
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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601 to 610

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 601

Chapter 601 Fresh Air, Feel the Sunshine!

Shi Zhongyu felt a fierce aura from it.

That was the feeling that other stone snakes could not bring him.

Without saying a word, Shi Zhongyu took the lead.

The Stone Snake King did not seem to have thought that the stone man in front of him was so bold.

Immediately angrily, he went to the jade in the stone, and the speed was extremely fast.

Shi Zhongyu was overjoyed when he saw this.

"Come here!

The Stone Snake King Lingzhi opened early, and he was stunned when he heard the words.

Why are you still waiting for it to pass?

Is this looking down on it?

Do you think you are not your opponent?

Think about this.

The Stone Snake King was instantly furious and accelerated again.

Finally, the two meet.

Shi Zhongyu immediately put the remaining half of the blood coat on the snake king's body.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around neatly and ran.

He didn't care about the stone snakes that blocked him along the way, and let them greet him.

Immediately, he squeezed into the previous passage, and saw the bloodthirsty bats coming.

"This is just great.

"No way ahead."

"No way behind.

"I...I carve a way myself! 35

Jade Road in the Stone.

Immediately, he raised his fist and carved a deep hole in the wall beside him.

He ducked in immediately.

The stone snakes were about to pounce immediately, but found a group of bloodthirsty bats approaching.

For a while, they couldn't care about Shi Zhongyu.

All of them rushed towards the bloodthirsty bats who were not good people.

At this time, Shi Zhongyu took out the stone axe and chiseled wildly.

At the same time, the Stone Snake King also chased out, and saw the bloodthirsty bats first stunned.

Immediately, anger appeared in his eyes, but instead of killing him, he chased after Shi Zhongyu.

Seeing that Shi Zhongyu was staring at him, Shi Zhongyu moved a little faster.

The Stone Snake King looked at Shi Zhongyu's back, with a ferocious look flashing in his eyes.

Immediately circled away, and was about to pounce.

But at this moment, all the bloodthirsty bats threw themselves on the Stone Snake King.

In a few moments, the Stone Snake King was blocked, and there was no trace of the Stone Snake King at all.

Seeing this, the stone snakes were immediately furious, and all of them fought hard, constantly attacking the bloodthirsty bats.

As for the Stone Snake King, he could only temporarily choose to give up the jade in the stone and concentrate on dealing with the bloodthirsty bats.

It struggled to break free from the bloodthirsty bats, but the bloodthirsty bats still rushed over one by one.

The Stone Snake King didn't know what happened, and he didn't even know that the bloody clothes on his body caused the trouble.

He was still regarded as the emperor of heaven and became the target of public criticism.

And the jade head in the stone did not turn back and swung the stone axe, and a continuous sound of digging continued to come out.

In this mountain, there is a very harsh echo.

If the bloodthirsty bats were not entangled, the stone snakes would definitely catch up.

They swarmed up, vowing to keep Shi Zhongyu here forever.

Shi Zhongyu is well aware of this, and he is not only digging non-stop.


Huangtian lived up to the digging people, and a light hit Shi Zhongyu's face.

Shi Zhongyu was instantly overjoyed and punched out.

In an instant, the mountain wall in front of him was completely pierced by him.

Breathe the fresh air, feel the sunshine....

Shi Zhongyu took a deep breath and flew out happily.

But those stone snakes and sometimes blood bats came out.

He quickly picked up a huge stone and stuffed it into the exit he had carved.

Satisfied, he returned to the cave that Su Xuanji had chosen.

As soon as he came in, the healing was over.

The Emperor of Heaven opened his eyes and saw that he was very similar to Shi Dun'er, who was laughing with his teeth but his eyes, and immediately laughed.


Shi Zhongyu was amazed when he saw that the Emperor of Heaven was all right.

0...for flowers...

"I did the job perfectly.

"God, are you alright?"

"I'll be gone soon."

Tian Di smiled when he heard the words, and then glanced at Su Xuanji.

"By the means of your son.

"A short time is enough."5

Shi Zhongyu nodded after hearing this.

Listening to this, he likes to hear it very much.

He nodded and looked at the Heavenly Emperor.

Seeing that his complexion was still pale, he finally recovered a little blood.

His spirits no longer seemed so sluggish, and even his eyes brightened again.

Compared with the state of Qi that was weak, his eyes were dull and even a little sluggish, it was simply much better.

"You came back later than I expected.

Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu suspiciously.

I always felt that the moment he entered the cave, the smile on his face was a bit thief.

I don't know if I did something good again.

Shi Zhongyu immediately revealed a narcissistic smile.

"I have perfectly completed what the son explained.""

"So it took a little more time.

"But please believe me, my son, I definitely did my best."

Su Xuanji raised his eyebrows.

For some reason, when he looked at Shi Zhongyu's smile, he always felt that he had done something good.

But Shi Zhongyu wouldn't lie to him, he nodded, no longer going too far.

He immediately got up and walked out of the cave without looking back.

"I'm going to pick some herbs. 95

"You are waiting for me here.""

Heavenly Emperor spoke immediately.

"Let Patriarch Shi follow you.

Su Xuanji turned helplessly.

"No, I can go by myself. 99

"Let Shi Zhongyu protect you here.

After speaking, he suddenly walked back and extended his hand to the Emperor of Heaven.

Chapter 602 With firm eyes, I can only surrender!

"Give me the rest of the blood coat."

"I'll take it."

Heavenly Emperor nodded, and immediately put on a new suit.

He opened his mouth while handing the blood coat to Su Xuanji.

"Still tell him Patriarch Shi to follow you, I won't be in danger here.

"And I've regained my self-defense now."

"If the bloodthirsty Bat King appears, Shi Zhongyu can always help you by your side.

Su Xuanji wanted to refuse again.

But seeing Heavenly Emperor's firm eyes, he could only surrender.

The Emperor of Heaven sometimes becomes serious and stubborn, as if he were the elder of the Su family.

"Good good.

"You come with me.

Su Xuanji beckoned to Shi Zhongyu.

Shi Zhongyu "two two three" immediately followed.

After walking out of the cave, the two did not go too far.

There are scattered precious herbs nearby.

Presumably if it were not near the secret realm, such a precious thing would not have grown, and no one has come to pick it.

"Treat these blood-clothes as before.

"Just in case those bloodthirsty bats find out.

"It can be delayed for a while."

"At least it can buy Heavenly Emperor some more time to heal. 35

Su Xuanji threw the blood clothes to Shi Zhong Yu Dao.

Shi Zhongyu immediately laughed when he heard the words.


"I promise, those bloodthirsty bats have absolutely no time to bother us right now. 99

As soon as these words came out, Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu with even more doubts.

This guy must have done something!

Su Xuanji glanced at the grass at his feet and did not rush to pick it for a while.

Instead, he looked at Shi Zhongyu with inquiring eyes.

Shi Zhongyu rolled his eyes and opened his mouth slowly.

"I just...35

"I just did something trivial..."

"You don't have to praise me, son, lest I be proud..."

Su Xuanji laughed immediately after hearing this.


Did he say compliments?

By the way, who was complimenting before?

What does this lack to say not to brag about?

If this is true, what good thing can Shi Zhongyu say?

Su Xuanji immediately rolled his eyes indecent.


"What the hell did you do?"

Shi Zhongyu smiled.

She smiled so much like Shi Dun'er that she couldn't see her eyes.


"I just used a trick to bring disaster to the east."

"As the patriarch of the Stone Human Clan, I still understand this trick of vertical, horizontal, and vertical."5

"I don't want to brag, but all I can say is, it's perfect."


Su Xuanji rolled his eyes again.

Also the art of vertical and horizontal?

The stone people are only themselves there, and who is it?

And Shi Duner?

Don't want to brag about being perfect?

He was powerless to complain.

"Where did you lead the troubles to?"

Su Xuanji rubbed his brows and said.

"It's there."

Shi Zhongyu raised his finger and pointed to the opposite mountain.

Su Xuanji then followed his hand and looked over.

It was the highest mountain on the opposite side.

A large hole was cut in the mountain wall.

There was a huge boulder blocking the big hole.

At this moment, the boulder began to slowly move outwards, obviously something was pushing.

Just as Su Xuanji was about to ask for specifics, he heard Shi Zhongyu shout something bad.

next second.

The boulder was pushed straight down.

A stone ball that was not much smaller than the boulder rolled out from it.

Go straight to the direction of the two.

"Broken, broken.

Shi Zhongyu shouted again and again.

Immediately after.

One after another bloodthirsty bats followed the stone ball.

Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu, who was looking like a dish, raised his eyebrows, and spoke slowly.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

"Is this what you mean by perfection?"

Shi Zhongyu looked bitterly at Su Xuanji0...


"I'm going to make amends. 35

With that said, he was about to rush towards those bloodthirsty bats.

Su Xuanji raised his hand to stop him.

"never mind."

"I'm coming." 5

talking room.

The stone ball fell not far from the two of them.

Then suddenly it scattered away.

Su Xuanji took a closer look.

Good guy, where is the stone, it is clearly a stone ball made of stone snakes.

This will spread out, and some headless flies want to run around.


The largest of them suddenly looked at Shi Zhongyu.

A pair of red eyes suddenly lit up, and then became gloomy.

Su Xuanji instantly understood where the so-called misfortune had gone.

This is the lair that leads to the stone snake!

Unable to bear the entanglement of the bloodthirsty bats, the stone snakes rushed out in a group.

Luckily, it was right in front of them!

As the so-called enemy's road is narrow, the enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

The Stone Snake King roared, and instantly all the stone snakes looked at Shi Zhongyu.

Shi Zhongyu rubbed his hands and squeezed a smile on his face.


"I will try to block a stronger stone next time."

Shi Zhongyu looked at Su Xuanji and said awkwardly.

Su Xuanji rolled his eyes.

"You might as well block yourself there."

The words fall.

The stone snakes shot at Shi Zhongyu in unison.

That battle was like seeing their mortal enemies from generation to generation.

Even the very small stone snake went all out.

Shi Zhongyu looked horrified.

But without any hesitation, he stood up directly.

Even put Su Xuanji behind him.

Su Xuanji laughed directly.


The guy said he was good.

Chapter 603 Take it with you and teach it in person!

You say he's acting recklessly, and he knows how to protect you in critical moments.

He will protect you even if he is not sure himself, and may even be seriously injured or dead.

But if you say that he is reliable, that is the biggest misunderstanding of the word reliable.

He was completely deceived by Shi Zhongyu's serious appearance before.

After a long time, his inner love for mischief was revealed.

If you are in front of the stone people, you can still restrain yourself. After all, as the patriarch, you must hold it.

But in front of him, Shi Zhongyu has completely released himself.

Su Xuanji sighed softly.

Resignedly, he raised his hand and put it on Shi Zhongyu's shoulder.

Immediately throwing him back, Shi Zhongyu landed firmly behind him.

at the same time.

The attack of the stone snakes has also arrived.

Su Xuanji raised his hand and waved it casually, just like chasing mosquitoes.

If the stone snakes had long noses, they would be instantly stunned by this action.

Is this 03 too despised by them?

What about trouble?

Who do you think you are?

In the eyes of the stone snakes, there is no dissatisfaction with anger.

However, at this moment, all the attacks that filled the sky disappeared in an instant.

On the other side, Su Xuanji's hand just dropped.

All the stone snakes were stunned.

Even the Stone Snake King is like that.

what just happened?

Are they really right?

With a wave of the human race, they defused their entire clan's attack?

Are they that weak already?

Why haven't they been discovered before?

It's too late to say it's too soon, in fact, everything just happened in an instant.

But this short moment made it difficult for the stone snakes to figure out what happened.

At this time, Shi Zhongyu suddenly stuck his head out.

Looking at the Stone Snake King with a smug look on his face, that smug look instantly stings the Stone Snake King.

He roared suddenly, and once again joined the whole clan to attack.


There were flashes of fire in the eyes of the stone snakes.

It was more fiery than before, obviously going all out.

Although Su Xuanji was not afraid, he was also a little speechless.

This obviously stopped, Shi Zhongyu had to laugh at others, now it's good!

Su Xuanji gave Shi Zhongyu a blank look, and then shot again.

All the firelights were annihilated by the ashes again, as if they had never appeared.

At the same time, the stone snakes were stunned again, and the bloodthirsty bats were getting closer.

"Let's stop fighting.

"Our common enemies are bloodthirsty bats!"

Shi Zhongyu looked at the stone snakes and said earnestly.

It's okay if he didn't open his mouth, all the stone snakes looked over as soon as he opened his mouth.

In the red eyes, anger continued to rise.

It seems that as long as they see Shi Zhongyu and hear his voice, the stone snakes will be furious.

Shi Zhongyu looked innocent, he pointed to a small stone snake.

He spoke quickly.

"If there is a cause, there must be an effect."

"Your retribution is mine."

"That little thing tried to kill me before.""

"I don't know if it's poisonous or not, because it can't break my defense at all.

"But since it has shot at me..."

"I have to repay you anyway."

"Don't think that children don't care about it when they are young, they must be taught from a young age. 35

"My grandson, Shi Dun'er, was brought up by me as a child.

As soon as this word comes out.

The faces of the stone snakes and Su Xuanji were wonderful.

Especially Su Xuanji, he finally knew why Shi Dun'er was so stupid.

Not because of a stupid grandpa!

If it wasn't for Shi Zhongyu who brought Shi Dun'er by his side since he was a child, he taught him carefully.

Possibly by now!

at this time.

The little stone snake suddenly jumped up and wrapped directly around Shi Zhongyu's calf.

Su Xuanji saw that the little stone snake was too weak and had no harm at all, so he did not stop it.

The same is true for Shi Zhongyu, he looked at the bloodthirsty bat that was approaching, and then looked down at the little stone snake.

The little stone snake was baring his teeth, trying to break through his defense.

"My skin is thick."

"You don't make unnecessary struggles."5

The little stone snake seemed to understand what he said.

Immediately, he made a screeching sound.

Immediately afterwards, two crimson flames flew out of its eyes.

One of them didn't even hit the jade in the stone in 223, but hit the grass on the side.

The Italian grass was instantly ignited, sending out the unique smell and white smoke of the Italian grass.

Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu did not expect such an exception at all.

Both of them looked at the grass that started to turn black with distressed faces.

"It's just that children need to be taught well!"

Shi Zhongyu said, and immediately took off the small stone snake and threw it to the stone snake king.

At this moment, the bloodthirsty bats also arrived.

The bloody clothes were thrown on the ground next to the grass at the moment, and the bloodthirsty bats immediately killed them.

Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu were about to make a move, and the Stone Snakes were also waiting.

But at this moment, the bloodthirsty bats seemed to have encountered something that terrified them.

They fluttered their wings and flew high into the sky.

But not all of them were like this. The bloodthirsty bats who rushed towards the blood-clothed bats made such a reaction.

And those who came one after another still rushed over.

But as soon as you get close to the blood-coat, it will make the same reaction as those bloodthirsty bats before.

The bloodthirsty bats that flew in next began to no longer pay attention to the blood clothes.

Chapter 604 In the secret realm, it can also be used!

Instead, they focused on Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu, whom they remembered.

Some even went in the direction of the Heavenly Emperor.

Apparently, although the Heavenly Emperor did not have a blood coat on his body, he also stopped the bleeding.

But when he was injured, it seemed that only a trace of blood could be captured by bloodthirsty bats.

"To protect the Heavenly Emperor."

Su Xuanji ordered immediately.

Shi Zhongyu nodded when he heard the words, and went straight to the cave where the Heavenly Emperor was without saying a word.

Such a neat performance, it seems very reliable.

But it was his unreliability that made the bloodthirsty bats follow so quickly.

Su Xuanji's mood was extremely complicated, but he didn't feel it at the moment.

While he shot away the bloodthirsty bat, he looked at the blood-clothed place.

There are bloodthirsty bats flying from time to time, but they will soon be up in the air.

It seems that they are very afraid of the past, but they are so obsessed with blood clothes.

Why did they start to be afraid?


The dodging picture.

Su Xuanji realized something.

They are afraid that it is not the blood coat, but the white smoke that comes out after the grass is burned!

The white smoke was just above the blood coat, and it went up diagonally.

The bloodthirsty bats did not dare to approach.

Even after lift-off, he couldn't be reconciled, and he couldn't get close to the white smoke.

To verify my guesses.

Su Xuanji kept hitting the bloodthirsty bats on the white smoke, and they flew away in a hurry.

No one dared to stay near Baiyan for a long time, it could be said that they could not avoid it.

This time.

Su Xuanji thoroughly confirmed his guess.

This is easy to do.

On the way he came, he didn't just see this grass.

As long as you collect more grass, you will be able to win without fighting.

It will definitely save unnecessary wasted effort and time.

Do it when you think of it.

Su Xuanji stopped immediately, and immediately pulled up the grass.

Italian grass is a precious thing, and it is much slower to burn than ordinary things.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise there would have been no white smoke.

Su Xuanji took the Italian grass and went straight to the cave where the Emperor of Heaven was.

Soon, he appeared outside the cave.

Shi Zhongyu, who was driving the bloodthirsty bats, suddenly became suspicious when he saw him.

He was not curious about why Su Xuanji came back, but wondered why he came back with Yi Cao.

Su Xuanji saw his doubts, but did not explain.

Instead, he directly placed the grass that was accidentally set on fire by the little stone snake and placed it outside the cave.


The white smoke from the burning of the Italian grass filled the entire cave entrance.

All the bloodthirsty bats circling around here flew high in an instant.

With an unavoidable look, he left extremely decisively.

Seeing this scene in Shi Zhongyu's eyes, he instantly understood the role of this meaning grass.

"It's like coming from the grasslands to get rid of bloodthirsty bats!"

"What a sweet baby! 35

"It would be better if it wasn't burned, it could be used all the time. 99

"It's going to be burnt out in a while."

Shi Zhongyu said regretfully.

Su Xuanji shook his head.

"The smell of Italian grass is not strong.

"If it hadn't been burned, it wouldn't have given off such a strong smell at all."

"Naturally, bloodthirsty bats cannot be driven away, and we may not even use it. 99

Shi Zhongyu nodded suddenly when he heard the words.

Immediately, he looked at Su Xuanji with admiration and spoke loudly.

"Young master is really smart."

"I can always think of places I can't think of."

"If I were to rely on me, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know that the mind grass can smudge away bloodthirsty bats.

Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu and felt like he saw the magic mountain again.

If he hadn't been sure that the jade in the stone had not been taken away, he would have thought that there was a magic mountain in front of him!

This flattery is getting more and more slippery, that is, the business is not progressing.

What can be done?

Bear with it!

At least there are stable and reliable ones among the stone people.

He promised that next time he would not bring the jade in the stone.


"'々You're here to watch."

"I'm going to collect the weeds.

"I saw a lot when I was looking for a place to stay. 35

Su Xuanji said.

Then turn around and leave.

Shi Zhongyu looked at his back and shouted loudly.

"Don't worry, son."

"I will definitely stay here.""

"There will be nothing wrong with Heavenly Emperor.

Immediately after.

Stone in the jade was found impressively.

Su Xuanji suddenly picked up speed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shi Zhongyu was instantly moved.

"Because I was worried about getting hurt.

"Young master is in such a hurry.

"It's all those bloody bloodthirsty bats that make the boy so tired. 55

"Hey. (It's over)... The old man is useless too.... I can't help you with anything..."

If Su Xuanji heard him.

He will definitely say to him, no, you can help.

You can definitely help.

But it's a pity.

Su Xuanji did not hear.

He has already started to collect the grass.

He intends to collect all the herbs here.

After that, it can also be used in the secret realm.

Otherwise, if you enter the huge burrow, you still have to deal with the bloodthirsty bats.

Although bloodthirsty bats are not a threat to him.

But there are too many, and they are not afraid of death, so they can delay time.

If you want to solve this problem as soon as possible, you can do it with intentions,

Chapter 605 It seems that with just 1 glance, life will be taken away!

There is absolutely no need for him to fight bloodthirsty bats to the death.

While thinking about it, Su Xuanji had already collected all the herbs.

Counted, there were more than 50 plants.

Not all of them are mature, but they just need their scent rather than medicinal power, and it doesn't matter.

Soon, he was back outside the cave again.

But what surprised him was that the stone snakes had all gathered outside the cave.

Some even climbed to the mountain outside the cave, densely arranged together.

After thinking about it, Su Xuanji understood, they also saw the effect of Yicao.

Use the grass that is still burning outside the cave to avoid being disturbed by bloodthirsty bats.

Su Xuanji walked over, and Shi Zhongyu immediately looked over and spoke.

"Sir. 39

"They have to stay here.""

"Why don't we just let them stay?"

Su Xuanji nodded happily.

After all, these stone snakes were targeted by bloodthirsty bats because of the jade in the stone.

It's okay to let them hide in this 223.

The Stone Snake King looked at him, nodded slowly, and seemed to thank him.

Su Xuanji looked at the little stone snake who was still grinning at Shi Zhongyu, and suddenly smiled.

"Thank you for it."

With that said, he put the smallest dozen or so plants of Italian grass side by side outside the cave.

Then he looked at the Stone Snake King and opened his mouth.

"Every time one is burned, the other is set on fire.

"I'll leave it to you, how about it?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The Stone Snake King stared at the other herbs in Su Xuanji's hands.

His crimson eyes kept flashing a strange light, as if he was considering whether to grab them all.

Su Xuanji let him look at it, he believed that Stone Snake King would make the most correct choice.


Before long, the Stone Snake King nodded.

Take this task.

It's not that it doesn't want to take away all the grass, it's just that it is not an opponent of Su Xuanji at all (adaf).

It is even said that the whole clan of stone snakes together are not the opponents of Su Xuanji.

The best thing it can do now is to listen to Su Xuanji.

Otherwise, it won't be able to borrow even the slightest light of grass.

And the number of bloodthirsty bats is too large, it is extremely difficult to deal with.

Thinking left and right, it is good to be obedient.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji nodded with satisfaction, and then walked into the cave.

The Heavenly Emperor who was healing suddenly opened his eyes.

He was well aware of what was going on outside.

"You solved another crisis.

Tiandi said with a smile.

Su Xuanji spread his hands helplessly.

"no way.

"The jade in the stone creates a crisis, and someone has to solve it.

As soon as these words came out, the jade eyes on the side of Shi Zhong looked at the nose and nose and looked at the heart, as if he had not heard anything.

Su Xuanji put all the rest of the herbs by Tiandi's side.

Then he turned around and walked out again to collect other herbs.

Just interrupted by the bloodthirsty bats, he didn't gain anything.

So it can only come out again.

When he came out this time, he quickly collected several effective methods for the current state of the Heavenly Emperor.

Then go to the cave.

The bloodthirsty bats kept flying.

Su Xuanji didn't take it seriously at all and avoided it easily.

And soon returned to the cave, and the bloodthirsty bats who followed did not dare to enter it at all.

But they don't want to leave, they can only keep hovering outside.

It is densely packed and looks extremely scary from a distance.

The stone snakes watched worriedly, and when they saw that they didn't dare to come down, they felt relieved.

Although they knew the effect of the grass, but there were so many bloodthirsty bats, how could they not be worried.

And this worry continued all night.

Those herbs have been used up long ago, and it was only with a few more plants sent by Su Xuanji that they lasted until dawn.

Under the sun, Su Xuanji stepped out.

The eyes fell on Su Xuanji's face, making him seem to be plated with a golden light.

It seems that there is a feeling of not being able to look directly.

It seems that with just one glance, life will be taken away.

Su Xuanji looked up into the air, there were not many bloodthirsty bats left at the moment.

Presumably because of the relationship between the grass, those bloodthirsty bats were not allowed to enter, so they simply left.

After all, Italian herbs have been ordered overnight, and the taste is too strong.

The bloodthirsty bats can only retreat higher and farther, and are disgusted by it.

It is better to leave directly, only a very few are still insisting.

But with their numbers, it's not a climate either.

No need to worry at all.

Su Xuanji turned to look at the Stone Snake King.

As soon as Su Xuanji looked over, he suddenly became a little wary.

As long as there are bloodthirsty bats, they get along fine.

But now that bloodthirsty bats are obviously no longer a threat, it is difficult to say between them.

But the Stone Snake King was surprised to see that Su Xuanji took out five plants and placed them beside it.

"We still have to enter the secret realm."

"I can't give you any more."

"Otherwise, we will be in trouble when we encounter bloodthirsty bats."

"In case there are still bloodthirsty bats circling, at least it can help you block.

Su Xuanji said.

The Snake King looked at Su Xuanji and suddenly felt that he could not understand this human race.

Aren't they enemies with him?

Why bother giving them grass?.

Chapter 606 With a curious look on his face, he immediately asked!

To replace it is it, it is not a single plant.

Even yesterday, they wouldn't be accommodated here, anyway, the disparity in strength is huge, and there is no need to care about anything.

At this moment, Shi Zhongyu walked out of the cave.

Then he immediately looked at the Stone Snake King and opened his mouth.

"What are you still doing?

"If you don't want it, I'll take it."

"I can't bear it." 9

As soon as this word comes out.

The snake king's tail rolled up, and it directly swept away the meaning grass~.

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven also walked out of it.

Heavenly Emperor glanced at the stone snakes, and then looked at Su Xuanji.

"Let's go.

He can't wait to get the Great Emperor Crystal.

At this moment, he looks much better.

Compared with yesterday's pale-faced him, it was a world apart.

And all these changes were brought about by Su Xuanji.

Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji with gratitude.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji immediately turned around and left, and the Emperor thanked him continuously as soon as he received the merit.

He had already heard calluses on his ears, but he didn't want to hear any more.

The Emperor smiled when he saw this, and immediately followed.

Shi Zhongyu also quickly followed, but he did not forget to turn his head and bared his teeth at the little stone snake who tried to break his defense twice.

The little stone snake also responded with baring teeth, with a ferocious look.

Shi Zhongyu suddenly burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"Seeing how stupid you are, you know that you are not as smart as me, Shi Dun'er...

Little Stone Snake didn't know whether he understood or not.

He couldn't help grinning at Shi Zhongyu's distant back.

If it wasn't for the snake king's long tail and dragging it away, it might be able to stay there for a day.

the other side.

Su Xuanji was speechless.

That little stone snake is so big, and Shi Dun'er is so big.

Can this be compared together?

I'm not afraid of people laughing!

However, Shi Zhongyu couldn't understand Su Xuanji's mood at all.

Completely complacent.

Heavenly Emperor laughed hilariously.


"You seem to be in a good mood."

"It seems to be recovering well from the injury.""

Shi Zhongyu said with a smile.

Tiandi nodded when he heard the words.

"Thanks to your son for helping me heal. 35

"He also helped me collect medicine. 99

"Although there are still internal injuries, it is much better."5

"At least it won't hold you back this time.

Shi Zhongyu quickly shook his head when he heard the words.

"Why are you holding back?""

"It's clearly the Earth Dragon's fault." 5

"If it hadn't been for the Earth Dragon's sudden sneak attack, it wouldn't have been like this."

"If I went to pick the Great Emperor spar, I would have been completely cold."

"I can't live to have you rescue me, I died on the spot. 99

As soon as this word comes out.

Both Su Xuanji and Tiandi couldn't help laughing.

He also died on the spot.

Is this what a patriarch should say?

You are not Shi Dun'er.

That's what I thought, and said if I could think about it before.

It is really embarrassing for the Stone Human Race to have such an inconspicuous patriarch.

If Shi Zhongyu knew what they were thinking, he would definitely refute.

He was unusually tuneful in front of the Stone Human Race, but as soon as he came out, he couldn't control it.

While talking and laughing, the three of them once again came to the secret realm of the ancient desolate emperor.

All three of their smiles disappeared in an instant.

They all stared blankly at the entrance to the previous secret realm, and even Su Xuanji looked blank.

It seemed that he saw something incredible, but he couldn't react at all.

After more than ten breaths, Su Xuanji frowned and slowly opened his mouth.

"We didn't go to the wrong place, did we?

The Emperor immediately shook his head.


"I'm sure not.

Shi Zhongyu also spoke immediately.


0... ask for flowers 0·

"What about the entrance?"

Shi Zhongyu expressed the common doubts of the three.

The entrance to the secret realm is gone!

Isn't this a joke?

That is the entrance to the secret realm, not the gate of the stone people.

Can this be said to disappear?

But the fact is that there was nothing at the original entrance.

There is no trace at all, as if the entrance has never appeared.

This is simply impossible.

It's also a little too bizarre.

"What exactly is going on?

Shi Zhongyu scratched his head, and immediately strode forward.

He looked left and right, up and down Barabara.

But it was said that the entrance, not even a seam.

As if they were really looking for the wrong one.

It's so weird.

"It's weird.

"It's obviously here.

"Remember this tree? 99

"We saw it when we first came. 35

"It's still there, but the entrance is gone."

"This is really the head of the stone people.""

Shi Zhongyu murmured incessantly.

Su Xuanji heard the last look of curiosity, and immediately opened his mouth to ask.

"What does it mean that the heads of the stone people have fallen off? Luo


Shi Zhongyu patted his head.

Answer immediately.


Su Xuanji was speechless.

At this time, I am still in the mood to joke.

With a puff, Su Xuanji laughed!

"Can you be serious!

Su Xuanji immediately stopped.

Shi Zhongyu nodded again and again, and the Heavenly Emperor was dumbfounded.

But soon.

The three of them all frowned.

The entrance to this secret realm is missing, how do they get in?

Even Su Xuanji can't conjure an entrance out of thin air.

Chapter 607 After 5 days of waiting, the entrance is still there!

"There must be a reason for the disappearance of the entrance.

"I don't know what the reason is? 99

Shi Zhongyu touched his chin and said.

Such nonsense made Su Xuanji roll his eyes.

Isn't that what they worry about?

God is the most disturbed.

The Great Emperor spar is the only purpose of his trip.

If he can't take it back, it's hard to describe his regret in words.

It is clear that the Great Emperor spar is close at hand, but there are always changes.

Could it be that God destined him to not get the Great Emperor Crystal?

The Emperor of Heaven let out a long sigh, filled with infinite sighs.

at this time.

Su Xuanji suddenly clapped his hands.

"Two two seven" seems to be thinking of something.

This action instantly attracted the idea of ​​Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu.

The two hurriedly asked.

"Son, what did you think of?

"Sister Su, what's your opinion?

The two spoke in unison, and their tone was anxious.

Su Xuanji immediately turned to look at the two with joy in his eyes.

He didn't give a shit and answered directly.

"I suddenly remembered.

"When I had nothing to do in the Heavenly Palace, I used to go to the library to read various books.

"One of them is a very old travel journal.

"The old one can't tell who wrote it. 99

"But the content of it is exactly the same as what we are experiencing now."

"It's just that I didn't remember it for a while.

As soon as this word comes out.

Both Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi were interested.

It's just that the Emperor is more ashamed.

"I haven't read all the books in the library."

"If you double-checked it, it wouldn't bother you for so long.

"It even gave birth to self-pity, it really shouldn't be."

Su Xuanji laughed when he heard this.

"The Emperor of Heaven cares too much about the Great Emperor spar.

"As the so-called concern is chaos, it is normal. 35

"As for the books in the library, how do you read so many books?"

"If I hadn't flipped through that book by chance, I wouldn't have read any travel notes."

Shi Zhongyu listened anxiously, and hurriedly urged.

"My son, son.

"Come on, what did the travel note say?"

Su Xuanji nodded when he heard the words, and watched Tiandi, who was also anxious, speak slowly.

"The writer of the travel note also went to a lot of secret realms when he traveled abroad. 35

"In one of these cases, I was sure I was going to the right place, but still couldn't find the entrance.35

"It made him feel very confused, but he was reluctant to leave.

"So he concentrated on research and kept searching."

"Finally, outside the secret realm, he discovered the unique snow flying wolf in this secret realm.""

"Those snow wolves all want to return to the secret realm, but they can't find the entrance, just like him. 55

"He guessed that maybe the disappearance of the entrance was related to the appearance of these snowflying wolves."

"This bold guess was confirmed shortly after.

Heavenly Emperor listened more and more fascinated.

Shi Zhongyu suddenly shouted.

Scared the gods!

"What's your name?"

Su Xuanji was speechless.

This guy is simply.

Shi Zhongyu pointed at Su Xuanji's back and opened his mouth.

"The bloodthirsty bats are back."

Su Xuanji gave Shi Zhongyu a blank look, and then spoke indifferently.

"Just come back, what's it called?"

Shi Zhongyu spoke again with an innocent face.

"Aren't these bloodthirsty bats just like snow wolves?"

While speaking, the bloodthirsty bats have come to the front.

Su Xuanji was about to order the herbs when he saw that they all had no heads and flies.

Seems to want to go in, completely ignoring them.

There are only a few sporadic, occasionally flying towards them.

Shi Zhongyu can slap him flying.

"It's really like the snow wolf in the travel notes."

"Could it be that the disappearance of the entrance to the secret realm has something to do with the bloodthirsty bats coming out?"5

"Sister Su, what's the story going to be like?

Heavenly Emperor spoke slowly.

Looking at Su Xuanji, his eyes were full of anticipation.

Obviously hope that the story can give clues on how to find the entrance to the secret realm.

Su Xuanji spoke again.

"Xuefei Wolf came out of the secret realm."

"The connection with the secret realm is the deepest."

"The recorder of the travel notes, unable to do so, chose to follow this Snow Flying Wolf.

"The snow wolves kept looking for the entrance. Although it took some time, they were finally found by them."5

"After that, he entered the secret realm and came out as usual after some exploration.

"Then he waited in place for five days, and the entrance was still there.

"He went in again, and when he came out, he deliberately brought out the red-winged snake inside.


"After that, he waited in place. After half a day, the entrance disappeared. He followed the red-winged snake to find it again."5

"Obviously, the change in the entrance has something to do with what's inside coming out.

"But he doesn't know exactly why this is the case."

The voice fell.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu finally understood.

To find the entrance to the secret realm, they had to rely on bloodthirsty bats.

However, the reason for this is unknown, is this reliable?

Shi Zhongyu directly asked the doubts in his heart.

Su Xuanji couldn't give this answer either.

"I am not sure as well."

"The travelogue may be written indiscriminately, or it may be true, who knows? 35

Chapter 608 Be obedient, don't let people pay at10tion to the cottage again!

"If it is true, it may be related to the life changes in the secret space."

"Otherwise, there is no way to explain why the entrance changed after the living creatures inside came out."

Tiandi nodded when he heard the words.

"There is no other way now.

"It's better to try your luck with bloodthirsty bats than to hunt around like flies without heads."

"Bloodthirsty Bat King did not come out, perhaps because he was worried that the entrance would change its location.

"Just don't know how long it will take to have a result. 35

The Emperor's tone was very worried.

Obviously, I can't wait to get the Great Emperor Crystal Stone immediately.

However, Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu fully understood.

Even if you know where the Great Emperor spar is, it is safe to put it in your pocket.

Otherwise, the things that I have been thinking about are in a place that I know, but I can't get there as soon as possible.

This is simply too tortured, it is better not to know the comfort.

"We'll follow the bloodthirsty bats 03 first."

"Hopefully their ability to find the entrance is as strong as their ability to chase us."

Su Xuanji looked at the bloodthirsty bat and smiled helplessly.

Didn't expect these ugly things.

In addition to annoying them, it is actually useful.

"Why are they still here?"

"Should go somewhere else."

Shi Zhongyu looked at the bloodthirsty bats and said impatiently.

Su Xuanji spoke slowly.

"In travel journals."

"It took a lot of time to find the Snow Flying Wolf and the Red Winged Snake.

"If it's true, I don't think bloodthirsty bats can be found quickly.""

"Hopefully, with so many of them, it's a little more helpful."5

Heavenly Emperor sighed.

The depression on his face was clearly visible.

Su Xuanji didn't persuade him any more, it was very depressing for everyone.

Seeing that he was about to get the Great Emperor Crystal Stone, the Earth Dragon appeared to attack.

Seeing to get it again, bloodthirsty bats appeared, and it seemed endless.

Seeing that I have to enter the secret realm again to get it, the entrance is gone!

This can be seen, can't be touched, and people are anxious to death.

If it were someone else, he wouldn't be as well cultivated as the Heavenly Emperor.

Not yelling, but complaining.

And Tiandi is just silently depressed, which is already very good.

Su Xuanji raised his hand and patted Tiandi on the shoulder. Although he didn't say a word to comfort him, the deep meaning in it was already full of them.

Heavenly Emperor nodded deeply and looked at Su Xuanji with a smile in his eyes.

"Although I haven't gotten the Great Emperor Crystal yet."9

"But it's fortunate to have you all with me.

"Otherwise I would be really disappointed.

"It's impossible to cheer up, and it is possible to give up the Great Emperor Crystal."

Heavenly Emperor said.

Su Xuanji laughed immediately after hearing this.

"There is a saying in mortals that you should not be afraid of being late for a good meal.""

"This is not rude, the Great Emperor Crystal is so precious, it is worth our repeated visits to invite it back. 99

As soon as this word comes out.

Tian Di laughed immediately.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"That's the truth, that is, the Great Emperor Crystal Stone is not very good-tempered."

"I hope that after returning to the Tiangong, I will be obedient and not let people look at the cottage again. 99

Hearing this, Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu also laughed.

Shi Zhongyu even patted the ground and couldn't stop laughing.

The ground that was shot trembled.

As soon as Su Xuanji was about to speak to him, he opened his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha....

"As the saying goes, good things take a long time.""

"Maybe there's more to grind!"

"We have to get ready, the Great Emperor spar is too skinny, hahahaha..."

Shi Zhongyu kept smiling.

Laughing ridiculously, he felt that something was wrong.

Because Su Xuanji and Tiandi were silent.

Apart from the cries of bloodthirsty bats, there was no other sound around.

Just downright weird.

Shi Zhongyu immediately looked up at Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu.

Seeing that they were all speechless, he scratched his head.

what happened?

Don't you talk and laugh, and come out of the depression?

Why are you looking at him without speaking?

Did he just say something wrong?


Shi Zhongyu's gaze went back and forth between the two's faces.

It finally landed on the more gloomy face of Su Xuanji, who then opened his mouth cautiously.


"What's wrong?"

"Am I laughing too loudly?"

Su Xuanji almost turned his back when he heard the words.

Is that a matter of laughing loudly and loudly?

What is grinding and grinding?

This is cursing themselves!

Really 227 is outrageous!

Heavenly Emperor hurriedly rounded the field.

"He also spoke unintentionally. 35

"do not take it personally.

Although Shi Zhongyu still doesn't know what he said wrong.

But without delay, he nodded in agreement with the words of the emperor.

Looking at Shi Zhongyu who nodded like garlic.

Su Xuanji laughed.


Since he and Shi Zhongyu have been together for a long time.

He found that his temper was well tempered.

Swing back and forth between kicking him and not kicking him.

Ruo Fei Nian is in the end Shi Zhongyu is the patriarch of the Stone Clan, and his age is quite wrinkled.

He couldn't help but start.

at this time.

Su Xuanji suddenly remembered and asked.

"I said Patriarch Shi. 99

"How old are you.""

This sudden divine turn left Shi Zhongyu at a loss.

But he still thought hard.


"This is stumping me..."

"I don't usually remember these trifles.

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 609 I can't laugh anymore, my stomach hurts badly!

"Not enough, if you want to hear how the beautiful stone people of the stone people treat me differently."

"I can speak for three days and three nights.

Su Xuanji rolled his eyes directly.

Both fists were clenched tightly.

Even the Heavenly Emperor felt like he wanted to punch something.

both hinder this time.

Shi Zhongyu smiled smugly, and continued talking on his own.

"However, I'm sure I'm a middle-aged stone man now. 35

"It's just that I usually work too hard for various affairs of the stone people, so I look a little old."

As soon as this word comes out.

Su Xuanji's eyes lit up instantly.

Then he looked at Shi Zhongyu and spoke quickly.

"you sure?"

Shi Zhongyu was very dissatisfied after hearing this question.

He waved his hand and spoke in a deep voice.


"Please don't doubt my loyalty to the son.

"I won't lie to your son.

"I am indeed a middle-aged human race.


He wasn't finished yet.

Just flew out.

In the blink of an eye it hung on the tree.

Head down.

During the shaking, he saw Su Xuanji's foot slowly lowering.

He just knew what happened.

The folds on his face bloomed like a flower at this moment.

A pair of eyes filled with tears of excitement.

Su Xuanji was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

I regretted it for a while.

Shi Zhongyu is the patriarch of the stone people, and he has his own pride.

He kicked it up a tree, wasn't it very authentic?

Although he didn't exert any force at all, it didn't hurt at all.

But Shi Zhongyu's heart must be very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Su Xuanji suddenly felt more regret and guilt.

He hurried forward to pick up Shi Zhongyu from the tree in person.

But at this moment, Shi Zhongyu's words almost didn't let him fall on the horse.

"Young master really values ​​me!"

"Don't treat me like an outsider! 35

Su Xuanji stumbled under his feet and looked up at Shi Zhongyu.

With deep doubt and shock in his eyes.

Is this being kicked stupidly by him?

It shouldn't be, and he didn't care about his hair either!

The Heavenly Emperor also had an inexplicable expression on his face, as if he had seen the first new thing in the world.

at this time.

Shi Zhongyu spoke again.

"I was repaired by my ancestors since I was a child. 95

"It's a common thing to hang on a tree.

"And the ancestors never did this to others."

"I knew then that only my own people would hang me on a tree.

"It's not that my own people have no scruples, and they won't do this at all. 99

"Young Master, you really accepted me, and I'm completely loyal to me."5

"Young master, don't worry, I will continue to work hard for my son as always."


Su Xuanji's face was about to split.

What is the logic?

How could this be self-evident?


It does make some sense.

But he didn't mean that at all, did he?

He just couldn't help but want to teach Shi Zhongyu a lesson.

Turns out this was also understood as complete acceptance?

Shi Zhongyu even burst into tears with excitement?

What kind of brain is this to be able to think in such a different way?

It's really dying.

Su Xuanji felt that he was besieged by a hundred bloodthirsty bat kings.

He has never faced such a headache in the face of a jade in a stone.

The Heavenly Emperor on the side laughed lowly.

Then the laughter grew louder and louder, obviously very happy.

At last he burst out laughing.

Su Xuanji looked helpless, did he do something good?

At least the Heavenly Emperor completely got rid of the depressed mood before, and the smiling eyes were invisible.

Only a row of big white teeth can be seen, which is very dazzling.

At this time.

Shi Zhongyu touched the tears and fell by herself.

There was a loud bang, and two big footprints were stepped on the ground.

Immediately, he walked towards Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji took a deep breath, and then suppressed the urge to hang Shi Zhongyu on the tree again.

Otherwise, what should I do if this guy is more moved and happier?

Su Xuanji was going crazy.

I have never encountered such a silent thing in my life.

"'々 Gong Hiccup..."

Shi Zhongyu spoke slowly.

It was a hiccup.

Su Xuanji closed his eyes, then spoke in a deep voice.

"do not Cry."


Shi Zhongyu cried even louder.

"I am not tired.

"You don't have to worry, son.

Su Xuanji raised his hands and covered his face, his hands trembling.

Shi Zhongyu was immediately shocked.

"Son, don't cry.""

"It is a joy for us to be masters and servants.

"Why cry!

(Ok) Saying that, he wiped away his tears.

Su Xuanji trembled even more when he heard the words.

Heavenly Emperor couldn't laugh anymore, his stomach hurt so badly, he couldn't straighten his waist.

Shi Zhongyu looked at the Heavenly Emperor, and then opened his mouth with a look of relief.

"Look, son. 35

"Emperor of Heaven is happy for you that the son can meet a follower like me."

Hearing that, Tiandi couldn't help laughing.

Su Xuanji turned and left.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu.

Shi Zhongyu was stunned for a moment.

"What about son?

"What are you doing, son?"

Tiandi took a deep breath and calmed down.

Then he looked in the direction where Su Xuanji disappeared.

"He's so happy."

Chapter 610 Although I'm in a hurry, I can only admit it!

"I need to vent my overexcited emotions."

The words fall.

I heard the sound of a mountain collapsing suddenly in the distance.

And a few long whistles, the voice was undoubtedly from Su Xuanji.

After a meeting.

Su Xuanji is back.

His expression has returned to normal.

But he didn't even look at Shi Zhongyu, for fear that he couldn't help but take another shot.

It is better to do nothing than move, so where is the reason to go?

Just as Shi Zhongyu was about to say something, the bloodthirsty bats suddenly moved.

This made Su Xuanji breathe a sigh of relief instantly, and immediately attracted the attention of Shi Zhongyu and Tiandi.

By the time Su Xuanji left, the bloodthirsty bats had gathered more and more.

This meeting is already densely packed, and all are going in one direction.

The three of Su Xuanji looked at each other, and without much need to say much, they immediately followed.

"Hopefully through them, find the entrance to the secret realm. 35

"It's better to be shorter.

Jade in the stone babbled.

This was a good one, and Su Xuanji nodded when he heard the words.

Heavenly Emperor too, he is the most hopeful to find the entrance to the 230 secret realm as soon as possible.

Seeing that both of them responded greatly to their own words.

Shi Zhongyu walks with vigor and vigor.

Su Xuanji didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he didn't see it.

Unfortunately, after following for a while, the group of bloodthirsty bats stopped.

Again, like a headless fly, it spun around.

In the anxiety, they attacked Su Xuanji and others again.

These bloodthirsty bats are treasures, and Su Xuanji can't shoot them.

Immediately clicked on a grass, and instantly scared the bloodthirsty bats flying towards them.

The bloodthirsty bats seemed to feel threatened by the mind grass, and immediately couldn't bear it, and walked forward again.

This surprised the three of them.

As long as the bloodthirsty bats stop, they can smoke them with Italian grass.

This saves a lot of time.

But soon, the three of Su Xuanji realized that this method was a waste of time.

Because after the Italian grass is smoked, the bloodthirsty bats will fly randomly.

When they are away from the threat of the weeds, they will change direction.

That is to say, it is not good for them to smoke away the bloodthirsty bats and make them panic.

In desperation, the three of them could only follow the bloodthirsty bats far away.

Try not to irritate them or interfere with when they stop and continue on their way.

Only in this way can we accurately let them lead the way, otherwise we don't know where to go in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

However, their speed also slowed down.

As described in the travel notes, the process of finding the entrance is a long one.

It takes some patience to wait and see.

It can't be found right away.

Although the three were anxious, they could only recognize it.

Otherwise there is no other way.


The bloodthirsty bat in front stopped again.

And this time, it was only half an hour since the last pause.

Such a short interval made the Emperor frown.

Immediately after, they understood why the bloodthirsty bats stopped.

Because in front of them, there was actually a two-headed tiger whose belly was ripped open.

How could the bloodthirsty bats adaf such delicious food?

Immediately swarmed up, and soon the two-headed tiger was reduced to only a layer of skin and bone.

Immediately, they hit the road again.

This time, the three Su Xuanji were unexpectedly discovered.

The speed of the bloodthirsty bats has been greatly improved.

And there is no hesitation and hesitation that he used to look like before.

The three looked at each other and thought of the two-headed tiger before.

"Could it be that guy's blood that made them full and more powerful to search?

Su Xuanji opened his mouth.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu nodded immediately after hearing the words.

"I think so.""

"That should be it.""

The two said in unison, agreeing with Su Xuanji's words.

Shi Zhongyu immediately proposed.

"It's better to find a way to keep the bloodthirsty bats full.

"Is it possible to find the entrance as soon as possible.

Su Xuanji nodded immediately, then looked Shi Zhongyu up and down.

Then he spoke very earnestly.

"I don't know if it's enough for you. 35

"You're so big, it shouldn't be a problem.

Shi Zhongyu's face suddenly turned bitter, and he quickly raised his hand and patted his broken head.

"Look, son."

"I haven't made up for the missing piece.

"I can't sacrifice my life to feed a tiger.

As soon as this word comes out.

Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu's bitter face and finally felt comfortable.

He finally regained a city!

Heavenly Emperor raised his hand and patted Shi Zhongyu's shoulder, then spoke.

"Do not worry.

"How could your son sacrifice his subordinates?

The jade in the stone descends along the slope.

"I know."

"My son was just joking with me. 55

"But as long as the son really orders, I will go..."

Although Shi Zhongyu said it reluctantly.

But you can still hear the truth.

Su Xuanji suddenly had a headache and helplessness.

This was also one of the reasons why he couldn't deal ruthlessly with Shi Zhongyu.

He would rather have the jade skin in the stone completely, and not be so embarrassing.