
just for meSign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning)

Udeshya_Acharya · ファンタジー
77 Chs

551 to 560

Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil 551

Chapter 551 Coping with anger!


"I knew your trick was useless. 35

"If you want to go out together, you still need to look at your strength. 39

"Like me, haha...

Kirin suddenly spoke.

He lay on Shi Dun'er's head and basked in the sun.

The tone should be as ironic as it is ironic, as triumphant as it is - triumphant.

Shi Dun'er babbled, scratching his head in confusion.

"Why didn't you eat fruit?"

"It still feels so sour..."

Qilin suddenly turned over and grinned.

"That's called jealousy.

He lifts his legs and jumps off.

This is Su Xuanji speaking.


"Forgot what you said."

"Heavenly Emperor is not going to take you.

"I have no plans for that either.

Hearing the words, Qilin slipped and smashed directly on top of Shi Dun'er's head.


"Don't laugh, hold back, that's a unicorn..."

"Okay, hahahaha..."

"Don't laugh, hahahaha... I can't help it when you laugh..."

The people of the Stone People couldn't help laughing.

Kirin stood up abruptly.

His eyes were full of anger and shame.

"Why don't you take me?"

"I am a unicorn!""

"It's a heavenly beast! 99

"You must take me! 35

He yelled at Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji spread his hands and looked at Qilin innocently.

"You don't make trouble. 35

"No one stipulates that the unicorn must follow.

"Stay honestly in Tiangong, or go to Yunmeng Mountain.

The words fall.

Su Xuanji turned and left.

But how can Kirin agree?

If he can't go, his face is really embarrassing.

He immediately landed in front of Su Xuanji, blocking his way.

"You are not allowed to go."

"Anyway, you have to take me there.

"No, or I'll..."

"so I...."

Qilin talked for a long time, but couldn't say why.

Su Xuanji raised an eyebrow.

"Otherwise what will happen to you?

"You hang at my door?"

As soon as this word comes out.

All the stone people burst into laughter.

Shi Dun'er rolled on the ground even more with a smile.

Qilin suddenly became angry.

"You guy."

"Do you still want to be my little brother!""

"You're actually talking to me like that!

Su Xuanji rolled his eyes indecently.

"You are very kind. 35

"It was never planned.

"I will think about you as my little brother.

Hearing this, Kirin rushed towards Su Xuanji in a fit of rage.

Su Xuanji grabbed Qilin's tail with ease.

"If it weren't for you still injured."

"Today I will consume a mount's promise.""

"It's better to walk around the Tiangong. 99

As soon as this word comes out.

The unicorn, who was struggling desperately, froze in place for a moment.

The outstretched claws were also frozen, looking ridiculous.

Only one pair of eyes looked at Su Xuanji viciously, as if to strangle Su Xuanji to death.

Su Xuanji looked at and spoke again.

This time.

Su Xuanji smiled very kindly.

this moment.

Su Xuanji could clearly feel that Kirin shuddered when he saw him, and his eyes were instantly filled with alertness.

"If you want to go."

"It's not impossible. 59

"But there are conditions, add it again."

As soon as this word comes out.

The stone people did not understand.

Kirin did not understand the truth.

This is clearly Su Xuanji taking advantage of the situation and wanting him to be a mount again.

In this way, the superposition is three times.

Once before for face.

once to eat.

That's all.

But this time, just to keep up, is it worth it to make such an exchange?

0... ask for flowers 0...

Qilin kept turning in his heart, and quickly gave the answer.

He immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"Do not.

"I do not want to go.

"I don't want to go at all."

"You let go!"

Kirin said resolutely and abnormally.

It looks like whoever lets him go is his enemy.

This change of face changed so fast that the stone people were all stunned.

"Why does Qilin seem to be frightened by something?"

"I see that he is not afraid of the sky, and there is nothing that can make him afraid?

"He doesn't even fear the Heavenly Emperor, he's very unruly.

The stone people said in succession.

Along the way, they have seen a lot of Kirin's nonsense.

Even the Emperor of Heaven, sometimes there is no way to take him.

At this time.

The patriarch of the stone people suddenly spoke.

"What he is afraid of is our son. 99

As soon as this word comes out.

The stone people instantly understood.


It was obviously arrogant before.

But in the hands of Su Xuanji, it was a step-by-step concession.

Looking at the guarded and helpless look on his face, he knew who he was afraid of.

This is amazing.

Two guys who can't be cured are both afraid of the same person.

It's reasonable, and it's amazing.

"You let me go!

"I'm going to Yunmeng Mountain!"

Kirin struggled again.

Su Xuanji threw the unicorn directly back to Shi Dun'er's shoulder.

Immediately speak.

"Take Shi Dun'er to play together.""

Shi Dun'er was very happy when she heard the words.

"where to have fun?

"Is it delicious? 35

"No no no, I mean fun?

Qilin immediately jumped onto Shi Dun'er's head.

Shi Dun'er didn't mind either, raised his big hand and kept poking at the unicorn.

He didn't exert any force, as if he was playing with a unicorn.

Kirin angrily lay on top of his head five.

Chapter 552 You can stop here!

"Fun. 99

"let's go!

The words fall.

With a flick of his tail, Shi Dun'er pointed the way.

Shi Dun'er immediately ran away, but the patriarch of the stone people couldn't stop him.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji looked at the patriarch of the stone people and spoke to comfort him.

"no need to worry.

"It's not far from Tiangong.

"There's no danger either."

"Although the unicorn looks out of place, if something happens, he will protect Shi Dun'er."

The patriarch of the stone people heard the words and shook his head.

Still worried.

"I'm not worried about Shi Dun'er."

"What I'm worried about is the unicorn.

As soon as this word comes out.

Su Xuanji's mouth twitched when he said "193".

It seemed that he knew too little about Shi Dun'er.

But that's all about Kirin...

"Cough cough..."

"Patriarch, I haven't asked your name yet..."

Su Xuanji looked at the patriarch and spoke again.

The patriarch of the stone people immediately showed a look of honor.

It seems that being able to be asked by Su Xuanji for his name is a great joy.

Su Xuanji was a little embarrassed to see this.

If he hadn't wanted to take him out, he wouldn't have thought of asking.

"The old man is called Jade in the Stone."

The patriarch of the stone people said.

Su Xuanji was stunned for a moment.


Jade in stone?

This name doesn't quite match the patriarch.

Looking at the ravines and ravines on the patriarch's face.

It was as if it had been washed away in a river for thousands of years.

Even if Su Xuanji deliberately ignores the gully on his face, he doesn't look like a handsome stone man.

Seems to see Su Xuanji's thoughts.

Shi Zhongyu smiled indifferently.

"My name was given by the previous generation of patriarchs."

"Just to see that I am different, a beautiful jade born from the stone people.

"So don't have any expectations for me, and just named Shi Zhongyu."

"I now feel that the name is unusually correct."

"Otherwise, why did my generation meet the son?"

"Meeting the son is my greatest honor, and it is also the deepest blessing of the stone people."

"My admiration for your son is like..."

Shi Zhongyu hasn't finished speaking yet.

It was interrupted by Su Xuanji.


Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu and suddenly felt like he saw a magic mountain.

This flattery is very similar from the beginning.

He didn't want to listen anymore.

"Left in half a month.

"See you later. 35

The words fall.

Su Xuanji turned and left.

It seems that it is hard not to give the patriarch a chance to say more.

Looking at the back of Su Xuanji leaving, the patriarch's eyes were always respectful.

He didn't even look back until he couldn't see Su Xuanji anymore.

the next half month.

In addition to staying in their own place, the stone people also came out to patrol with people from the Tiangong from time to time.

Euphemistically called helper to do things, in fact, to see more of the outside world.

At first, the people in Tiangong hadn't noticed, but after a long time, no one could ignore their excited and curious eyes.

But Tiangong's patrols did not exclude them.

He even found the patriarch of the stone people and said that he wanted to form a separate patrol for them.

It is completely composed of stone people, and there is no need to go to patrol in the distance.

However, it can patrol around the Tiangong, and the time is not limited, and the personnel are not limited.

In theory, you can change a batch a day and go out at will.

This is simply a good excuse for going out tailored for the stone people, and a completely comfortable identity.

The patriarch of the Stone Clan instantly understood Tiangong's good intentions, how could he refuse?

Nodding in agreement immediately, and immediately went to inform Su Xuanji0...

Su Xuanji didn't care about such trivial matters.

he knows.

This is Tiangong showing his favor.

Since the last time they were misunderstood, the people in Tiangong have been doing this intentionally or not.

It's just that he doesn't always have the mood and time to deal with it.

This time, the target was directly shifted, and it became to please him and bring back the Stone People.

fair enough.

won't bother him.

It also made the stone people happier.

Su Xuanji immediately told Shi Zhongyu not to report anything to him.

He can handle such trivial matters by himself.

Shi Zhongyu immediately said yes when he heard the words, and immediately retired.

the next day.

The Stone Human Patrol was established.

And proudly patrolled around the Tiangong.

Each of them is tall and mighty, and looks more like Tiangong's fierce generals than Tiangong's patrol team.

the next day.

The Patrol of the Stone People was replaced.

Another day passed.

Another group of people.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later.

The people in the Patrol Team of the Stone People have never been duplicated since 0.5.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di took Shi Zhongyu and left on this day.

He didn't even go through the main entrance, and even the patrols of the Tiangong and Stone People didn't find anyone.

They couldn't find the three of them until that day, and then they remembered that the half-month period had come.

the other side.

The three are hurrying on their way.

Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu are not in a hurry though.

But he Tiandi was very impatient.

They can only follow the Heavenly Emperor and keep speeding up all the way.

If it wasn't for Su Xuanji taking care of Shi Zhongyu, Shi Zhongyu would have been dropped halfway.

After realizing this, Tiandi suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Chapter 553 Feeling Inexplicably Familiar!

"I'm so impatient."9

"Please don't blame the two of you. 99

How could Su Xuanji not understand Tiandi's mood?

"It's okay.

"Get there early. 39

"I can also come back earlier to repair the defense of Tiangong."

Su Xuanji laughed.


God was grateful.

"Thank you God Son Su for being sympathetic.

If it was someone else, I'm afraid they would be unhappy long ago.

But Su Xuanji can put himself in his shoes.

understand his urgency.

Such a person, I am afraid that it will be difficult to have again, it is really rare.


Tiandi's appreciation for Su Xuanji, which he thought had no room for upside, surged again.

Shi Zhongyu also sighed at the character of his son.

Not only willing to give up the emperor spar.

Even think so. 03

Perhaps this is the reason why he can become good friends with the Emperor of Heaven and is willing to save Shi Dun'er and take them in.

"finally reached.

Su Xuanji smiled while looking at the dense forest in front of him.

on the treasure map.

In front of the ancient god's secret realm.

It is an endless forest.

One after another looks like a towering giant tree, full of them.

The lush foliage blocks the sunlight.

Even in this blue sky and daylight, it is dark everywhere at first glance.

In some places, it was as dark as ink.

"Just go through here. 35

Shi Zhongyu looked at the Heavenly Emperor and smiled.

Heavenly Emperor nodded slightly, he finally came here.

God knows how anxious he is.

This was the first time he had known that he could be so impatient.

"Let's go.

Heavenly Emperor said, and then he was the first to step into the jungle.

Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu also followed.

I thought it wouldn't take long to traverse, but three days later, the three were still in the jungle.

And every half a day, a larger giant tree will be entered.

They had never seen such a huge tree, and when they looked up, they couldn't see the edge at all.

When the three of them appeared beside the tree again, no one continued to walk.

All stopped.

"Here again.

"We've been here for the seventh time.

Heavenly Emperor looked at the giant tree.

When coming here for the second time.

The three already felt that something was wrong.

However, no abnormality was found, and no trace of any other life was found in this dense forest.

In desperation, I had to keep going.

But again and again, still can't get out.

What's even weirder is that none of the three of them noticed anything unusual.

This is very strange.

After all, whether it is Shizhongyu, or Tiandi and Su Xuanji.

They are not ordinary people.

If there is something wrong, how can you not notice it at all.

Especially Su Xuanji and Tiandi felt that they should not have noticed something.

But the fact is, they still don't know what happened.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Could it be that there is some kind of protection here?

"But it doesn't say on the treasure map."5

Shi Zhongyu asked with a solemn look on his face.

He thought that if this treasure map was a merit, then he would be showing his face in front of Su Xuanji.

But now it seems that he can't even get out of this forest.

And there was no danger recorded on the treasure map at all.

For a time, he was extremely embarrassed.

Su Xuanji raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

"Accidents always happen."

"It doesn't matter, we'll always go out."

See Su Xuanji Don't Blame.

Shi Zhongyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Always come back here, maybe that's the problem here. 35

Su Xuanji looked at the giant tree and said.

Although this giant tree looks unremarkable.

It seems to be a huge ordinary tree that has grown into this by accident.

But Su Xuanji looked at it, and somehow it felt familiar.

He couldn't say where he felt familiar, but it just felt familiar.

Seeing that he had been staring at the giant tree, the Heavenly Emperor spoke slowly.

"You're right. 35

"I also think there might be a problem here.

Shi Zhongyu heard the words.

The opportunity to perform suddenly came.

He opened his mouth and walked towards the giant tree.

"I'll take a look.

"What kind of fame does it have."

"I can knock it out with 193 punches."

The words fall.

He punched the giant tree.

Neither Su Xuanji nor Tiandi stopped him.

To find out what's going on, it's always going to be tempting.

Although Shi Zhongyu's method is somewhat barbaric, it is not necessarily useless.


The punch landed firmly on the giant tree.

But the giant force that seemed to be able to break the void fell on the giant tree.

In an instant, it was like water entering the sea, without causing any waves.

See here.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi are basically determined.

The strange encounter of the three should be related to this tree.

"Can't even hurt my fist?

Shi Zhongyu looked at this tree in shock, his eyes full of surprise.

This is not because he is too confident, but because he can become the patriarch, his strength is second only to the ancestors among the stone people.

He has lost to only Su Xuanji so far.

It even left him helpless.

But against a giant tree that was motionless, he was still very confident.

Chapter 554 Actually connected to Shimen!

He believed that his enormous strength could turn the giant tree into powder in an instant.

But in fact, it is not.

Not only not, but not even the slightest reaction.

This can't help but make Shi Zhongyu a little unable to get off the stage.

He raised his fist and smashed it again.

But the result remains the same.

Still no response.

"I don't believe it anymore.

The words fall.

He slammed punch after punch again.

But his power is still like a rock sinking into the sea.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the giant tree, without making any waves.

Shi Zhongyu raised his fists again, with a hideous expression on his face.

Obviously going all out.

Neither Su Xuanji nor Tiandi stopped them, and they also wanted to see where the limit of this strange giant tree was.

But this time.

When Shi Zhongyu's fist landed on it again.

Shi Zhongyu's fist seemed to be stuck to the tree trunk, and was then pulled inward by a force.

See here.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi immediately shot, trying to hold Shi Zhongyu.

However, when the two met Shi Zhongyu, they instantly felt a great pulling force.

In an instant, the two of them were pulled towards the giant tree together with Shi Zhongyu.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi looked at each other immediately.

They all saw shock in each other's eyes.

Can you pull the two together?

how can that be?

But the fact is so.


Su Xuanji felt an indescribable mysterious force that made him feel familiar.

It seemed to coincide with some kind of rhyme, pulling him towards the tree trunk.

this moment.

Su Xuanji suddenly realized.

This power may not be pulling him.

Instead, it was attracting him, Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu.

It was a very subtle feeling, as if they could blend in with each other.

This is also the reason why this power can 'pull' him and the Heavenly Emperor.

In fact, it is not pulling, but integrating.

Before Su Xuanji opened his mouth to explain his feelings to Tiandi.

The next second, all three were pulled into the trunk.

Immediately after.

The scene before the three of them changed.

In an instant, a peaceful world appeared.

This made the three of them stunned for a moment.

"This is where?"

"Is it in a fantasy?""

"What the hell is going on here?"

All three were confused.

Especially the jade in the stone.

After asking three consecutive questions, he immediately turned to Su Xuanji, hoping to get an answer.

However, Su Xuanji is at a loss now.

He also didn't know what was going on.

But as soon as he came here, his familiar feeling became stronger.

He couldn't tell where the familiar feeling came from.

He was sure.

He has never seen that giant tree, and he has never been here.

But there is a familiar feeling that is about to emerge, as if it is in his heart, as long as he thinks hard, he will know.

But it just couldn't catch it, it was like playing hide-and-seek with him.

"Although we are like entering a fantasy world."

"But the flowers and plants here feel real and unusual. 35

"It really seems to be alive.

The Heavenly Emperor said while looking around.

Both Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu nodded in agreement.

They all feel the same way.

It's like being in the real world.

But the encounter just now reminded them that there is definitely something weird here.

"Let's look around.

Su Xuanji suggested.

No matter why it is here, where is it.

All they have to do now is to find a way out of here.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu nodded.

They also knew that leaving here first was the most important thing.

Immediately, after Su Xuanji looked around, he saw that it seemed to be the same no matter which direction.

Then he casually found a direction and walked with Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu.

Along the way, I came across nothing.

Flowers and trees are everywhere, full of life.

It's a great place to relax if you don't know it's unusual.

It's a pity that none of the three are in the mood.


The three came to a valley.

The three looked at each other and immediately walked into it.

Once you come in.

The three of them noticed a huge groove at a glance.

The groove is round and deeply imprinted on the mountain wall.

Below the groove, is a stone gate.

The three walked over immediately, and Shi Zhongyu took the initiative to push the stone gate.

However, no matter how hard it was, it couldn't be pushed at all.

Su Xuanji spoke suddenly.

"'々 Don't waste your effort.

"Want to open this door.

"It should be filled up.

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor looked at the groove and nodded slowly (Denuo Hao).

Shi Zhongyu looked up and saw that the bottom of the groove was connected to the Shimen.

People can instantly think of it, fill the groove, and then open the stone gate.

But how to fill that groove?

He looked carefully.

I can see that there are two lines on the groove that are very clear.

The groove is clearly divided into four parts.

A fan shape is formed.

"What do you want to fill this groove with?"

Shi Zhongyu was confused.

Su Xuanji shook his head, he didn't know the festival yet.

But the answer must lie in this mysterious place where they are.

Look here and you should be able to find the answer.

"Let's go.

"Let's go and find out. 99

Su Xuanji Road.

Chapter 555 What a shame!

Immediately, he turned around and looked for it in this small valley.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu followed.

However, there doesn't seem to be any hint here.

The three had no choice but to leave here.

But just as the three were about to walk out of the valley, Su Xuanji suddenly stopped.

and look to the left.

next to the corner of the mountain.

There is a flower that is about to wither, swaying in the wind in a weed.

And as they swayed, a little bit of the ground below would be exposed from time to time.

Su Xuanji walked over immediately, raised his hand and pushed it away.

Immediately, under the cover of the weeds, under the dying flowers, was a slate.

A fan-shaped slate.

He picked it up immediately and found out.

It turned out that only the withered flowers grew on the slate, and the grass grew on the ground.

"The shape and size."

"It seems to be just in line with that groove."

Shi Zhongyu said immediately.

193 Su Xuanji nodded, then turned and walked towards the groove.

He raised his hand and pressed the slate against it.

With a sound of kaba, it really fits perfectly.

But before Su Xuanji and the others were happy, the slate fell off.

Fortunately, Su Xuanji caught it in time, so it didn't fall to the ground.

"Why not?"

"Is it necessary to find four stone slabs together?"

Shi Zhongyu said curiously.

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor suddenly snorted.

Then he raised his finger and pointed to the little flower on the slate.


"It seems to be a little more wilted than it has just been.

As soon as this word comes out.

Shi Zhongyu shook his head.

He never paid attention to the little flower.

He just cares about this slate.

But Su Xuanji is different.

The slate was found by Su Xuanji, even by eye.

Because it seems that he can't use (adaf) any perception here, he can only rely on his own eyes.

Therefore, he is still very clear about the degree of withering of the little flower. When the Heavenly Emperor said this, he immediately noticed it.

These little flowers have already bent down, and they are all lying on the slate.

But before, although the florets had withered, they had not reached this level.

at this time.

Under the gaze of the three of Su Xuanji, Xiaohua began to gradually turn yellow.

This change made Su Xuanji frown instantly.

In this strange fantasy, any changes are worth noting.

And the withering of this little flower gave Su Xuanji a feeling that something must be done.

He didn't know why he had this kind of thought, but this kind of thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

When he thought of it, he did it, and when the little flower was almost completely withered and yellowed, he moved.

Su Xuanji exerted a reversal impression, and the trend of the florets withering completely was curbed in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the originally withered yellow flowers began to revive.

It didn't take long for it to completely change back to its lively appearance.

Immediately afterwards, the little flower fell off the slate.

this moment.

Su Xuanji suddenly realized that this seemingly ordinary little flower is rooted in slate.

But how does it do it?

Thinking like this, Su Xuanji looked at the slate, and his heart suddenly moved.

Immediately, try again to set him in the groove.

this moment.

A crisp kaba sounded.

The slate is tightly inlaid in the groove.

And a streamer flashed across the slate in the groove.

Shimen also made a rumbling sound.


Su Xuanji's guess is right, this groove has an absolute connection with the opening of this door.

And that door may be the opportunity for them to go out.

Although not sure, but this is the only clue at the moment, it is worth fighting for.

"Looks like we're going to keep looking for other slates.

Heavenly Emperor said.

Su Xuanji nodded.

And he has more ideas.

"The little flowers on the slate seem to wither quickly over time.

"Although I don't know if there are such small flowers on every slate.

"I don't know what will happen if the flower really withers."

"But we'd better split up and find the other three slabs as soon as possible."

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu nodded when they heard the words.

There is no objection.

Shi Zhongyu opened his mouth.

"It's still the son who is thoughtful. 99

"We never thought of that.""

The words fall.

The three immediately split up.

But it's not easy to find things in this huge place with your eyes.

For a long time, the three did not gain anything.


Shi Zhongyu's anxious shouting attracted Su Xuanji and Tian Di.

Both of them walked towards him.

It didn't take long for the three to meet again.

Shi Zhongyu is competing with a slate on the ground.

"I can't pick it up. 35

"Why is it so heavy.

"Sir, am I too useless?"

Shi Zhongyu was disappointed with himself.

Su Xuanji stepped forward quickly, patted him on the shoulder, and motioned him to move away.

Shi Zhongyu immediately moved away.

Su Xuanji took over the slate and picked it up easily.



"I'm so useless..."

Shi Zhongyu sighed.

He couldn't even pick up a slate, and it was a shame to throw it home.

And in front of Su Xuanji, he couldn't even ask for his old face.

Su Xuanji shook his head.

Chapter 556 A Flash of Judgment!

"It's not your problem.""

"This slate is very light.

He can be sure of this.

It also felt weird.

Shi Zhongyu is the patriarch of the Stone Clan, with extremely strong strength and defense.

It's not that I can't even pick up this slate.

Shi Zhongyu thought Su Xuanji was comforting him when he heard the words, but he tried it himself.

Whether it is heavy or not, he is very clear, he can't hold it at all, and he can't even move it.

The Heavenly Emperor on the side stood up.

"I'll try."

The words fall.

Heavenly Emperor directly stretched out the time.

Su Xuanji handed over the slate and held it in one hand very easily~.

But the moment the Emperor took it, it fell directly to the ground.

A small flower above was shaken by the shock, and withered - a little in an instant.

The three of them were a little surprised in an instant.

Even if Shi Zhongyu can't afford it, he knows that he is inferior to Su Xuanji and Tiandi.

But God can't take it?

This is simply incredible.

The Emperor obviously did not expect such a thing to happen.

The same surprised.

Su Xuanji wasn't too surprised, but he didn't have time to think about it, and immediately picked up the slate.

The moment it was picked up, the little flowers on the slate turned yellow again.

Although this little flower is different from the previous one, it does not look like an ordinary wild flower.

But the rate of withering is unusual.

Su Xuanji immediately reversed Yin and Yang again, and Xiaohua gradually returned to life.

It fell off the slate immediately.

This time.

Su Xuanji was in no hurry to send the slate back.

Rather, he spoke thoughtfully.

"This slate is really light. 35

"You can't take it.

"What exactly is going on....

Shi Zhongyu thought and thought after hearing the words, and finally frowned tightly without stretching.

Obviously, he didn't think of any reasonable reason.

But Heavenly Emperor's mind flashed a flash of light, and he had his own guess.


"Maybe only know how to reverse yin and yang.""

"To pick up this slate."

"Don't forget, the flowers above are gradually withering.

"As soon as you cast the reverse yin and yang, it will fall. 99

"Only slates without florets can be successfully set in grooves. 39

"It's clearly linked.

God said one after another.

The more Su Xuanji and Shi Zhongyu listened, the more they felt reasonable.


Why can only those who have mastered the reversal of yin and yang be able to pick up the slate?

this problem.

None of the three had an answer.

After all, the clues are limited now, and it is good to be able to summarize these.

"Forget it. 39

"Don't think about it yet. 35

"We are still looking for the other two slabs as soon as possible. 39

"Although I don't know why, I always feel that if the little flowers on it wither..."

"I'm afraid something will happen to this slate. 35

It's like a test.

Specifically to test him, the person who has mastered the reversal of yin and yang.

For some reason, Su Xuanji suddenly had this idea in his mind.

Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu also felt that it would be bad if the little flowers withered.

Now that it has been verified, Su Xuanji's reversal of yin and yang can make the slate used effectively.

It's best not to break this situation, or to look for other slates as soon as possible.

Immediately, the three acted again.

This time.

It was God who discovered it first.

He immediately shouted for Su Xuanji to come over.


Su Xuanji appeared beside Tiandi.

The Emperor of Heaven was trying to pick up the slate, but still couldn't.

Seeing Su Xuanji coming, get out of the way immediately.

Su Xuanji immediately shot, and immediately picked up the slate, which was easy.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

As he himself said, this thing is nothing to him.

Heavenly Emperor immediately smiled bitterly, this thing was too heavy for him to lift.

He had never imagined that there was something he couldn't afford, which was really insightful.

Su Xuanji looked at the small flowers on the slate that were quickly withering, and performed another yin and yang reversal.

This time, it was successful again.

The flower fell and the slate Su Xuanji was put away again.

As a result, there are only two left.

"Fortunately, I cast a reversal of yin and yang on such mortal things. 35

"If I cast it against the stone people one after another, I can't support it for too long at a time.

Su Xuanji smiled wryly.

Even if his cultivation base is spoken out, it can be frightened to death.

However, the use of such means as reversing yin and yang does not mean that there is no consumption.

In particular, the more extraordinary beings are cast, the greater the consumption.

This is also expected by Su Xuanji, otherwise he is too invincible?

"Keep looking."9

"One more.

Su Xuanji said.

Immediately, they separated from the Heavenly Emperor and searched again.

This time it didn't go so well.

After each of the three found one, there was no gain.

In desperation, the three gathered again.

They have searched all over here, but they still found nothing, the last one?

The three were puzzled by this.


Su Xuanji looked at the river in front of him with a sudden flash of light.

"Will it be down there?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Shi Zhongyu jumped down without saying a word.

It didn't take long.

A stone was thrown out of the water.

hit the shore.

Of course it wasn't a slate, even if Shi Zhongyu found him, he wouldn't be able to move it.

But this one hinted that he had found it.

Su Xuanji jumped five immediately.

Chapter 557 Make an amazing decision!


He found Shi Zhongyu at the bottom of the water.

The slate, at his feet.

Su Xuanji picked it up immediately, and the two jumped out of the water.

Immediately after.

Su Xuanji immediately cast a reversal of yin and yang.

The water plants on the last slate fell immediately.


He gathered three other slates.

The three immediately headed for the valley, and then Su Xuanji set the three stone slabs on them.

For a moment.

Three clicks sounded in succession.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of light flashed continuously on the four stone slabs.

In the end, it gathered into a ray of light and penetrated into the stone gate below.

Shimen suddenly made a muffled sound of "197", and then slowly opened a crack.

Seeing this, the three of them pushed the door open without hesitation and walked in.

This is not the exit to leave, which makes the three of them somewhat disappointed.

However, he was prepared for this, and he was not too frustrated.

It was just the space in the stone gate that surprised the three of them.

Size can't be used to describe it here.

All around was a cloud of grey.

It seems to be only the size that can be seen in front of the eyes, and it seems that it can be said to be infinite.

Within the visible range, there is a stone platform with a height of one person.

The stone platform looked like a wooden stake, and the tree lines were clearly visible.

Fresh as if it could take root and grow at any time.

And on the top of the stone platform, a small round seed is hanging on it, turning dripping.



The Heavenly Emperor said suspiciously.

It's not that he doesn't recognize what this thing is, but he just thinks it's strange that this thing appears here.

Shi Zhongyu was also confused.

Only Su Xuanji was stunned.

In his eyes, full of shock.

He finally understood why he was very familiar with this place.

It was only after the Heavenly Emperor gave him a slight push that he came back to his senses.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Do you recognize what that is?"

Heavenly Emperor said.

Su Xuanji's eyes burst with surprise, and he opened his mouth slowly.

"That is the seed of the tree of life!

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor and Shi Zhongyu were instantly shocked, their faces filled with disbelief.


"The seed of the tree of life? 35

The two spoke at the same time.

Especially Shi Zhongyu, his voice was broken.

Hearing this, Su Xuanji nodded with great certainty.

He entered the life space, and it was there that he realized the reversal of yin and yang.

This was the reason why he felt familiar here, but he hadn't thought of it before.

It was as if there was a layer of cloud and mist, and that layer of cloud and mist all dissipated when he saw this kind of thing.

Even if it was just the seed of the tree of life, the strong vitality instantly brought back his familiarity.

As if he was still in that life space.

"It must be right."

"It is the seed of the tree of life."

Su Xuanji spoke again.

When the words fell, he walked step by step towards the seed of the tree of life.

Seemingly sensed him, the seeds of the tree of life suddenly stopped spinning.

It flew directly to Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji grabbed it in his hand and instantly felt the surging power of life.

It was an indescribably wonderful feeling, as if holding the vitality of the world in one hand.

Right at this moment.

The three people's eyes suddenly changed.

Appeared under the giant tree again.

But at this time, the dense forest has disappeared, as if it does not exist at all.

And beside them, is the ancient wilderness emperor secret realm.


Su Xuanji suddenly realized and said 0...

Shi Zhongyu was still confused and couldn't help but look at Su Xuanji.

Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of questions.

Tian Di also looked at Su Xuanji.

Su Xuanji watched the two slowly speak.


"We have already arrived at the ancient wilderness emperor secret realm.

"It's just the seed of the tree of life that brings us unknowingly into the space that belongs to it.

"And my reversal of yin and yang is to comprehend in the life space, and naturally I have a little more sense of it."

"That's why I always felt that the atmosphere of that space was very familiar. 99

Shi Zhongyu nodded immediately upon hearing this.

"If I come by myself."

"It's definitely coming out.

The Emperor shook his head.

"not necessarily."

"After all, I've never heard of such a thing before."

"And this is not marked on the treasure map left by the stone people. 95

"Since the treasure map is reserved for the clan, naturally it will not be reserved. 55

"So I guess that once you enter that space, it will come out after a certain amount of time."

"It's just that you'll miss a big opportunity."

Speaking of which, Tian Di looked at Su Xuanji and showed a very sincere smile.

"And this chance.

"I'm afraid only God Son Su can get it.

Su Xuanji also laughed, and laughed very happily, with a candid smile.

"I think so.

"But that was just speculation.

"It's confirmed now."

As soon as this word comes out.

Both Tiandi and Shi Zhongyu looked at Su Xuanji in amazement.

Obviously not very clear.

Su Xuanji opened his hand directly, revealing the seeds of the tree of life in his palm.

"I hold it in my hand.

"That is, there is a mysterious and mysterious sense of communication."

Chapter 558 Turning over and not recognizing any1 on the spot!

"I know, as I guessed, when the flowers on the slate wither completely..."

"It's the people who are inside, when they come out of it.

"Only those who understand the way of life.

"Only can we piece together the slate smoothly and find the seeds of the tree of life.

"And the slate, the stone gate and everything we saw before...

"Actually, it's just born from the seeds of the tree of life..."

Speaking of which.

Su Xuanji stopped.

But he still didn't say a word.

That is.

He felt that the seeds of the tree of life were very spiritual.

It is looking for its owner.

And he, obviously, can do it.

"tree of Life...."

"The ancient wilderness emperor secret realm guarded by our stone people before..."

"It is the flower of the tree of life..."

"We always want to get the true meaning of life from it..."

"But it never worked out....'

"Young master realized it as soon as he went, it's really admirable..."

Shi Zhongyu said with infinite emotion.

"The seed of the tree of life.

"Can you plan to plant it back to the Su family?

"I'm afraid that at that time, the Su family will become a place that everyone flocks to."

Heavenly Emperor laughed.


Su Xuanji shook his head.

"I'm not going to send it back to the Su family.

"I want to plant it in the Heavenly Palace.

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor was instantly stunned on the spot.

Even Shi Zhongyu was stunned.

To know.

Strictly speaking, Su Xuanji is not from Tiangong at all.

And this is the seed of the tree of life, the seed of the tree of life!

How can you choose a place to plant at will!

What if I regret leaving Tiangong later?

Move away?

How to move!

And if Tiangong turns his face and doesn't recognize people...

Shi Zhongyu thought about this, and glanced at the Emperor of Heaven.

In his eyes, there is a faint vigilance and determination to defend the son's treasure tree.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji was dumbfounded.

He is still very optimistic about and believes in the nature of the Emperor of Heaven.


"You....don't have to..."

Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu Road implicitly.

Shi Zhongyu nodded incessantly, but a pair of eyes still fell on the Heavenly Emperor from time to time.

Heavenly Emperor just wanted to ignore it and pretended not to see it, but it was extremely difficult to do so.

But the Heavenly Emperor has no intention of explaining anything now.

Just looking at Su Xuanji with serious eyes.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"To plant the seeds of the tree of life in the heavenly palace? 35

God's voice was deep.

It seems to contain indescribable complex emotions.

But because it is too complicated, it finally presents an unparalleled seriousness.

Su Xuanji nodded without hesitation.


"Isn't the Emperor unwilling? 35

Tiandi didn't know what to say for a moment.

Don't want to?

Do not.

It's not that he doesn't want to.

He just couldn't believe it.

Even Su Xuanji has helped him time and time again.

He still found it hard to believe that Su Xuanji would plant the seeds of the tree of life in the Heavenly Palace.

It's not that he doesn't trust Su Xuanji.

But he couldn't believe it.

How could someone plant the seeds of the tree of life in someone else's place.

This simply cannot be described as generous and bold.

Even what to use to describe it, the Heavenly Emperor does not have a spectrum in his heart.

Su Xuanji looked at Tiandi, who had been silent for a long time, and suddenly laughed.

"Could it be such a huge heavenly palace?

"Can't you let me down a tree?

"God, you are too stingy!

As soon as this word comes out.

Tiandi suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying.

Is he stingy?

This was clearly a deliberate misinterpretation of what he meant.

But Su Xuanji wanted him to relax, he could see it.

It's just such a big decision, how can he not be nervous, how can he not care, how can he not be confused?

He just wanted to make fun of Su Xuanji and didn't know what to say.

The ease of coping in the past, this will all disappear.

He had absolutely no idea what to say.

Don't agree?

Some people don't know how to praise, and it's too fake.


Why is the face so big!

For the first time in his life, Tiandi felt that he was so difficult.

Even when he was taken away by the demon soul, he was not so overwhelmed.

Not even a word could be said.

Seeing this, Su Xuanji had no choice but to speak again.

"No, isn't it?"

"Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven is more stingy than Shi Dun'er?"

"I'm just 197 borrowing a place and you don't want to?

"Aren't we close friends?

"How come you seem to have forgotten?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Heavenly Emperor was instantly shocked.

Looking at Su Xuanji's serious eyes while joking.

he knows.

Su Xuanji is actually saying that they are close friends and he shouldn't be so embarrassed.


Although the two never said anything.

But they are already friends.

Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for him to stay silent like this?

Think about this.

God finally spoke up.

"It's not that I'm stingy.""

"It's just that there's nowhere else in the Heavenly Palace. 55


Su Xuanji was overjoyed.

"Otherwise what?""

Heavenly Emperor smiled.

"Otherwise, you will be wronged by the old tree at the root of the south wall.

"Let the old man move. 99

"Make room for the tree of life."5

The words fall.

Su Xuanji burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"That old tree is indeed wronged..."

Chapter 559 Rumors in the Clan!

"But there's no way..."

Seeing him smiling happily, the Heavenly Emperor also laughed.

The laughter of the two was louder than one.

It made Shi Zhongyu on the side feel extremely happy for no reason.

He actually laughed too.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

He smiled.

Su Xuanji and Tiandi all stopped.

Inexplicably, he looked at Shi Zhongyu.

As if asking him, what are you laughing at?

Seeing this, Shi Zhongyu's throat seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand.

The laughter stopped abruptly, looking embarrassed.


He looked at Su Xuanji and spoke.


"The tree of life has to be looked after. 35


"Why don't you just let me come.

"I would like to take care of the tree of life by myself."

"I will take good care of it and make sure that the tree of life will not be missed a little bit."


Shi Zhongyu also looked at the Heavenly Emperor from time to time.

Inside and outside the words, there are always some hints.

Su Xuanji is so transparent.

Instantly understood what he meant.

This is clearly two jobs.

One is to help him take care of the tree of life.

The second is to do eyeliner and stare at the tree of life.

Su Xuanji felt that the first one and the second one were unnecessary.

Just as he was about to say something, the Heavenly Emperor spoke first.

And an opening.

It is talking to Shi Zhongyu.

"I think it's good."

"After all, the patriarch has guarded the ancient wilderness emperor's secret realm. 99

"Finally a little more familiarity with the tree of life.""

"It's better to leave it to him than to someone else""



Su Xuanji knew that Tiandi was trying to avoid suspicion.

He glanced at Shi Zhongyu, who was staring at him expectantly.

Think about it.

He nodded.

Since both of them asked for it.

Of course he had no reason not to agree.

See here.

Shi Zhongyu immediately thanked him happily.

"Thank you sir."

"I will do my duty faithfully. 35

"Worry up.

Shi Zhongyu's voice was so loud for the first time.

Obviously very happy with the result.

Su Xuanji smiled helplessly, then turned to look at the secret realm of the ancient barren emperor.

"It took a lot of time.

"We should go in too."

Heavenly Emperor and Shi Zhongyu will naturally have no objection.

The three of them walked towards the ancient deserted emperor secret realm.

Once you enter the secret realm.

The first thing Su Xuanji did was pull out the map.

This map is not terribly exhaustive though.

But the general context is still very clear.

And the most conspicuous is the location of the Great Emperor spar.

That is also their trip, for an important purpose.

The three did not hesitate.

Go there immediately.

didn't go very far.

Suddenly the ground trembled.

The three people who were looking at the wrinkle while walking were suddenly stunned.

"What was it just now?"

"Master, why don't I go check it out."

Shi Zhongyu volunteered.

This time Su Xuanji brought him here.

Shi Zhongyu asked himself the responsibility to try to figure out all the unknown dangers.

Su Xuanji shook his head.

"The vibration just now was violent.

"But I feel like it shouldn't be close.

"If you are far away, it is inconvenient for us to communicate with each other, so it is better not to scatter. 99

And what is not said is.

Su Xuanji was worried that Shi Zhongyu would encounter danger alone and would not be able to deal with it.

But the other party is so positive, he can't always attack the other party's self-esteem and full of positivity.

Shi Zhongyu did not insist after hearing the words.

Fortunately, the ground did not tremble violently.

It seemed like that was just an accident.

The three continued on.

Because this place is the secret realm of ancient barren emperors.

Even if the three have a purpose, the speed is not fast.

It can even be described as deliberately slowing down.

One is not to fall into unknown danger.

The second is not to miss the opportunity that may be encountered.

When walking to a lake.

Tian Di suddenly stopped and looked at Su Xuanji.

"`々 I remember that there are treasures marked on the treasure map.

Su Xuanji took out the map and looked at it, then nodded.

"It has the shape of an axe.

"There are no other markings.

Like the Great Emperor spar, it is not only marked, but also written.

But here it just seems to be a crude pattern.

At this time.

Shi Zhongyu spoke up.


"Actually, it was left by the ancestors of our stone people.

As soon as this word comes out.

Both Su Xuanji and Tiandi looked at Shi Zhongyu.

Shi Zhongyu quickly explained.


"I didn't mean to hide it.

"I deliberately asked you to come here with me to collect treasures.

"But I'm also not sure if there is (already) here.

"It's just that the rumors in the clan are like this, and that's what I listen to.

"The purpose of giving the treasure map to the son is not for this axe. 35

"I want to say that I don't dare to say it, I dare not say it but I have to say it, and if I say it, I'm afraid you won't believe it. If you don't believe me, just..."

Shi Zhongyu Lori's words have not been finished yet.

He was interrupted by Su Xuanji raising his hand.

"Stop, stop.

"Where are you putting this doll?"

"Did I say I don't believe you, right?"

"How big is it?"

If you don't care so much, exit.

Shi Zhongyu breathed a sigh of relief.

He really didn't mean anything else, but under the entanglement, he didn't say anything.

He has never been able to figure out whether he should say it before entering the secret realm, and he dragged himself all the way to this place.

Chapter 560 Expose each other's tricks!

Now it seems.

His entanglement was completely unnecessary.

Although Su Xuanji is very thoughtful, he is definitely not the kind of person who is very suspicious.

No doubt about him at all.

This made Shi Zhongyu feel at ease, but also moved and delighted.

Touching is naturally the trust of Su Xuanji.

Naturally, I am delighted that I can meet such a good master as Su Xuanji.

Back then, he offended Su Xuanji severely, and if it wasn't for the sake of his life, he wouldn't have bowed his head directly.

There are still some worries and fears in my heart.

But all the way back to Tiangong, here again.

He is no longer worried that Su Xuanji will still hate him, even when he gave away all the treasure maps, he was not so relaxed.

Now there is no trace of overthinking, only deep gratitude and joy.



Shi Zhongyu looked at Su Xuanji.

Excited for a long time, I couldn't say a complete sentence.

Su Xuanji waved his hand impatiently.

"Come on."

"do not talk."

"If you want to talk about it, let's talk about it, where is the axe of your stone people?"

Shi Zhongyu nodded quickly after hearing the words.

"Say this!"

"I do not know!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Su Xuanji was speechless.

Tiandi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Su Xuanji looked at Shi Zhongyu in disbelief.

I just can't believe that I thought this patriarch was steady and not very talkative before.

It's clearly not familiar with it, if you're familiar with this unremarkable appearance, won't you come out?

Or how to say it is Shi Dun'er's grandfather, the grandson is so stupid, no matter how good the grandfather is, where can he go?

Su Xuanji can't wait to turn back time.

It should be more reliable than this patriarch to pull out the ancestors of the stone people from the retreat.

"do not know?"

"Isn't there a word passed down?"

Su Xuanji said helplessly.

Shi Zhongyu's hands were spread out, and he was even more helpless than Su Xuanji.

"Only the vicinity marked on the map."

"As for where it is, I didn't say it at all."

"I don't know, I can only look around here. 39

"However, the Great Emperor spar is more important, let's find the Great Emperor spar first.

Tiandi shook his head when he heard the words.

"not busy."

"It's here anyway. 35

"Why don't you find the Great Emperor Crystal after you find it?"

Shi Zhongyu was very happy to hear this.

He rubbed his hands together, pursed his lips and did not refute.

The look in the eyes of the Heavenly Emperor became even closer.

He had been polite.

Who came to the place with treasures mentioned by the ancestors and wanted to leave?


Unless it is insincere.

If it weren't for Su Xuanji's friendship with the Emperor of Heaven, he wouldn't be polite at all.


God is also very generous.

This made Shi Zhongyu feel extremely comfortable, and naturally he felt a little more favorable towards the Emperor of Heaven.

But there is one thing to say.

He will still keep an eye on the tree of life.

Su Xuanji knew exactly what Shi Zhongyu was thinking.

Looking at the dark light in his eyes, he knew that he didn't really want to leave just now.

Can't help but secretly said that this person is old and mature, and the stone is old like this (adaf), it is really oily.

Heavenly Emperor naturally saw it.

However, he is also willing to cooperate, after all, he is under Su Xuanji's subordinate.

And as he said, it's here anyway, and he can't wait for this time.

Su Xuanji and Tian Di looked at each other and saw smiles in each other's eyes.

Both of them saw through Shi Zhongyu's little trick, only Shi Zhongyu thought that he had concealed it well.

The two of them didn't plan to pierce it, otherwise Shi Zhongyu's face wouldn't be able to hang.

"Since the Emperor of Heaven has said so, let's look for the axe first.

Su Xuanji nodded and said.

Heavenly Emperor smiled and nodded in absolute approval.

Seeing this, Shi Zhongyu felt more stable in his heart.

There was hesitation in his mouth.

"It's not good..."

"It's not good if the matter of the Emperor of Heaven is delayed...

"Otherwise, let's look for the Great Emperor Crystal...

Su Xuanji rolled his eyes in his heart, and had the urge to agree to him.

Fortunately, he held back.

"Just as God said.

"You don't say any more.""

Su Xuanji opened his mouth and said the final word.


Shi Zhongyu nodded reluctantly.

The Emperor of Heaven rolled his eyes, full of smiles.

"Then look for it.""

"You don't have any special way to find out? 35

Su Xuanji looked at Shizhongyudao.

Shi Zhongyu shook his head when he heard the words.

Immediately speak.


"But I know that the axe is of stone.

"It was also refined by a certain generation of patriarchs of the stone people.

"As for who it is, I don't know.

Su Xuanji nodded.

"Then it's just a stupid way."

"Look around.""

The words fall.

Just use your finger to outline a range on the map.

"Look here."

"Three of us, three directions.

"Be careful and don't go too far."5

"Even if we are in danger, such a short distance is enough for us to save us.

Su Xuanji looked at the two and said.

This last sentence was naturally said to Shi Zhongyu.

He is the weakest of the three.

It's the only thing Su Xuanji is worried about.