest, and this time the big black cat's battle is not her turn.

"Master, I'm going!"

The big black cat cupped fist with both hands and shook his bow at the black carriage.


Ye Yun said with a chuckle.


After receiving the master's instruction, the big black cat turned into a black light and flew towards the distant mountains.

"The front is taller than Xiaohei Cultivation Base, but this time the task the master gave him is not so easy to complete…"

The blood leader demon dragon smiled.

"Xiao Hei is a person who slept in a coffin anyway, he is not afraid of death at all, let him charge hard!"

The big black horse grinned.

"If you don't tell me, I forgot, Xiao Hei has been lying in the coffin for so long, this body is much stronger than before, and I don't know what panacea I took!"

Dark Blood Green Wood Dragon laughed.

Ye Yun smiled when he heard a few Demonic Beasts outside teasing the big black cat.

The stronghold of the dragon keepers on the moon star was taken away by him. I don't know if there are any old nests where the dragon keepers are active in other places in the Cangnan Continent.

If so, Ye Yun doesn't mind taking them all together.

The big black cat launched his magic boots and flew all the way through the air, incredibly fast.

After all, he is now in the realm of life and death, and he is naturally faster than before to control this imperial weapon.

While flying, the big black cat released Divine Sense out, observing the surrounding movement, and also looking for the valley full of blood lotus with nine leaves.

"Who! Dare to break into the forbidden land of my Shenluotian?"

Four or five black figures suddenly rose into the sky from the dense jungle, blocking the way.

"When did this wild valley become a forbidden place for your Shenluotian, what a joke!"

The big black cat stopped his body, folded his hands on his chest, his eyes glittered, and smiled coldly.

The guys on the opposite side are all Cultivation Bases in the Destiny Realm.

Compared with him, a big cultivator on the first level of life and death, it is almost like an ant.


At this moment, the big black cat was a little airy.

Regarding the life and death realm…he had already looked forward to it many years ago.

Now I have finally reached this point.

For a time, the mentality also changed.

"It turns out to be a monster race, no wonder it's so arrogant!"

A 30-year-old man headed by, looked at the black-robed boy on the opposite side, with a trace of jealousy flashing in his eyes.

He waved his hand gently, and a colorful light rose into the sky in the distant jungle.

"Hehe, do you still want to vent the news?"

The big black cat stepped on the void, with his hands on his back, learning the manners of the master, and walking towards the few people step by step.

His robe is hunting and fluttering, his momentum is violent, his eyes are domineering, but he is cold, and every step he takes, the surrounding air is reduced by several degrees.

"Haha, isn't this a nine-tailed civet? Why did you come here?"

The big black cat was about to pretend to be forced to the end, and suddenly a voice of laughter came from a distance in the air.